Module NTyping

Require Import Omega.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators Environment.
From Coq Require Import List. Import List.ListNotations. Open Scope list_scope.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax Lustre.LCausality Lustre.LTyping.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.Normalization.Fresh Lustre.Normalization.Normalization.

Preservation of Typing through Normalization

Module Type NTYPING
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Caus : LCAUSALITY Ids Op Syn)
       (Import Typ : LTYPING Ids Op Syn)
       (Import Norm : NORMALIZATION Ids Op OpAux Syn Caus).
  Import Fresh Facts Tactics.

Preservation of typeof

  Fact unnest_noops_exps_typesof: forall cks es es' eqs' st st',
      length cks = length es ->
      Forall (fun e => numstreams e = 1) es ->
      unnest_noops_exps cks es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof es' = typesof es.
    repeat rewrite typesof_annots.
    erewrite unnest_noops_exps_annots; eauto.

  Fact unnest_exp_typeof : forall G e is_control es' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e ->
      unnest_exp G is_control e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof es' = typeof e.
Proof with
    intros * Hwl Hnorm.
    eapply unnest_exp_annot in Hnorm...
    rewrite typesof_annots, Hnorm, <- typeof_annot...

  Hint Resolve nth_In.
  Corollary map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof' :
    forall G is_control es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      map_bind2 (unnest_exp G is_control) es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall2 (fun es' e => typesof es' = typeof e) es' es.
Proof with
    intros * Hwl Hmap.
    eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_annots' in Hmap...
    clear Hwl.
    induction Hmap; constructor; eauto.
    rewrite typesof_annots, H, <- typeof_annot...

  Corollary map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' : forall G is_control es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      map_bind2 (unnest_exp G is_control) es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) (concat es') (typesof es).
    intros * Hwl Hmap.
    eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_annots'' in Hmap; eauto.
    rewrite typesof_annots, Forall2_map_2.
    eapply Forall2_impl_In; eauto. intros; simpl in *.
    rewrite typeof_annot, H1; auto.

  Corollary map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof :
    forall G is_control es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      map_bind2 (unnest_exp G is_control) es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof (concat es') = typesof es.
    intros * Hwl Hmap.
    eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_annots in Hmap; eauto.
    rewrite typesof_annots, Hmap, <- typesof_annots; eauto.
  Hint Resolve map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof.

  Corollary unnest_exps_typesof : forall G es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      unnest_exps G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof es' = typesof es.
    intros * Hwl Hnorm.
    unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_typeof : forall e0 e ann e' eqs' st st',
      fby_iteexp e0 e ann st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      typeof e' = [fst ann].
    intros e0 e [ty [ck name]] e' eqs' st st' Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    destruct (is_constant e0); repeat inv_bind; try reflexivity.

  Fact unnest_rhs_typeof : forall G e es' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e ->
      unnest_rhs G e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof es' = typeof e.
Proof with
    intros * Hwl Hnorm.
    eapply unnest_rhs_annot in Hnorm...
    rewrite typesof_annots, Hnorm, <- typeof_annot...

  Corollary unnest_rhss_typesof : forall G es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wl_exp G) es ->
      unnest_rhss G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      typesof es' = typesof es.
Proof with
    intros * Hwl Hnorm.
    eapply unnest_rhss_annots in Hnorm...
    rewrite typesof_annots, Hnorm, <- typesof_annots...

A few additional tactics

  Definition st_tys (st : fresh_st (Op.type * clock)) := idty (st_anns st).
  Definition st_tys' (st : fresh_st ((Op.type * clock) * bool)) := idty (idty (st_anns st)).

  Fact st_anns_tys_In : forall st id ty,
      In (id, ty) (st_tys st) <-> (exists cl, In (id, (ty, cl)) (st_anns st)).
    intros st id ty.
    split; intros; unfold st_tys, idty in *.
    - repeat simpl_In; simpl in *.
      inv H.
      exists c. assumption.
    - repeat simpl_In; simpl in *.
      destruct H as [cl Hin].
      exists (id, (ty, cl)); simpl; split; auto.

  Fact st_follows_tys_incl : forall st st',
      st_follows st st' ->
      incl (st_tys st) (st_tys st').
    intros st st' Hfollows.
    apply st_follows_incl in Hfollows.
    unfold st_tys, idty.
    repeat apply incl_map.

  Fact idents_for_anns_incl_ty : forall anns ids st st',
    idents_for_anns anns st = (ids, st') ->
    incl (idty ids) (st_tys st').
    intros anns ids st st' Hids.
    apply idents_for_anns_incl in Hids.
    intros [id ty] Hin.
    unfold st_tys, idty in *.
    repeat simpl_In. inv H.
    exists (id, (ty, (fst n))); split; auto.
    apply Hids. repeat simpl_In.
    exists (id, (ty, n)). destruct n; auto.

  Fact idents_for_anns'_incl_ty : forall anns ids st st',
    idents_for_anns' anns st = (ids, st') ->
    incl (idty ids) (st_tys st').
    intros anns ids st st' Hids.
    apply idents_for_anns'_incl in Hids.
    intros [id ty] Hin.
    unfold st_tys, idty in *.
    repeat simpl_In. inv H.
    exists (id, (ty, c)); split; auto.
    apply Hids. repeat simpl_In.
    exists (id, (ty, (c, o))); auto.

  Ltac solve_incl :=
    match goal with
    | H : wt_clock ?l1 ?cl |- wt_clock ?l2 ?cl =>
      eapply wt_clock_incl; [| eauto]
    | H : wt_nclock ?l1 ?cl |- wt_nclock ?l2 ?cl =>
      eapply wt_nclock_incl; [| eauto]
    | H : wt_exp ?G ?l1 ?e |- wt_exp ?G ?l2 ?e =>
      eapply wt_exp_incl; [| eauto]
    | H : wt_equation ?G ?l1 ?eq |- wt_equation ?G ?l2 ?eq =>
      eapply wt_equation_incl; [| eauto]
    | |- incl ?l1 ?l1 => reflexivity
    | |- incl ?l1 (?l1 ++ ?l2) =>
      eapply incl_appl; reflexivity
    | |- incl (?l1 ++ ?l2) (?l1 ++ ?l3) =>
      eapply incl_app
    | |- incl ?l1 (?l2 ++ ?l3) =>
      eapply incl_appr
    | |- incl ?l1 (?a::?l2) =>
      eapply incl_tl
    | |- incl (st_anns ?st1) (st_anns _) =>
      eapply st_follows_incl; repeat solve_st_follows
    | |- incl (st_tys ?st1) (st_tys _) =>
      eapply st_follows_tys_incl; repeat solve_st_follows
    | |- incl (st_tys' ?st1) (st_tys' _) =>
      unfold st_tys', idty; do 2 eapply incl_map; eapply st_follows_incl; repeat solve_st_follows
    | H : incl ?l1 ?l2 |- incl (idty ?l1) (idty ?l2) =>
      eapply incl_map; eauto
    | H : In ?x ?l1 |- In ?x ?l2 =>
      assert (incl l1 l2); eauto
    end; auto.

  Hint Resolve in_combine_l in_combine_r.
  Hint Resolve incl_tl incl_appl incl_appr incl_app incl_refl.

Preservation of wt through the first pass

  Fact idents_for_anns_wt : forall G vars anns ids st st',
      idents_for_anns anns st = (ids, st') ->
      Forall (fun '(ty, cl) => wt_nclock (vars++st_tys st) cl) anns ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) (map (fun '(x, ann) => Evar x ann) ids).
    induction anns; intros ids st st' Hidents Hf;
      repeat inv_bind.
    - constructor.
    - inv Hf. destruct a as [ty [cl ?]]. repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Forall (fun '(_, cl) => wt_nclock (vars ++ st_tys x0) cl) anns) as Hanns'.
      { solve_forall. repeat solve_incl. }
      rewrite Forall_map.
      eapply IHanns in Hanns'; eauto.
      + repeat constructor; simpl.
        * apply in_or_app; right.
          apply fresh_ident_In in H.
          rewrite st_anns_tys_In. exists cl.
          eapply idents_for_anns_st_follows, st_follows_incl in H0; eauto.
        * inv H1. repeat solve_incl.
      + simpl_forall.

  Fact idents_for_anns'_wt : forall G vars anns ids st st',
      idents_for_anns' anns st = (ids, st') ->
      Forall (fun '(ty, cl) => wt_nclock (vars++(idty ids)++st_tys st) cl) anns ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++(idty ids)++st_tys st')) (map (fun '(x, ann) => Evar x ann) ids).
    induction anns; intros ids st st' Hidents Hf;
      repeat inv_bind.
    - constructor.
    - inv Hf. destruct a as [ty [cl ?]]. repeat inv_bind.
      rewrite Forall_map.
      destruct o; repeat inv_bind; econstructor; eauto.
      + repeat constructor; simpl.
        * apply in_or_app. right. constructor; auto.
        * inv H1. destruct x; simpl in *. solve_incl.
          eapply incl_appr', incl_tl', incl_appr'. solve_incl.
      + destruct x. eapply IHanns in H0.
        * rewrite Forall_map in H0.
          solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
        * solve_forall. solve_incl.
          rewrite Permutation.Permutation_middle.
          eapply incl_appr', incl_appr', incl_cons; repeat solve_incl.
          eapply reuse_ident_In in H. unfold st_tys, idty, idty.
          rewrite in_map_iff. exists (i, (ty, cl)); split; auto.
      + repeat constructor; simpl.
        * apply in_or_app. right. constructor; auto.
        * inv H1. solve_incl; simpl.
          eapply incl_appr', incl_tl', incl_appr'. solve_incl.
      + eapply IHanns in H0.
        * rewrite Forall_map in H0.
          solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
        * solve_forall. solve_incl.
          rewrite Permutation.Permutation_middle.
          eapply incl_appr', incl_appr', incl_cons; try solve_incl.
          eapply fresh_ident_In in H. unfold st_tys, idty, idty.
          rewrite in_map_iff. exists (x, (ty, cl)); split; auto.

  Fact idents_for_anns'_wt_nclock : forall vars anns ids st st',
      idents_for_anns' anns st = (ids, st') ->
      Forall (fun '(ty, cl) => wt_nclock (vars++idty (anon_streams anns)++st_tys st) cl) anns ->
      Forall (wt_nclock (vars++idty (anon_streams (map snd ids))++st_tys st')) (map snd (map snd ids)).
Proof with
    induction anns; intros ids st st' Hidents Hf;
      repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    inv Hf. destruct a as [ty [cl ?]].
    destruct o; repeat inv_bind; simpl; constructor.
    - repeat constructor; simpl.
      inv H1. destruct x; simpl in *. solve_incl.
      eapply incl_appr', incl_tl', incl_app.
      + apply incl_appl.
        eapply idents_for_anns'_anon_streams, incl_map in H0...
      + apply incl_appr. solve_incl.
    - eapply IHanns in H0.
      + solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
      + solve_forall. destruct x. solve_incl.
        rewrite Permutation.Permutation_middle.
        eapply incl_appr', incl_appr', incl_cons; try solve_incl.
        eapply reuse_ident_In in H. unfold st_tys, idty, idty.
        rewrite in_map_iff. exists (i, (ty, cl)); split; auto.
    - repeat constructor; simpl.
      inv H1. solve_incl.
      eapply incl_appr', incl_app.
      + apply incl_appl.
        eapply idents_for_anns'_anon_streams, incl_map in H0...
      + apply incl_appr. solve_incl.
    - eapply IHanns in H0.
      + solve_forall.
      + solve_forall. solve_incl.
        eapply incl_appr', incl_appr'. solve_incl.

  Fact hd_default_wt_exp : forall G vars es,
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) es ->
      wt_exp G vars (hd_default es).
    intros G vars es Hf.
    destruct es; simpl.
    - constructor.
    - inv Hf; auto.

  Hint Constructors wt_exp.

  Lemma idty_without_names : forall vars,
      idty (without_names' vars) = idty vars.
    intros vars.
    unfold idty, without_names'.
    rewrite map_map.
    eapply map_ext; intros [id [ty [cl n]]]; reflexivity.

  Definition idck' (vars : list (ident * ann)) : list (ident * clock) :=
    idck (without_names' vars).

  Fact unnest_fby_wt_exp : forall G vars e0s es anns,
      Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) e0s ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) es ->
      Forall2 (fun e0 a => typeof e0 = [a]) e0s (map fst anns) ->
      Forall2 (fun e a => typeof e = [a]) es (map fst anns) ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (unnest_fby e0s es anns).
    intros * Hwtc Hwt1 Hwt2 Hty1 Hty2.
    unfold unnest_fby.
    assert (length e0s = length anns) as Hlen1 by (eapply Forall2_length in Hty1; solve_length).
    assert (length es = length anns) as Hlen2 by (eapply Forall2_length in Hty2; solve_length).
    constructor; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.

  Fact unnest_arrow_wt_exp : forall G vars e0s es anns,
      Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) e0s ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) es ->
      Forall2 (fun e0 a => typeof e0 = [a]) e0s (map fst anns) ->
      Forall2 (fun e a => typeof e = [a]) es (map fst anns) ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (unnest_arrow e0s es anns).
    intros * Hwtc Hwt1 Hwt2 Hty1 Hty2.
    unfold unnest_arrow.
    assert (length e0s = length anns) as Hlen1 by (eapply Forall2_length in Hty1; solve_length).
    assert (length es = length anns) as Hlen2 by (eapply Forall2_length in Hty2; solve_length).
    constructor; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.

  Fact unnest_when_wt_exp : forall G vars b ckid es tys ck,
      In (ckid, Op.bool_type) vars ->
      wt_nclock vars ck ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) es ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) es tys ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (unnest_when ckid b es tys ck).
    intros * HIn Hwtck Hwt Htys. unfold unnest_when.
    assert (length es = length tys) as Hlength by (eapply Forall2_length in Htys; eauto).
    rewrite Forall_map. apply Forall2_combine'.
    eapply Forall2_ignore2' with (ys:=tys) in Hwt; eauto.
    eapply Forall2_Forall2 in Hwt; eauto. clear Htys.
    eapply Forall2_impl_In; eauto. intros ? ? ? ? [? ?].
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_nil_r; auto.

  Fact unnest_merge_wt_exp : forall G vars ckid ets efs tys ck,
      In (ckid, Op.bool_type) vars ->
      wt_nclock vars ck ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) ets ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) efs ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) ets tys ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) efs tys ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (unnest_merge ckid ets efs tys ck).
Proof with
    intros * HIn Hwtck Hwt1 Hwt2 Htys1 Htys2. unfold unnest_merge.
    assert (length ets = length tys) as Hlen1 by (eauto using Forall2_length).
    assert (length efs = length tys) as Hlen2 by (eauto using Forall2_length).
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto. 1,2:rewrite app_nil_r; auto.

  Fact unnest_ite_wt_exp : forall G vars e ets efs tys ck,
      wt_nclock vars ck ->
      wt_exp G vars e ->
      typeof e = [Op.bool_type] ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) ets ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) efs ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) ets tys ->
      Forall2 (fun e ty => typeof e = [ty]) efs tys ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (unnest_ite e ets efs tys ck).
Proof with
    intros * Hwtck Hwt Htye Hwt1 Hwt2 Htys1 Htys2. unfold unnest_ite.
    assert (length ets = length tys) as Hlen1 by (eauto using Forall2_length).
    assert (length efs = length tys) as Hlen2 by (eauto using Forall2_length).
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto. 1,2:rewrite app_nil_r; auto.

  Lemma unnest_noops_exps_wt : forall G vars cks es es' eqs' st st' ,
      length es = length cks ->
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      Forall (fun e => numstreams e = 1) es ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      unnest_noops_exps cks es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
    unfold unnest_noops_exps.
    induction cks; intros * Hlen Hnormed Hnums Hwt Hunt; repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    destruct es; simpl in *; inv Hlen; repeat inv_bind.
    inv Hwt. inv Hnums. inv Hnormed.
    assert (Forall (wt_exp G (vars ++ st_tys x2)) es) as Hes.
    { solve_forall. repeat solve_incl; eauto. }
    eapply IHcks in Hes as (Hes'&Heqs'). 2-4:eauto.
    2:repeat inv_bind; repeat eexists; eauto; inv_bind; eauto.
    unfold unnest_noops_exp in H.
    rewrite <-length_annot_numstreams in H6. singleton_length.
    destruct p as (?&?&?).
    split; simpl; try constructor; try (rewrite Forall_app; split); auto.
    1,2:destruct (is_noops_exp); repeat inv_bind; auto.
    + repeat solve_incl.
    + constructor. eapply fresh_ident_In in H.
      eapply in_or_app. right. rewrite st_anns_tys_In.
      eapply st_follows_incl in H; eauto. repeat solve_st_follows.
      constructor. eapply wt_exp_clockof in H4.
      rewrite normalized_lexp_no_fresh in H4; simpl in *; auto. repeat rewrite app_nil_r in H4.
      rewrite clockof_annot, Hsingl in H4. apply Forall_singl in H4.
      repeat solve_incl.
    + repeat constructor; auto; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r.
      * repeat solve_incl.
      * rewrite typeof_annot, Hsingl; simpl.
        constructor; auto.
        eapply fresh_ident_In in H.
        eapply in_or_app. right. rewrite st_anns_tys_In.
        eapply st_follows_incl in H; eauto. repeat solve_st_follows.

  Fact map_bind2_wt {A B} :
    forall G vars (k : A -> Fresh (list exp * list equation) B) a es' eqs' st st',
      map_bind2 k a st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      (forall st st' a es eqs', k a st = (es, eqs', st') -> st_follows st st') ->
      Forall (fun a => forall es' eqs' st0 st0',
                  k a st0 = (es', eqs', st0') ->
                  st_follows st st0 ->
                  st_follows st0' st' ->
                  Forall (wt_exp G vars) es' /\
                  Forall (wt_equation G vars) eqs') a ->
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) (concat es') /\
      Forall (wt_equation G vars) (concat eqs').
    intros G vars k a.
    induction a; intros es' a2s st st' Hmap Hfollows Hforall;
      repeat inv_bind.
    - simpl; auto.
    - simpl. repeat rewrite Forall_app.
      inv Hforall. assert (Hk:=H). eapply H3 in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1'].
      2:eapply map_bind2_st_follows; eauto; solve_forall.
      eapply IHa in H0 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']; eauto.
      solve_forall. eapply H1; eauto.
      etransitivity; eauto.

  Import Permutation.

  Fact unnest_reset_wt : forall G vars e e' eqs' st st',
      LiftO True (fun e => forall es' eqs' st',
                   unnest_exp G true e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
                   Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
                   Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs') e ->
      LiftO True (fun e => incl (fresh_in e) (st_anns st')) e ->
      LiftO True (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) e ->
      LiftO True (fun e => typeof e = [Op.bool_type]) e ->
      unnest_reset (unnest_exp G true) e st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      LiftO True (fun e' => typeof e' = [Op.bool_type]) e' /\
      LiftO True (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) e' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
    intros * Hunwt Hincl Hwt Hty Hnorm.
    assert (st_follows st st') as Hfollows.
    { repeat solve_st_follows; destruct e; simpl; intros; eauto. }
    unnest_reset_spec; simpl in *; auto.
    1,2:assert (length l = 1).
    1,3:(eapply unnest_exp_length in Hk0; eauto;
         rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, Hty in Hk0; auto).
    - assert (Hk:=Hk0). eapply unnest_exp_typeof in Hk0; eauto; simpl in Hk0.
      eapply Hunwt in Hk as [He Heq]; inv He; eauto.
      repeat split; eauto. congruence.
    - assert (Hk:=Hk0). eapply unnest_exp_annot in Hk0; eauto. simpl in Hk0. rewrite app_nil_r in Hk0.
      assert (Hk1:=Hk). eapply unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hk1.
      assert (x = Op.bool_type) as Hbool.
      { rewrite Hk0 in Hhd.
        rewrite typeof_annot in *.
        destruct (annot e0); simpl in *. inv Hty.
        subst; simpl in *. destruct l; try congruence.
      eapply Hunwt in Hk as [He Heq]; inv He.
      repeat constructor.
      + eapply fresh_ident_In in Hfresh.
        apply in_or_app; right.
        rewrite st_anns_tys_In. exists x0. assumption.
      + apply wt_exp_clockof in Hwt.
        rewrite Hk0 in Hhd.
        rewrite clockof_annot in Hwt.
        rewrite typeof_annot in Hty.
        destruct (annot e0); simpl in *. inv Hty.
        inv Hwt; simpl in *. solve_incl.
        rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr'.
        apply incl_app; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply fresh_ident_st_follows, st_follows_incl in Hfresh.
        unfold st_tys, idty. apply incl_map. etransitivity; eauto.
      + repeat solve_incl.
      + simpl; rewrite app_nil_r, typeof_annot, Hk0, <- typeof_annot, Hty.
        repeat constructor.
        eapply fresh_ident_In in Hfresh.
        apply in_or_app; right.
        unfold st_tys, idty. simpl_In; eexists; split; eauto. simpl. f_equal.
      + solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Lemma unnest_exp_wt : forall G vars e is_control es' eqs' st st',
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st) e ->
      unnest_exp G is_control e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Hwt Hnorm; inv Hwt; simpl in *.
    - (* const *)
      repeat inv_bind...
    - (* var *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      repeat constructor...
    - (* unop *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (length x = numstreams e) as Hlen by eauto.
      rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H3 in Hlen; simpl in Hlen.
      assert (Hnorm:=H); eapply IHe in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      repeat econstructor...
      + inv Hwt1; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_exp_typeof in Hnorm; simpl in Hnorm; eauto.
        rewrite app_nil_r, H3 in Hnorm...
      + repeat solve_incl.
    - (* binop *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (length x = numstreams e1) as Hlen1 by eauto.
      rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H5 in Hlen1; simpl in Hlen1.
      assert (length x2 = numstreams e2) as Hlen2 by eauto.
      rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H6 in Hlen2; simpl in Hlen2. repeat singleton_length.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H); eapply IHe1 in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      assert (Hnorm2:=H0); eapply IHe2 in H0 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']; eauto. 2:repeat solve_incl.
      repeat econstructor...
      + inv Hwt1. repeat solve_incl.
      + inv Hwt2...
      + eapply unnest_exp_typeof in Hnorm1; simpl in Hnorm1; eauto.
        rewrite app_nil_r, H5 in Hnorm1...
      + eapply unnest_exp_typeof in Hnorm2; simpl in Hnorm2; eauto.
        rewrite app_nil_r, H6 in Hnorm2...
      + repeat solve_incl.
      + apply Forall_app; split; auto.
        solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
    - (* fby *)
      Local Ltac solve_map_bind2 :=
        match goal with
        | Hnorm : unnest_exp _ _ _ _ = _, H : context [unnest_exp _ _ _ _ = _ -> _] |- _ =>
          eapply H in Hnorm as [? ?]; eauto;
          [split|]; try solve_forall; repeat solve_incl
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H1). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x1) in H1 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...
      assert (Hnorm2:=H2). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x4) in H2 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']...
      repeat rewrite Forall_app. repeat split.
      3,4:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + eapply idents_for_anns_wt in H3...
        solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
      + assert (Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) (unnest_fby (concat x2) (concat x6) a)) as Hwcfby.
        { eapply unnest_fby_wt_exp...
          1-3:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
          + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm1... congruence.
          + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm2... congruence. }
        remember (unnest_fby _ _ _) as fby.
        assert (length (concat x2) = length a) as Hlen1.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm1...
          repeat simpl_length. erewrite <- map_length, H7; solve_length. }
        assert (length (concat x6) = length a) as Hlen2.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm2...
          repeat simpl_length. erewrite <- map_length, H6; solve_length. }
        assert (length fby = length x5).
        { rewrite Heqfby, unnest_fby_length...
          eapply idents_for_anns_length in H3... }
        assert (Forall2 (fun '(ty, _) e => typeof e = [ty]) (map snd x5) fby) as Htys.
        { eapply idents_for_anns_values in H3; subst.
          specialize (unnest_fby_annot' _ _ _ Hlen1 Hlen2) as Hanns; eauto. clear - Hanns.
          eapply Forall2_swap_args. solve_forall.
          destruct a0 as [ty ck]; simpl in *. rewrite typeof_annot, H1; auto. }
        repeat constructor; eauto.
        destruct a0 as [ty ck]; simpl in *. rewrite app_nil_r, H5.
        constructor; auto. eapply idents_for_anns_incl_ty in H3.
        apply in_or_app, or_intror, H3. unfold idty; simpl_In. exists (i, (ty, ck)); auto.
    - (* arrow *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H1). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x1) in H1 as [Hwt1 HWt1']...
      assert (Hnorm2:=H2). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x4) in H2 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']...
      repeat rewrite Forall_app. repeat split.
      3,4:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + eapply idents_for_anns_wt in H3...
        solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
      + assert (Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) (unnest_arrow (concat x2) (concat x6) a)) as Hwcfby.
        { eapply unnest_arrow_wt_exp...
          1-3:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
          + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm1... congruence.
          + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm2... congruence. }
        remember (unnest_arrow _ _ _) as fby.
        assert (length (concat x2) = length a) as Hlen1.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm1...
          repeat simpl_length. erewrite <- map_length, H7; solve_length. }
        assert (length (concat x6) = length a) as Hlen2.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm2...
          repeat simpl_length. erewrite <- map_length, H6; solve_length. }
        assert (length fby = length x5).
        { rewrite Heqfby, unnest_arrow_length...
          eapply idents_for_anns_length in H3... }
        assert (Forall2 (fun '(ty, _) e => typeof e = [ty]) (map snd x5) fby) as Htys.
        { eapply idents_for_anns_values in H3; subst.
          specialize (unnest_arrow_annot' _ _ _ Hlen1 Hlen2) as Hanns; eauto. clear - Hanns.
          eapply Forall2_swap_args. solve_forall.
          destruct a0 as [ty ck]; simpl in *. rewrite typeof_annot, H1; auto. }
        repeat constructor; eauto.
        destruct a0 as [ty ck]; simpl in *. rewrite app_nil_r, H5.
        constructor; auto. eapply idents_for_anns_incl_ty in H3.
        apply in_or_app, or_intror, H3. unfold idty; simpl_In. exists (i, (ty, ck)); auto.
    - (* when *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm:=H0). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys st') in H0 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      split; eauto.
      eapply unnest_when_wt_exp; auto.
      + assert (incl (vars ++ st_tys st) (vars ++ st_tys st')) as Hincl by repeat solve_incl...
      + repeat solve_incl.
      + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm; eauto.
    - (* merge *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H1). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x2) in H1 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      assert (Hnorm2:=H2). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x5) in H2 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']; eauto.
      remember (unnest_merge _ _ _ _ _) as merges.
      assert (Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys x5)) merges) as Hwt'.
      { subst. apply unnest_merge_wt_exp; auto.
        - assert (incl (vars ++ st_tys st) (vars ++ st_tys x5)) by repeat solve_incl; eauto.
        - repeat solve_incl.
        - solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
        - eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm1...
        - eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm2... congruence.
      destruct is_control; repeat inv_bind; repeat rewrite Forall_app; repeat split.
      1,2,3,6,7:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + specialize (idents_for_anns_incl_ty _ _ _ _ H1) as Hincl.
        apply idents_for_anns_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H1...
        rewrite Forall_forall; intros.
        repeat simpl_In. inv H2... repeat solve_incl.
      + assert (length (concat x3) = length (typesof ets)) as Hlen1.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm1; eauto; solve_length. }
        assert (length (concat x6) = length (typesof efs)) as Hlen2.
        { clear H9. eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm2; eauto; solve_length. }
        remember (unnest_merge _ _ _ _ _) as merges.
        assert (Forall2 (fun '(ty, _) e => annot e = [(ty, nck)]) (map snd x0) merges) as Htys.
        { eapply idents_for_anns_values in H1. rewrite H1, Forall2_map_1.
          subst; eapply unnest_merge_annot; eauto. congruence. } rewrite Forall2_map_1 in Htys.
        eapply Forall2_ignore1' with (xs:=x0) in Hwt'.
        2:{ subst. apply idents_for_anns_length in H1. rewrite map_length in H1.
            rewrite unnest_merge_length... congruence. }
        repeat constructor... 1:repeat solve_incl.
        destruct a; simpl in *.
        rewrite typeof_annot, H4, app_nil_r; simpl.
        constructor; auto.
        assert (In (i, t) (idty x0)).
        { unfold idty. rewrite in_map_iff. exists (i, (t, n)); eauto. }
        eapply idents_for_anns_incl_ty in H1.
        eapply in_or_app, or_intror...
    - (* ite *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (length x = 1). 2:singleton_length.
      { eapply unnest_exp_length in H1; eauto.
        rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H8 in H1; auto. }
      assert (Hnorm0:=H1). eapply IHe in H1 as [Hwt0 Hwt0']... clear IHe.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H2). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x4) in H2 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      assert (Hnorm2:=H3). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x7) in H3 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']; eauto.
      2:solve_map_bind2. clear H H0.
      remember (unnest_ite _ _ _ _ _) as ites.
      assert (Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys x7)) ites) as Hwt'.
      { subst. apply unnest_ite_wt_exp; auto.
        - repeat solve_incl.
        - inv Hwt0. repeat solve_incl.
        - eapply unnest_exp_typeof in Hnorm0; eauto.
          simpl in Hnorm0. rewrite app_nil_r in Hnorm0; congruence.
        - solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.
        - eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm1...
        - eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in Hnorm2... congruence.
      destruct is_control; repeat inv_bind; repeat rewrite Forall_app; repeat split.
      1,2,3,4,7,8,9:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + specialize (idents_for_anns_incl_ty _ _ _ _ H) as Hincl.
        apply idents_for_anns_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H...
        rewrite Forall_forall; intros.
        repeat simpl_In. inv H0... repeat solve_incl.
      + assert (length (concat x5) = length (typesof ets)) as Hlen1.
        { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm1; eauto; solve_length. }
        assert (length (concat x8) = length (typesof efs)) as Hlen2.
        { clear H10. eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm2; eauto; solve_length. }
        remember (unnest_ite _ _ _ _ _) as ites.
        assert (Forall2 (fun '(ty, _) e => annot e = [(ty, nck)]) (map snd x) ites) as Htys.
        { eapply idents_for_anns_values in H. rewrite H, Forall2_map_1.
          subst; eapply unnest_ite_annot; eauto. congruence. } rewrite Forall2_map_1 in Htys.
        eapply Forall2_ignore1' with (xs:=x) in Hwt'.
        2:{ subst. apply idents_for_anns_length in H. rewrite map_length in H.
            rewrite unnest_ite_length... congruence. }
        repeat constructor... 1:repeat solve_incl.
        destruct a; simpl in *.
        rewrite typeof_annot, H2, app_nil_r; simpl.
        constructor; auto.
        assert (In (i, t) (idty x)).
        { unfold idty. rewrite in_map_iff. exists (i, (t, n)); eauto. }
        eapply idents_for_anns_incl_ty in H.
        eapply in_or_app, or_intror...
    - (* app *)
      repeat inv_bind. rewrite app_nil_r.
      assert (Hnorm:=H1). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x7) in H1 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...
      assert (length (find_node_incks G f) = length (concat x5)) as Hlen1.
      { unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H6.
        eapply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite map_length.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H7.
        congruence. }
      assert (Forall (fun e : exp => numstreams e = 1) (concat x5)) as Hnum.
      { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_numstreams; eauto. }
      split; [|constructor]...
      + specialize (idents_for_anns'_incl_ty _ _ _ _ H3) as Hincl.
        eapply idents_for_anns'_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H3... 1:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        solve_forall; simpl in *...
        solve_incl. unfold idty. rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc.
        apply incl_appr', incl_app; [repeat solve_incl|apply incl_app;[apply incl_appr|apply incl_appl]].
        * eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hnorm.
          unfold st_tys, idty in *. eapply incl_map; eauto. etransitivity; eauto.
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_anon_streams_incl, incl_map in H3.
          etransitivity. eapply H3.
          replace (map _ (without_names' x4)) with (map (fun xtc => (fst xtc, fst (snd xtc))) x4); auto.
          unfold without_names'; rewrite map_map; simpl.
          apply map_ext; intros [? [? [? ?]]]; auto.
      + repeat econstructor; eauto.
        * eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H2 as (?&?); eauto.
          2:eapply map_bind2_wt in Hnorm as (?&?); eauto; try solve_map_bind2.
          solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        * erewrite unnest_noops_exps_typesof, map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof; eauto.
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_values in H3. congruence.
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_wt_nclock with (vars:=vars) in H3.
          -- rewrite Forall_map in H3. solve_forall.
             rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr'.
             rewrite Permutation_app_comm. apply incl_appr'.
             unfold idty. rewrite map_app. apply incl_appr, incl_refl.
          -- solve_forall; simpl in *.
             solve_incl. rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr'.
             unfold idty. rewrite map_app. apply incl_app; [repeat solve_incl|].
             apply incl_app; [apply incl_appr|apply incl_appl]...
             apply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hnorm.
             assert (incl (fresh_ins es) (st_anns x7)) by (repeat (etransitivity; eauto)).
             eapply incl_map...
        * simpl. rewrite app_nil_r.
          eapply idents_for_anns'_incl_ty in H3.
          clear - H3. solve_forall; simpl.
          apply in_or_app, or_intror, H3. unfold idty. simpl_In.
          exists (i, (t, (c, o))); auto.
      + apply Forall_app; split. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H2 as (?&?); eauto.
        2:eapply map_bind2_wt in Hnorm as (?&?); eauto; try solve_map_bind2.
        solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
    - (* app (reset) *)
      do 6 inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows x4 x7) as Hfollows.
      { eapply (unnest_reset_st_follows _ _ (Some r)) in H3; eauto. }
      assert (Hs:=H3). apply unnest_reset_Some in Hs as [er' ?]; subst.
      eapply (unnest_reset_wt _ _ (Some r)) in H3 as [Hwt2 [Hwt2' Hwt2'']]; simpl...
      2:(intros; eapply H in H12; eauto).
      1,2,4:repeat inv_bind. 2,3:repeat solve_incl.
      2:(eapply (unnest_reset_fresh_incl _ (Some r)) in H3; simpl; eauto;
         intros; eapply unnest_exp_fresh_incl; eauto).

      assert (Hnorm:=H1). eapply map_bind2_wt with (G0:=G) (vars0:=vars++st_tys x1) in H1 as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...
      2:solve_map_bind2. clear H0.

      assert (length (find_node_incks G f) = length (concat x5)) as Hlen1.
      { unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H6.
        eapply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite map_length.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in Hnorm; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H7.
        congruence. }
      assert (Forall (fun e : exp => numstreams e = 1) (concat x5)) as Hnum.
      { eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_numstreams; eauto. }

      split; [|constructor]; repeat rewrite Forall_app; repeat split.
      4,6:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + specialize (idents_for_anns'_incl_ty _ _ _ _ H4) as Hincl.
        eapply idents_for_anns'_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H4... 1:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        solve_forall; simpl in *...
        solve_incl. unfold idty. rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc.
        apply incl_appr', incl_app; [repeat solve_incl|apply incl_app;[apply incl_appr|apply incl_appl]].
        * eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hnorm.
          unfold st_tys, idty in *. eapply incl_map; eauto.
          assert (incl (st_anns x1) (st_anns x4)) by repeat solve_incl.
          do 2 etransitivity...
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_anon_streams_incl, incl_map in H4.
          etransitivity. eapply H4.
          replace (map _ (without_names' x8)) with (map (fun xtc => (fst xtc, fst (snd xtc))) x8); auto.
          unfold without_names'; rewrite map_map; simpl.
          apply map_ext; intros [? [? [? ?]]]; auto.
      + repeat econstructor; eauto.
        * eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H2 as (?&?); eauto.
          solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        * erewrite unnest_noops_exps_typesof, map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof; eauto.
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_values in H4. congruence.
        * eapply idents_for_anns'_wt_nclock with (vars:=vars) in H4.
          -- rewrite Forall_map in H4. solve_forall.
             rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr'.
             rewrite Permutation_app_comm. apply incl_appr'.
             unfold idty. rewrite map_app. apply incl_appr, incl_refl.
          -- solve_forall; simpl in *.
             solve_incl. rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr'.
             unfold idty. rewrite map_app. apply incl_app; [repeat solve_incl|].
             apply incl_app; [apply incl_appr|apply incl_appl]...
             apply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hnorm.
             eapply incl_map...
             assert (incl (st_anns x1) (st_anns x4)) by repeat solve_incl.
             do 2 etransitivity...
        * repeat solve_incl.
      + simpl. rewrite app_nil_r.
        eapply idents_for_anns'_incl_ty in H4.
        clear - H4. solve_forall; simpl.
        apply in_or_app, or_intror, H4. unfold idty. simpl_In.
        exists (i, (t, (c, o))); auto.
      + eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H2 as (?&?); eauto.
        solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Corollary map_bind2_unnest_exp_wt : forall G vars is_control es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      map_bind2 (unnest_exp G is_control) es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) (concat es') /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) (concat eqs').
    intros * Hwt Hmap.
    eapply map_bind2_wt in Hmap; solve_forall; eauto.
    eapply unnest_exp_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H1 as [? ?]; eauto.
    split. 1,2:solve_forall. 1,2,3:repeat solve_incl.

  Corollary unnest_exps_wt : forall G vars es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      unnest_exps G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
    intros * Hwt Hmap.
    unfold unnest_exps in Hmap; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_wt in H; eauto.

  Fact unnest_rhs_wt : forall G vars e es' eqs' st st',
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st) e ->
      unnest_rhs G e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    intros * Hwt Hnorm.
    destruct e; unfold unnest_rhs in Hnorm;
      try (solve [eapply unnest_exp_wt in Hnorm; eauto]); inv Hwt.
    - (* fby *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H). eapply unnest_exps_wt in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...
      assert (Hnorm2:=H0). eapply unnest_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H0 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']...
      2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      rewrite Forall_app; repeat split... 2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply unnest_fby_wt_exp.
      1,2,3:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm1; repeat inv_bind.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in H... congruence.
      + unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm2; repeat inv_bind.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in H... congruence.
    - (* arrow *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm1:=H). eapply unnest_exps_wt in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...
      assert (Hnorm2:=H0). eapply unnest_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H0 as [Hwt2 Hwt2']...
      2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      rewrite Forall_app; repeat split... 2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply unnest_arrow_wt_exp.
      1,2,3:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm1; repeat inv_bind.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in H... congruence.
      + unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm2; repeat inv_bind.
        eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_typesof'' in H... congruence.
    - (* app *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      rewrite app_nil_r.
      assert (Hnorm:=H). eapply unnest_exps_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']...

      assert (length (find_node_incks G i) = length x) as Hlen1.
      { unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H4.
        eapply Forall2_length in H5. rewrite map_length.
        eapply unnest_exps_length in Hnorm; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H5.
        congruence. }
      assert (Forall (fun e : exp => numstreams e = 1) x) as Hnum.
      { eapply unnest_exps_numstreams; eauto. }

      split; auto.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt; eauto.
      + erewrite unnest_noops_exps_typesof, unnest_exps_typesof; eauto.
      + solve_forall; simpl. solve_incl.
        repeat rewrite <- app_assoc.
        apply incl_appr', incl_app.
        * apply incl_appl. repeat solve_incl.
        * unfold st_tys. rewrite <- idty_app.
          apply incl_map. apply incl_app; [|repeat solve_incl].
          apply incl_appl. apply unnest_exps_fresh_incl in Hnorm; eauto.
          etransitivity; eauto.
      + rewrite Forall_app; split. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt; eauto.
    - (* app (reset) *)
      do 5 inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows st x4) as Hfollows1 by repeat solve_st_follows.
      assert (st_follows x4 st') as Hfollows2.
      { eapply (unnest_reset_st_follows _ _ (Some r)) in H1; eauto. }
      assert (Hs:=H1). eapply unnest_reset_Some in Hs as [er' ?]; subst.
      apply (unnest_reset_wt G vars (Some r)) in H1 as [Hwt2 [Hwt2' Hwt2'']]; simpl...
      2:(intros; eapply unnest_exp_wt in H2; eauto).
      1,2,4:repeat inv_bind. 2,3:repeat solve_incl.
      2:(eapply (unnest_reset_fresh_incl _ (Some r)) in H1; simpl; eauto;
         intros; eapply unnest_exp_fresh_incl in H2; eauto).

      assert (Hnorm:=H). eapply unnest_exps_wt in H as [Hwt1 Hwt1']; eauto.
      rewrite Forall_app.

      assert (length (find_node_incks G i) = length x) as Hlen1.
      { unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H4.
        eapply Forall2_length in H5. rewrite map_length.
        eapply unnest_exps_length in Hnorm; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H5.
        congruence. }
      assert (Forall (fun e : exp => numstreams e = 1) x) as Hnum.
      { eapply unnest_exps_numstreams; eauto. }

      repeat split; auto.
      2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      repeat constructor.
      repeat econstructor; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt in H0 as (?&?); eauto.
        solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      + erewrite unnest_noops_exps_typesof, unnest_exps_typesof; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_exps_fresh_incl in Hnorm.
        solve_forall; solve_incl.
        repeat rewrite idty_app; repeat rewrite <- app_assoc.
        repeat apply incl_app; auto.
        1,2:apply incl_appr, incl_appl; repeat solve_incl.
        unfold st_tys, idty; rewrite incl_map; do 2 etransitivity...
        eapply st_follows_incl; eauto. etransitivity; eauto.
      + apply Forall_app; split. 2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt in H0 as (?&?); eauto.
        solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Corollary unnest_rhss_wt : forall G vars es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      unnest_rhss G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st')) es' /\
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    intros * Hwt Hnorm.
    unfold unnest_rhss in Hnorm; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind2_wt in H...
    eapply unnest_rhs_wt with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H2 as [? ?]...
    split. 1,2:solve_forall. 1,2,3:repeat solve_incl.

  Fact unnest_equation_wt_eq : forall G vars eq eqs' st st',
      wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st) eq ->
      unnest_equation G eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    intros * Hwt Hnorm.
    destruct eq as [xs es]; simpl in Hnorm.
    repeat inv_bind. destruct Hwt.
    assert (Hnorm:=H). eapply unnest_rhss_wt in H as [Hwt Hwt']...
    apply Forall_app. split; eauto.
    assert (st_follows st st') as Hfollows by eauto.
    eapply unnest_rhss_typesof in Hnorm...
    rewrite <- Hnorm in H1.
    clear Hnorm. revert xs H1.
    induction x; intros xs H1; constructor; simpl in H1.
    + inv Hwt. repeat constructor...
      simpl. rewrite app_nil_r.
      repeat rewrite_Forall_forall.
      * rewrite app_length in H.
        rewrite firstn_length. rewrite H.
        rewrite length_typeof_numstreams.
        apply Nat.min_l. omega.
      * rewrite firstn_length in H2.
        rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.min_glb_lt_iff in H2; destruct H2 as [Hlen1 Hlen2].
        specialize (H1 a0 b _ _ _ Hlen2 eq_refl eq_refl).
        rewrite app_nth1 in H1. 2: rewrite length_typeof_numstreams.
        rewrite nth_firstn_1. 2,3:eauto.
        rewrite in_app_iff in *. destruct H1; auto.
        right. eapply st_follows_tys_incl...
    + inv Hwt. apply IHx...
      repeat rewrite_Forall_forall.
      * rewrite app_length in H.
        rewrite skipn_length. rewrite H.
        rewrite length_typeof_numstreams. omega.
      * rewrite skipn_length in H2.
        rewrite nth_skipn.
        assert (n + numstreams a < length xs) as Hlen by omega.
        specialize (H1 a0 b _ _ _ Hlen eq_refl eq_refl).
        rewrite app_nth2 in H1. 2: rewrite length_typeof_numstreams; omega.
        rewrite length_typeof_numstreams in H1.
        replace (n + numstreams a - numstreams a) with n in H1 by omega...

  Corollary unnest_equations_wt_eq : forall G vars eqs eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st)) eqs ->
      unnest_equations G eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    induction eqs; intros * Hwt Hnorm;
      unfold unnest_equations in Hnorm;
      repeat inv_bind; auto.
    inv Hwt. apply Forall_app. split.
    - eapply unnest_equation_wt_eq in H...
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
    - assert (unnest_equations G eqs x1 = (concat x2, st')) as Hnorm.
      { unfold unnest_equations; repeat inv_bind. repeat eexists; eauto. inv_bind; eauto. }
      eapply IHeqs in Hnorm...
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

Preservation of wt_clock

  Definition st_clocks (st : fresh_st (Op.type * clock)) : list clock :=
    map (fun '(_, (_, cl)) => cl) (st_anns st).
  Definition st_clocks' (st : fresh_st (Op.type * clock * bool)) : list clock :=
    map (fun '(_, (_, cl, _)) => cl) (st_anns st).

  Fact fresh_ident_wt_clock : forall pref vars ty cl id st st',
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st) ->
      wt_clock vars cl ->
      fresh_ident pref (ty, cl) st = (id, st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st').
    intros * Hclocks Hwt Hfresh.
    apply fresh_ident_anns in Hfresh.
    unfold st_clocks in *. setoid_rewrite Hfresh; simpl.
    constructor; auto.

  Corollary idents_for_anns_wt_clock : forall vars anns ids st st',
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st) ->
      Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
      idents_for_anns anns st = (ids, st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st').
    induction anns; intros ids st st' Hclocks Hwt Hidents;
      repeat inv_bind.
    - assumption.
    - inv Hwt. destruct a as [ty [cl ?]]. repeat inv_bind.
      eapply IHanns in H0; eauto.
      inv H1.
      eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock; eauto.

  Fact reuse_ident_wt_clock : forall vars ty cl id st st',
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st) ->
      wt_clock vars cl ->
      reuse_ident id (ty, cl) st = (tt, st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st').
    intros * Hclocks Hwt Hfresh.
    apply reuse_ident_anns in Hfresh.
    unfold st_clocks in *. setoid_rewrite Hfresh; simpl.
    constructor; auto.

  Corollary idents_for_anns'_wt_clock : forall vars anns ids st st',
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st) ->
      Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
      idents_for_anns' anns st = (ids, st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks st').
    induction anns; intros ids st st' Hclocks Hwt Hidents;
      repeat inv_bind.
    - assumption.
    - inv Hwt. destruct a as [ty [cl ?]]. destruct o; repeat inv_bind.
      + eapply IHanns in H0; eauto.
        inv H1.
        destruct x. eapply reuse_ident_wt_clock; eauto.
      + eapply IHanns in H0; eauto.
        inv H1.
        eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock; eauto.

  Fact map_bind2_wt_clock {A A1 A2 : Type} :
    forall vars (k : A -> Unnesting.FreshAnn (A1 * A2)) a a1s a2s st st',
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      map_bind2 k a st = (a1s, a2s, st') ->
      (forall st st' a es a2s, k a st = (es, a2s, st') -> st_follows st st') ->
      Forall (fun a => forall a1s a2s st0 st0',
                  Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st0)) (st_clocks st0) ->
                  k a st0 = (a1s, a2s, st0') ->
                  st_follows st st0 ->
                  st_follows st0' st' ->
                  Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st0')) (st_clocks st0')) a ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
Proof with
    induction a; intros a1s a2s st st' Hclocks Hmap Hfollows Hf;
      repeat inv_bind...
    inv Hf.
    specialize (H3 _ _ _ _ Hclocks H).
    eapply IHa in H3...
    - reflexivity.
    - eapply map_bind2_st_follows...
    - solve_forall.
      eapply H2 in H5...

  Fact unnest_reset_wt_clock : forall G vars e e' eqs' st st',
      LiftO True (fun e => forall st' es' eqs',
                   unnest_exp G true e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
                   Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st')) e ->
      LiftO True (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) e ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_reset (unnest_exp G true) e st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
Proof with
    intros * Hkck Hwt Hclocks Hnorm.
    unnest_reset_spec; simpl in *; eauto.
    assert (Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (clockof e0)) as Hwtck.
    { eapply wt_exp_clockof in Hwt.
      assert (Hk:=Hk0). eapply unnest_exp_fresh_incl in Hk0.
      solve_forall; solve_incl. rewrite <- app_assoc.
      apply incl_app; [repeat solve_incl|apply incl_appr, incl_app].
      repeat solve_incl. unfold st_tys, idty. apply incl_map.
      etransitivity; eauto. }
    eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock in Hfresh...
    - eapply Hkck in Hk0.
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
    - assert (Hk:=Hk0). eapply unnest_exp_annot in Hk0; eauto.
      rewrite clockof_annot, <- Hk0 in Hwtck.
      destruct l; simpl in *. 1:inv Hhd; constructor.
      destruct (annot e); simpl in *. inv Hhd; constructor.
      subst; simpl in *.
      inv Hwtck. repeat solve_incl.

  Lemma unnest_noops_exps_wt_clock : forall G vars cks es es' eqs' st st' ,
      length es = length cks ->
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      Forall (fun e => numstreams e = 1) es ->
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_noops_exps cks es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
    unfold unnest_noops_exps.
    induction cks; intros * Hlen Hnormed Hnum Hwt1 Hwt2 Hunt; repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    destruct es; simpl in *; inv Hlen; repeat inv_bind.
    inv Hnormed. inv Hnum. inv Hwt1.
    eapply IHcks with (st:=x2); eauto.
    solve_forall; repeat solve_incl; eapply unnest_noops_exp_st_follows in H; eauto.
    2:repeat inv_bind; repeat eexists; eauto; inv_bind; eauto.
    clear H0 H1.
    rewrite <-length_annot_numstreams in H6. singleton_length. destruct p as (?&?&?).
    unfold unnest_noops_exp in H. rewrite Hsingl in H; simpl in H.
    destruct (is_noops_exp a e); simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
    eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock; eauto. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
    eapply wt_exp_clockof in H8.
    rewrite normalized_lexp_no_fresh in H8; auto. simpl in H8; rewrite app_nil_r in H8.
    rewrite clockof_annot, Hsingl in H8; inv H8.
    repeat solve_incl.

  Fact unnest_exp_wt_clock : forall G vars e is_control es' eqs' st st',
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st) e ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_exp G is_control e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
Proof with
    induction e using exp_ind2; intros is_control es' eqs' st st' Hwt Hclocks Hnorm;
      inv Hwt. 1-10: repeat inv_bind; eauto.
    Ltac solve_map_bind2' :=
      match goal with
      | Hnorm : unnest_exp _ _ _ _ = _, Hf : forall (_ : bool), _ |- Forall _ ?l =>
        eapply Hf in Hnorm; eauto
      end; repeat solve_incl.
    - (* binop *)
      eapply IHe2 in H0...
      repeat solve_incl.
    - (* fby *)
      eapply idents_for_anns_wt_clock in H3... 2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply map_bind2_wt_clock with (vars0:=vars) in H2... solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H1...
    - (* arrow *)
      eapply idents_for_anns_wt_clock in H3... 2:solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply map_bind2_wt_clock with (vars0:=vars) in H2... solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H1...
    - (* when *)
      eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H0...
      rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros...
      eapply H in H3... eapply H4 in H1... repeat solve_incl.
    - (* merge *)
      eapply Forall_Forall in H; eauto. clear H5. eapply Forall_Forall in H0; eauto. clear H6.
      destruct is_control; repeat inv_bind.
      + eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H2...
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H1... 1,2:solve_map_bind2'.
      + eapply idents_for_anns_wt_clock in H3...
        2:{ rewrite map_map; simpl. solve_forall. repeat solve_incl. }
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock with (vars0:=vars) in H2... 3:solve_map_bind2'. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H1... solve_map_bind2'.
    - (* ite *)
      eapply Forall_Forall in H; eauto. clear H6. eapply Forall_Forall in H0; eauto. clear H7.
      destruct is_control; repeat inv_bind.
      + eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H3...
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H2... 1,2:solve_map_bind2'.
      + eapply idents_for_anns_wt_clock in H4...
        2:{ rewrite map_map; simpl. solve_forall. repeat solve_incl. }
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock with (vars0:=vars) in H3... 3:solve_map_bind2'. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
        eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H2... solve_map_bind2'.
    - (* app *)
      eapply Forall_Forall in H0; eauto.
      assert (st_follows x1 st') as Hfollows by repeat solve_st_follows.
      assert (incl (fresh_ins es) (st_anns x1)) as Hincl by (apply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in H1; auto).
      eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt_clock in H2; eauto.
      2:{ unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H6.
          eapply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite map_length.
          eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in H1; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H7.
          congruence. }
      2:eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_numstreams; eauto.
      2:eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_wt; eauto.
      2:eapply map_bind2_wt_clock; eauto; solve_map_bind2'.
      eapply idents_for_anns'_wt_clock in H3...
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      rewrite Forall_map. solve_forall; solve_incl.
      rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr', incl_app; repeat solve_incl.
      unfold st_tys, idty; rewrite map_app; apply incl_app; apply incl_map.
      + etransitivity...
      + apply idents_for_anns'_fresh_incl in H3...
    - (* app (reset) *)
      do 6 inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows x4 x7) as Hfollows.
      { clear - H3. eapply (unnest_reset_st_follows _ _ (Some r)) in H3; eauto. }
      assert (Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys x1)) (st_clocks x1)) as Hck1.
      { repeat inv_bind. eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H1... solve_map_bind2'. }
      assert (Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys x4)) (st_clocks x4)) as Hck2.
      { clear H3. repeat inv_bind.
        eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt_clock in H2; eauto.
        + unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H6.
          eapply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite map_length.
          eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_length in H1; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H7.
        + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_numstreams; eauto.
        + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_wt; eauto.

      eapply (unnest_reset_wt_clock G vars (Some r)) in H3; simpl; eauto.
      2-4:clear H3. 1-4:repeat inv_bind.
      2:intros; eapply H in H3; eauto. 2,3:repeat solve_incl.
      eapply idents_for_anns'_wt_clock in H4...
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
      rewrite Forall_map. solve_forall; solve_incl.
      rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr', incl_app; repeat solve_incl.
      unfold st_tys, idty; apply incl_map, incl_app.
      + eapply map_bind2_unnest_exp_fresh_incl in H1.
        etransitivity... repeat solve_incl.
      + apply idents_for_anns'_fresh_incl in H4...

  Corollary unnest_exps_wt_clock : forall G vars es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_exps G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
    intros G vars es es' eqs' st st' Hwt Hclocks Hnorm.
    unfold unnest_exps in Hnorm. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H; eauto.
    assert (st_follows st0 st0') by eauto.
    eapply unnest_exp_wt_clock with (G:=G) (vars:=vars) in H3; repeat solve_incl.
    - solve_forall; solve_incl.
    - solve_forall; solve_incl.

  Corollary unnest_rhs_wt_clock : forall G vars e es' eqs' st st',
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st) e ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_rhs G e st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
Proof with
    intros * Hwt Hclocks Hnorm.
    destruct e; unfold unnest_rhs in Hnorm;
      try eapply unnest_exp_wt_clock in Hnorm; eauto;
        inv Hwt.
    - (* fby *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows st x1) by repeat solve_st_follows. assert (st_follows st st') by repeat solve_st_follows.
      eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H...
      eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H0...
      solve_forall; do 3 solve_incl; apply st_follows_tys_incl; auto.
    - (* arrow *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows st x1) by repeat solve_st_follows. assert (st_follows st st') by repeat solve_st_follows.
      eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H...
      eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H0...
      solve_forall; do 3 solve_incl; apply st_follows_tys_incl; auto.
    - (* app *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      assert (Hnorm:=H). eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H...
      eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt_clock in H0...
      + unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H4.
        eapply Forall2_length in H5. rewrite map_length.
        eapply unnest_exps_length in Hnorm; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H5.
      + eapply unnest_exps_numstreams; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_exps_wt; eauto.
    - (* app (reset) *)
      do 5 inv_bind.
      assert (st_follows x4 st') as Hfollows.
      { clear - H1. eapply (unnest_reset_st_follows _ _ (Some r)) in H1; eauto. }
      assert (Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys x1)) (st_clocks x1)) as Hck1.
      { repeat inv_bind. eapply unnest_exps_wt_clock in H... }
      assert (Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys x4)) (st_clocks x4)) as Hck2.
      { clear H1. repeat inv_bind.
        eapply unnest_noops_exps_wt_clock in H0; eauto.
        + unfold find_node_incks. rewrite H4.
          eapply Forall2_length in H5. rewrite map_length.
          eapply unnest_exps_length in H; eauto. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H5.
        + eapply unnest_exps_numstreams; eauto.
        + eapply unnest_exps_wt; eauto.
      eapply (unnest_reset_wt_clock G vars (Some r)) in H1; simpl; eauto.
      intros; eapply unnest_exp_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H2; eauto.
      1,2:repeat solve_incl.

  Corollary unnest_rhss_wt_clock : forall G vars es es' eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_exp G (vars++st_tys st)) es ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_rhss G es st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
    intros * Hwt Hclocks Hnorm.
    unfold unnest_rhss in Hnorm. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind2_wt_clock in H; eauto.
    solve_forall. eapply unnest_rhs_wt_clock with (G:=G) in H3; eauto.
    repeat solve_incl.

  Fact unnest_equation_wt_clock : forall G vars eq eqs' st st',
      wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st) eq ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_equation G eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
    intros * Hwt Hclocks Hnorm.
    destruct eq; repeat inv_bind.
    destruct Hwt.
    eapply unnest_rhss_wt_clock in H; eauto.

  Corollary unnest_equations_wt_clock : forall G vars eqs eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys st)) eqs ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st)) (st_clocks st) ->
      unnest_equations G eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars++st_tys st')) (st_clocks st').
    induction eqs; intros * Hwt Hclocks Hnorm;
      unfold unnest_equations in Hnorm; repeat inv_bind.
    - assumption.
    - inv Hwt.
      assert (st_follows st x1) by repeat solve_st_follows.
      eapply unnest_equation_wt_clock in H; eauto.
      assert (unnest_equations G eqs x1 = (concat x2, st')) as Hnorm.
      { unfold unnest_equations; repeat inv_bind.
        repeat eexists; eauto. inv_bind; auto. }
      eapply IHeqs in Hnorm; eauto.
      solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Lemma unnest_node_wt : forall G n Hwl Hpref,
      wt_node G n ->
      wt_node G (unnest_node G n Hwl Hpref).
    intros * [Hclin [Hclout [Hclvars Heq]]].
    unfold unnest_node.
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto.
    - unfold wt_clocks in *.
      apply Forall_app. split.
      + solve_forall. unfold idty in *.
        solve_incl. repeat rewrite map_app. repeat solve_incl.
      + remember (unnest_equations _ _ _) as res.
        destruct res as [eqs st']. symmetry in Heqres.
        eapply unnest_equations_wt_clock with (G:=G) in Heqres; eauto.
        * simpl. unfold st_clocks in Heqres.
          unfold idty. solve_forall.
          repeat solve_incl.
          repeat rewrite map_app, app_assoc.
          eapply incl_appr'. reflexivity.
        * unfold st_clocks. unfold st_tys. rewrite init_st_anns, app_nil_r.
          repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. repeat rewrite <- map_app.
          solve_forall; repeat solve_incl. apply incl_map, incl_appr'. rewrite Permutation_app_comm; auto.
        * unfold st_clocks. rewrite init_st_anns; simpl; constructor.
    - remember (unnest_equations _ _ _) as res.
      destruct res as [eqs' st']; simpl.
      symmetry in Heqres.
      eapply unnest_equations_wt_eq with (G:=G) (vars:=(idty (n_in n ++ n_vars n ++ n_out n))) in Heqres; eauto.
      + solve_forall; solve_incl.
        unfold st_tys; rewrite <- idty_app. apply incl_map.
        repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr', incl_appr'.
        rewrite Permutation_app_comm. reflexivity.
      + solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Lemma unnest_global_wt : forall G Hwl Hprefs,
      wt_global G ->
      wt_global (unnest_global G Hwl Hprefs).
    induction G; intros * Hwt; simpl; inv Hwt.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
      + eapply IHG; eauto.
      + remember (unnest_node _ _) as n'. symmetry in Heqn'.
        eapply iface_eq_wt_node. eapply unnest_global_eq; eauto.
        eapply unnest_node_wt; eauto.
      + eapply unnest_global_names; eauto.

Preservation of wt through the second pass

  Fact add_whens_typeof : forall e ty cl,
      typeof e = [ty] ->
      typeof (add_whens e ty cl) = [ty].
    induction cl; intro Hty; simpl; auto.

  Fact add_whens_wt_exp : forall G vars e ty cl e',
      wt_exp G vars e ->
      typeof e = [ty] ->
      wt_clock vars cl ->
      add_whens e ty cl = e' ->
      wt_exp G vars e'.
    induction cl; intros e' Hwt Hty Hclock Hwhens; simpl in Hwhens; inv Hclock; subst.
    - assumption.
    - repeat constructor; simpl; auto.
      rewrite app_nil_r.
      rewrite add_whens_typeof; auto.

  Fact init_var_for_clock_wt_eq : forall G vars ck id eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      init_var_for_clock ck st = (id, eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st')) eqs'.
Proof with
    intros * Hck Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit. destruct (find _ _) eqn:Hfind.
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. constructor.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      repeat constructor; simpl; repeat rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
      1,2:eapply add_whens_wt_exp... 2,4,7:repeat solve_incl.
      3,4:eapply add_whens_typeof.
      1-4:simpl; f_equal.
      1,4:rewrite Op.type_true_const. 3,4:rewrite Op.type_false_const. 1-4:reflexivity.
      eapply fresh_ident_In in Hfresh.
      eapply in_or_app. right. unfold st_tys', idty. rewrite map_map. simpl_In.
      exists (id, (Op.bool_type, ck, true))...

  Fact fby_iteexp_wt_exp : forall G vars e0 e ty ck name e' eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys' st) e0 ->
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys' st) e ->
      typeof e0 = [ty] ->
      typeof e = [ty] ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e (ty, (ck, name)) st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys' st') e'.
    intros * Hwtc Hwt1 Hwt2 Hty1 Hty2 Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    repeat constructor; simpl in *; try rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
    2,3,5,6:repeat solve_incl; eapply init_var_for_clock_st_follows in H; repeat solve_st_follows.
    1:(apply init_var_for_clock_In in H;
         apply in_or_app, or_intror; unfold st_tys', idty;
         simpl_In; exists (x, (Op.bool_type, ck)); split; auto;
    simpl in H.
    exists (x, (Op.bool_type, ck, true)); split; auto.
    eapply st_follows_incl; eauto.
    1:(apply fresh_ident_In in H0;
       apply in_or_app, or_intror; unfold st_tys', idty;
       simpl_In; exists (x2, (ty, ck)); split; auto;
       simpl_In; exists (x2, (ty, ck, false)); split; auto).

  Fact fby_iteexp_wt_eq : forall G vars e0 e ty ck name e' eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys' st) e0 ->
      wt_exp G (vars++st_tys' st) e ->
      typeof e0 = [ty] ->
      typeof e = [ty] ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e (ty, (ck, name)) st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st')) eqs'.
    intros * Hwtc Hwt1 Hwt2 Hty1 Hty2 Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    assert (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st') ck) as Hwtck'.
    { repeat solve_incl; eapply init_var_for_clock_st_follows in H; repeat solve_st_follows. }
    - repeat constructor; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
      2:repeat solve_incl; eapply init_var_for_clock_st_follows in H; repeat solve_st_follows.
      + eapply add_whens_wt_exp; eauto.
        simpl. rewrite Op.type_init_type; auto.
      + eapply add_whens_typeof.
        simpl. rewrite Op.type_init_type; auto.
      + apply fresh_ident_In in H0.
        apply in_or_app, or_intror. unfold st_tys', idty.
        simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck)); split; auto.
        simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck, false)); split; auto.
    - eapply init_var_for_clock_wt_eq with (G:=G) in H; eauto.
      solve_forall. repeat solve_incl.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_wt_eq : forall G vars e0 e ty ck name e' eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      arrow_iteexp e0 e (ty, (ck, name)) st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st')) eqs'.
    intros * Hwtc Hfby.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_wt_eq with (G:=G) in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equation_wt_eq : forall G vars to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st) eq ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st')) eqs'.
    intros * Hwt Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - (* constant fby *)
      destruct x2 as (ty&ck&name).
      destruct (PS.mem x to_cut); repeat inv_bind; auto.
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt Hin]. apply Forall_singl in Hwt. apply Forall2_singl in Hin.
      eapply wt_exp_incl with (vars':=vars ++ st_tys' st') in Hwt. 2:repeat solve_incl.
      repeat (constructor; auto).
      3:repeat solve_incl.
      + apply fresh_ident_In in H. apply in_or_app, or_intror.
        unfold st_tys', idty. repeat simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck)); split; auto.
        repeat simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck, false)); auto.
      + inv Hwt.
        apply Forall_singl in H7. inv H7; repeat solve_incl.
      + apply fresh_ident_In in H. apply in_or_app, or_intror.
        unfold st_tys', idty. repeat simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck)); split; auto.
        repeat simpl_In. exists (x2, (ty, ck, false)); auto.
    - (* fby *)
      destruct x2 as (ty&ck&name).
      assert (st_follows st st') as Hfollows by (eapply fby_iteexp_st_follows with (ann:=(ty, (ck, name))) in H; eauto).
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt Hins]. apply Forall_singl in Hwt. apply Forall2_singl in Hins.
      inv Hwt.
      simpl in *; rewrite app_nil_r in *.
      apply Forall_singl in H3; apply Forall_singl in H4.
      apply Forall_singl in H7; inv H7.
      assert (Hwte:=H). eapply fby_iteexp_wt_exp in Hwte; eauto.
      assert (Hty:=H). eapply (fby_iteexp_typeof _ _ (ty, (ck, name))) in Hty; eauto.
      assert (Hwteq:=H). eapply fby_iteexp_wt_eq in Hwteq; eauto.
      repeat constructor; auto.
      simpl; rewrite app_nil_r, Hty. repeat constructor. repeat solve_incl.
    - (* arrow *)
      destruct x2 as [ty [ck name]].
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt Hins]. apply Forall_singl in Hwt. apply Forall2_singl in Hins.
      inv Hwt.
      simpl in *; rewrite app_nil_r in *.
      apply Forall_singl in H3; apply Forall_singl in H4.
      apply Forall_singl in H7; inv H7.
      assert (Hwte:=H). eapply arrow_iteexp_wt_eq in Hwte; eauto.
      assert (st_follows st st') as Hfollows.
      { repeat inv_bind. eapply init_var_for_clock_st_follows; eauto. }
      repeat inv_bind.
      repeat constructor; auto. 9:eapply Hwte.
      2,3,4,7:repeat solve_incl.
      2,3:simpl; rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
      + eapply init_var_for_clock_In in H.
        apply in_or_app, or_intror. unfold st_tys', idty. rewrite map_map.
        simpl_In. exists (x2, (Op.bool_type, ck, true)); auto.
      + assert (incl (vars ++ st_tys' st) (vars ++ st_tys' st')) by repeat solve_incl; eauto.

  Fact fby_equations_wt_eq : forall G vars to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st)) eqs ->
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st')) eqs'.
    induction eqs; intros * Hwt Hfby;
      unfold fby_equations in *; repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    inv Hwt.
    apply Forall_app; split.
    - eapply fby_equation_wt_eq in H; eauto. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.
    - assert (fby_equations to_cut eqs x1 = (concat x2, st')) as Hnorm.
      { unfold fby_equations. repeat inv_bind. repeat eexists; eauto.
        inv_bind; auto. }
      eapply IHeqs in Hnorm; eauto. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl; eauto.

  Fact fresh_ident_wt_clock' : forall pref vars ty cl b id st st',
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks' st) ->
      wt_clock vars cl ->
      fresh_ident pref (ty, cl, b) st = (id, st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock vars) (st_clocks' st').
    intros * Hclocks Hwt Hfresh.
    apply fresh_ident_anns in Hfresh.
    unfold st_clocks' in *. rewrite Hfresh; simpl.
    constructor; auto.

  Fact init_var_for_clock_wt_clock : forall vars ck x eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st)) (st_clocks' st) ->
      init_var_for_clock ck st = (x, eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st')) (st_clocks' st').
    intros * Hwtc1 Hwtc2 Hfby.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hfby. destruct (find _ _) eqn:Hfind.
    - destruct p; inv Hfby. auto.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh.
      inv Hfby.
      eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock' in Hfresh; eauto. solve_forall. 1,2:repeat solve_incl.

  Fact fby_iteexp_wt_clock : forall vars e0 e ty ck name e' eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st)) (st_clocks' st) ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e (ty, (ck, name)) st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st')) (st_clocks' st').
    intros * Hwtc1 Hwtc2 Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind; auto.
    assert (st_follows st x1) as Hfollows1 by (eapply init_var_for_clock_st_follows in H; eauto).
    assert (st_follows x1 st') as Hfollows2 by eauto.
    eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock' in H0; eauto. 2:repeat solve_incl.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_wt_clock in H; eauto.
    solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_wt_clock : forall vars e0 e ty ck name e' eqs' st st',
      wt_clock (vars++st_tys' st) ck ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st)) (st_clocks' st) ->
      arrow_iteexp e0 e (ty, (ck, name)) st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st')) (st_clocks' st').
    intros * Hwtc1 Hwtc2 Hfby.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_wt_clock in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equation_wt_clock : forall G vars to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st) eq ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st)) (st_clocks' st) ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st')) (st_clocks' st').
    intros * Hwt Hwtck Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - (* fby (constant) *)
      destruct x2 as (ty&ck&name).
      destruct PS.mem; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt _]. apply Forall_singl in Hwt.
      inv Hwt.
      apply Forall_singl in H7; inv H7.
      eapply fresh_ident_wt_clock' in H; eauto.
      1:solve_forall. 1,2:repeat solve_incl.
    - (* fby *)
      destruct x2 as (ty&ck&name).
      eapply fby_iteexp_wt_clock in H; eauto.
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt _]. apply Forall_singl in Hwt.
      inv Hwt. apply Forall_singl in H7; inv H7; auto.
    - (* arrow *)
      destruct x2 as [ty [ck name]].
      destruct Hwt as [Hwt _]. inv Hwt. inv H2. inv H9. inv H2.
      eapply arrow_iteexp_wt_clock in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equations_wt_clock : forall G vars to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      Forall (wt_equation G (vars++st_tys' st)) eqs ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st)) (st_clocks' st) ->
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wt_clock (vars ++ st_tys' st')) (st_clocks' st').
    induction eqs; intros * Hwt Hwtck Hfby;
      unfold fby_equations in *; repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    inv Hwt.
    assert (H':=H). eapply fby_equation_wt_clock in H; eauto.
    assert (fby_equations to_cut eqs x1 = (concat x2, st')) as Hnorm.
    { unfold fby_equations. repeat inv_bind. repeat eexists; eauto.
      inv_bind; auto. }
      eapply IHeqs in Hnorm; eauto. solve_forall; repeat solve_incl; eauto.

  Lemma normfby_node_wt : forall G to_cut n Hunt Hpref,
      wt_node G n ->
      wt_node G (normfby_node G to_cut n Hunt Hpref).
    intros * [Hclin [Hclout [Hclvars Heq]]].
    unfold normfby_node.
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto.
    - unfold wt_clocks in *.
      apply Forall_app. split.
      + solve_forall. unfold idty in *.
        solve_incl. repeat rewrite map_app. repeat solve_incl.
      + remember (fby_equations _ _ _) as res. symmetry in Heqres. destruct res as [eqs' st'].
        eapply fby_equations_wt_clock with (G:=G) in Heqres; eauto.
        * simpl. unfold st_clocks' in Heqres.
          unfold idty. solve_forall; simpl.
          repeat solve_incl.
          repeat rewrite map_app, app_assoc.
          eapply incl_appr'. reflexivity.
        * unfold st_clocks'. unfold st_tys'. rewrite init_st_anns, app_nil_r.
          repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. repeat rewrite <- map_app.
          solve_forall; repeat solve_incl. apply incl_map, incl_appr'. rewrite Permutation_app_comm; auto.
        * unfold st_clocks'. rewrite init_st_anns; simpl; constructor.
    - remember (fby_equations _ _ _) as res. symmetry in Heqres. destruct res as [eqs' st'].
      eapply fby_equations_wt_eq with (G:=G) (vars:=(idty (n_in n ++ n_vars n ++ n_out n))) in Heqres; eauto.
      + solve_forall; solve_incl.
        unfold st_tys'; repeat rewrite <- idty_app. apply incl_map.
        repeat rewrite <- app_assoc. apply incl_appr', incl_appr'.
        rewrite Permutation_app_comm. reflexivity.
      + solve_forall; repeat solve_incl.

  Lemma normfby_global_wt : forall G Hunt Hprefs,
      wt_global G ->
      wt_global (normfby_global G Hunt Hprefs).
    induction G; intros * Hwt; simpl; inv Hwt.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
      + eapply IHG; eauto.
      + remember (normfby_node _ _) as n'. symmetry in Heqn'.
        eapply iface_eq_wt_node. eapply normfby_global_eq.
        eapply normfby_node_wt; eauto.
      + eapply normfby_global_names; eauto.


  Lemma normalize_global_wt : forall G G' Hwl Hprefs,
      wt_global G ->
      normalize_global G Hwl Hprefs = Errors.OK G' ->
      wt_global G'.
    intros * Hwt Hnorm.
    unfold normalize_global in Hnorm.
    destruct (Caus.check_causality _); inv Hnorm.
    eapply normfby_global_wt, unnest_global_wt, Hwt.


Module NTypingFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Caus : LCAUSALITY Ids Op Syn)
       (Typ : LTYPING Ids Op Syn)
       (Norm : NORMALIZATION Ids Op OpAux Syn Caus)
       <: NTYPING Ids Op OpAux Syn Caus Typ Norm.
  Include NTYPING Ids Op OpAux Syn Caus Typ Norm.
End NTypingFun.