Module LSyntax

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import CommonProgram.
From Velus Require Import CommonTyping.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.StaticEnv.
From Coq Require Import PArith.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

The Lustre dataflow language

Module Type LSYNTAX
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Import Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks).


  Definition ann : Type := (type * clock)%type.
  Definition lann : Type := (list type * clock)%type.

  Global Hint Unfold ann lann : conjs.

  Definition idents xs := (@fst ident (type * clock * ident)) xs.

  Inductive exp : Type :=
  | Econst : cconst -> exp
  | Eenum : enumtag -> type -> exp
  | Evar : ident -> ann -> exp
  | Elast : ident -> ann -> exp
  | Eunop : unop -> exp -> ann -> exp
  | Ebinop : binop -> exp -> exp -> ann -> exp
  | Eextcall: ident -> list exp -> (ctype * clock) -> exp
  | Efby : list exp -> list exp -> list ann -> exp
  | Earrow : list exp -> list exp -> list ann -> exp
  | Ewhen : list exp -> (ident * type) -> enumtag -> lann -> exp
  | Emerge : ident * type -> list (enumtag * list exp) -> lann -> exp
  | Ecase : exp -> list (enumtag * list exp) -> option (list exp) -> lann -> exp
  | Eapp : ident -> list exp -> list exp -> list ann -> exp.

  Implicit Type e: exp.


  Definition equation : Type := (list ident * list exp)%type.

  Implicit Type eqn: equation.


  Inductive scope A :=
  | Scope : list (ident * (type * clock * ident * option (exp * ident))) -> A -> scope A.
  Arguments Scope {_}.

  Inductive branch A :=
  | Branch : list (ident * ident) -> A -> branch A.
  Arguments Branch {_}.

  Inductive block : Type :=
  | Beq : equation -> block
  | Breset : list block -> exp -> block
  | Bswitch : exp -> list (enumtag * branch (list block)) -> block
  | Blocal : scope (list block) -> block.


  Definition numstreams (e: exp) : nat :=
    match e with
    | Econst _ | Eenum _ _ => 1
    | Efby _ _ anns
    | Earrow _ _ anns
    | Eapp _ _ _ anns => length anns
    | Evar _ _
    | Elast _ _
    | Eunop _ _ _
    | Ebinop _ _ _ _
    | Eextcall _ _ _ => 1
    | Ewhen _ _ _ (tys, _)
    | Emerge _ _ (tys, _)
    | Ecase _ _ _ (tys, _) => length tys

  Definition annot (e: exp): list (type * clock) :=
    match e with
    | Econst c => [(Tprimitive (ctype_cconst c), Cbase)]
    | Eenum _ ty => [(ty, Cbase)]
    | Efby _ _ anns
    | Earrow _ _ anns
    | Eapp _ _ _ anns => anns
    | Evar _ ann
    | Elast _ ann
    | Eunop _ _ ann
    | Ebinop _ _ _ ann => [ann]
    | Eextcall _ _ (cty, ck) => [(Tprimitive cty, ck)]
    | Ewhen _ _ _ (tys, ck)
    | Emerge _ _ (tys, ck)
    | Ecase _ _ _ (tys, ck) => map (fun ty=> (ty, ck)) tys

  Definition annots (es: list exp): list (type * clock) :=
    flat_map annot es.

  Definition typeof (e: exp): list type :=
    match e with
    | Econst c => [Tprimitive (ctype_cconst c)]
    | Eenum _ ty => [ty]
    | Efby _ _ anns
    | Earrow _ _ anns
    | Eapp _ _ _ anns => map fst anns
    | Elast _ ann
    | Evar _ ann
    | Eunop _ _ ann
    | Ebinop _ _ _ ann => [fst ann]
    | Eextcall _ _ (cty, _) => [Tprimitive cty]
    | Ewhen _ _ _ anns
    | Emerge _ _ anns
    | Ecase _ _ _ anns => fst anns

  Definition typesof (es: list exp): list type :=
    flat_map typeof es.

  Definition clockof (e: exp): list clock :=
    match e with
    | Econst _ | Eenum _ _ => [Cbase]
    | Efby _ _ anns
    | Earrow _ _ anns
    | Eapp _ _ _ anns => map snd anns
    | Evar _ ann
    | Elast _ ann
    | Eunop _ _ ann
    | Ebinop _ _ _ ann => [snd ann]
    | Eextcall _ _ (_, ck) => [ck]
    | Ewhen _ _ _ anns
    | Emerge _ _ anns
    | Ecase _ _ _ anns => map (fun _ => snd anns) (fst anns)

  Definition clocksof (es: list exp): list clock :=
    flat_map clockof es.

  Definition nclockof (e: exp): list nclock :=
    match e with
    | Econst _ | Eenum _ _ => [(Cbase, None)]
    | Efby _ _ anns
    | Earrow _ _ anns
    | Eapp _ _ _ anns => map (fun ann => (snd ann, None)) anns
    | Evar x ann => [(snd ann, Some x)]
    | Elast x ann => [(snd ann, None)]
    | Eunop _ _ ann
    | Ebinop _ _ _ ann => [(snd ann, None)]
    | Eextcall _ _ (_, ck) => [(ck, None)]
    | Ewhen _ _ _ anns
    | Emerge _ _ anns
    | Ecase _ _ _ anns => map (fun _ => (snd anns, None)) (fst anns)

  Definition nclocksof (es: list exp): list nclock :=
    flat_map nclockof es.

Variables defined by a block

`x ` is defined by `blk`
  Inductive Is_defined_in_scope {A} (Pdef : A -> Prop) x : scope A -> Prop :=
  | DefScope : forall locs blks,
      Pdef blks ->
      ~InMembers x locs ->
      Is_defined_in_scope Pdef x (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive Is_defined_in_branch {A} (Pdef : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
    | DefBranch : forall caus blks,
        Pdef blks ->
        Is_defined_in_branch Pdef (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive Is_defined_in (x : ident) : block -> Prop :=
  | DefEq : forall xs es,
      In x xs ->
      Is_defined_in x (Beq (xs, es))
  | DefReset : forall blks er,
      Exists (Is_defined_in x) blks ->
      Is_defined_in x (Breset blks er)
  | DefSwitch : forall ec branches,
      Exists (fun blks => Is_defined_in_branch (Exists (Is_defined_in x)) (snd blks)) branches ->
      Is_defined_in x (Bswitch ec branches)
  | DefLocal : forall scope,
      Is_defined_in_scope (Exists (Is_defined_in x)) x scope ->
      Is_defined_in x (Blocal scope).

Compute the variables defined by a block
  Definition vars_defined_scope {A} f_vd (s : scope A) :=
    let '(Scope locs blks) := s in
    PS.filter (fun x => negb (mem_assoc_ident x locs)) (f_vd blks).

  Definition vars_defined_branch {A} (f_vd : A -> PS.t) (s : branch A) :=
    let '(Branch caus blks) := s in f_vd blks.

  Fixpoint vars_defined (d : block) :=
    match d with
    | Beq eq => ps_from_list (fst eq)
    | Breset blocks _ => PSUnion (map vars_defined blocks)
    | Bswitch _ branches =>
      PSUnion (map (fun '(_, blks) => vars_defined_branch (fun blks => PSUnion (map vars_defined blks)) blks) branches)
    | Blocal scope =>
        vars_defined_scope (fun blks => PSUnion (map vars_defined blks)) scope

Check that the variables defined by `blk` are indeed `xs`

  Inductive VarsDefinedScope {A} (P_vd : A -> list ident -> Prop) : scope A -> list ident -> Prop :=
  | LVDscope : forall locs blks ys,
      P_vd blks (ys ++ map fst locs) ->
      VarsDefinedScope P_vd (Scope locs blks) ys.

  Inductive VarsDefinedBranch {A} (P_vd : A -> list ident -> Prop) : branch A -> list ident -> Prop :=
  | LVDbranch : forall caus blks ys,
      P_vd blks ys ->
      incl (map fst caus) ys ->
      VarsDefinedBranch P_vd (Branch caus blks) ys.

  Inductive VarsDefined : block -> list ident -> Prop :=
  | LVDeq : forall eq, VarsDefined (Beq eq) (fst eq)
  | LVDreset : forall blocks er xs,
      Forall2 VarsDefined blocks xs ->
      VarsDefined (Breset blocks er) (concat xs)
  | LVDswitch : forall ec branches ys,
      branches <> [] ->
      Forall (fun blks => VarsDefinedBranch
                         (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs
                                            /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) (snd blks) ys) branches ->
      VarsDefined (Bswitch ec branches) ys
  | LVDlocal : forall scope ys,
      VarsDefinedScope (fun blks ys => exists xs, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs /\ Permutation (concat xs) ys) scope ys ->
      VarsDefined (Blocal scope) ys.

  Ltac inv_VarsDefined :=
      match goal with
      | H:exists _, Forall2 VarsDefined _ _ /\ Permutation _ _ |- _ =>
          let Hvars := fresh "Hvars" in
          let Hperm := fresh "Hperm" in
          destruct H as (?&Hvars&Hperm)
      | H:Forall2 VarsDefined ?blks _, Hin: In _ ?blks |- _ =>
          let xs := fresh "xs" in
          let Hinxs := fresh "Hinxs" in
          let Hdef := fresh "Hdef" in
          eapply Forall2_ignore2, Forall_forall in H as (xs&Hinxs&Hdef); [|eapply Hin]
      | H:Forall2 VarsDefined _ ?xs, Hin: In _ ?xs |- _ =>
          let blk := fresh "blk" in
          let Hinblks := fresh "Hinblks" in
          let Hdef := fresh "Hdef" in
          eapply Forall2_ignore1, Forall_forall in H as (blk&Hinblks&Hdef); [|eapply Hin]
      | H:Forall (fun _ => exists _, Forall2 VarsDefined _ _ /\ Permutation _ _) ?brs, Hin: In _ ?brs |- _ =>
          let Hvars := fresh "Hvars" in
          let Hperm := fresh "Hperm" in
          eapply Forall_forall in H as (?&Hvars&Hperm); [|eapply Hin]

Shadowing is prohibited

  Inductive NoDupScope {A} (P_nd : list ident -> A -> Prop) : list ident -> scope A -> Prop :=
  | NDscope : forall env locs blks,
      P_nd (env ++ map fst locs) blks ->
      NoDupMembers locs ->
      (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~In x env) ->
      NoDupScope P_nd env (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive NoDupBranch {A} (P_nd : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
  | NDbranch : forall caus blks,
      P_nd blks ->
      NoDupMembers caus ->
      NoDupBranch P_nd (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive NoDupLocals : list ident -> block -> Prop :=
  | NDLeq : forall env eq, NoDupLocals env (Beq eq)
  | NDLreset : forall env blocks er,
      Forall (NoDupLocals env) blocks ->
      NoDupLocals env (Breset blocks er)
  | NDLswitch : forall env ec branches,
      Forall (fun blks => NoDupBranch (Forall (NoDupLocals env)) (snd blks)) branches ->
      NoDupLocals env (Bswitch ec branches)
  | NDLlocal : forall env scope,
      NoDupScope (fun env => Forall (NoDupLocals env)) env scope ->
      NoDupLocals env (Blocal scope).

All the locals must be well-formed

  Inductive GoodLocalsScope {A} (P_good : A -> Prop) (prefs : PS.t) : scope A -> Prop :=
  | GoodScope : forall locs blks,
      Forall (AtomOrGensym prefs) (map fst locs) ->
      P_good blks ->
      GoodLocalsScope P_good prefs (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive GoodLocalsBranch {A} (P_good : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
  | GoodBranch : forall caus blks,
      P_good blks ->
      GoodLocalsBranch P_good (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive GoodLocals (prefs : PS.t) : block -> Prop :=
  | GoodEq : forall eq,
      GoodLocals prefs (Beq eq)
  | GoodReset : forall blks er,
      Forall (GoodLocals prefs) blks ->
      GoodLocals prefs (Breset blks er)
  | GoodSwitch : forall ec branches,
      Forall (fun blks => GoodLocalsBranch (Forall (GoodLocals prefs)) (snd blks)) branches ->
      GoodLocals prefs (Bswitch ec branches)
  | GoodLocal : forall scope,
      GoodLocalsScope (Forall (GoodLocals prefs)) prefs scope ->
      GoodLocals prefs (Blocal scope).

  Record node {PSyn : block -> Prop} {prefs : PS.t} : Type :=
    mk_node {
        n_name : ident;
        n_hasstate : bool;
        n_in : list (ident * (type * clock * ident));
        n_out : list (ident * (type * clock * ident));
        n_block : block;

        n_ingt0 : 0 < length n_in;
        n_outgt0 : 0 < length n_out;
        n_defd : exists xs, VarsDefined n_block xs /\ Permutation xs (map fst n_out);
        n_nodup : NoDupMembers (n_in ++ n_out) /\
                     NoDupLocals (map fst (n_in ++ n_out)) n_block;
        n_good : Forall (AtomOrGensym prefs) (map fst (n_in ++ n_out))
                     /\ GoodLocals prefs n_block
                     /\ atom n_name;
        n_syn : PSyn n_block;

  Global Instance node_unit {PSyn prefs} : ProgramUnit (@node PSyn prefs) :=
    { name := n_name; }.


  Record global {PSyn prefs} :=
    Global {
        types : list type;
        externs : list (ident * (list ctype * ctype));
        nodes : list (@node PSyn prefs);
  Arguments Global {_ _}.

  Global Program Instance global_program {PSyn prefs} : Program (@node PSyn prefs) global :=
    { units := nodes;
      update := fun g => Global g.(types) g.(externs) }.

  Section find_node.
    Context {PSyn : block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs : PS.t}.

    Definition find_node (f: ident) (G: @global PSyn prefs) :=
      option_map fst (find_unit f G).

    Lemma find_node_Exists:
      forall f G, find_node f G <> None <-> List.Exists (fun n=> f = n.(n_name)) (nodes G).
      intros f G.
      unfold find_node.
      now rewrite option_map_None, find_unit_Exists.

    Lemma find_node_now:
      forall f n G types externs,
        n.(n_name) = f ->
        find_node f (Global types externs (n::G)) = Some n.
      intros * Heq; subst.
      unfold find_node, find_unit; simpl.
      destruct (ident_eq_dec _ _); simpl; congruence.

    Lemma find_node_other:
      forall f n G types externs,
        n.(n_name) <> f ->
        find_node f (Global types externs (n::G)) = find_node f (Global types externs G).
      intros * Hnf.
      unfold find_node. f_equal.
      eapply find_unit_other; eauto.
      now intros ?.

    Lemma find_node_cons f (a : @node PSyn prefs) types externs nds n :
      find_node f (Global types externs (a :: nds)) = Some n ->
      (f = n_name a /\ a = n) \/
      (f <> n_name a /\ find_node f (Global types externs nds) = Some n).
      unfold find_node. intros Hfind.
      apply option_map_inv in Hfind as ((?&?)&Hfind&?); subst.
      eapply CommonProgram.find_unit_cons in Hfind as [(?&?)|(?&?)]; try reflexivity.
      - inv H0. eauto.
      - simpl in *. right.
        rewrite H0; auto.

    Lemma find_node_change_types : forall nds enms enms' ext ext' f,
        find_node f (Global enms ext nds) = find_node f (Global enms' ext' nds).
      induction nds; intros *. reflexivity.
      destruct (ident_eq_dec f (n_name a)); subst.
      - rewrite 2 find_node_now; auto.
      - rewrite 2 find_node_other; auto.

  End find_node.

  Lemma equiv_program_types {PSyn prefs} : forall (G G' : @global PSyn prefs),
      equiv_program G G' ->
      types G = types G'.
    intros * Heq.
    specialize (Heq []); inv Heq; auto.

  Corollary suffix_types {PSyn prefs} : forall (G G' : @global PSyn prefs),
      suffix G G' ->
      types G = types G'.
    intros * Suff. inv Suff.
    apply equiv_program_types; auto.

Structural properties

  Section exp_ind2.

    Variable P : exp -> Prop.

    Hypothesis EconstCase:
      forall c,
        P (Econst c).

    Hypothesis EenumCase:
      forall k ty,
        P (Eenum k ty).

    Hypothesis EvarCase:
      forall x a,
        P (Evar x a).

    Hypothesis ElastCase:
      forall x a,
        P (Elast x a).

    Hypothesis EunopCase:
      forall op e a,
        P e ->
        P (Eunop op e a).

    Hypothesis EbinopCase:
      forall op e1 e2 a,
        P e1 ->
        P e2 ->
        P (Ebinop op e1 e2 a).

    Hypothesis EextcallCase:
      forall f es ann,
        Forall P es ->
        P (Eextcall f es ann).

    Hypothesis EfbyCase:
      forall e0s es a,
        Forall P e0s ->
        Forall P es ->
        P (Efby e0s es a).

    Hypothesis EarrowCase:
      forall e0s es a,
        Forall P e0s ->
        Forall P es ->
        P (Earrow e0s es a).

    Hypothesis EwhenCase:
      forall es x b a,
        Forall P es ->
        P (Ewhen es x b a).

    Hypothesis EmergeCase:
      forall x es a,
        Forall (fun es => Forall P (snd es)) es ->
        P (Emerge x es a).

    Hypothesis EcaseCase:
      forall e es d a,
        P e ->
        Forall (fun es => Forall P (snd es)) es ->
        LiftO True (Forall P) d ->
        P (Ecase e es d a).

    Hypothesis EappCase:
      forall f es er a,
        Forall P es ->
        Forall P er ->
        P (Eapp f es er a).

    Local Ltac SolveForall :=
      match goal with
      | |- Forall ?P ?l => induction l; auto
      | _ => idtac

    Fixpoint exp_ind2 (e: exp) : P e.
      destruct e.
      - apply EconstCase; auto.
      - apply EenumCase; auto.
      - apply EvarCase; auto.
      - apply ElastCase; auto.
      - apply EunopCase; auto.
      - apply EbinopCase; auto.
      - apply EextcallCase; SolveForall; auto.
      - apply EfbyCase; SolveForall; auto.
      - apply EarrowCase; SolveForall; auto.
      - apply EwhenCase; SolveForall.
      - apply EmergeCase; SolveForall.
        constructor; auto. SolveForall.
      - apply EcaseCase; auto.
        + SolveForall. constructor; auto. SolveForall.
        + destruct o; simpl; auto. SolveForall.
      - apply EappCase; SolveForall; auto.

  End exp_ind2.

  Section block_ind2.

    Variable P : block -> Prop.

    Hypothesis BeqCase:
      forall eq,
        P (Beq eq).

    Hypothesis BresetCase:
      forall blocks er,
        Forall P blocks ->
        P (Breset blocks er).

    Hypothesis BswitchCase:
      forall ec branches,
        Forall (fun '(_, Branch _ blks) => Forall P blks) branches ->
        P (Bswitch ec branches).

    Hypothesis BlocalCase:
      forall locs blocks,
        Forall P blocks ->
        P (Blocal (Scope locs blocks)).

    Fixpoint block_ind2 (d: block) : P d.
      destruct d.
      - apply BeqCase; auto.
      - apply BresetCase; induction l; auto.
      - apply BswitchCase; induction l as [|[?[? blks]]]; constructor; auto.
        induction blks; auto.
      - destruct s as [? blks]. apply BlocalCase; induction blks; auto.

  End block_ind2.


  Fact length_annot_numstreams : forall e,
      length (annot e) = numstreams e.
    destruct e; simpl; auto; destruct_conjs; auto using map_length.


  Fact typeof_annot : forall e,
      typeof e = map fst (annot e).
    destruct e; simpl; try reflexivity;
      destruct_conjs; auto.
    all:now rewrite map_map, map_id.

  Corollary length_typeof_numstreams : forall e,
      length (typeof e) = numstreams e.
    rewrite typeof_annot.
    rewrite map_length.
    apply length_annot_numstreams.

  Fact typesof_annots : forall es,
      typesof es = map fst (annots es).
    induction es; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite map_app.
      f_equal; auto. apply typeof_annot.

  Corollary length_typesof_annots : forall es,
      length (typesof es) = length (annots es).
    intros es.
    rewrite typesof_annots.
    apply map_length.

  Fact typeof_concat_typesof : forall l,
      concat (map typeof (concat l)) = concat (map typesof l).
    intros l.
    unfold typesof.
    induction l; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite map_app. rewrite concat_app.
      rewrite flat_map_concat_map. f_equal; eauto.


  Fact clockof_annot : forall e,
      clockof e = map snd (annot e).
    destruct e; simpl; try reflexivity; destruct_conjs;
      repeat rewrite map_map; auto.

  Corollary length_clockof_numstreams : forall e,
      length (clockof e) = numstreams e.
    rewrite clockof_annot.
    repeat rewrite map_length.
    apply length_annot_numstreams.

  Fact clocksof_annots : forall es,
      clocksof es = map snd (annots es).
    induction es; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - repeat rewrite map_app.
      f_equal; auto. apply clockof_annot.

  Corollary length_clocksof_annots : forall es,
      length (clocksof es) = length (annots es).
    intros es.
    rewrite clocksof_annots.
    apply map_length.

  Lemma In_clocksof:
    forall sck es,
      In sck (clocksof es) ->
      exists e, In e es /\ In sck (clockof e).
    induction es as [|e es IH]. now inversion 1.
    simpl. rewrite in_app.
    destruct 1 as [Hin|Hin].
    now eauto with datatypes.
    apply IH in Hin. destruct Hin as (e' & Hin1 & Hin2).
    eauto with datatypes.

  Fact clockof_concat_clocksof : forall l,
      concat (map clockof (concat l)) = concat (map clocksof l).
    intros l.
    unfold clocksof.
    induction l; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite map_app, concat_app, flat_map_concat_map.
      f_equal; eauto.

nclockof and nclocksof

  Fact nclockof_annot : forall e,
      map fst (nclockof e) = map snd (annot e).
    destruct e; simpl; try reflexivity;
      destruct_conjs; repeat rewrite map_map; auto.

  Corollary length_nclockof_numstreams : forall e,
      length (nclockof e) = numstreams e.
    erewrite <-map_length, nclockof_annot, map_length.
    apply length_annot_numstreams.

  Fact nclocksof_annots : forall es,
      map fst (nclocksof es) = map snd (annots es).
    induction es; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - repeat rewrite map_app.
      f_equal; auto. apply nclockof_annot.

  Corollary length_nclocksof_annots : forall es,
      length (nclocksof es) = length (annots es).
    intros es.
    erewrite <-map_length, nclocksof_annots, map_length. auto.

  Lemma clockof_nclockof:
    forall e,
      clockof e = map stripname (nclockof e).
    destruct e; simpl; destruct_conjs; try rewrite map_map; auto.

  Lemma nclockof_length :
    forall e, length (nclockof e) = length (clockof e).
    intros e. rewrite clockof_nclockof, map_length; auto.

  Lemma clocksof_nclocksof:
    forall es,
      clocksof es = map stripname (nclocksof es).
    induction es as [|e es IH]; auto; simpl.
    now rewrite map_app, IH, <-clockof_nclockof.

  Lemma In_nclocksof:
    forall nck es,
      In nck (nclocksof es) ->
      exists e, In e es /\ In nck (nclockof e).
    induction es as [|e es IH]. now inversion 1.
    simpl; rewrite in_app.
    destruct 1 as [Hin|Hin]; eauto with datatypes.
    apply IH in Hin. destruct Hin as (e' & Hin1 & Hin2).
    eauto with datatypes.

  Corollary In_snd_nclocksof:
    forall n es,
      In n (map snd (nclocksof es)) ->
      exists e, In e es /\ In n (map snd (nclockof e)).
    intros * Hin. apply in_map_iff in Hin as (?&?&Hin).
    apply In_nclocksof in Hin as (e&?&?).
    exists e. split; auto. apply in_map_iff; eauto.

Interface equivalence between nodes

  Section interface_eq.
    Context {PSyn1 PSyn2 : block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs1 prefs2 : PS.t}.

Nodes are equivalent if their interface are equivalent, that is if they have the same identifier and the same input/output types
    Definition node_iface_eq (n : @node PSyn1 prefs1) (n' : @node PSyn2 prefs2) : Prop :=
      n.(n_name) = n'.(n_name) /\
      n.(n_hasstate) = n'.(n_hasstate) /\
      n.(n_in) = n'.(n_in) /\
      n.(n_out) = n'.(n_out).

    Definition global_iface_incl (G : @global PSyn1 prefs1) (G' : @global PSyn2 prefs2) : Prop :=
      incl (types G) (types G')
      /\ incl (externs G) (externs G')
      /\ forall f n, find_node f G = Some n ->
               exists n', find_node f G' = Some n' /\ node_iface_eq n n'.

Globals are equivalent if they contain equivalent nodes
    Definition global_iface_eq (G : @global PSyn1 prefs1) (G' : @global PSyn2 prefs2) : Prop :=
      types G = types G'
      /\ externs G = externs G'
      /\ forall f, orel2 node_iface_eq (find_node f G) (find_node f G').

    Lemma iface_eq_iface_incl : forall (G : @global PSyn1 prefs1) (G' : @global PSyn2 prefs2),
        global_iface_eq G G' ->
        global_iface_incl G G'.
      intros * (Htyps&Hexts&Hg2).
      repeat split.
      - now rewrite Htyps.
      - now rewrite Hexts.
      - intros * Hfind. specialize (Hg2 f). rewrite Hfind in Hg2; inv Hg2. eauto.

    Lemma global_iface_eq_nil : forall types externs,
        global_iface_eq (Global types externs []) (Global types externs []).
      unfold global_iface_eq, find_node.
      repeat split; auto.
      intros *; simpl. constructor.

    Lemma global_iface_eq_cons : forall types externs nds nds' n n',
        global_iface_eq (Global types externs nds) (Global types externs nds') ->
        n.(n_name) = n'.(n_name) ->
        n.(n_hasstate) = n'.(n_hasstate) ->
        n.(n_in) = n'.(n_in) ->
        n.(n_out) = n'.(n_out) ->
        global_iface_eq (Global types externs (n::nds)) (Global types externs (n'::nds')).
      intros * (?&?&Heq) Hname Hstate Hin Hout.
      repeat split; auto. intros ?.
      destruct (Pos.eq_dec (n_name n) f); subst.
      - simpl. repeat rewrite find_node_now; auto.
        repeat constructor; auto.
      - repeat rewrite find_node_other; auto.

    Lemma global_iface_eq_find : forall G G' f n,
        global_iface_eq G G' ->
        find_node f G = Some n ->
        exists n', (find_node f G' = Some n' /\
               node_iface_eq n n').
      intros G G' f n (_&_&Hglob) Hfind.
      specialize (Hglob f).
      inv Hglob; try congruence.
      rewrite Hfind in H. inv H.
      exists sy. auto.

  End interface_eq.

  Fact node_iface_eq_refl {PSyn prefs} : Reflexive (@node_iface_eq PSyn _ prefs _).
    intros n. repeat split.

  Fact node_iface_eq_sym {P1 P2 p1 p2} : forall (n1 : @node P1 p1) (n2 : @node P2 p2),
      node_iface_eq n1 n2 ->
      node_iface_eq n2 n1.
    intros * (?&?&?&?).
    constructor; auto.

  Fact node_iface_eq_trans {P1 P2 P3 p1 p2 p3} : forall (n1 : @node P1 p1) (n2 : @node P2 p2) (n3 : @node P3 p3),
      node_iface_eq n1 n2 ->
      node_iface_eq n2 n3 ->
      node_iface_eq n1 n3.
    intros n1 n2 n3 H12 H23.
    destruct H12 as [? [? [? ?]]].
    destruct H23 as [? [? [? ?]]].
    repeat split; etransitivity; eauto.

  Lemma global_iface_incl_refl {PSyn prefs} : Reflexive (@global_iface_incl PSyn _ prefs _).
    intros G. repeat split; intros; try reflexivity.
    do 2 esplit; eauto. apply node_iface_eq_refl.

  Fact global_iface_incl_trans {P1 P2 P3 p1 p2 p3} : forall (n1 : @global P1 p1) (n2 : @global P2 p2) (n3 : @global P3 p3),
      global_iface_incl n1 n2 ->
      global_iface_incl n2 n3 ->
      global_iface_incl n1 n3.
    intros n1 n2 n3 H12 H23.
    destruct H12 as (?&?&H12), H23 as (?&?&H23).
    repeat split. 1,2:etransitivity; eauto.
    - intros * Hfind. specialize (H12 _ _ Hfind) as (?&Hfind2&?).
      specialize (H23 _ _ Hfind2) as (?&Hfind3&?).
      do 2 esplit; eauto.
      eapply node_iface_eq_trans; eauto.

  Fact global_iface_eq_refl {PSyn prefs} : Reflexive (@global_iface_eq PSyn _ prefs _).
    intros G. repeat split; intros; try reflexivity.
    destruct (find_node f G); constructor.
    apply node_iface_eq_refl.

  Fact global_iface_eq_sym {P1 P2 p1 p2} : forall (G1 : @global P1 p1) (G2 : @global P2 p2),
      global_iface_eq G1 G2 ->
      global_iface_eq G2 G1.
    intros * (?&?&H12).
    repeat split; auto.
    intros f. specialize (H12 f).
    inv H12; constructor; auto.
    apply node_iface_eq_sym; auto.

  Fact global_iface_eq_trans {P1 P2 P3 p1 p2 p3} : forall (n1 : @global P1 p1) (n2 : @global P2 p2) (n3 : @global P3 p3),
      global_iface_eq n1 n2 ->
      global_iface_eq n2 n3 ->
      global_iface_eq n1 n3.
    intros n1 n2 n3 H12 H23.
    destruct H12 as (?&?&H12), H23 as (?&?&H23).
    repeat split; try congruence.
    intros f. specialize (H12 f). specialize (H23 f).
    inv H12; inv H23; try congruence; constructor.
    rewrite <-H4 in H6. inv H6.
    eapply node_iface_eq_trans; eauto.

Property of length in expressions; is implied by wc and wt

  Inductive wl_exp {PSyn prefs} : (@global PSyn prefs) -> exp -> Prop :=
  | wl_Const : forall G c,
      wl_exp G (Econst c)
  | wl_Enum : forall G k ty,
      wl_exp G (Eenum k ty)
  | wl_Evar : forall G x a,
      wl_exp G (Evar x a)
  | wl_Elast : forall G x a,
      wl_exp G (Elast x a)
  | wl_Eunop : forall G op e a,
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      wl_exp G (Eunop op e a)
  | wl_Ebinop : forall G op e1 e2 a,
      wl_exp G e1 ->
      wl_exp G e2 ->
      numstreams e1 = 1 ->
      numstreams e2 = 1 ->
      wl_exp G (Ebinop op e1 e2 a)
  | wl_Eextapp : forall G f es ann,
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      annots es <> [] ->
      wl_exp G (Eextcall f es ann)
  | wl_Efby : forall G e0s es anns,
      Forall (wl_exp G) e0s ->
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      length (annots e0s) = length anns ->
      length (annots es) = length anns ->
      wl_exp G (Efby e0s es anns)
  | wl_Earrow : forall G e0s es anns,
      Forall (wl_exp G) e0s ->
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      length (annots e0s) = length anns ->
      length (annots es) = length anns ->
      wl_exp G (Earrow e0s es anns)
  | wl_Ewhen : forall G es x b tys nck,
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      length (annots es) = length tys ->
      wl_exp G (Ewhen es x b (tys, nck))
  | wl_Emerge : forall G x es tys nck,
      es <> nil ->
      Forall (fun es => Forall (wl_exp G) (snd es)) es ->
      Forall (fun es => length (annots (snd es)) = length tys) es ->
      wl_exp G (Emerge x es (tys, nck))
  | wl_Ecase : forall G e es d tys nck,
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      es <> nil ->
      Forall (fun es => Forall (wl_exp G) (snd es)) es ->
      Forall (fun es => length (annots (snd es)) = length tys) es ->
      (forall d0, d = Some d0 -> Forall (wl_exp G) d0) ->
      (forall d0, d = Some d0 -> length (annots d0) = length tys) ->
      wl_exp G (Ecase e es d (tys, nck))
  | wl_Eapp : forall G f n es er anns,
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      Forall (wl_exp G) er ->
      Forall (fun e => numstreams e = 1) er ->
      find_node f G = Some n ->
      length (annots es) = length (n_in n) ->
      length anns = length (n_out n) ->
      wl_exp G (Eapp f es er anns).

  Definition wl_equation {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) (eq : equation) :=
    let (xs, es) := eq in
    Forall (wl_exp G) es /\ length xs = length (annots es).

  Inductive wl_scope {A} (P_wl : A -> Prop) {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : scope A -> Prop :=
  | wl_Scope : forall locs blks,
      Forall (fun '(_, (_,_,_,o)) => LiftO True (fun '(e, _) => wl_exp G e /\ numstreams e = 1) o) locs ->
      P_wl blks ->
      wl_scope P_wl G (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive wl_branch {A} (P_wl : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
  | wl_Branch : forall caus blks,
      P_wl blks ->
      wl_branch P_wl (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive wl_block {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) : block -> Prop :=
  | wl_Beq : forall eq,
      wl_equation G eq ->
      wl_block G (Beq eq)
  | wl_Breset : forall blocks er,
      Forall (wl_block G) blocks ->
      wl_exp G er ->
      numstreams er = 1 ->
      wl_block G (Breset blocks er)
  | wl_Bswitch : forall ec branches,
      wl_exp G ec ->
      numstreams ec = 1 ->
      branches <> [] ->
      Forall (fun blks => wl_branch (Forall (wl_block G)) (snd blks)) branches ->
      wl_block G (Bswitch ec branches)
  | wl_Blocal : forall scope,
      wl_scope (Forall (wl_block G)) G scope ->
      wl_block G (Blocal scope).

  Definition wl_node {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) (n : @node PSyn prefs) :=
    wl_block G (n_block n).

  Definition wl_global {PSyn prefs} : @global PSyn prefs -> Prop :=
    wt_program wl_node.

Limiting the variables appearing in expression, equation or block to an environnement

  Inductive wx_clock (vars : static_env) : clock -> Prop :=
  | wx_Cbase : wx_clock vars Cbase
  | wx_Con : forall ck x tx,
      wx_clock vars ck ->
      IsVar vars x ->
      wx_clock vars (Con ck x tx).

  Inductive wx_exp (Γ : static_env) : exp -> Prop :=
  | wx_Const : forall c,
      wx_exp Γ (Econst c)
  | wx_Enum : forall k ty,
      wx_exp Γ (Eenum k ty)
  | wx_Evar : forall x a,
      IsVar Γ x ->
      wx_exp Γ (Evar x a)
  | wx_Elast : forall x ty ck,
      IsLast Γ x ->
      wx_exp Γ (Elast x (ty, ck))
  | wx_Eunop : forall op e a,
      wx_exp Γ e ->
      wx_exp Γ (Eunop op e a)
  | wx_Ebinop : forall op e1 e2 a,
      wx_exp Γ e1 ->
      wx_exp Γ e2 ->
      wx_exp Γ (Ebinop op e1 e2 a)
  | wc_Eextcall : forall f es ann,
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) es ->
      wx_exp Γ (Eextcall f es ann)
  | wx_Efby : forall e0s es anns,
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) e0s ->
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) es ->
      wx_exp Γ (Efby e0s es anns)
  | wx_Earrow : forall e0s es anns,
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) e0s ->
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) es ->
      wx_exp Γ (Earrow e0s es anns)
  | wx_Ewhen : forall es x tx b tys nck,
      IsVar Γ x ->
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) es ->
      wx_exp Γ (Ewhen es (x, tx) b (tys, nck))
  | wx_Emerge : forall x tx es tys nck,
      IsVar Γ x ->
      Forall (fun es => Forall (wx_exp Γ) (snd es)) es ->
      wx_exp Γ (Emerge (x, tx) es (tys, nck))
  | wx_Ecase : forall e es d tys nck,
      wx_exp Γ e ->
      Forall (fun es => Forall (wx_exp Γ) (snd es)) es ->
      (forall d0, d = Some d0 -> Forall (wx_exp Γ) d0) ->
      wx_exp Γ (Ecase e es d (tys, nck))
  | wx_Eapp : forall f es er anns,
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) es ->
      Forall (wx_exp Γ) er ->
      wx_exp Γ (Eapp f es er anns).

  Definition wx_equation Γ (eq : equation) :=
    let (xs, es) := eq in
    Forall (wx_exp Γ) es /\ Forall (IsVar Γ) xs.

  Inductive wx_scope {A} (P_wx : static_env -> A -> Prop) : static_env -> scope A -> Prop :=
  | wx_Scope : forall Γ Γ' locs blks,
      Î“' = Γ ++ senv_of_locs locs ->
      Forall (fun '(_, (_,_,_,o)) => LiftO True (fun '(e, _) => wx_exp Γ' e) o) locs ->
      P_wx Γ' blks ->
      wx_scope P_wx Γ (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive wx_branch {A} (P_wx : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
  | wx_Branch : forall caus blks,
      P_wx blks ->
      wx_branch P_wx (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive wx_block : static_env -> block -> Prop :=
  | wx_Beq : forall Γ eq,
      wx_equation Γ eq ->
      wx_block Γ (Beq eq)
  | wx_Breset : forall Γ blks er,
      Forall (wx_block Γ) blks ->
      wx_exp Γ er ->
      wx_block Γ (Breset blks er)
  | wc_Bswitch : forall Γ ec branches,
      wx_exp Γ ec ->
      Forall (fun blks => wx_branch ( Forall (wx_block Γ)) (snd blks)) branches ->
      wx_block Γ (Bswitch ec branches)
  | wx_Blocal : forall Γ scope,
      wx_scope (fun Γ => Forall (wx_block Γ)) Γ scope ->
      wx_block Γ (Blocal scope).

  Definition wx_node {PSyn prefs} (n : @node PSyn prefs) :=
    wx_block (senv_of_inout (n_in n ++ n_out n)) (n_block n).

  Definition wx_global {PSyn prefs} (G: @global PSyn prefs) : Prop :=
    Forall wx_node (nodes G).

  Section wx_incl.

    Hint Constructors wx_exp wx_block : core.

    Lemma wx_clock_incl : forall Γ Γ' ck,
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        wx_clock Γ ck ->
        wx_clock Γ' ck.
      induction ck; intros * Hv Hwx; inv Hwx; constructor; eauto.

    Lemma wx_exp_incl : forall Γ Γ' e,
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, IsLast Γ x -> IsLast Γ' x) ->
        wx_exp Γ e ->
        wx_exp Γ' e.
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Hincl1 Hincl2 Hwx; inv Hwx; eauto with senv;
        constructor; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - intros ??; subst; simpl in *.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
        eapply Forall_forall in H7; eauto.

    Lemma wx_equation_incl : forall Γ Γ' equ,
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, IsLast Γ x -> IsLast Γ' x) ->
        wx_equation Γ equ ->
        wx_equation Γ' equ.
      intros ?? (xs&es) Hincl1 Hincl2 (Hes&Hxs).
      - simpl_Forall.
        eapply wx_exp_incl; eauto.
      - simpl_Forall. eauto.

    Fact wx_scope_incl {A} (P_wx: _ -> A -> Prop) : forall Γ Γ' locs blks,
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, IsLast Γ x -> IsLast Γ' x) ->
        (forall Γ Γ', (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
                 (forall x, IsLast Γ x -> IsLast Γ' x) ->
                 P_wx Γ blks ->
                 P_wx Γ' blks) ->
        wx_scope P_wx Γ (Scope locs blks) ->
        wx_scope P_wx Γ' (Scope locs blks).
      intros * Hin1 Hin2 Hp Hwx. inv Hwx.
      econstructor; eauto.
      - simpl_Forall. destruct o as [(?&?)|]; simpl in *; auto.
        eapply wx_exp_incl; [| |eauto]; intros ?.
        rewrite 2 IsVar_app. intros [|]; eauto.
        rewrite 2 IsLast_app. intros [|]; eauto.
      - eapply Hp; [| |eauto]; intros ?.
        rewrite 2 IsVar_app. intros [|]; eauto.
        rewrite 2 IsLast_app. intros [|]; eauto.

    Lemma wx_block_incl : forall Γ Γ' blk,
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, IsLast Γ x -> IsLast Γ' x) ->
        wx_block Γ blk ->
        wx_block Γ' blk.
      intros *. revert Γ Γ'.
      induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hincl1 Hincl2 Hwx; inv Hwx.
      - (* equation *)
        constructor. eapply wx_equation_incl; eauto.
      - (* reset *)
        constructor; simpl_Forall; eauto.
        eapply wx_exp_incl; eauto.
      - (* switch *)
        + eapply wx_exp_incl; eauto.
        + simpl_Forall; eauto. take (wx_branch _ _) and inv it. constructor.
          simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* local *)
        constructor. eapply wx_scope_incl; eauto.
        intros; simpl_Forall; eauto.
  End wx_incl.

Specifications of some subset of the language

Without local blocks

  Inductive nolocal_block : block -> Prop :=
  | NLeq : forall eq, nolocal_block (Beq eq)
  | NLreset : forall blks er,
      Forall nolocal_block blks ->
      nolocal_block (Breset blks er).

  Inductive nolocal_top_block : block -> Prop :=
  | NLnode : forall locs blks,
      Forall (fun '(_, (_, _, _, o)) => o = None) locs ->
      Forall nolocal_block blks ->
      nolocal_top_block (Blocal (Scope locs blks)).

Without switches

  Inductive noswitch_block : block -> Prop :=
  | NSeq : forall eq, noswitch_block (Beq eq)
  | NSreset : forall blks er,
      Forall noswitch_block blks ->
      noswitch_block (Breset blks er)
  | NSlocal : forall locs blks,
      Forall (fun '(_, (_, _, _, o)) => o = None) locs ->
      Forall noswitch_block blks ->
      noswitch_block (Blocal (Scope locs blks)).

Without last

  Inductive nolast_scope {A} (P_nolast : A -> Prop) : scope A -> Prop :=
  | NLscope : forall locs blks,
      Forall (fun '(_, (_, _, _, o)) => o = None) locs ->
      P_nolast blks ->
      nolast_scope P_nolast (Scope locs blks).

  Inductive nolast_branch {A} (P_nolast : A -> Prop) : branch A -> Prop :=
  | NLbranch : forall caus blks,
      P_nolast blks ->
      nolast_branch P_nolast (Branch caus blks).

  Inductive nolast_block : block -> Prop :=
  | NLaeq : forall eq, nolast_block (Beq eq)
  | NLareset : forall blks er,
      Forall nolast_block blks ->
      nolast_block (Breset blks er)
  | NLaswitch : forall ec branches,
      Forall (fun blks => nolast_branch (Forall nolast_block) (snd blks)) branches ->
      nolast_block (Bswitch ec branches)
  | NLalocal : forall scope,
      nolast_scope (Forall nolast_block) scope ->
      nolast_block (Blocal scope).

Inclusion of these properties

  Fact noswitch_nolast : forall blk,
      noswitch_block blk ->
      nolast_block blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hns;
      inv Hns; constructor; simpl_Forall; eauto.
    constructor; auto. simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Fact nolocal_noswitch : forall blk,
      nolocal_block blk ->
      noswitch_block blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hns;
      inv Hns; constructor; simpl_Forall; eauto.

Inversion tactics

  Ltac inv_exp :=
    match goal with
    | H:wl_exp _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wx_exp _ _ |- _ => inv H

  Ltac inv_scope :=
    match goal with
    | H:Is_defined_in_scope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:VarsDefinedScope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:NoDupScope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:GoodLocalsScope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wl_scope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wx_scope _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:nolast_scope _ _ |- _ => inv H
    destruct_conjs; subst.

  Ltac inv_branch :=
    match goal with
    | H:Is_defined_in_branch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:VarsDefinedBranch _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:NoDupBranch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:GoodLocalsBranch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wl_branch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wx_branch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:nolast_branch _ _ |- _ => inv H
    destruct_conjs; subst.

  Ltac inv_block :=
    match goal with
    | H:Is_defined_in _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:VarsDefined _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:NoDupLocals _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:GoodLocals _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wl_block _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:wx_block _ _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:nolocal_block _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:nolocal_top_block _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:noswitch_block _ |- _ => inv H
    | H:nolast_block _ |- _ => inv H

Additional properties

  Fact NoDupScope_incl {A} (P_nd: _ -> A -> Prop) : forall locs blks xs xs',
      (forall xs xs', incl xs xs' -> P_nd xs' blks -> P_nd xs blks) ->
      incl xs xs' ->
      NoDupScope P_nd xs' (Scope locs blks) ->
      NoDupScope P_nd xs (Scope locs blks).
    intros * Hp Hincl Hnd.
    inv Hnd; constructor; eauto using incl_appl'.
    intros * Hin1 Hin2. eapply H4; eauto.

  Lemma NoDupLocals_incl : forall blk xs xs',
      incl xs xs' ->
      NoDupLocals xs' blk ->
      NoDupLocals xs blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hincl Hnd; inv_block.
    - (* eq *)
    - (* reset *)
      constructor. simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      constructor. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      inv_branch. constructor; auto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* local *)
      constructor; auto.
      eapply NoDupScope_incl; eauto.
      intros. simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Corollary node_NoDupLocals {PSyn prefs} : forall (n : @node PSyn prefs),
      NoDupLocals (map fst (n_in n ++ n_out n)) (n_block n).
    intros *.
    pose proof (n_nodup n) as (_&Hnd).
    eapply NoDupLocals_incl; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : NoDupLocals
      with signature @Permutation _ ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as NoDupLocals_Permutation.
    intros * Hperm ? Hnd.
    eapply NoDupLocals_incl; eauto.
    rewrite Hperm. reflexivity.

  Fact NoDupScope_incl' {A} (P_nd : list ident -> A -> Prop) P_good npref prefs : forall locs blks xs ys,
      ~PS.In npref prefs ->
      GoodLocalsScope P_good prefs (Scope locs blks) ->
      (forall x, In x ys -> In x xs \/ exists id hint, x = gensym npref hint id) ->
      NoDupScope P_nd xs (Scope locs blks) ->
      (forall xs ys,
          P_good blks ->
          (forall x, In x ys -> In x xs \/ exists id hint, x = gensym npref hint id) ->
          P_nd xs blks ->
          P_nd ys blks) ->
      NoDupScope P_nd ys (Scope locs blks).
    intros * Hnin Hgood Hin Hnd Hp; repeat inv_scope.
    constructor; auto.
    - eapply Hp in H1; eauto.
      intros. rewrite in_app_iff in *. destruct H; eauto.
      edestruct Hin; eauto.
    - intros ? Hinm. specialize (H4 _ Hinm) as Hx.
      contradict Hx. apply Hin in Hx as [?|(?&?&Hpref)]; auto; subst. exfalso.
      eapply Forall_forall in H2. 2:(rewrite <- fst_InMembers; eauto).
      inv H2.
      + apply gensym_not_atom in H; auto.
      + destruct H as (?&Hpsin&?&?&Heq).
        eapply gensym_injective in Heq as (?&?); subst. contradiction.

  Lemma NoDupLocals_incl' prefs npref : forall blk xs ys,
      ~PS.In npref prefs ->
      GoodLocals prefs blk ->
      (forall x, In x ys -> In x xs \/ exists id hint, x = gensym npref hint id) ->
      NoDupLocals xs blk ->
      NoDupLocals ys blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2;
      intros * Hnin Hgood Hin Hnd; repeat inv_block.
    - (* equation *) constructor.
    - (* reset *)
      constructor. simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      constructor. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      repeat inv_branch. constructor; auto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* local *)
      constructor; auto.
      eapply NoDupScope_incl'; eauto.
      intros; simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Lemma node_NoDup {PSyn prefs} : forall (n : @node PSyn prefs),
      NoDup (map fst (n_in n ++ n_out n)).
    intros n.
    rewrite <- fst_NoDupMembers.
    apply n_nodup.

  Lemma AtomOrGensym_add : forall pref prefs xs,
      Forall (AtomOrGensym prefs) xs ->
      Forall (AtomOrGensym (PS.add pref prefs)) xs.
    intros * Hat.
    eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto].
    intros ? [?|(pref'&?&?)]; [left|right]; subst; auto.
    exists pref'. auto using PSF.add_2.

  Lemma GoodLocals_add : forall p prefs blk,
      GoodLocals prefs blk ->
      GoodLocals (PS.add p prefs) blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hgood; inv_block.
    - (* equation *)
      constructor; eauto.
    - (* reset *)
      constructor; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      constructor; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
      inv H1; econstructor; eauto using AtomOrGensym_add.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* locals *)
      inv_scope; econstructor; eauto using AtomOrGensym_add.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Lemma VarsDefinedScope_Is_defined {A} P_nd P_vd (P_def: _ -> Prop) : forall locs (blks: A) xs x,
      VarsDefinedScope P_vd (Scope locs blks) xs ->
      NoDupScope P_nd xs (Scope locs blks) ->
      In x xs ->
      (forall xs,
          P_vd blks xs ->
          P_nd xs blks ->
          In x xs ->
          P_def blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_scope P_def x (Scope locs blks).
    intros * Hnd Hvars Hin Hind; inv Hnd; inv Hvars.
    econstructor; eauto using in_or_app.
    intros * Hnin. eapply H5; eauto.

  Lemma VarsDefinedBranch_Is_defined {A} P_nd P_vd (P_def: _ -> Prop) : forall caus (blks: A) xs,
      VarsDefinedBranch P_vd (Branch caus blks) xs ->
      NoDupBranch P_nd (Branch caus blks) ->
      (P_vd blks xs ->
       P_nd blks ->
       P_def blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_branch P_def (Branch caus blks).
    intros * Hnd Hvars Hind; inv Hnd; inv Hvars.
    econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma VarsDefined_Is_defined : forall blk xs x,
      VarsDefined blk xs ->
      NoDupLocals xs blk ->
      In x xs ->
      Is_defined_in x blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hvars Hnd Hin; inv Hnd; inv Hvars.
    - (* equation *)
      destruct eq; simpl in *. constructor; auto.
    - (* reset *)
      eapply in_concat in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). inv_VarsDefined.
      solve_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]; auto using incl_concat.
    - (* switch *)
      inv H; try congruence. inv H2. inv H5. clear H1 H7 H8.
      left. destruct x0 as (?&[]).
      eapply VarsDefinedBranch_Is_defined; eauto.
      intros; simpl in *. destruct H as (?&Hvars&Hperm).
      rewrite <-Hperm in Hin. eapply in_concat in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). inv_VarsDefined.
      solve_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      eapply H0; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]. rewrite <-Hperm; auto using incl_concat.
    - (* local *)
      eapply VarsDefinedScope_Is_defined; eauto.
      intros; simpl in *. destruct H0 as (?&Hvars&Hperm).
      rewrite <-Hperm in H4. eapply in_concat in H4 as (?&Hin1&Hin2). inv_VarsDefined.
      solve_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]. rewrite <-Hperm; auto using incl_concat.

  Corollary Forall_VarsDefined_Is_defined : forall blks xs x,
      Forall2 (VarsDefined) blks xs ->
      Forall (NoDupLocals (concat xs)) blks ->
      In x (concat xs) ->
      Exists (Is_defined_in x) blks.
    intros * Hnd Hvars Hin.
    apply in_concat in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). inv_VarsDefined.
    simpl_Forall. solve_Exists.
    eapply VarsDefined_Is_defined in Hdef; eauto.
    eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]. apply incl_concat; auto.

  Lemma VarsDefinedScope_Is_defined' {A} P_nd P_vd (P_def: _ -> Prop) : forall locs (blks: A) xs x,
      VarsDefinedScope P_vd (Scope locs blks) xs ->
      NoDupScope P_nd xs (Scope locs blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_scope P_def x (Scope locs blks) ->
      (forall xs,
          P_vd blks xs ->
          P_nd xs blks ->
          P_def blks ->
          In x xs) ->
      In x xs.
    intros * Hnd Hvars Hdef Hind; inv Hnd; inv Hvars; inv Hdef.
    eapply Hind, in_app_iff in H3 as [Hin|Hin]. 3,4:eauto. 1,2:eauto.
    apply fst_InMembers in Hin. congruence.

  Lemma VarsDefinedBranch_Is_defined' {A} P_nd P_vd (P_def: _ -> Prop) : forall locs (blks: A) xs x,
      VarsDefinedBranch P_vd (Branch locs blks) xs ->
      NoDupBranch P_nd (Branch locs blks) ->
      Is_defined_in_branch P_def (Branch locs blks) ->
      (P_vd blks xs ->
       P_nd blks ->
       P_def blks ->
       In x xs) ->
      In x xs.
    intros * Hnd Hvars Hdef Hind; inv Hnd; inv Hvars; inv Hdef; eauto.

  Lemma VarsDefined_Is_defined' : forall blk xs x,
      VarsDefined blk xs ->
      NoDupLocals xs blk ->
      Is_defined_in x blk ->
      In x xs.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hnd Hvars Hin; repeat inv_block.
    - (* equation *)
    - (* reset *)
      simpl_Exists. inv_VarsDefined. simpl_Forall.
      eapply in_concat. repeat esplit; eauto.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]; auto using incl_concat.
    - (* switch *)
      rename H1 into Hdef. simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      destruct b. eapply VarsDefinedBranch_Is_defined'; eauto.
      intros. simpl_Exists. inv_VarsDefined. simpl_Forall.
      take (Permutation _ _) and rewrite <-it. eapply in_concat. repeat esplit; eauto.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto].
      take (Permutation _ _) and rewrite <-it; auto using incl_concat.
    - (* local *)
      eapply VarsDefinedScope_Is_defined'; eauto.
      intros; simpl in *. simpl_Exists. inv_VarsDefined. simpl_Forall.
      take (Permutation _ _) and rewrite <-it. eapply in_concat. repeat esplit; eauto.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto].
      take (Permutation _ _) and rewrite <-it; auto using incl_concat.

  Lemma Is_defined_in_wx_In : forall blk env x,
      wx_block env blk ->
      Is_defined_in x blk ->
      InMembers x env.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hwx Hdef; inv Hwx; inv Hdef.
    - (* equation *)
      destruct H1; auto. simpl_Forall. inv H1; auto.
    - (* reset *)
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      inv H1. inv H4. simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* local *)
      inv H1. inv H2.
      simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      eapply H, InMembers_app in H4 as [|]. 3:eauto. 1,2:eauto.
      exfalso. apply H5, InMembers_senv_of_locs; auto.

  Corollary Exists_Is_defined_in_wx_In : forall blks env x,
      Forall (wx_block env) blks ->
      Exists (Is_defined_in x) blks ->
      InMembers x env.
    intros * Hf Hex.
    simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto using Is_defined_in_wx_In.

  Lemma VarsDefined_det : forall blk xs1 xs2,
      VarsDefined blk xs1 ->
      VarsDefined blk xs2 ->
      Permutation xs1 xs2.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hvd1 Hvd2;
      inv Hvd1; inv Hvd2; inv_VarsDefined.
    - (* equation *)
    - (* reset *)
      apply Permutation_concat.
      apply Forall2_swap_args in H3. eapply Forall2_trans_ex in H4; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      inv H4; inv H6; try congruence. clear H1 H8.
      destruct x. inv H0. inv H7. inv_VarsDefined; simpl in *. subst. inv H8.
      rewrite <-Hperm, <-Hperm0.
      apply Permutation_concat.
      apply Forall2_swap_args in Hvars0. eapply Forall2_trans_ex in Hvars; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* local *)
      inv H1. inv H2. destruct_conjs.
      eapply Permutation_app_inv_r. rewrite <-H2, <-H3.
      apply Permutation_concat.
      apply Forall2_swap_args in H1. eapply Forall2_trans_ex in H0; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.

  Fact VarsDefinedBranch_Perm1 : forall xs ys s,
      Permutation xs ys ->
        (fun blks ys => exists xs0, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs0 /\ Permutation (concat xs0) ys) s xs ->
        (fun blks ys => exists xs0, Forall2 VarsDefined blks xs0 /\ Permutation (concat xs0) ys) s ys.
    intros * Hperm Hvd; inv Hvd; inv_VarsDefined.
    econstructor. do 2 esplit; eauto.
    1,2:now rewrite <-Hperm.

  Lemma Is_defined_in_vars_defined : forall x blk,
      Is_defined_in x blk ->
      PS.In x (vars_defined blk).
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hin; simpl in *.
    - (* equation *)
      inv Hin; auto.
      now rewrite ps_from_list_In.
    - (* reset *)
      inv Hin. simpl_Exists.
      eapply In_In_PSUnion; eauto. 2:eapply in_map_iff; eauto.
      simpl_Forall; eauto.
    - (* switch *)
      inv Hin. rename H1 into Hin. simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      inv Hin. simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
      repeat (eapply In_In_PSUnion; [|eapply in_map_iff; eauto]; simpl).
    - (* local *)
      inv Hin. inv H1.
      eapply PSF.filter_3. intros ???; subst; auto.
      + simpl_Exists.
        eapply In_In_PSUnion; eauto. 2:eapply in_map_iff; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
      + eapply Bool.negb_true_iff.
        eapply Bool.not_true_iff_false. intro contra.
        apply H4.
        eapply mem_assoc_ident_true in contra as ((?&?)&?); eauto using In_InMembers.

  Lemma vars_defined_Is_defined_in : forall x blk,
      PS.In x (vars_defined blk) ->
      Is_defined_in x blk.
    induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hin; simpl in *.
    - (* equation *)
      destruct eq. rewrite ps_from_list_In in Hin.
      now constructor.
    - (* reset *)
      apply PSUnion_In_In in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). simpl_In.
      constructor. solve_Exists.
    - (* switch *)
      unfold vars_defined_scope in *.
      apply PSUnion_In_In in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). simpl_In. destruct b; simpl in *.
      apply PSUnion_In_In in Hin2 as (?&Hin2&Hin3). simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
      constructor. solve_Exists. constructor. solve_Exists.
    - (* local *)
      eapply PS.filter_spec in Hin as (Hin&Hassoc). 2:intros ?? Heq; inv Heq; auto.
      apply PSUnion_In_In in Hin as (?&Hin1&Hin2). simpl_In.
      econstructor. constructor. solve_Exists.
      intros contra. eapply InMembers_In in contra as (?&?).
      eapply Bool.negb_true_iff, mem_assoc_ident_false in Hassoc; eauto.


Module LSyntaxFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks) <: LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv.
  Include LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv.
End LSyntaxFun.