Module FunctionalEnvironment

From Velus Require Import Common.CommonTactics.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.

From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Import Relation_Definitions.

Module FEnv.

Encoding environment as "partial" functions. Keys are identifiers
  Definition t A := ident -> option A.

  Definition empty A : t A := fun _ => None.

  Section In.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition In x (env : t A) :=
      exists v, env x = Some v.

    Lemma not_find_In : forall env x,
        ~In x env <-> env x = None.
      unfold In; split.
      - intros Hnin.
        destruct (env x) eqn:Hfind; auto.
        exfalso; eauto.
      - intros Hnone (?&Hfind). congruence.
  End In.

Environment equivalence
  Section Equiv.
    Context {A : Type} (R : relation A).

    Definition Equiv (env1 env2 : t A) : Prop :=
      forall x, (orel R) (env1 x) (env2 x).

    Global Instance Equiv_Reflexive `{Reflexive A R} : Reflexive Equiv.
      intro env. unfold Equiv. reflexivity.

    Global Instance Equiv_Transitive `{Transitive A R} :
      Transitive Equiv.
      unfold Equiv.
      intros env1 env2 env3 E12 E23 x.
      etransitivity; eauto.

    Global Instance Equiv_Symmetric `{Symmetric _ R} : Symmetric Equiv.
      unfold Equiv.
      intros env1 env2 E x.
      now symmetry.

    Global Add Parametric Relation `{Equivalence _ R} : (t A) Equiv
           reflexivity proved by Equiv_Reflexive
           symmetry proved by Equiv_Symmetric
           transitivity proved by Equiv_Transitive
           as Equivalence_Equiv.

    Global Add Parametric Morphism : In
           with signature (eq --> Equiv --> iff)
             as Equiv_In.
      intros * ? * Heq.
      split; intros (?&Hfind); subst;
        specialize (Heq x); rewrite Hfind in Heq; inv Heq;
        esplit; eauto.
  End Equiv.

  Global Existing Instance Equivalence_Equiv.

Environment inclusion
  Section refines.
    Context {A : Type} (R : relation A).

    Definition refines (env1 env2 : t A) : Prop :=
      forall x v, env1 x = Some v ->
             exists v', R v v' /\ env2 x = Some v'.

    Global Add Parametric Morphism `{Equivalence _ R} : refines
           with signature (Equiv R ==> Equiv R ==> Basics.impl)
             as refines_Equiv.
      intros mA mA' EA mB mB' EB Href ?? Hfind.
      specialize (EA x). rewrite Hfind in EA; inv EA.
      symmetry in H0. apply Href in H0 as (?&HR&Hfind').
      specialize (EB x). rewrite Hfind' in EB; inv EB.
      do 2 esplit; eauto.
      etransitivity; [|eauto].
      symmetry. etransitivity; [|eauto]. now symmetry.

    Lemma In_refines : forall env1 env2,
        refines env1 env2 ->
        forall x, In x env1 -> In x env2.
      intros * Href * (?&?).
      apply Href in H as (?&?&?).
      esplit; eauto.

    Lemma refines_None : forall m1 m2 x,
        refines m1 m2 ->
        m2 x = None ->
        m1 x = None.
      intros * Href Hm2.
      rewrite <-not_find_In in *. contradict Hm2.
      eapply In_refines; eauto.

    Lemma refines_refl `{Reflexive _ R} : reflexive _ refines.
      intros env x v ->; eauto.

    Lemma refines_trans `{Transitive _ R} : transitive _ refines.
      intros env1 env2 env3 H1 H2 x v Hfind.
      apply H1 in Hfind as (? & ? & Hfind).
      apply H2 in Hfind as (? & ? & ->).

    Global Add Parametric Relation `{Reflexive _ R} `{Transitive _ R}
      : _ refines
        reflexivity proved by refines_refl
        transitivity proved by refines_trans
          as env_refines_preorder.

  End refines.
  Global Hint Resolve refines_refl : fenv.

Domain of environments

  Section dom.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition dom (env : t A) (xs : list ident) :=
      forall x, In x env <-> List.In x xs.
  End dom.

  Section dom_ub.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition dom_ub (env : t A) (xs : list ident) :=
      forall x, In x env -> List.In x xs.

    Lemma dom_ub_incl : forall env xs1 xs2,
        List.incl xs1 xs2 ->
        dom_ub env xs1 ->
        dom_ub env xs2.
      intros * Hsub Hdom ? Hin; auto.

    Lemma dom_ub_refines {R} : forall env1 env2 xs,
        refines R env2 env1 ->
        dom_ub env1 xs ->
        dom_ub env2 xs.
      intros * Href Hdom ? Hin; eauto using In_refines.

    Lemma dom_dom_ub: forall H d,
        dom H d ->
        dom_ub H d.
      intros * DH ?. apply DH.
  End dom_ub.

  Section dom_lb.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition dom_lb (env : t A) (xs : list ident) :=
      forall x, List.In x xs -> In x env.

    Lemma dom_lb_incl : forall env xs1 xs2,
        List.incl xs2 xs1 ->
        dom_lb env xs1 ->
        dom_lb env xs2.
      intros * Hsub Hdom ? Hin; auto.

    Lemma dom_lb_refines {R} : forall env1 env2 xs,
        refines R env1 env2 ->
        dom_lb env1 xs ->
        dom_lb env2 xs.
      intros * Href Hdom ? Hin; eauto using In_refines.

    Lemma dom_dom_lb: forall H d,
        dom H d ->
        dom_lb H d.
      intros * DH ?. apply DH.
  End dom_lb.

  Section restrict.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition restrict (env : t A) (xs : list ident) : t A :=
      fun x => if mem_ident x xs then env x else None.

    Lemma restrict_find : forall env xs x v,
        List.In x xs ->
        env x = Some v ->
        (restrict env xs) x = Some v.
      unfold restrict.
      intros * Hin Hfind.
      apply mem_ident_spec in Hin. now rewrite Hin.

    Lemma restrict_find_inv : forall env xs x v,
        (restrict env xs) x = Some v ->
        List.In x xs /\ env x = Some v.
      unfold restrict.
      intros * Hfind.
      cases_eqn Eq; try congruence.
      apply mem_ident_spec in Eq; auto.

    Corollary restrict_find_None1 : forall env xs x,
        ~List.In x xs ->
        (restrict env xs) x = None.
      intros * Hnin.
      destruct (restrict _ _ _) eqn:Hres; auto.
      apply restrict_find_inv in Hres as (?&_); congruence.

    Corollary restrict_find_None2 : forall env xs x,
        env x = None ->
        (restrict env xs) x = None.
      intros * Hnin.
      destruct (restrict _ _ _) eqn:Hres; auto.
      apply restrict_find_inv in Hres as (_&?); congruence.

    Lemma restrict_find_None_inv : forall env xs x,
        (restrict env xs) x = None ->
        env x = None \/ ~List.In x xs.
      unfold restrict.
      intros * Hnin. cases_eqn Heq; auto.
      right. intro contra. apply mem_ident_spec in contra. congruence.

    Lemma restrict_refines : forall R xs (env : t A),
        Reflexive R ->
        refines R (restrict env xs) env.
      intros * Hrefl ?? Hfind.
      apply restrict_find_inv in Hfind as (?&?).
      do 2 esplit; eauto.

    Lemma restrict_refines' : forall R xs env1 env2,
        refines R env1 env2 ->
        refines R (restrict env1 xs) (restrict env2 xs).
      intros * Href ?? Hfind.
      apply restrict_find_inv in Hfind as (Hin&Hfind). apply Href in Hfind as (?&Heq&Hfind).
      do 2 esplit; eauto using restrict_find.

    Lemma incl_restrict_refines R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall xs ys (env : t A),
        List.incl xs ys ->
        refines R (restrict env xs) (restrict env ys).
      intros * Hincl ? v Hfind.
      exists v. split; auto.
      apply restrict_find_inv in Hfind as (?&?).
      apply restrict_find; auto.

    Lemma restrict_In : forall xs env x,
        In x (restrict env xs) <-> In x env /\ List.In x xs.
      split; [intros (?&Hfind)|intros ((?&Henv)&Hfind)].
      - apply restrict_find_inv in Hfind as (?&?).
        split; auto. econstructor; eauto.
      - econstructor; eauto using restrict_find.

    Corollary restrict_dom_ub : forall env xs,
        dom_ub (restrict env xs) xs.
      intros * ? Hin.
      now apply restrict_In in Hin as (?&?).

    Corollary restrict_dom_ub' : forall xs ys (env : t A),
        dom_ub env ys ->
        dom_ub (restrict env xs) ys.
      intros * Hdom ? Hin.
      apply restrict_In in Hin as (Hin&_).
      now apply Hdom.

    Corollary dom_lb_restrict_dom : forall xs (env : FEnv.t A),
        dom_lb env xs ->
        dom (restrict env xs) xs.
      intros * Hdom ?.
      rewrite restrict_In.
      split; [intros (?&?)|intros]; auto.

    Lemma restrict_Equiv : forall R xs env1 env2,
        Equiv R env1 env2 ->
        Equiv R (restrict env1 xs) (restrict env2 xs).
      unfold restrict.
      intros * Heq.
      intros x. specialize (Heq x). inv Heq.
      1,2:destruct mem_ident; constructor; auto.
  End restrict.

Add an association to an environment
  Section add.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition add x v (env : t A) :=
      fun y => if y ==b x then Some v else env y.

    Lemma gss : forall x v env,
        (add x v env) x = Some v.
      unfold add.
      intros. now rewrite equiv_decb_refl.

    Lemma gso : forall x v env y,
        y <> x ->
        (add x v env) y = env y.
      unfold add.
      intros * Hneq.
      cases_eqn Eq; auto.
      rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Eq. inv Eq. congruence.

    Lemma add_In : forall env x v y,
        In y (add x v env) <-> x = y \/ In y env.
      unfold add.
      split; [intros (?&Hfind)|intros [?|(?&Hfind)]]; subst; cases_eqn Heq.
      - rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; auto.
      - right. econstructor; eauto.
      - econstructor. rewrite equiv_decb_refl. eauto.
      - destruct (y ==b x) eqn:Heq; econstructor; rewrite Heq; eauto.

    Lemma add_refines R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall env x v,
        ~In x env ->
        refines R env (add x v env).
      unfold add.
      intros * Hnin ?? Hfind.
      cases_eqn Heq; eauto.
      rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
      exfalso. apply Hnin. econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma add_dom : forall env x v xs,
        dom env xs ->
        dom (add x v env) (x::xs).
      intros * Hdom y. specialize (Hdom y).
      now rewrite add_In, Hdom.

    Lemma add_dom_ub : forall env x v xs,
        dom_ub env xs ->
        dom_ub (add x v env) (x::xs).
      intros * Hdom y. specialize (Hdom y).
      rewrite add_In. intros [|]; subst; auto with datatypes.

    Lemma add_dom_lb : forall env x v xs,
        dom_lb env xs ->
        dom_lb (add x v env) (x::xs).
      intros * Hdom y. specialize (Hdom y).
      rewrite add_In. intros [|]; subst; auto.

  End add.

Union of environments
  Section union.
    Context {A : Type}.

The union prioritises the new (right) environment
    Definition union (env1 env2 : t A) :=
      fun x => match env2 x with
            | Some v => Some v
            | None => env1 x

    Lemma union1 : forall env1 env2 x v,
        env1 x = Some v ->
        env2 x = Some v ->
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v.
      intros * Hfind1 Hfind2.
      unfold union. now rewrite Hfind2.

    Lemma union2 : forall env1 env2 x v,
        env1 x = Some v ->
        env2 x = None ->
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v.
      intros * Hfind1 Hfind2.
      unfold union. now rewrite Hfind2.

    Lemma union3 : forall env1 env2 x v,
        env1 x = None ->
        env2 x = Some v ->
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v.
      intros * Hfind1 Hfind2.
      unfold union. now rewrite Hfind2.

    Fact union3' : forall env1 env2 x v,
        env2 x = Some v ->
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v.
      intros * Hfind1.
      unfold union. now rewrite Hfind1.

    Lemma union4 : forall env1 env2 x v,
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v ->
        env1 x = Some v \/ env2 x = Some v.
      intros * Hfind.
      unfold union in *.
      destruct (env2 x); auto.

    Corollary union_None : forall env1 env2 x,
        (union env1 env2) x = None <-> env1 x = None /\ env2 x = None.
      unfold union; intros.
      split; [intros|intros (?&?)]; cases.

    Fact union4' : forall env1 env2 x v,
        (union env1 env2) x = Some v ->
        env2 x = Some v \/ (env1 x = Some v /\ env2 x = None).
      intros * Hfind.
      unfold union in *.
      destruct (env2 x); auto.

    Lemma union_In : forall env1 env2 x,
        In x (union env1 env2) <-> In x env1 \/ In x env2.
      split; [intros (?&Hfind)|intros [(?&?)|(?&Hfind2)]].
      - apply union4 in Hfind as [|]; [left|right]; econstructor; eauto.
      - destruct (env2 x) eqn:Hfind1;
          econstructor; eauto using union2, union3'.
      - econstructor; eauto using union3'.

    Add Parametric Morphism (R : A -> A -> Prop) : union
        with signature Equiv R ==> Equiv R ==> Equiv R
          as union_Equiv.
      intros * Heq1 * Heq2 ?.
      specialize (Heq1 x1); specialize (Heq2 x1).
      unfold union.
      inv Heq1; inv Heq2; constructor; auto.

    Lemma union_dom_ub : forall env1 env2 xs,
        dom_ub env1 xs ->
        dom_ub env2 xs ->
        dom_ub (union env1 env2) xs.
      intros * Hdom1 Hdom2 ?.
      rewrite union_In.
      intros [|]; auto.

    Lemma union_dom_lb : forall env1 env2 xs1 xs2,
        dom_lb env1 xs1 ->
        dom_lb env2 xs2 ->
        dom_lb (union env1 env2) (xs1 ++ xs2).
      intros * Hdom1 Hdom2 ?.
      rewrite List.in_app_iff, union_In.
      intros [|]; auto.

    Lemma union_dom_lb1 : forall env1 env2 xs,
        dom_lb env1 xs ->
        dom_lb (union env1 env2) xs.
      intros * Hdom1 ?.
      rewrite union_In; auto.

    Lemma union_dom_lb2 : forall env1 env2 xs,
        dom_lb env2 xs ->
        dom_lb (union env1 env2) xs.
      intros * Hdom2 ?.
      rewrite union_In; auto.

    Lemma union_refines1 R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall m1 m1' m2,
        refines R m1 m1' ->
        refines R (union m1 m2) (union m1' m2).
      intros * Href ?? Hfind.
      apply union4' in Hfind as [Hsome|(Hsome&Hnone)].
      - eauto using union3'.
      - apply Href in Hsome as (?&Hr&Hsome).
        eauto using union2.

    Lemma union_refines4' R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall m1 m2,
        refines R m2 (union m1 m2).
      intros * ?? Hfind.
      eapply union3' in Hfind; eauto.

    Lemma union_refines_inv R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall m1 m2 m',
        refines R (union m1 m2) m' ->
        (forall x, In x m1 -> ~In x m2) ->
        exists m2', Equiv R (union m1 m2') m'
               /\ refines R m2 m2'
               /\ (forall x, In x m2' <-> In x m' /\ ~In x m1).
      intros * Href Hnd.
      exists (fun x => match m1 x with Some v => None | None => m' x end).
      split; [|split].
      - unfold union. intros ?; simpl.
        destruct (m1 x) eqn:Hm1; auto.
        + assert (union m1 m2 x = Some a) as Hunion.
          { apply union2; auto. apply not_find_In.
            intro contra. eapply Hnd; eauto. econstructor; eauto. }
          apply Href in Hunion as (?&HR&Hm').
          rewrite Hm'. constructor; auto.
        + destruct (m' x); reflexivity.
      - intros ?? Hm2.
        assert (union m1 m2 x = Some v) as Hunion.
        { unfold union. now rewrite Hm2. }
        apply Href in Hunion as (?&HR&Hm').
        do 2 esplit; eauto.
        replace (m1 x) with (@None A); simpl; auto.
        symmetry. apply not_find_In. intro contra.
        eapply Hnd; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
      - split; [intros (?&Hin)|intros ((?&Hin)&Hnin)]; unfold In in *.
        + destruct (m1 x); try congruence.
          split; eauto. intros contra; destruct_conjs; congruence.
        + destruct (m1 x); [exfalso; eauto|eauto].

    Lemma union_assoc R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall m1 m2 m3,
        Equiv R (union m1 (union m2 m3)) (union (union m1 m2) m3).
      intros * ?. unfold union.
      cases_eqn Heq; try congruence; try reflexivity.
      1,2:inv Heq; reflexivity.
  End union.

Mapping on an environment
  Section map.
    Context {A B : Type}.

    Definition map (f : A -> B) (env : t A) :=
      fun x => option_map f (env x).

    Lemma map_in_iff f : forall x env,
        In x (map f env) <-> In x env.
      unfold In, map.
      split; intros (?&Heq); inv_equalities; eauto.
      rewrite Heq; simpl; eauto.

    Lemma dom_map f : forall env xs,
        dom (map f env) xs <-> dom env xs.
      intros. unfold dom.
      now setoid_rewrite map_in_iff.

    Lemma dom_ub_map f : forall env xs,
        dom_ub (map f env) xs <-> dom_ub env xs.
      intros. unfold dom_ub.
      now setoid_rewrite map_in_iff.

    Lemma dom_lb_map f : forall env xs,
        dom_lb (map f env) xs <-> dom_lb env xs.
      intros. unfold dom_lb.
      now setoid_rewrite map_in_iff.

    Lemma map_Equiv (R1 : relation A) (R2 : relation B) f : forall env1 env2,
        (forall x y, R1 x y -> R2 (f x) (f y)) ->
        Equiv R1 env1 env2 ->
        Equiv R2 (map f env1) (map f env2).
      unfold map.
      intros * Hrel Heq x.
      specialize (Heq x); inv Heq; constructor; auto.

    Lemma refines_map (R1 : relation A) (R2 : relation B) f : forall env1 env2,
        (forall x y, R1 x y -> R2 (f x) (f y)) ->
        refines R1 env1 env2 ->
        refines R2 (map f env1) (map f env2).
      unfold map.
      intros * Hrel Href ?? Hfind.
      inv_equalities. apply Href in Hf as (?&?&Hfind).
      rewrite Hfind. eauto.

    Lemma restrict_map R `{Reflexive _ R} f : forall env xs,
        Equiv R (restrict (map f env) xs) (map f (restrict env xs)).
      unfold restrict, map.
      intros * ?. destruct (mem_ident _ _); simpl; reflexivity.

    Lemma union_map R `{Reflexive _ R} f : forall env1 env2,
        Equiv R (map f (union env1 env2)) (union (map f env1) (map f env2)).
      unfold union, map.
      intros * ?. destruct (env2 _); simpl; reflexivity.
  End map.

  Lemma map_map {A B C} R `{Reflexive _ R} : forall env (f1 : A -> B) (f2 : B -> C),
      Equiv R (map f2 (map f1 env)) (map (fun x => f2 (f1 x)) env).
    intros * ?. unfold map.
    destruct (env x); simpl; reflexivity.

  Section mapi.
    Context {A B : Type}.

    Definition mapi (f : ident -> A -> B) (env : t A) :=
      fun x => option_map (f x) (env x).

    Lemma mapi_in_iff f : forall x env,
        In x (mapi f env) <-> In x env.
      unfold In, mapi.
      split; intros (?&Heq); inv_equalities; eauto.
      rewrite Heq; simpl; eauto.
  End mapi.

  Section of_list.
    Context {A : Type}.

    Definition of_list (l : list (ident * A)) : t A :=
      fun x => assoc_ident x l.

    Lemma of_list_find_In : forall l x a,
        (of_list l) x = Some a ->
        List.In (x, a) l.
      unfold of_list; intros; auto using assoc_ident_In.

    Lemma of_list_In_find : forall l x a,
         NoDupMembers l ->
         List.In (x, a) l ->
         (of_list l) x = Some a.
      unfold of_list; intros; auto using assoc_ident_true.

    Lemma of_list_In : forall l x,
        In x (of_list l) <-> InMembers x l.
      unfold of_list.
      split; [intros (?&Hfind)|intros Hin].
      - eapply In_InMembers, assoc_ident_In; eauto.
      - destruct (assoc_ident x l) eqn:Hass.
        + esplit; eauto.
        + exfalso. apply assoc_ident_false in Hass; auto.

    Lemma of_list_None : forall l x,
        (of_list l) x = None <-> ~InMembers x l.
      split; intros H.
      - intros contra. apply of_list_In in contra as (?&?); congruence.
      - destruct (of_list _ _) eqn:Hofl; auto.
        apply of_list_find_In, In_InMembers in Hofl. congruence.

  End of_list.

End FEnv.


Global Hint Unfold FEnv.mapi : fenv.

Simplification tactic

Ltac simpl_fenv :=
  autounfold with fenv in *;


Declare Scope fenv_scope.
Infix "+" := FEnv.union (left associativity, at level 50) : fenv_scope.
Delimit Scope fenv_scope with fenv.