Module LSemantics

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Coq Require Import Streams.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import CommonProgram.
From Velus Require Import CommonList.
From Velus Require Import FunctionalEnvironment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.StaticEnv.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LOrdered.
From Velus Require Import CoindStreams.

Lustre semantics

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Import Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Import Lord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Str : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks).

  CoInductive fby1 {A : Type} : A -> Stream (synchronous A) -> Stream (synchronous A) -> Stream (synchronous A) -> Prop :=
  | Fby1A:
      forall v xs ys rs,
        fby1 v xs ys rs ->
        fby1 v (absentxs) (absentys) (absentrs)
  | Fby1P:
      forall v w s xs ys rs,
        fby1 s xs ys rs ->
        fby1 v (present wxs) (present sys) (present vrs).

  CoInductive fby {A : Type} : Stream (synchronous A) -> Stream (synchronous A) -> Stream (synchronous A) -> Prop :=
  | FbyA:
      forall xs ys rs,
        fby xs ys rs ->
        fby (absentxs) (absentys) (absentrs)
  | FbyP:
      forall x y xs ys rs,
        fby1 y xs ys rs ->
        fby (present xxs) (present yys) (present xrs).

  CoInductive arrow1: Stream svalue -> Stream svalue -> Stream svalue -> Prop :=
  | Arrow1A: forall xs ys rs,
      arrow1 xs ys rs ->
      arrow1 (absentxs) (absentys) (absentrs)
  | Arrow1P: forall x y xs ys rs,
      arrow1 xs ys rs ->
      arrow1 (present xxs) (present yys) (present yrs).

  CoInductive arrow: Stream svalue -> Stream svalue -> Stream svalue -> Prop :=
  | ArrowA: forall xs ys rs,
      arrow xs ys rs ->
      arrow (absentxs) (absentys) (absentrs)
  | ArrowP: forall x y xs ys rs,
      arrow1 xs ys rs ->
      arrow (present xxs) (present yys) (present xrs).

  Definition history : Type := (history * history).

  Section NodeSemantics.
    Context {PSyn : block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs : PS.t}.
    Variable G : @global PSyn prefs.

Inductive property on the branches of a merge / case
    Section Forall2Brs.
      Variable P : exp -> list (Stream svalue) -> Prop.

      Inductive Forall2Brs : list (enumtag * list exp) -> list (list (enumtag * Stream svalue)) -> Prop :=
      | F2Tnil : forall vs,
          Forall (fun vs => vs = []) vs ->
          Forall2Brs [] vs
      | F2Tcons : forall c es brs vs1 vs2 vs3,
          Forall2 P es vs1 ->
          Forall2Brs brs vs2 ->
          Forall3 (fun v1 vs2 vs3 => vs3 = (c, v1)::vs2) (concat vs1) vs2 vs3 ->
          Forall2Brs ((c, es)::brs) vs3.

    End Forall2Brs.

    Definition mask_hist k rs H := (mask_hist k rs (fst H), mask_hist k rs (snd H)).
    Definition when_hist e Hi cs Hi' :=
      when_hist e (fst Hi) cs (fst Hi')
      /\ when_hist e (snd Hi) cs (snd Hi').

    Section sem_scope.
      Context {A : Type}.

      Variable sem_exp : history -> exp -> list (Stream svalue) -> Prop.
      Variable sem_block : history -> A -> Prop.

      Inductive sem_scope : history -> Stream bool -> (scope A) -> Prop :=
      | Sscope : forall Hi Hi' Hl Hl' bs locs blks,
          (forall x, FEnv.In x Hi' <-> IsVar (senv_of_locs locs) x) ->
          (forall x, FEnv.In x Hl' <-> IsLast (senv_of_locs locs) x) ->

          (forall x ty ck cx e0 clx,
              In (x, (ty, ck, cx, Some (e0, clx))) locs ->
              exists vs0 vs1 vs,
                sem_exp (Hi + Hi', Hl + Hl') e0 [vs0]
                /\ sem_var Hi' x vs1
                /\ fby vs0 vs1 vs
                /\ sem_var Hl' x vs) ->

          sem_block (Hi + Hi', Hl + Hl') blks ->
          sem_scope (Hi, Hl) bs (Scope locs blks).
    End sem_scope.

    Section sem_branch.
      Context {A : Type}.

      Variable sem_block : A -> Prop.

      Inductive sem_branch : (branch A) -> Prop :=
      | Sbranch : forall caus blks,
          sem_block blks ->
          sem_branch (Branch caus blks).
    End sem_branch.

    Inductive sem_exp
      : history -> Stream bool -> exp -> list (Stream svalue) -> Prop :=
    | Sconst:
      forall H b c cs,
        csconst b c ->
        sem_exp H b (Econst c) [cs]

    | Senum:
      forall H b k ty es,
        esenum b k ->
        sem_exp H b (Eenum k ty) [es]

    | Svar:
      forall H b x s ann,
        sem_var (fst H) x s ->
        sem_exp H b (Evar x ann) [s]

    | Slast:
      forall H b x s ann,
        sem_var (snd H) x s ->
        sem_exp H b (Elast x ann) [s]

    | Sunop:
      forall H b e op ty s o ann,
        sem_exp H b e [s] ->
        typeof e = [ty] ->
        lift1 op ty s o ->
        sem_exp H b (Eunop op e ann) [o]

    | Sbinop:
      forall H b e1 e2 op ty1 ty2 s1 s2 o ann,
        sem_exp H b e1 [s1] ->
        sem_exp H b e2 [s2] ->
        typeof e1 = [ty1] ->
        typeof e2 = [ty2] ->
        lift2 op ty1 ty2 s1 s2 o ->
        sem_exp H b (Ebinop op e1 e2 ann) [o]

    | Sextcall:
      forall H b f es tyout ck tyins ss vs,
        Forall2 (fun ty cty => ty = Tprimitive cty) (typesof es) tyins ->
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es ss ->
        liftn (fun ss => sem_extern f tyins ss tyout) (concat ss) vs ->
        sem_exp H b (Eextcall f es (tyout, ck)) [vs]

    | Sfby:
      forall H b e0s es anns s0ss sss os,
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) e0s s0ss ->
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es sss ->
        Forall3 fby (concat s0ss) (concat sss) os ->
        sem_exp H b (Efby e0s es anns) os

    | Sarrow:
      forall H b e0s es anns s0ss sss os,
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) e0s s0ss ->
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es sss ->
        Forall3 arrow (concat s0ss) (concat sss) os ->
        sem_exp H b (Earrow e0s es anns) os

    | Swhen:
      forall H b x tx s k es lann ss os,
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es ss ->
        sem_var (fst H) x s ->
        Forall2 (fun s' => when k s' s) (concat ss) os ->
        sem_exp H b (Ewhen es (x, tx) k lann) os

    | Smerge:
      forall H b x tx s es lann vs os,
        sem_var (fst H) x s ->
        Forall2Brs (sem_exp H b) es vs ->
        Forall2 (merge s) vs os ->
        sem_exp H b (Emerge (x, tx) es lann) os

    | ScaseTotal:
      forall H b e s es tys ck vs os,
        sem_exp H b e [s] ->
        Forall2Brs (sem_exp H b) es vs ->
        Forall3 (case s) vs ( (fun _ => None) tys) os ->
        sem_exp H b (Ecase e es None (tys, ck)) os

In the default case, we need to ensure that the values taken by the condition stream still corresponds to the constructors; otherwise, we could not prove that the NLustre program has a semantics. For instance, consider the program type t = A | B | C case e of | A -> 1 | B -> 2 | _ -> 42 its normalized form (in NLustre) is case e of Some 1;Some 2;None 42 If the condition `e` takes the value `3`, then the first program has a semantics (we take the default branch) but not the NLustre program (see NLCoindSemantics.v). We could prove that the stream produced by `e` being well-typed is a property of any well-typed, causal program, but the proof would be as hard as the alignment proof (see LClockSemantics.v). Instead we take this as an hypothesis, that will have to be filled when proving the existence of the semantics. This would be necessary to establish the semantics of operators anyway, so this shouldn't add any cost.
    | ScaseDefault:
      forall H b e s es d lann vs vd os,
        sem_exp H b e [s] ->
        wt_streams [s] (typeof e) ->
        Forall2Brs (sem_exp H b) es vs ->
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) d vd ->
        Forall3 (case s) vs ( Some (concat vd)) os ->
        sem_exp H b (Ecase e es (Some d) lann) os

    | Sapp:
      forall H b f es er lann ss os rs bs,
        Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es ss ->
        Forall2 (fun e r => sem_exp H b e [r]) er rs ->
        bools_ofs rs bs ->
        (forall k, sem_node f ( (maskv k bs) (concat ss)) ( (maskv k bs) os)) ->
        sem_exp H b (Eapp f es er lann) os

    with sem_equation: history -> Stream bool -> equation -> Prop :=
        forall H b xs es ss,
          Forall2 (sem_exp H b) es ss ->
          Forall2 (sem_var (fst H)) xs (concat ss) ->
          sem_equation H b (xs, es)

    with sem_block: history -> Stream bool -> block -> Prop :=
    | Sbeq:
      forall H b eq,
        sem_equation H b eq ->
        sem_block H b (Beq eq)

    | Sreset:
      forall H b blocks er sr r,
        sem_exp H b er [sr] ->
        bools_of sr r ->
        (forall k, Forall (sem_block (mask_hist k r H) (maskb k r b)) blocks) ->
        sem_block H b (Breset blocks er)

    | Sswitch:
      forall Hi b ec branches sc,
        sem_exp Hi b ec [sc] ->
        wt_streams [sc] (typeof ec) ->
        Forall (fun blks =>
                  exists Hi', when_hist (fst blks) Hi sc Hi'
                         /\ let bi := fwhenb (fst blks) sc b in
                           sem_branch (Forall (sem_block Hi' bi)) (snd blks)) branches ->
        sem_block Hi b (Bswitch ec branches)

    | Slocal:
      forall Hi bs scope,
        sem_scope (fun Hi' => sem_exp Hi' bs) (fun Hi' => Forall (sem_block Hi' bs)) Hi bs scope ->
        sem_block Hi bs (Blocal scope)

    with sem_node: ident -> list (Stream svalue) -> list (Stream svalue) -> Prop :=
    | Snode:
      forall f ss os n H b,
          find_node f G = Some n ->
          Forall2 (sem_var H) (idents n.(n_in)) ss ->
          Forall2 (sem_var H) (idents n.(n_out)) os ->
          sem_block (H, FEnv.empty _) b n.(n_block) ->
          b = clocks_of ss ->
          sem_node f ss os.

  End NodeSemantics.

  Ltac inv_exp :=
    match goal with
    | H:sem_exp _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H

  Ltac inv_scope :=
    match goal with
    | H:sem_scope _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    destruct_conjs; subst.

  Ltac inv_branch :=
    match goal with
    | H:sem_branch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    destruct_conjs; subst.

  Ltac inv_block :=
    match goal with
    | H:sem_block _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H

Properties of Forall2Brs

  Lemma Forall2Brs_impl_In (P1 P2 : _ -> _ -> Prop) : forall es vs,
      (forall x y, List.Exists (fun es => In x (snd es)) es -> P1 x y -> P2 x y) ->
      Forall2Brs P1 es vs ->
      Forall2Brs P2 es vs.
    intros * HP Hf.
    induction Hf; econstructor; eauto.
    eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros ?? Hin1 Hin2 HP1.
    eapply HP; eauto.

  Lemma Forall2Brs_fst P : forall es vs,
      Forall2Brs P es vs ->
      Forall (fun vs => fst vs = fst es) vs.
    intros * Hf.
    induction Hf; simpl.
    - eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *; subst; auto.
    - eapply Forall3_ignore1 in H0.
      clear - H0 IHHf.
      induction H0; inv IHHf; constructor; eauto.
      destruct H as (?&?&?); subst; simpl. f_equal; auto.

  Lemma Forall2Brs_length1 (P : _ -> _ -> Prop) : forall es vs,
      Forall (fun es => Forall (fun e => forall v, P e v -> length v = numstreams e) (snd es)) es ->
      Forall2Brs P es vs ->
      Forall (fun es => length (annots (snd es)) = length vs) es.
    intros * Hf Hf2.
    induction Hf2; inv Hf; simpl in *; constructor; simpl.
    - apply Forall3_length in H0 as (?&?).
      rewrite <-H1, <-H0.
      unfold annots. rewrite flat_map_concat_map. eapply concat_length_eq.
      rewrite Forall2_map_1. eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
      eapply Forall_forall in H3; eauto.
      rewrite length_annot_numstreams, H3; eauto.
    - eapply Forall_impl; [|eapply IHHf2; eauto]; intros (?&?) Hlen; simpl in *.
      rewrite Hlen. apply Forall3_length in H0 as (?&?); auto.

  Lemma Forall2Brs_length2 (P : _ -> _ -> Prop) : forall es vs,
      Forall2Brs P es vs ->
      Forall (fun vs => length vs = length es) vs.
    intros * Hf.
    induction Hf; simpl in *.
    - eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *; subst; auto.
    - clear - H0 IHHf.
      eapply Forall3_ignore1 in H0.
      induction H0; inv IHHf; constructor; auto.
      destruct H as (?&?&?); subst; simpl. f_equal; auto.

  Lemma Forall2Brs_map_1 (P : _ -> _ -> Prop) f : forall es vs,
      Forall2Brs (fun e => P (f e)) es vs <->
      Forall2Brs P ( (fun '(i, es) => (i, f es)) es) vs.
    induction es; split; intros * Hf; inv Hf; simpl. 1,2:constructor; auto.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite Forall2_map_1; auto.
      rewrite <-IHes; eauto.
    - destruct a; inv H. econstructor; eauto.
      erewrite <-Forall2_map_1; auto.
      rewrite IHes; eauto.

  Lemma Forall2Brs_map_2 (P : _ -> _ -> Prop) f : forall es vs,
      Forall2Brs (fun e vs => P e ( f vs)) es vs ->
      Forall2Brs P es ( ( (fun '(i, v) => (i, f v))) vs).
    induction es; intros * Hf; inv Hf; simpl.
    - constructor. rewrite Forall_map.
      eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *; subst; auto.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply Forall2_map_2; eauto.
      + rewrite <-concat_map, Forall3_map_1, Forall3_map_2, Forall3_map_3.
        eapply Forall3_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *; subst; auto.

properties of the global environment

  Ltac sem_cons :=
    intros; simpl_Forall; solve_Exists;
    unfold Is_node_in_eq in *;
    match goal with
    | H: Forall2Brs _ ?l1 ?l2 |- Forall2Brs _ ?l1 ?l2 =>
        eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In in H; eauto; intros; sem_cons
    | H: forall _, _ -> _ -> _ -> sem_exp _ _ _ ?e _ |- sem_exp _ _ _ ?e _ => eapply H; eauto
    | H: forall _ _, _ -> _ -> _ -> sem_block _ _ _ ?e |- sem_block _ _ _ ?e => eapply H; eauto
    | H: forall (_ : ident) (xs ys : list (Stream svalue)), _ -> _ -> sem_node _ _ _ _ |- sem_node _ _ _ _ =>
        eapply H; eauto using Is_node_in_exp; econstructor; sem_cons
    | Hname: n_name ?nd <> _, Hfind: find_node _ {| types := _; nodes := ?nd :: _ |} = _ |- _ =>
        rewrite find_node_other in Hfind; auto
    | Hname: n_name ?nd <> _ |- find_node _ {| types := _; nodes := ?nd :: _ |} = _ =>
        rewrite find_node_other; auto
    | Hname: n_name ?nd <> _ |- ~_ => idtac
    | H: ~Is_node_in_exp _ (Eapp _ _ _ _) |- _ <> _ => contradict H; subst; eapply INEapp2
    | H: ~_ |- ~_ => contradict H; try constructor; sem_cons
    | |- _ \/ _ => solve [left;sem_cons|right;sem_cons]
    | |- exists d, Some _ = Some d /\ List.Exists _ d =>
        do 2 esplit; [reflexivity|sem_cons]
    | k: nat,H: forall (_ : nat), _ |- _ => specialize (H k); sem_cons
    | H: Forall2 _ ?xs _ |- Forall2 _ ?xs _ =>
        eapply Forall2_impl_In in H; eauto; intros; sem_cons
    | |- exists _, when_hist _ _ _ _ /\ _ =>
        do 2 esplit; [auto|sem_cons]
    | H: forall _ _ _ _ _ _, In _ _ -> exists _ _ _, _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ |- exists _ _ _, _ /\ _ /\ _ /\ _ =>
        edestruct H as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto;
        do 3 esplit; split; [|split; [|split]]; eauto; sem_cons
    | H:sem_branch _ _ |- _ =>
        inv H; destruct_conjs
    | |- sem_branch _ _ => econstructor; eauto
    | |- Is_node_in_branch _ _ => econstructor; sem_cons
    | H:sem_scope _ _ _ _ _ |- sem_scope _ _ _ _ _ =>
        inv H; destruct_conjs; econstructor; eauto
    | |- Is_node_in_scope _ _ _ => econstructor; sem_cons
    | |- _ /\ _ => split; sem_cons
    | |- exists _ _, _ /\ _ /\ _ =>
        do 2 esplit; split; [|split]; eauto; sem_cons
    | _ => auto

  Section sem_cons.
    Context {PSyn prefs} (nd : @node PSyn prefs) (nds : list (@node PSyn prefs)).
    Context (typs : list type) (externs : list (ident * (list ctype * ctype))).

    Lemma sem_exp_cons1' :
      forall H bk e vs,
        (forall f xs ys, Is_node_in_exp f e -> sem_node (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) f xs ys -> sem_node (Global typs externs nds) f xs ys) ->
        sem_exp (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) H bk e vs ->
        ~Is_node_in_exp nd.(n_name) e ->
        sem_exp (Global typs externs nds) H bk e vs.
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Hnodes Hsem Hnf; inv Hsem; econstructor; eauto;
        repeat sem_cons.

    Lemma sem_block_cons1' :
      forall blk H bk,
        (forall f xs ys, Is_node_in_block f blk -> sem_node (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) f xs ys -> sem_node (Global typs externs nds) f xs ys) ->
        sem_block (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) H bk blk ->
        ~Is_node_in_block nd.(n_name) blk ->
        sem_block (Global typs externs nds) H bk blk.
      induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hnodes Hsem Hnf; inv Hsem; econstructor; eauto;
          match goal with
          | H: sem_equation _ _ _ _ |- sem_equation _ _ _ _ => inv H; econstructor; eauto
          | |- sem_exp _ _ _ _ _ => eapply sem_exp_cons1'
          | H: forall _ _, _ -> _ -> _ -> sem_block _ _ _ ?blk |- sem_block _ _ _ ?blk => eapply H
          | _ => repeat sem_cons

  End sem_cons.

  Lemma sem_node_cons1 {PSyn prefs} :
    forall (nd : @node PSyn prefs) nds typs externs f xs ys,
      Ordered_nodes (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) ->
      sem_node (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) f xs ys ->
      nd.(n_name) <> f ->
      sem_node (Global typs externs nds) f xs ys.
    intros * Hord Hsem Hnf.
    assert (exists n, find_node f (Global typs externs0 (nd::nds)) = Some n) as (?&Hfind) by (inv Hsem; eauto).
    revert Hnf xs ys Hsem.
    eapply ordered_nodes_ind with (P_node:=fun f => n_name nd <> f -> forall xs ys, sem_node _ f xs ys -> sem_node _ f xs ys); eauto.
    intros * Hfind' Hind Hnf * Hsem.
    inv Hsem. take (find_node _ _ = Some n0) and rewrite Hfind' in it; inv it. econstructor; eauto.
    - rewrite find_node_other in Hfind'; auto.
    - eapply sem_block_cons1'; intros; eauto.
      eapply Hind; eauto. intro contra; subst.
      1,2:(rewrite find_node_other with (1:=Hnf) in Hfind';
           eapply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in; eauto).

  Corollary sem_block_cons1 {PSyn prefs} :
    forall (nd : @node PSyn prefs) nds typs externs blk Hi bs,
      Ordered_nodes (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) ->
      sem_block (Global typs externs (nd::nds)) Hi bs blk ->
      ~Is_node_in_block nd.(n_name) blk ->
      sem_block (Global typs externs nds) Hi bs blk.
    intros * Hord Hsem Hnin.
    eapply sem_block_cons1'; eauto.
    intros. eapply sem_node_cons1; eauto.
    destruct (ident_eq_dec (n_name nd) f); subst; congruence.

  Add Parametric Morphism {A} (v : A) : (fby1 v)
      with signature @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> Basics.impl
        as fby1_EqSt.
    revert v.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros v cs cs' Ecs xs xs' Exs ys ys' Eys H.
    destruct cs' as [[]], xs' as [[]], ys' as [[]];
      inv H; inv Ecs; inv Exs; inv Eys; simpl in *;
        try discriminate.
    + constructor. eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H4. econstructor. eapply Cofix; eauto. now inv H2.

  Add Parametric Morphism {A} : (@fby A)
      with signature @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> Basics.impl
        as fby_EqSt.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros cs cs' Ecs xs xs' Exs ys ys' Eys H.
    destruct cs' as [[]], xs' as [[]], ys' as [[]];
      inv H; inv Ecs; inv Exs; inv Eys; simpl in *;
        try discriminate.
    + constructor; eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H4. inv H. econstructor. inv H2.
      rewrite <- H1. rewrite <- H3. rewrite <- H5. assumption.

  Add Parametric Morphism : arrow1
      with signature @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> Basics.impl
        as arrow1_EqSt.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros cs cs' Ecs xs xs' Exs ys ys' Eys H.
    destruct cs' as [[]], xs' as [[]], ys' as [[]];
      inv H; inv Ecs; inv Exs; inv Eys; simpl in *;
        try discriminate.
    + constructor; eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H. inv H2. inv H4. econstructor.
      eapply Cofix; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : arrow
      with signature @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> @EqSt _ ==> Basics.impl
        as arrow_EqSt.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros cs cs' Ecs xs xs' Exs ys ys' Eys H.
    destruct cs' as [[]], xs' as [[]], ys' as [[]];
      inv H; inv Ecs; inv Exs; inv Eys; simpl in *;
        try discriminate.
    + constructor; eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H. inv H2. inv H4. econstructor.
      rewrite <- H1, <- H3, <- H5; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism k : (when k)
      with signature @EqSt svalue ==> @EqSt svalue ==> @EqSt svalue ==> Basics.impl
        as when_EqSt.
    revert k.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros k cs cs' Ecs xs xs' Exs ys ys' Eys H.
    destruct cs' as [[]], xs' as [[]], ys' as [[]];
      inv H; inv Ecs; inv Exs; inv Eys; simpl in *;
        try discriminate.
    + constructor; eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H. inv H3. inv H5. constructor; auto. eapply Cofix; eauto.
    + inv H. inv H2. inv H4. econstructor. eapply Cofix; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : const
      with signature @EqSt bool ==> eq ==> @EqSt svalue
        as const_EqSt.
    cofix Cofix; intros b b' Eb.
    unfold_Stv b; unfold_Stv b';
      constructor; inv Eb; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : enum
      with signature @EqSt bool ==> eq ==> @EqSt svalue
        as enum_EqSt.
    cofix Cofix; intros b b' Eb.
    unfold_Stv b; unfold_Stv b';
      constructor; inv Eb; simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : sem_var
      with signature FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) ==> eq ==> @EqSt svalue ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_var_EqSt.
    intros H H' EH x xs xs' E; intro Sem; inv Sem.
    specialize (EH x). rewrite H1 in EH. inv EH.
    econstructor; eauto.
    now rewrite <-E, H2, H4.

  Definition history_equiv (Hi1 Hi2 : history) : Prop :=
    FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) (fst Hi1) (fst Hi2) /\ FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) (snd Hi1) (snd Hi2).

  Global Instance history_equiv_refl : Reflexive history_equiv.
split; reflexivity. Qed.

  Add Parametric Morphism {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : (sem_exp G)
      with signature history_equiv ==> @EqSt bool ==> eq ==> @EqSts svalue ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_exp_morph.
    intros H H' EH b b' Eb e xs xs' Exs Hsem. revert xs xs' Hsem Exs.
    induction e using exp_ind2; intros; inv Hsem; unfold EqSts in *; simpl_Forall.
    - econstructor. now rewrite <-Eb, <-H2.
    - econstructor. now rewrite <-Eb, <-H2.
    - constructor. destruct EH as (EH&_). now rewrite <-EH, <-H2.
    - constructor. destruct EH as (_&EH). now rewrite <-EH, <-H2.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply IHe; eauto. reflexivity.
      + now take (_y) and rewrite <-it.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply IHe1; eauto; reflexivity.
      + eapply IHe2; eauto; reflexivity.
      + now take (_y) and rewrite <-it.
    - eapply Sextcall with (ss:=ss); eauto.
      + simpl_Forall; eauto.
        take (forall xs xs', _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto; reflexivity.
      + now take (_y) and rewrite <-it.
    - eapply Sfby with (s0ss:=s0ss) (sss:=sss); simpl_Forall.
      1,2:take (forall xs xs', _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto; reflexivity.
      eapply Forall3_EqSt; eauto. solve_proper.
    - eapply Sarrow with (s0ss:=s0ss) (sss:=sss); simpl_Forall.
      1,2:take (forall xs xs', _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto; reflexivity.
      eapply Forall3_EqSt; eauto. solve_proper.
    - eapply Swhen with (ss:=ss); eauto; simpl_Forall.
      + take (forall xs xs', _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto; reflexivity.
      + destruct EH as (EH&_). rewrite <-EH; eauto.
      + eapply Forall2_EqSt; eauto. solve_proper.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + destruct EH as (EH&_). rewrite <-EH; eauto.
      + instantiate (1:=vs).
        eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
        simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall. eapply H0; eauto. reflexivity.
      + eapply Forall2_EqSt; eauto. solve_proper.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply IHe; eauto. reflexivity.
      + eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
        simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall. eapply H0; eauto. reflexivity.
      + eapply Forall3_EqSt_Proper; eauto. solve_proper.
    - eapply ScaseDefault with (vd:=vd); eauto.
      + eapply IHe; eauto. reflexivity.
      + eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
        simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall. eapply H0; eauto. reflexivity.
      + simpl_Forall. eapply H1; eauto. reflexivity.
      + eapply Forall3_EqSt_Proper; eauto. solve_proper.
    - eapply Sapp with (ss:=ss) (rs:=rs); eauto; simpl_Forall.
      1,2:take (forall xs xs', _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto; reflexivity.
      intro k; take (forall k, _) and specialize (it k); inv it.
      econstructor; eauto.
      simpl_Forall. eapply Forall2_EqSt; eauto. solve_proper.

  Add Parametric Morphism {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : (sem_equation G)
      with signature history_equiv ==> @EqSt bool ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_equation_morph.
    unfold Basics.impl; intros H H' EH xs xs' Exss eq Hsem.
    inversion_clear Hsem as [????? Hseme Hsemv]. econstructor; eauto.
    - eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
      rewrite <-EH, <-Exss; eauto.
    - eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
      destruct EH as (EH&_). now rewrite <-EH.

  Add Parametric Morphism {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : (sem_block G)
      with signature history_equiv ==> @EqSt bool ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_block_morph.
    intros H H' EH b b' Eb blk.
    revert H H' b b' EH Eb; induction blk using block_ind2; intros * EH Eb Hsem; inv Hsem.
    - constructor. now rewrite <-EH, <-Eb.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + now rewrite <-EH, <-Eb.
      + intros k. specialize (H8 k); simpl_Forall. eapply H; eauto.
        * destruct EH as (EH1&EH2); split; unfold mask_hist. now rewrite <-EH1. now rewrite <-EH2.
        * now rewrite <-Eb.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      + now rewrite <-EH, <-Eb.
      + simpl_Forall. take (sem_branch _ _) and inv it.
        do 2 esplit. 2:econstructor; eauto. instantiate (1:=(_, _)).
        * destruct EH as (EH1&EH2); unfold when_hist in *.
          destruct_conjs. split. rewrite <-EH1 at 1. eauto. rewrite <-EH2 at 1. eauto.
        * simpl_Forall. eapply H; eauto. reflexivity. now rewrite <-Eb.
    - constructor. destruct EH as (EH1&EH2).
      inv_scope. destruct H'.
      eapply Sscope with (Hi':=Hi') (Hl':=Hl'); eauto.
      + intros. edestruct H8; eauto. destruct_conjs.
        do 3 esplit; eauto. repeat split; eauto.
        eapply sem_exp_morph; eauto. 2:reflexivity.
        split; try reflexivity.
        1,2:apply FEnv.union_Equiv; auto; reflexivity.
      + simpl_Forall.
        eapply H; eauto.
        split; try reflexivity.
        1,2:apply FEnv.union_Equiv; auto; reflexivity.

  Add Parametric Morphism {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : (sem_node G)
      with signature eq ==> @EqSts svalue ==> @EqSts svalue ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_node_morph.
    unfold Basics.impl; intros f xss xss' Exss yss yss' Eyss Sem.
    induction Sem.
    econstructor; try reflexivity; eauto.
    + instantiate (1 := H). now rewrite <-Exss.
    + now rewrite <-Eyss.
    + now rewrite <-Exss.

  Fact sem_var_In : forall H x vs,
      sem_var H x vs ->
      FEnv.In x H.
    intros * Hv. inv Hv.
    econstructor; eauto.

  Corollary sem_vars_In : forall H xs vs,
      Forall2 (sem_var H) xs vs ->
      Forall (fun v => FEnv.In v H) xs.
    intros * Hvs.
    induction Hvs; constructor; eauto using sem_var_In.

All the defined variables have a semantic

  Ltac inv_scope' := (Syn.inv_scope || inv_scope).
  Ltac inv_branch' := (Syn.inv_branch || inv_branch).
  Ltac inv_block' := (Syn.inv_block || inv_block).

  Lemma sem_block_defined {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) : forall blk H bs x,
      sem_block G H bs blk ->
      Is_defined_in x blk ->
      FEnv.In x (fst H).
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hsem Hdef; repeat inv_block'.
    - (* equation *)
      take (sem_equation _ _ _ _) and inv it.
      eapply Forall2_ignore2, Forall_forall in H7 as (?&?&?); eauto using sem_var_In.
    - (* reset *)
      specialize (H9 0).
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      destruct H0; simpl in *. eapply H in H9; eauto.
      setoid_rewrite FEnv.map_in_iff in H9; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      repeat inv_branch'.
      simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      destruct H1. eapply FEnv.In_refines; eauto.
    - (* local *)
      repeat inv_scope'. simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      eapply H, FEnv.union_In in H11 as [|Hin']; eauto.
      exfalso. take (~ _) and eapply it.
      take (forall x, _ <-> IsVar _ _) and apply it in Hin'. inv Hin'. solve_In.

  Corollary Forall_sem_block_defined {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) : forall blks x H bs,
      Forall (sem_block G H bs) blks ->
      List.Exists (Is_defined_in x) blks ->
      FEnv.In x (fst H).
    intros * Hsem Hdef; simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
    eapply sem_block_defined; eauto.

  Lemma sem_scope_defined {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) : forall locs blks Hi bs x,
      sem_scope (fun Hi => sem_exp G Hi bs) (fun Hi => Forall (sem_block G Hi bs)) Hi bs (Scope locs blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_scope (List.Exists (Is_defined_in x)) x (Scope locs blks) ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef; inv Hsem; inv Hdef.
    eapply Forall_sem_block_defined, FEnv.union_In in H6 as [|Hin']; eauto.
    exfalso. take (~ _) and eapply it.
    take (forall x, _ <-> IsVar _ _) and apply it in Hin'. inv Hin'. solve_In.

  Corollary sem_scope_defined1 {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) :
    forall locs blks Hi bs Γ xs x,
      sem_scope (fun Hi => sem_exp G Hi bs) (fun Hi => Forall (sem_block G Hi bs)) Hi bs (Scope locs blks) ->
      VarsDefinedScope (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) (Scope locs blks) xs ->
      NoDupScope (fun Γ => Forall (NoDupLocals Γ)) Γ (Scope locs blks) ->
      incl xs Γ ->
      In x xs ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef Hnd Hincl Hinxs.
    eapply sem_scope_defined; eauto.
    eapply VarsDefinedScope_Is_defined; eauto.
    - eapply NoDupScope_incl; eauto.
      intros; simpl in *. simpl_Forall.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; eauto.
    - intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
      eapply Forall_VarsDefined_Is_defined; eauto.
      simpl_Forall. 1,2:now rewrite H2.

  Corollary sem_scope_defined2 {A} {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) :
    forall locs (blks: _ * A) Hi bs Γ xs x,
      sem_scope (fun Hi => sem_exp G Hi bs) (fun Hi blks => Forall (sem_block G Hi bs) (fst blks)) Hi bs (Scope locs blks) ->
      VarsDefinedScope (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined (fst blks) xs /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) (Scope locs blks) xs ->
      NoDupScope (fun Γ blks => Forall (NoDupLocals Γ) (fst blks)) Γ (Scope locs blks) ->
      incl xs Γ ->
      In x xs ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef Hnd Hincl Hinxs.
    eapply sem_scope_defined1; eauto.
    - inv Hsem; econstructor; eauto.
    - inv Hdef; econstructor; eauto.
    - inv Hnd; econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma sem_branch_defined {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) : forall caus blks Hi bs x,
      sem_branch (Forall (sem_block G Hi bs)) (Branch caus blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_branch (List.Exists (Is_defined_in x)) (Branch caus blks) ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef; inv Hsem; inv Hdef.
    eapply Forall_sem_block_defined in H1; eauto.

  Corollary sem_branch_defined1 {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) :
    forall caus blks Hi bs Γ xs x,
      sem_branch (Forall (sem_block G Hi bs)) (Branch caus blks) ->
      VarsDefinedBranch (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) (Branch caus blks) xs ->
      NoDupBranch (Forall (NoDupLocals Γ)) (Branch caus blks) ->
      incl xs Γ ->
      In x xs ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef Hnd Hincl Hinxs.
    eapply sem_branch_defined; eauto.
    eapply VarsDefinedBranch_Is_defined; eauto.
    - intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
      eapply Forall_VarsDefined_Is_defined; eauto.
      simpl_Forall. 1,2:rewrite H1; eauto using NoDupLocals_incl.

  Corollary sem_branch_defined2 {A} {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) :
    forall caus (blks: (A * scope (_ * A))) Hi bs Γ xs x,
        (fun blks =>
           sem_scope (fun Hi => sem_exp G Hi bs)
             (fun Hi blks => Forall (sem_block G Hi bs) (fst blks)) Hi bs (snd blks))
        (Branch caus blks) ->
        (fun blks => VarsDefinedScope (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined (fst blks) xs /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) (snd blks))
        (Branch caus blks) xs ->
        (fun blks => NoDupScope (fun Γ blks => Forall (NoDupLocals Γ) (fst blks)) Γ (snd blks))
        (Branch caus blks) ->
      incl xs Γ ->
      In x xs ->
      FEnv.In x (fst Hi).
    intros * Hsem Hdef Hnd Hincl Hinxs.
    destruct blks as [?(?&?)]. inv Hsem. inv Hdef. inv Hnd.
    eapply sem_scope_defined2; eauto.

Preservation of the semantics while refining an environment

If a new environment refines the previous one, it gives the same semantics to variables and therefore expressions, equations dans nodes

  Fact refines_eq_EqSt {A} : forall H H' ,
      FEnv.refines eq H H' ->
      FEnv.refines (@EqSt A) H H'.
    intros * Href ?? Hfind.
    eapply Href in Hfind as (?&?&Hfind); subst.
    rewrite Hfind. do 2 esplit; eauto.

  Fact sem_var_refines : forall H H' id v,
      HH' ->
      sem_var H id v ->
      sem_var H' id v.
    intros H H' id v Href Hsem.
    destruct Hsem. eapply Href in H0 as (?&?&Hfind).
    econstructor; eauto.
    etransitivity; eauto.

  Lemma sem_var_refines_inv : forall env Hi1 Hi2 x vs,
      List.In x env ->
      FEnv.dom_lb Hi1 env ->
      (forall vs, sem_var Hi1 x vs -> sem_var Hi2 x vs) ->
      sem_var Hi2 x vs ->
      sem_var Hi1 x vs.
    intros * Hin Hdom Href Hvar.
    eapply Hdom in Hin as (vs'&Hfind).
    assert (sem_var Hi1 x vs') as Hvar' by (econstructor; eauto; reflexivity).
    specialize (Href _ Hvar').
    eapply sem_var_det in Href; eauto.
    now rewrite Href.

  Lemma sem_var_refines' : forall Hi1 Hi2 x vs,
      FEnv.In x Hi1 ->
      Hi1Hi2 ->
      sem_var Hi2 x vs ->
      sem_var Hi1 x vs.
    intros * Hin Href Hv2.
    inv Hin. econstructor; eauto.
    eapply Href in H as (?&Heq&Hfind').
    inv Hv2. rewrite Hfind' in H0; inv H0.
    rewrite Heq; auto.

  Corollary sem_var_refines'' : forall env Hi1 Hi2 x vs,
      List.In x env ->
      FEnv.dom_lb Hi1 env ->
      Hi1Hi2 ->
      sem_var Hi2 x vs ->
      sem_var Hi1 x vs.
    intros * Hin Hdom Href Hvar.
    eapply sem_var_refines' in Hvar; eauto.

  Lemma sem_clock_refines : forall H H' ck bs bs',
      HH' ->
      sem_clock H bs ck bs' ->
      sem_clock H' bs ck bs'.
    induction ck; intros * Href Hck; inv Hck.
    - constructor; auto.
    - econstructor; eauto using sem_var_refines.

  Lemma sem_clock_refines' : forall vars H H' ck bs bs',
      wx_clock vars ck ->
      (forall x vs, IsVar vars x -> sem_var H x vs -> sem_var H' x vs) ->
      sem_clock H bs ck bs' ->
      sem_clock H' bs ck bs'.
    induction ck; intros * Hwx Href Hck; inv Hwx; inv Hck;
      econstructor; eauto.

  Fact sem_exp_refines {PSyn prefs} : forall (G : @global PSyn prefs) b e H H' Hl v,
      HH' ->
      sem_exp G (H, Hl) b e v ->
      sem_exp G (H', Hl) b e v.
  Proof with
eauto with datatypes.
    induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Href Hsem; inv Hsem;
      econstructor; eauto using sem_var_refines; simpl_Forall; eauto.
    1-3:(eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros;
         simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto).

  Fact sem_equation_refines {PSyn prefs} : forall (G : @global PSyn prefs) H H' Hl b equ,
      HH' ->
      sem_equation G (H, Hl) b equ ->
      sem_equation G (H', Hl) b equ.
  Proof with
    intros * Href Hsem. inv Hsem; simpl in *.
    apply Seq with (ss:=ss); simpl_Forall;
      eauto using sem_exp_refines, sem_var_refines.

  Fact sem_block_refines {PSyn prefs} : forall (G: @global PSyn prefs) d H H' Hl b,
      HH' ->
      sem_block G (H, Hl) b d ->
      sem_block G (H', Hl) b d.
    induction d using block_ind2; intros * Href Hsem; inv Hsem.
    - (* equation *)
      econstructor; eauto using sem_equation_refines.
    - (* reset *)
      econstructor; eauto using sem_exp_refines.
      intros k. specialize (H8 k).
      rewrite Forall_forall in *. intros ? Hin.
      eapply H. 1,3:eauto.
      eapply FEnv.refines_map; eauto.
      intros ?? Heq. rewrite Heq. reflexivity.
    - (* switch *)
      econstructor; eauto using sem_exp_refines.
      + simpl_Forall. do 2 esplit; [|eauto].
        destruct H2 as (Href1&?); split; simpl in *; [|auto].
        intros ?? Hfind. apply Href1 in Hfind as (?&Hwhen&Hfind').
        apply Href in Hfind' as (?&?&?). do 2 esplit; [|eauto].
        now rewrite <-H5.
    - (* locals *)
      inv H4. econstructor; [| | |eauto]. 1-3:eauto.
      + intros. edestruct H9 as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto.
        repeat (esplit; eauto).
        eapply sem_exp_refines; [|eauto]; eauto using FEnv.union_refines1, EqStrel_Reflexive.
      + simpl_Forall. eapply H; eauto using FEnv.union_refines1, EqStrel_Reflexive.

  Section props.
    Context {PSyn : block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs : PS.t}.
    Variable (G : @global PSyn prefs).

The number of streams generated by an expression e equals numstreams e

    Fact sem_exp_numstreams : forall H b e v,
        wl_exp G e ->
        sem_exp G H b e v ->
        length v = numstreams e.
    Proof with
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros v Hsem Hwl; inv Hwl; inv Hsem; simpl; auto.
      - (* fby *)
        take (Forall3 _ _ _ _) and eapply Forall3_length in it as (Hlen1&Hlen2).
        rewrite <- H12. setoid_rewrite <-Hlen2.
        unfold annots; rewrite flat_map_concat_map.
        apply concat_length_eq.
        rewrite Forall2_map_2, Forall2_swap_args.
        rewrite length_annot_numstreams. eapply H1; eauto.
      - (* arrow *)
        take (Forall3 _ _ _ _) and eapply Forall3_length in it as (Hlen1&Hlen2).
        rewrite <- H12, <-Hlen2.
        unfold annots; rewrite flat_map_concat_map.
        apply concat_length_eq.
        rewrite Forall2_map_2, Forall2_swap_args.
        rewrite length_annot_numstreams. eapply H1; eauto.
      - (* when *)
        take (Forall2 _ _ _) and eapply Forall2_length in it as Hlen1.
        rewrite <-H7, <-Hlen1.
        unfold annots; rewrite flat_map_concat_map.
        apply concat_length_eq.
        rewrite Forall2_map_2, Forall2_swap_args.
        rewrite length_annot_numstreams. eapply H0; eauto.
      - (* merge *)
        take (Forall2Brs _ _ _) and eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in it; eauto.
        2:simpl_Forall; eauto.
        destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl_Forall.
        take (Forall2 _ _ _) and apply Forall2_length in it. congruence.
      - (* case *)
        take (Forall2Brs _ _ _) and eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in it; eauto.
        2:simpl_Forall; eauto.
        destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl_Forall.
        take (Forall3 _ _ _ _) and apply Forall3_length in it as (?&?). congruence.
      - (* case *)
        take (Forall2Brs _ _ _) and eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in it; eauto.
        2:simpl_Forall; eauto.
        destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl_Forall.
        take (Forall3 _ _ _ _) and apply Forall3_length in it as (?&?). congruence.
      - (* app  *)
        specialize (H13 0). inv H13.
        simpl_Forall. take (Forall2 _ _ v) and (apply Forall2_length in it).
        rewrite H3 in H14; inv H14.
        repeat rewrite map_length in *. setoid_rewrite map_length in it. congruence.

    Corollary sem_exps_numstreams : forall H b es vs,
        Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
        Forall2 (sem_exp G H b) es vs ->
        length (concat vs) = length (annots es).
      intros * Hwt Hsem.
      assert (Forall2 (fun v e => length v = numstreams e) vs es) as Hf.
      { rewrite Forall2_swap_args. simpl_Forall.
        eapply sem_exp_numstreams; eauto. }
      clear Hwt Hsem.
      induction Hf; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - repeat rewrite app_length.
        f_equal; auto.
        rewrite length_annot_numstreams. assumption.

    Lemma sem_vars_mask_inv: forall k r H xs vs,
        Forall2 (sem_var (Str.mask_hist k r H)) xs vs ->
        exists vs', Forall2 (sem_var H) xs vs' /\ EqSts vs ( (maskv k r) vs').
      intros * Hvars.
      induction Hvars; simpl.
      - exists []; simpl; split; eauto. constructor.
      - destruct IHHvars as (vs'&Hvars'&Heqs).
        eapply sem_var_mask_inv in H0 as (v'&Hvar'&Heq).
        exists (v'::vs'). split; constructor; auto.

    Fact sem_block_sem_var : forall blk x Hi bs,
        Is_defined_in x blk ->
        sem_block G Hi bs blk ->
        exists vs, sem_var (fst Hi) x vs.
      intros * Hdef Hsem.
      eapply sem_block_defined in Hsem as (?&?); eauto.
      do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity.

    Corollary sem_block_dom_lb : forall blk xs Hi Hl bs,
        VarsDefined blk xs ->
        NoDupLocals xs blk ->
        sem_block G (Hi, Hl) bs blk ->
        FEnv.dom_lb Hi xs.
      intros * Hvars Hnd Hsem ? Hin.
      eapply VarsDefined_Is_defined in Hin; eauto.
      eapply sem_block_sem_var in Hin as (?&Hvar); eauto.
      simpl in *; eauto using sem_var_In.

    Corollary Forall_sem_block_dom_lb : forall blks xs ys Hi Hl bs,
        Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs ->
        Forall (NoDupLocals ys) blks ->
        Forall (sem_block G (Hi, Hl) bs) blks ->
        Permutation (concat xs) ys ->
        FEnv.dom_lb Hi ys.
      intros * Hvars Hnd Hsem Hperm ? Hin.
      rewrite <-Hperm in Hin.
      eapply Forall_VarsDefined_Is_defined in Hin; eauto.
      2:{ simpl_Forall. eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]. now rewrite Hperm. }
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      eapply sem_block_sem_var in Hin as (?&Hvar); eauto.
      simpl in *; eauto using sem_var_In.

  End props.


  Fact sem_var_restrict : forall vars H id v,
      List.In id vars ->
      sem_var H id v ->
      sem_var (FEnv.restrict H vars) id v.
    intros * HIn Hsem.
    inv Hsem.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply FEnv.restrict_find; auto.

  Fact sem_var_restrict_inv : forall vars H id v,
      sem_var (FEnv.restrict H vars) id v ->
      List.In id vars /\ sem_var H id v.
    intros * Hvar; split.
    - eapply FEnv.restrict_dom_ub.
      inv Hvar. econstructor; eauto.
    - eapply sem_var_refines; [|eauto].
      eapply FEnv.restrict_refines;
        auto using EqStrel_Transitive, EqStrel_Reflexive.

  Fact sem_clock_restrict : forall vars ck H bs bs',
      wx_clock vars ck ->
      sem_clock H bs ck bs' ->
      sem_clock (FEnv.restrict H ( fst vars)) bs ck bs'.
    intros * Hwc Hsem.
    eapply sem_clock_refines'; [eauto| |eauto].
    intros ?? Hinm Hvar.
    eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto.
    inv Hinm. now apply fst_InMembers.

  Fact sem_exp_restrict {PSyn prefs} : forall (G : @global PSyn prefs) Γ H Hl b e vs,
      wx_exp Γ e ->
      sem_exp G (H, Hl) b e vs ->
      sem_exp G (FEnv.restrict H ( fst Γ), Hl) b e vs.
  Proof with
eauto with datatypes.
    induction e using exp_ind2; intros vs Hwt Hsem; inv Hwt; inv Hsem;
      econstructor; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto.
    1-3:(eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto; apply fst_InMembers;
         take (IsVar _ _) and inv it; auto).
    1-3:(eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros ?? Hin Hse;
         simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto).
    specialize (H8 _ eq_refl). simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Lemma sem_equation_restrict {PSyn prefs} : forall (G : @global PSyn prefs) Γ H Hl b eq,
      wx_equation Γ eq ->
      sem_equation G (H, Hl) b eq ->
      sem_equation G (FEnv.restrict H ( fst Γ), Hl) b eq.
  Proof with
eauto with datatypes.
    intros G ?? ? b [xs es] Hwc Hsem.
    destruct Hwc as (?&?). inv Hsem.
    econstructor. instantiate (1:=ss).
    + simpl_Forall; eauto.
      eapply sem_exp_restrict...
    + simpl_Forall; eauto.
      eapply sem_var_restrict...
      inv H1. now apply fst_InMembers.

  Lemma sem_scope_restrict {A} (wx_block : _ -> _ -> Prop) (sem_block : _ -> _ -> Prop) {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) :
    forall Γ Hi Hl bs locs (blks : A),
      (forall Γ Hi Hi' Hl,
          wx_block Γ blks ->
          sem_block (Hi, Hl) blks ->
          FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) Hi' (FEnv.restrict Hi ( fst Γ)) ->
          sem_block (Hi', Hl) blks) ->
      wx_scope wx_block Γ (Scope locs blks) ->
      sem_scope (fun Hi' => sem_exp G Hi' bs) sem_block (Hi, Hl) bs (Scope locs blks) ->
      sem_scope (fun Hi' => sem_exp G Hi' bs) sem_block (FEnv.restrict Hi ( fst Γ), Hl) bs (Scope locs blks).
    intros * Hp Hwx Hsem; inv Hwx; inv Hsem.
    assert (FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) (FEnv.restrict (Hi + Hi') ( fst (Γ ++ senv_of_locs locs)))
              (FEnv.restrict Hi ( fst Γ) + Hi')) as Heq.
    { simpl. symmetry.
      intros ?. unfold FEnv.union, FEnv.restrict.
      destruct (Hi' x) eqn:HHi'; [|destruct (mem_ident _ _) eqn:Hmem].
      - replace (mem_ident _ _) with true.
        2:{ symmetry. rewrite mem_ident_spec, map_app, map_fst_senv_of_locs, in_app_iff, <-2 fst_InMembers.
            right. eapply IsVar_senv_of_locs, H5; econstructor; eauto. }
        constructor. reflexivity.
      - replace (mem_ident _ _) with true. reflexivity.
        symmetry. rewrite mem_ident_spec in *. solve_In; eauto using in_or_app. auto.
      - replace (mem_ident _ _) with false. constructor.
        symmetry. rewrite <-Bool.not_true_iff_false, mem_ident_spec in *.
        contradict Hmem. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff, map_fst_senv_of_locs in Hmem. destruct Hmem; auto.
        exfalso. eapply FEnv.not_find_In; eauto. apply H5, IsVar_senv_of_locs, fst_InMembers; auto.
    eapply Sscope with (Hi':=Hi'); eauto.
    - intros * Hin. edestruct H8 as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?); eauto. simpl_Forall.
      repeat (esplit; eauto).
      eapply sem_exp_restrict in H; [|eauto].
      eapply sem_exp_morph; eauto; try reflexivity.
      split; auto; reflexivity.
    - eapply Hp in H9; eauto. now symmetry.

  Lemma sem_block_restrict {PSyn prefs} : forall (G: @global PSyn prefs) blk Γ H Hl b,
      wx_block Γ blk ->
      sem_block G (H, Hl) b blk ->
      sem_block G (FEnv.restrict H ( fst Γ), Hl) b blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hwc Hsem; inv Hwc; inv Hsem.
    - (* equation *)
      eapply sem_equation_restrict; eauto.
    - (* reset *)
      econstructor; eauto using sem_exp_restrict.
      intros k; specialize (H10 k).
      rewrite Forall_forall in *. intros ? Hin.
      eapply sem_block_refines; try eapply H; eauto.
      setoid_rewrite <-FEnv.restrict_map; auto using EqStrel_Reflexive.
    - (* switch *)
      econstructor; eauto using sem_exp_restrict.
      simpl_Forall. do 2 esplit.
      + instantiate (1:=(_,_)). destruct H2 as (Href1&Href2); split; simpl in *; [|eauto].
        intros ?? Hfind. apply FEnv.restrict_find_inv in Hfind as (Hin&Hfind).
        eapply Href1 in Hfind as (?&Hwhen&Hfind').
        do 2 esplit; eauto using FEnv.restrict_find.
      + destruct b0. repeat inv_branch'. econstructor.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* locals *)
      constructor. eapply sem_scope_restrict; eauto.
      intros; simpl_Forall.
      eapply sem_block_morph, H; eauto; try reflexivity. split; [now symmetry|reflexivity].


fby keeps the synchronization

  Lemma ac_fby1 {A} :
    forall xs ys rs,
      @fby A xs ys rs -> abstract_clock xsabstract_clock rs.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Hfby.
    unfold_Stv xs; inv Hfby; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    clear - H3. revert H3. revert y xs ys0 rs0.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Hfby1.
    unfold_Stv xs; inv Hfby1; econstructor; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma ac_fby2 {A} :
    forall xs ys rs,
      @fby A xs ys rs -> abstract_clock ysabstract_clock rs.
    cofix Cofix. intros * Hfby.
    unfold_Stv ys; inv Hfby; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    clear - H3. revert H3. revert v ys xs0 rs0.
    cofix Cofix. intros * Hfby1.
    unfold_Stv ys; inv Hfby1; econstructor; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma fby_aligned {A} : forall bs (xs ys zs: Stream (synchronous A)),
      fby xs ys zs ->
      (aligned xs bs \/ aligned ys bs \/ aligned zs bs) ->
      (aligned xs bs /\ aligned ys bs /\ aligned zs bs).
  Proof with
    intros bs xs ys zs Hfby.
    specialize (ac_fby1 _ _ _ Hfby) as Hac1. specialize (ac_fby2 _ _ _ Hfby) as Hac2.
    specialize (ac_aligned xs) as Hs1. specialize (ac_aligned ys) as Hs2. specialize (ac_aligned zs) as Hs3.
    intros [Hsync|[Hsync|Hsync]]; repeat split; auto;
      match goal with
      | Hal: aligned ?xs bs, Hal2: aligned ?xs (abstract_clock ?xs) |- _ =>
          eapply aligned_EqSt in Hal2; eauto; rewrite Hal2;
          (rewrite Hac1||rewrite Hac2||idtac); eauto;
          ((now rewrite <-Hac1)||(now rewrite <-Hac2))

  Lemma ac_arrow1 : forall xs ys rs,
      arrow xs ys rs -> abstract_clock xsabstract_clock rs.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Harrow.
    unfold_Stv xs; inv Harrow; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    clear - H3. revert H3. revert xs ys0 rs0.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Harrow1.
    unfold_Stv xs; inv Harrow1; econstructor; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma ac_arrow2 : forall xs ys rs,
      arrow xs ys rs -> abstract_clock ysabstract_clock rs.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Harrow.
    unfold_Stv ys; inv Harrow; econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    clear - H3. revert H3. revert xs0 ys rs0.
    cofix Cofix.
    intros * Harrow1.
    unfold_Stv ys; inv Harrow1; econstructor; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma arrow_aligned : forall bs xs ys zs,
      arrow xs ys zs ->
      (aligned xs bs \/ aligned ys bs \/ aligned zs bs) ->
      (aligned xs bs /\ aligned ys bs /\ aligned zs bs).
  Proof with
    intros bs xs ys zs Hfby.
    specialize (ac_arrow1 _ _ _ Hfby) as Hac1. specialize (ac_arrow2 _ _ _ Hfby) as Hac2.
    specialize (ac_aligned xs) as Hs1. specialize (ac_aligned ys) as Hs2. specialize (ac_aligned zs) as Hs3.
    intros [Hsync|[Hsync|Hsync]]; repeat split; auto;
      match goal with
      | Hal: aligned ?xs bs, Hal2: aligned ?xs (abstract_clock ?xs) |- _ =>
          eapply aligned_EqSt in Hal2; eauto; rewrite Hal2;
          (rewrite Hac1||rewrite Hac2||idtac); eauto;
          ((now rewrite <-Hac1)||(now rewrite <-Hac2))


Module LSemanticsFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Lord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Str : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks)
<: LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Lord Str.
  Include LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Lord Str.
End LSemanticsFun.