Module CESyntax

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.

The core dataflow expresion syntax

Module Type CESYNTAX (Import Op: OPERATORS).


  Inductive exp : Type :=
  | Econst : const -> exp
  | Evar : ident -> type -> exp
  | Ewhen : exp -> ident -> bool -> exp
  | Eunop : unop -> exp -> type -> exp
  | Ebinop : binop -> exp -> exp -> type -> exp.

Control expressions

  Inductive cexp : Type :=
  | Emerge : ident -> cexp -> cexp -> cexp
  | Eite : exp -> cexp -> cexp -> cexp
  | Eexp : exp -> cexp.

  Fixpoint typeof (le: exp): type :=
    match le with
    | Econst c => type_const c
    | Evar _ ty
    | Eunop _ _ ty
    | Ebinop _ _ _ ty => ty
    | Ewhen e _ _ => typeof e

Predicate used in normal_args in NLustre and Stc.
  Fixpoint noops_exp (ck: clock) (e : exp) : Prop :=
    match ck with
    | Cbase => True
    | Con ck' _ _ =>
      match e with
      | Econst _ | Evar _ _ => True
      | Ewhen e' _ _ => noops_exp ck' e'
      | _ => False


Module CESyntaxFun (Op: OPERATORS) <: CESYNTAX Op.
  Include CESYNTAX Op.
End CESyntaxFun.