Module CESemantics

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Environment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import VelusMemory.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.CESyntax.
From Velus Require Import IndexedStreams.

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Import Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux).

Environment and history

  Definition env := Env.t value.
  Definition history := stream env.

Instantaneous semantics

  Section InstantSemantics.

    Variable base: bool.
    Variable R: env.

    Definition sem_vars_instant (xs: list ident) (vs: list value) : Prop :=
      Forall2 (sem_var_instant R) xs vs.

    Definition sem_clocked_var_instant (x: ident) (ck: clock) : Prop :=
      (sem_clock_instant base R ck true <-> exists c, sem_var_instant R x (present c))
      /\ (sem_clock_instant base R ck false <-> sem_var_instant R x absent).

    Definition sem_clocked_vars_instant (xs: list (ident * clock)) : Prop :=
      Forall (fun xc => sem_clocked_var_instant (fst xc) (snd xc)) xs.

    Inductive sem_exp_instant: exp -> value -> Prop:=
    | Sconst:
        forall c v,
          v = (if base then present (sem_const c) else absent) ->
          sem_exp_instant (Econst c) v
    | Svar:
        forall x v ty,
          sem_var_instant R x v ->
          sem_exp_instant (Evar x ty) v
    | Swhen_eq:
        forall s x sc xc b,
          sem_var_instant R x (present xc) ->
          sem_exp_instant s (present sc) ->
          val_to_bool xc = Some b ->
          sem_exp_instant (Ewhen s x b) (present sc)
    | Swhen_abs1:
        forall s x sc xc b,
          sem_var_instant R x (present xc) ->
          val_to_bool xc = Some b ->
          sem_exp_instant s (present sc) ->
          sem_exp_instant (Ewhen s x (negb b)) absent
    | Swhen_abs:
        forall s x b,
          sem_var_instant R x absent ->
          sem_exp_instant s absent ->
          sem_exp_instant (Ewhen s x b) absent
    | Sunop_eq:
        forall le op c c' ty,
          sem_exp_instant le (present c) ->
          sem_unop op c (typeof le) = Some c' ->
          sem_exp_instant (Eunop op le ty) (present c')
    | Sunop_abs:
        forall le op ty,
          sem_exp_instant le absent ->
          sem_exp_instant (Eunop op le ty) absent
    | Sbinop_eq:
        forall le1 le2 op c1 c2 c' ty,
          sem_exp_instant le1 (present c1) ->
          sem_exp_instant le2 (present c2) ->
          sem_binop op c1 (typeof le1) c2 (typeof le2) = Some c' ->
          sem_exp_instant (Ebinop op le1 le2 ty) (present c')
    | Sbinop_abs:
        forall le1 le2 op ty,
          sem_exp_instant le1 absent ->
          sem_exp_instant le2 absent ->
          sem_exp_instant (Ebinop op le1 le2 ty) absent.

    Definition sem_exps_instant (les: list exp) (vs: list value) :=
      Forall2 sem_exp_instant les vs.

    Inductive sem_cexp_instant: cexp -> value -> Prop :=
    | Smerge_true:
        forall x t f c,
          sem_var_instant R x (present true_val) ->
          sem_cexp_instant t (present c) ->
          sem_cexp_instant f absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Emerge x t f) (present c)
    | Smerge_false:
        forall x t f c,
          sem_var_instant R x (present false_val) ->
          sem_cexp_instant t absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant f (present c) ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Emerge x t f) (present c)
    | Smerge_abs:
        forall x t f,
          sem_var_instant R x absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant t absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant f absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Emerge x t f) absent
    | Site_eq:
        forall x t f c b ct cf,
          sem_exp_instant x (present c) ->
          sem_cexp_instant t (present ct) ->
          sem_cexp_instant f (present cf) ->
          val_to_bool c = Some b ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Eite x t f) (if b then present ct else present cf)
    | Site_abs:
        forall b t f,
          sem_exp_instant b absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant t absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant f absent ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Eite b t f) absent
    | Sexp:
        forall e v,
          sem_exp_instant e v ->
          sem_cexp_instant (Eexp e) v.

  End InstantSemantics.

  Hint Extern 4 (sem_exps_instant _ _ nil nil) => apply Forall2_nil.

  Section InstantAnnotatedSemantics.

    Variable base : bool.
    Variable R: env.

    Inductive sem_annotated_instant {A}
              (sem_instant: bool -> env -> A -> value -> Prop)
      : clock -> A -> value -> Prop :=
    | Stick:
        forall ck a c,
          sem_instant base R a (present c) ->
          sem_clock_instant base R ck true ->
          sem_annotated_instant sem_instant ck a (present c)
    | Sabs:
        forall ck a,
          sem_instant base R a absent ->
          sem_clock_instant base R ck false ->
          sem_annotated_instant sem_instant ck a absent.

    Definition sem_aexp_instant := sem_annotated_instant sem_exp_instant.
    Definition sem_caexp_instant := sem_annotated_instant sem_cexp_instant.

  End InstantAnnotatedSemantics.

Liftings of instantaneous semantics

  Section LiftSemantics.

    Variable bk : stream bool.
    Variable H : history.

    Definition sem_vars (x: list ident) (xs: stream (list value)): Prop :=
      lift' H sem_vars_instant x xs.

    Definition sem_clocked_var (x: ident) (ck: clock): Prop :=
      forall n, sem_clocked_var_instant (bk n) (H n) x ck.

    Definition sem_clocked_vars (xs: list (ident * clock)) : Prop :=
      forall n, sem_clocked_vars_instant (bk n) (H n) xs.

    Definition sem_aexp ck (e: exp) (xs: stream value): Prop :=
      lift bk H (fun base R => sem_aexp_instant base R ck) e xs.

    Definition sem_exp (e: exp) (xs: stream value): Prop :=
      lift bk H sem_exp_instant e xs.

    Definition sem_exps (e: list exp) (xs: stream (list value)): Prop :=
      lift bk H sem_exps_instant e xs.

    Definition sem_caexp ck (c: cexp) (xs: stream value): Prop :=
      lift bk H (fun base R => sem_caexp_instant base R ck) c xs.

    Definition sem_cexp (c: cexp) (xs: stream value): Prop :=
      lift bk H sem_cexp_instant c xs.

  End LiftSemantics.

Time-dependent semantics

  Definition clock_of_instant (vs: list value) : bool :=
    existsb (fun v => v <>b absent) vs.

  Lemma clock_of_instant_false:
    forall xs,
      clock_of_instant xs = false <-> absent_list xs.
    unfold absent_list.
    induction xs; simpl.
    - constructor; constructor.
    - rewrite Bool.orb_false_iff, Forall_cons2, IHxs, nequiv_decb_false, equiv_decb_equiv;

  Lemma clock_of_instant_true:
    forall xs,
      clock_of_instant xs = true <-> Exists (fun v => v <> absent) xs.
    induction xs; simpl.
    - split; inversion 1.
    - rewrite Bool.orb_true_iff, Exists_cons, IHxs, <-not_absent_bool; reflexivity.

  Definition clock_of (xss: stream (list value)): stream bool :=
    fun n => clock_of_instant (xss n).

  Definition bools_of (vs: stream value) (rs: stream bool) :=
    forall n, value_to_bool (vs n) = Some (rs n).

Morphisms properties

  Add Parametric Morphism A B H sem e: (fun b xs => @lift b H A B sem e xs)
      with signature eq_str ==> @eq_str B ==> Basics.impl
        as lift_eq_str.
    intros ?? E ?? E' Lift n.
    rewrite <-E, <-E'; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism A B sem H e: (@lift' H A B sem e)
      with signature @eq_str B ==> Basics.impl
        as lift'_eq_str.
    intros * E Lift n.
    rewrite <-E; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : clock_of
      with signature eq_str ==> eq_str
        as clock_of_eq_str.
    unfold clock_of. intros * E n.
    rewrite E; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (sem_clocked_var)
      with signature eq_str ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_clocked_var_eq_str.
    intros * E ??? Sem n.
    rewrite <-E; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (sem_clocked_vars)
      with signature eq_str ==> eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
        as sem_clocked_vars_eq_str.
    intros * E ?? Sem n.
    rewrite <-E; auto.

  Lemma not_subrate_clock:
    forall R ck,
      ~ sem_clock_instant false R ck true.
    intros * Sem; induction ck; inv Sem.
    now apply IHck.

  Corollary not_subrate_clock_impl:
    forall R ck b,
      sem_clock_instant false R ck b ->
      b = false.
    intros * Sem.
    destruct b; auto.
    contradict Sem; apply not_subrate_clock.

  Lemma sem_vars_gt0:
    forall H (xs: list (ident * type)) ls,
      0 < length xs ->
      sem_vars H (map fst xs) ls ->
      forall n, 0 < length (ls n).
    intros * Hgt0 Hsem n.
    specialize (Hsem n).
    apply Forall2_length in Hsem.
    rewrite map_length in Hsem.
    now rewrite Hsem in Hgt0.

  Lemma sem_caexp_instant_absent:
    forall R ck e v,
      sem_caexp_instant false R ck e v ->
      v = absent.
    inversion_clear 1; auto.
    exfalso; eapply not_subrate_clock; eauto.

  Ltac assert_const_length xss :=
    match goal with
      H: sem_vars _ _ xss |- _ =>
      let H' := fresh in
      let k := fresh in
      let k' := fresh in
      assert (wf_streams xss)
        by (intros k k'; pose proof H as H';
            unfold sem_vars, lift in *;
            specialize (H k); specialize (H' k');
            apply Forall2_length in H; apply Forall2_length in H';
            now rewrite H in H')

  Lemma sem_exps_instant_cons:
    forall b R e es v vs,
      sem_exps_instant b R (e :: es) (v :: vs)
      <-> (sem_exp_instant b R e v /\ sem_exps_instant b R es vs).
    intros. unfold sem_exps_instant. now setoid_rewrite Forall2_cons'.

Determinism of the semantics

Instantaneous semantics

  Section InstantDeterminism.

    Variable base: bool.
    Variable R: env.

    Lemma sem_exp_instant_det:
      forall e v1 v2,
        sem_exp_instant base R e v1
        -> sem_exp_instant base R e v2
        -> v1 = v2.
      induction e (* using exp_ind2 *);
        try now (do 2 inversion_clear 1);
        match goal with
        | H1:sem_var_instant ?R ?e (present ?b1),
             H2:sem_var_instant ?R ?e (present ?b2),
                H3: ?b1 <> ?b2 |- _ =>
          exfalso; apply H3;
            cut (present (Vbool b1) = present (Vbool b2)); [now injection 1|];
              eapply sem_var_instant_det; eassumption
        | H1:sem_var_instant ?R ?e ?v1,
             H2:sem_var_instant ?R ?e ?v2 |- ?v1 = ?v2 =>
          eapply sem_var_instant_det; eassumption
        | H1:sem_var_instant ?R ?e (present _),
             H2:sem_var_instant ?R ?e absent |- _ =>
          apply (sem_var_instant_det _ _ _ _ H1) in H2;
        | _ => auto
      - (* Econst *)
        do 2 inversion_clear 1; destruct base; congruence.
      - (* Ewhen *)
        intros v1 v2 Hsem1 Hsem2.
        inversion Hsem1; inversion Hsem2; subst;
          repeat progress match goal with
                          | H1:sem_exp_instant ?b ?R ?e ?v1,
                               H2:sem_exp_instant ?b ?R ?e ?v2 |- _ =>
                            apply IHe with (1:=H1) in H2
                          | H1:sem_var_instant ?R ?i ?v1,
                               H2:sem_var_instant ?R ?i ?v2 |- _ =>
                            apply sem_var_instant_det with (1:=H1) in H2
                          | H1:sem_unop _ _ _ = Some ?v1,
                               H2:sem_unop _ _ _ = Some ?v2 |- _ =>
                            rewrite H1 in H2; injection H2; intro; subst
                          | Hp:present _ = present _ |- _ =>
                            injection Hp; intro; subst
                          | H1:val_to_bool _ = Some _,
                               H2:val_to_bool _ = Some (negb _) |- _ =>
                            rewrite H2 in H1; exfalso; injection H1;
                              now apply Bool.no_fixpoint_negb
                          end; subst; try easy.
      - (* Eunop *)
        intros v1 v2 Hsem1 Hsem2.
        inversion_clear Hsem1; inversion_clear Hsem2;
          repeat progress match goal with
                          | H1:sem_exp_instant _ _ e _, H2:sem_exp_instant _ _ e _ |- _ =>
                            apply IHe with (1:=H1) in H2; inversion H2; subst
                          | H1:sem_unop _ _ _ = _, H2:sem_unop _ _ _ = _ |- _ =>
                            rewrite H1 in H2; injection H2; intro; subst
                          | H1:sem_exp_instant _ _ _ (present _),
                               H2:sem_exp_instant _ _ _ absent |- _ =>
                            apply IHe with (1:=H1) in H2
                          end; try easy.
      - (* Ebinop *)
        intros v1 v2 Hsem1 Hsem2.
        inversion_clear Hsem1; inversion_clear Hsem2;
          repeat progress match goal with
                          | H1:sem_exp_instant _ _ e1 _, H2:sem_exp_instant _ _ e1 _ |- _ =>
                            apply IHe1 with (1:=H1) in H2
                          | H1:sem_exp_instant _ _ e2 _, H2:sem_exp_instant _ _ e2 _ |- _ =>
                            apply IHe2 with (1:=H1) in H2
                          | H1:sem_binop _ _ _ _ _ = Some ?v1,
                               H2:sem_binop _ _ _ _ _ = Some ?v2 |- _ =>
                            rewrite H1 in H2; injection H2; intro; subst
                          | H:present _ = present _ |- _ => injection H; intro; subst
                          end; subst; try easy.

    Lemma sem_aexp_instant_det:
      forall ck e v1 v2,
        sem_aexp_instant base R ck e v1
        -> sem_aexp_instant base R ck e v2
        -> v1 = v2.
      intros ck e v1 v2.
      do 2 inversion_clear 1;
        match goal with
        | H1:sem_exp_instant _ _ _ _, H2:sem_exp_instant _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
          eapply sem_exp_instant_det; eassumption
        | H1:sem_clock_instant _ _ _ ?T, H2:sem_clock_instant _ _ _ ?F |- _ =>
          assert (T = F) by (eapply sem_clock_instant_det; eassumption);
            try discriminate
        end; auto.

    Lemma sem_exps_instant_det:
      forall les cs1 cs2,
        sem_exps_instant base R les cs1 ->
        sem_exps_instant base R les cs2 ->
        cs1 = cs2.
      intros les cs1 cs2. apply Forall2_det. apply sem_exp_instant_det.

    Lemma sem_cexp_instant_det:
      forall e v1 v2,
        sem_cexp_instant base R e v1
        -> sem_cexp_instant base R e v2
        -> v1 = v2.
      induction e;
        do 2 inversion_clear 1;
        try repeat progress match goal with
                            | H1: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?R ?e ?l,
                                  H2: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?R ?e ?r |- _ =>
                              apply IHe1 with (1:=H1) in H2
                                                         || apply IHe2 with (1:=H1) in H2;
                                injection H2; intro; subst
                            | H1: sem_var_instant ?R ?i (present true_val),
                                  H2: sem_var_instant ?R ?i (present false_val) |- _ =>
                              apply sem_var_instant_det with (1:=H1) in H2;
                                exfalso; injection H2; now apply true_not_false_val
                            | H1: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?R ?l ?v1,
                                  H2: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?R ?l ?v2 |- _ =>
                              apply sem_exp_instant_det with (1:=H1) in H2;
                                discriminate || injection H2; intro; subst
                            | H1: sem_var_instant ?R ?i (present _),
                                  H2: sem_var_instant ?R ?i absent |- _ =>
                              apply sem_var_instant_det with (1:=H1) in H2; discriminate
                            | H1: val_to_bool _ = Some _,
                                  H2:val_to_bool _ = Some _ |- _ =>
                              rewrite H1 in H2; injection H2; intro; subst
                            end; auto.
      eapply sem_exp_instant_det; eassumption.

    Lemma sem_caexp_instant_det:
      forall ck e v1 v2,
        sem_caexp_instant base R ck e v1
        -> sem_caexp_instant base R ck e v2
        -> v1 = v2.
      intros until v2.
      do 2 inversion_clear 1;
        match goal with
        | H1: sem_cexp_instant _ _ _ _,
              H2: sem_cexp_instant _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
          eapply sem_cexp_instant_det; eassumption
        | H1:sem_clock_instant _ _ _ ?T,
             H2:sem_clock_instant _ _ _ ?F |- _ =>
          let H := fresh in
          assert (H: T = F) by (eapply sem_clock_instant_det; eassumption);
            try discriminate H
        end; congruence.

  End InstantDeterminism.

Lifted semantics

  Section LiftDeterminism.

    Variable bk : stream bool.
    Variable H : history.

    Ltac apply_lift sem_det :=
      intros; eapply lift_det; try eassumption;
      compute; intros; eapply sem_det; eauto.

    Ltac apply_lift' sem_det :=
      intros; eapply lift'_det; try eassumption;
      compute; intros; eapply sem_det; eauto.

    Lemma sem_exp_det:
      forall e xs1 xs2,
        sem_exp bk H e xs1 -> sem_exp bk H e xs2 -> xs1 = xs2.
      apply_lift sem_exp_instant_det.

    Lemma sem_exps_det:
      forall les cs1 cs2,
        sem_exps bk H les cs1 ->
        sem_exps bk H les cs2 ->
        cs1 = cs2.
      apply_lift sem_exps_instant_det.

    Lemma sem_aexp_det:
      forall ck e xs1 xs2,
        sem_aexp bk H ck e xs1 -> sem_aexp bk H ck e xs2 -> xs1 = xs2.
      apply_lift sem_aexp_instant_det.

    Lemma sem_cexp_det:
      forall c xs1 xs2,
        sem_cexp bk H c xs1 -> sem_cexp bk H c xs2 -> xs1 = xs2.
      apply_lift sem_cexp_instant_det.

    Lemma sem_caexp_det:
      forall ck c xs1 xs2,
        sem_caexp bk H ck c xs1 -> sem_caexp bk H ck c xs2 -> xs1 = xs2.
      apply_lift sem_caexp_instant_det.

  End LiftDeterminism.

  Ltac sem_det :=
    match goal with
    | H1: sem_clock_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_clock_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_clock_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_clock ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_clock ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_clock_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_cexp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_cexp ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_cexp ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_cexp_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_exps_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exps_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_exps_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_exps ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exps ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_exps_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_exp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_exp ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exp ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_exp_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_aexp_instant ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_aexp_instant ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_aexp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_aexp ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_aexp ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_aexp_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_var_instant ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_var_instant ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_var_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2
    | H1: sem_var ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_var ?H ?C ?Y |- ?X = ?Y =>
      eapply sem_var_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2

  Ltac by_sem_det :=
    repeat match goal with
           | H: exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H
    match goal with
    | H1: sem_clock_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_clock_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- _ =>
      assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_clock_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    | H1: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_cexp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- _ =>
      assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_cexp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    | H1: sem_exps_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exps_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- _ =>
      assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_exps_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    | H1: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_exp_instant ?bk ?H ?C ?Y |- _ =>
     assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_exp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    | H1: sem_aexp_instant ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_aexp_instant ?bk ?H ?CK ?C ?Y |- _ =>
      assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_aexp_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    | H1: sem_var_instant ?H ?C ?X,
          H2: sem_var_instant ?H ?C ?Y |- _ =>
      assert (X = Y) by (eapply sem_var_instant_det; eexact H1 || eexact H2)
    end; discriminate.


Module CESemanticsFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Syn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux)
  <: CESEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Syn Str.
  Include CESEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Syn Str.
End CESemanticsFun.