Module NLIndexedSemantics

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.CESyntax.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.NLSyntax.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.NLOrdered.
From Velus Require Import IndexedStreams.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.CESemantics.

The NLustre semantics

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import CESyn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Import Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op CESyn)
       (Import Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux)
       (Import Ord : NLORDERED Ids Op CESyn Syn)
       (Import CESem : CESEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux CESyn Str).

  Fixpoint hold (v0: val) (xs: stream value) (n: nat) : val :=
    match n with
    | 0 => v0
    | S m => match xs m with
            | absent => hold v0 xs m
            | present hv => hv

  Definition fby (v0: val) (xs: stream value) : stream value :=
    fun n =>
      match xs n with
      | absent => absent
      | _ => present (hold v0 xs n)

  Section NodeSemantics.

    Variable G: global.

    Inductive sem_equation: stream bool -> history -> equation -> Prop :=
    | SEqDef:
        forall bk H x xs ck ce,
          sem_var H x xs ->
          sem_caexp bk H ck ce xs ->
          sem_equation bk H (EqDef x ck ce)
    | SEqApp:
        forall bk H x ck f arg ls xs,
          sem_exps bk H arg ls ->
          sem_vars H x xs ->
          sem_clock bk H ck (clock_of ls) ->
          sem_node f ls xs ->
          sem_equation bk H (EqApp x ck f arg None)
    | SEqReset:
        forall bk H x ck f arg y cky ys rs ls xs,
          sem_exps bk H arg ls ->
          sem_vars H x xs ->
          sem_clock bk H ck (clock_of ls) ->
          sem_var H y ys ->
          bools_of ys rs ->
          (forall k, sem_node f (mask k rs ls) (mask k rs xs)) ->
          sem_equation bk H (EqApp x ck f arg (Some (y, cky)))
    | SEqFby:
        forall bk H x ls xs c0 ck le,
          sem_aexp bk H ck le ls ->
          sem_var H x xs ->
          xs = fby (sem_const c0) ls ->
          sem_equation bk H (EqFby x ck c0 le)

    with sem_node: ident -> stream (list value) -> stream (list value) -> Prop :=
         | SNode:
             forall bk H f xss yss n,
               bk = clock_of xss ->
               find_node f G = Some n ->
               sem_vars H (map fst n.(n_in)) xss ->
               sem_vars H (map fst n.(n_out)) yss ->
               sem_clocked_vars bk H (idck n.(n_in)) ->
               Forall (sem_equation bk H) n.(n_eqs) ->
               sem_node f xss yss.

    Definition sem_nodes : Prop :=
      Forall (fun no => exists xs ys, sem_node no.(n_name) xs ys) G.

  End NodeSemantics.

Induction principle for sem_node and sem_equation

The automagically-generated induction principle is not strong enough: it does not support the internal fixpoint introduced by Forall

  Section sem_node_mult.
    Variable G: global.

    Variable P_equation: stream bool -> history -> equation -> Prop.
    Variable P_node: ident -> stream (list value) -> stream (list value) -> Prop.

    Hypothesis EqDefCase:
      forall bk H x xs ck ce,
        sem_var H x xs ->
        sem_caexp bk H ck ce xs ->
        P_equation bk H (EqDef x ck ce).

    Hypothesis EqAppCase:
      forall bk H x ck f arg ls xs,
        sem_exps bk H arg ls ->
        sem_vars H x xs ->
        sem_clock bk H ck (clock_of ls) ->
        sem_node G f ls xs ->
        P_node f ls xs ->
        P_equation bk H (EqApp x ck f arg None).

    Hypothesis EqResetCase:
      forall bk H x ck f arg y cky ys rs ls xs,
        sem_exps bk H arg ls ->
        sem_vars H x xs ->
        sem_clock bk H ck (clock_of ls) ->
        sem_var H y ys ->
        bools_of ys rs ->
        (forall k, sem_node G f (mask k rs ls) (mask k rs xs)
              /\ P_node f (mask k rs ls) (mask k rs xs)) ->
        P_equation bk H (EqApp x ck f arg (Some (y, cky))).

    Hypothesis EqFbyCase:
      forall bk H x ls xs c0 ck le,
        sem_aexp bk H ck le ls ->
        sem_var H x xs ->
        xs = fby (sem_const c0) ls ->
        P_equation bk H (EqFby x ck c0 le).

    Hypothesis NodeCase:
      forall bk H f xss yss n,
        bk = clock_of xss ->
        find_node f G = Some n ->
        sem_vars H (map fst n.(n_in)) xss ->
        sem_vars H (map fst n.(n_out)) yss ->
        sem_clocked_vars bk H (idck n.(n_in)) ->
        Forall (sem_equation G bk H) n.(n_eqs) ->
        Forall (P_equation bk H) n.(n_eqs) ->
        P_node f xss yss.

    Fixpoint sem_equation_mult
            (b: stream bool) (H: history) (e: equation)
            (Sem: sem_equation G b H e) {struct Sem}
      : P_equation b H e
    with sem_node_mult
           (f: ident) (xss oss: stream (list value))
           (Sem: sem_node G f xss oss) {struct Sem}
         : P_node f xss oss.
      - destruct Sem; eauto.
      - destruct Sem; eauto.
        eapply NodeCase; eauto.
        match goal with H: Forall _ (n_eqs _) |- _ => induction H; auto end.

    Combined Scheme sem_node_equation_reset_ind from
             sem_node_mult, sem_equation_mult.

  End sem_node_mult.

  Lemma hold_abs:
    forall n c xs,
      xs n = absent ->
      hold c xs n = hold c xs (S n).
    destruct n; intros * E; simpl; now rewrite E.

  Lemma hold_pres:
    forall v n c xs,
      xs n = present v ->
      v = hold c xs (S n).
    destruct n; intros * E; simpl; now rewrite E.

  Lemma sem_node_wf:
    forall G f xss yss,
      sem_node G f xss yss ->
      wf_streams xss /\ wf_streams yss.
    intros * Sem; split; inv Sem;
      assert_const_length xss; assert_const_length yss; auto.

Properties of the global environment

  Lemma sem_node_cons:
    forall node G f xs ys,
      Ordered_nodes (node::G)
      -> sem_node (node::G) f xs ys
      -> node.(n_name) <> f
      -> sem_node G f xs ys.
    intros node G f xs ys Hord Hsem Hnf.
    revert Hnf.
    induction Hsem as [
                     | bk H x ck f le ls xs Hles Hvars Hck Hnode IH
                     | bk H x ck f le y cky ys rs ls xs Hles Hvars Hck Hvar ? Hnodes
                     | bk H f xs ys n Hbk Hf ??? Heqs IH]
                        using sem_node_mult
      with (P_equation := fun bk H eq => ~Is_node_in_eq node.(n_name) eq
                                      -> sem_equation G bk H eq).
    - econstructor; eassumption.
    - intro Hnin.
      econstructor; eauto.
      apply IH. intro Hnf. apply Hnin. rewrite Hnf. constructor.
    - intro Hnin.
      eapply SEqReset; eauto.
      intro k; specialize (Hnodes k); destruct Hnodes as (?&IH).
      apply IH. intro Hnf. apply Hnin. rewrite Hnf. constructor.
    - intro; eapply SEqFby; eassumption.
    - intro.
      rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf) in Hf.
      eapply SNode; eauto.
      assert (Forall (fun eq => ~ Is_node_in_eq (n_name node) eq) (n_eqs n)) as IHeqs
        by (eapply Is_node_in_Forall; try eassumption;
            eapply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in; try eassumption).
      clear Heqs; induction n.(n_eqs); inv IH; inv IHeqs; eauto.

  Lemma find_node_find_again:
    forall G f n g,
      Ordered_nodes G
      -> find_node f G = Some n
      -> Is_node_in g n.(n_eqs)
      -> Exists (fun nd => g = nd.(n_name)) G.
    intros G f n g Hord Hfind Hini.
    apply find_node_split in Hfind.
    destruct Hfind as [bG [aG Hfind]].
    rewrite Hfind in *.
    clear Hfind.
    apply Ordered_nodes_append in Hord.
    apply Exists_app.
    constructor 2.
    inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? ? HH H0]; clear H0.
    apply HH in Hini; clear HH.

  Lemma sem_equation_global_tl:
    forall bk nd G H eq,
      Ordered_nodes (nd::G) ->
      ~ Is_node_in_eq nd.(n_name) eq ->
      sem_equation (nd::G) bk H eq ->
      sem_equation G bk H eq.
    intros bk nd G H eq Hord Hnini Hsem.
    destruct eq; inversion Hsem; subst; eauto using sem_equation.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      eapply sem_node_cons; eauto.
      intro HH; rewrite HH in *; auto using Is_node_in_eq.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      intro k; eapply sem_node_cons; eauto.
      intro HH; rewrite HH in *; auto using Is_node_in_eq.

  Lemma Forall_sem_equation_global_tl:
    forall bk nd G H eqs,
      Ordered_nodes (nd::G)
      -> ~ Is_node_in nd.(n_name) eqs
      -> Forall (sem_equation (nd::G) bk H) eqs
      -> Forall (sem_equation G bk H) eqs.
    intros bk nd G H eqs Hord Hnini.
    apply Forall_impl_In.
    intros eq Hin Hsem.
    eapply sem_equation_global_tl; eauto.
    apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hnini.
    apply Forall_forall with (1:=Hnini) (2:=Hin).

  Lemma sem_node_cons2:
    forall nd G f xs ys,
      Ordered_nodes G
      -> sem_node G f xs ys
      -> Forall (fun nd' : node => n_name nd <> n_name nd') G
      -> sem_node (nd::G) f xs ys.
    Hint Constructors sem_equation.
    intros nd G f xs ys Hord Hsem Hnin.
    assert (Hnin':=Hnin).
    revert Hnin'.
    induction Hsem as [
                     | bk H x ck f le ls xs Hles Hvars Hck Hnode IH
                     | bk H x ck f le y cky ys rs ls xs Hles Hvars Hck Hvar ? Hnodes
                     | bk H f xs ys n Hbk Hfind Hxs Hys ? Heqs IH]
                        using sem_node_mult
      with (P_equation := fun bk H eq =>
                            ~Is_node_in_eq nd.(n_name) eq
                            -> sem_equation (nd::G) bk H eq);
      try eauto; try intro HH.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      intro k; specialize (Hnodes k); destruct Hnodes; auto.
    - clear HH.
      assert (nd.(n_name) <> f) as Hnf.
      { intro Hnf.
        rewrite Hnf in *.
        pose proof Hfind as Hfind'.
        apply find_node_split in Hfind.
        destruct Hfind as [bG [aG Hge]].
        rewrite Hge in Hnin.
        apply Forall_app in Hnin.
        destruct Hnin as [? Hfg].
        inversion_clear Hfg.
        match goal with H:f<>_ |- False => apply H end.
        erewrite find_node_name; eauto.
      apply find_node_other with (2:=Hfind) in Hnf.
      econstructor; eauto.
      clear Heqs Hxs Hys.
      rename IH into Heqs.
      assert (forall g, Is_node_in g n.(n_eqs)
                   -> Exists (fun nd=> g = nd.(n_name)) G)
        as Hniex by
            (intros g Hini;
             eapply find_node_find_again with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hfind) in Hini; eauto).
      assert (Forall
                (fun eq=> forall g,
                     Is_node_in_eq g eq
                     -> Exists (fun nd=> g = nd.(n_name)) G) n.(n_eqs)) as HH.
        clear Hfind Heqs Hnf.
        induction n.(n_eqs) as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
        - intros g Hini.
          apply Hniex.
          constructor 1; apply Hini.
        - apply IH.
          intros g Hini; apply Hniex.
          constructor 2; apply Hini.
      apply Forall_Forall with (1:=HH) in Heqs.
      apply Forall_impl with (2:=Heqs).
      intros eq IH.
      destruct IH as [Hsem IH1].
      apply IH1.
      intro Hini.
      apply Hsem in Hini.
      apply Forall_Exists with (1:=Hnin) in Hini.
      apply Exists_exists in Hini.
      destruct Hini as [nd' [Hin [Hneq Heq]]].

  Lemma sem_equations_permutation:
    forall eqs eqs' G bk H,
      Forall (sem_equation G bk H) eqs ->
      Permutation eqs eqs' ->
      Forall (sem_equation G bk H) eqs'.
    intros eqs eqs' G bk H Hsem Hperm.
    induction Hperm as [|eq eqs eqs' Hperm IH|eq0 eq1 eqs|]; auto.
    - inv Hsem; auto.
    - inversion_clear Hsem as [|? ? ? Heqs'].
      inv Heqs'; auto.

Morphisms properties

  Add Parametric Morphism G: (sem_equation G)
      with signature eq_str ==> eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_equation_eq_str.
    intros * E ?? Sem.
    induction Sem; econstructor; eauto;
      eapply lift_eq_str; eauto; reflexivity.

  Add Parametric Morphism G f: (sem_node G f)
      with signature eq_str ==> eq_str ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_node_eq_str.
    intros * E1 ? ? E2 Node.
    inversion_clear Node as [??????????? Heqs]; subst.
    econstructor; eauto; try intro n; try rewrite <-E1; try rewrite <-E2; eauto.
    induction Heqs; constructor; auto.
    rewrite <-E1; auto.


Module NLIndexedSemanticsFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (CESyn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op CESyn)
       (Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux)
       (Ord : NLORDERED Ids Op CESyn Syn)
       (CESem : CESEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux CESyn Str)
  Include NLINDEXEDSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux CESyn Syn Str Ord CESem.
End NLIndexedSemanticsFun.