Module Fresh

From Coq Require Import List Sorting.Permutation.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
From Coq Require Import Classes.RelationClasses.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.

From Velus Require Import Common.

Fresh name generation

The fresh monad (with memory) : generates new names and keeps a record of each name generated along with some information The file is structured as such: - a signature FRESHKERNEL, which exposes the kernel features of the monad - a functor FreshKernel which implements the previous signature, and contains some gruesome definitions details that we prefer to hide - a functor Fresh that includes FreshKernel and also offers some additional lemmas. This module should be instanciated using an IDS module that contains, among other things, the gensym function used for name generation
       (Import Ids : IDS).

The Monad manipulates a state, which exposes a list of the identifiers generated by the monad, paired with some data
  Section st.
    Parameter fresh_st : Type -> Type.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter st_anns : fresh_st B -> list (ident * B).
    Definition st_ids (st : fresh_st B) := map fst (st_anns st).
  End st.

  Definition Fresh (A B : Type) : Type := fresh_st B -> A * fresh_st B.

The state can be deemed as "valid". st_valid_after st prefix aft means that the state only contains identifier prefixed by prefix and that are distinct from the ones in aft. This properties also ensures that all ids in the state are distinct
  Section validity.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter st_valid_after : fresh_st B -> ident -> PS.t -> Prop.
    Conjecture st_valid_NoDup : forall st prefix aft,
        st_valid_after st prefix aft ->
        NoDup (st_ids st++PSP.to_list aft).
    Conjecture st_valid_PSeq : forall st prefix aft1 aft2,
        PS.eq aft1 aft2 ->
        st_valid_after st prefix aft1 ->
        st_valid_after st prefix aft2.
    Conjecture st_valid_prefixed : forall st prefix aft,
        st_valid_after st prefix aft ->
        Forall (fun x => exists n, x = gensym prefix n) (st_ids st).
  End validity.

Sometimes we need to reuse allready existing identifiers. st_valid_reuse st prefix aft reprefs reusable means that the state only contains idents prefixed by either prefix or reprefs. These idents are distinct from aft and reusable, but the ones in reusable can also by reused by the function reuse_ident (see below) while preserving this invariant
  Section validity_reuse.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter st_valid_reuse : fresh_st B -> ident -> PS.t -> PS.t -> PS.t -> Prop.
    Conjecture st_valid_reuse_NoDup : forall st prefix aft reprefs reusable,
        st_valid_reuse st prefix aft reprefs reusable ->
        NoDup (st_ids st++PSP.to_list aft++PSP.to_list reusable).
    Conjecture st_valid_reuse_PSeq : forall st prefix aft reprefs re1 re2,
        PS.eq re1 re2 ->
        st_valid_reuse st prefix aft reprefs re1 ->
        st_valid_reuse st prefix aft reprefs re2.
    Conjecture st_valid_reuse_prefixed : forall st prefix aft reprefs reu,
        st_valid_reuse st prefix aft reprefs reu ->
        Forall (AtomOrGensym (PS.add prefix reprefs)) (st_ids st).
  End validity_reuse.

st_follows forms an inclusion relation over the contents of the states. We show below that every primimitive Fresh operation produces a new state that follows the previous one
  Section follows.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter st_follows : fresh_st B -> fresh_st B -> Prop.
    Conjecture st_follows_refl : Reflexive st_follows.
    Conjecture st_follows_trans : Transitive st_follows.
    Conjecture st_follows_incl : forall st st',
        st_follows st st' ->
        incl (st_anns st) (st_anns st').
  End follows.

The initial state is empty. An empty state is valid under a few assumption : - the prefix used for generating must be different from the ones used previously. - in the case of st_valid_reuse, the reusable and non-reusable idents must be distinct When initializing
  Section init.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter init_st : fresh_st B.
    Conjecture init_st_anns : st_anns init_st = [].
    Conjecture init_st_valid : forall prefix aft aftprefs,
        ~PS.In prefix aftprefs ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym aftprefs) aft ->
        st_valid_after init_st prefix aft.
    Conjecture init_st_valid_reuse : forall prefix aft reprefs reusable,
        NoDup (PSP.to_list aft++PSP.to_list reusable) ->
        ~PS.In prefix reprefs ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) aft ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) reusable ->
        st_valid_reuse init_st prefix aft reprefs reusable.
  End init.

The central function for fresh identifier generation, fresh_ident prefix d generates a new identifier prefixed by prefix and associated with data d in the new state. fresh_ident prefix d preserves validity as long as prefix is the correct one
  Section fresh_ident.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter fresh_ident : ident -> B -> Fresh ident B.

    Conjecture fresh_ident_anns : forall pref b id st st',
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_anns st' = (id, b)::(st_anns st).

    Conjecture fresh_ident_st_valid : forall pref b id st st' aft,
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        st_valid_after st' pref aft.
    Conjecture fresh_ident_st_valid_reuse : forall pref b id st st' aft reprefs reusable,
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
        st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reusable.
    Conjecture fresh_ident_st_follows : forall pref b id st st',
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_follows st st'.
  End fresh_ident.

As stated above, it is also possible to reuse already existing identifiers, that is adding it to the state. reuse_ident x d adds x into the state, associated with d. If this function is used, only the st_valid_reuse property can be preserved
  Section reuse_ident.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Parameter reuse_ident : ident -> B -> Fresh unit B.

    Conjecture reuse_ident_anns : forall b id st st',
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_anns st' = (id, b)::(st_anns st).

    Conjecture reuse_ident_st_valid_reuse : forall b id st st' pref aft reprefs reusable,
        ~PS.In id reusable ->
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs (PS.add id reusable) ->
        st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reusable.
    Conjecture reuse_ident_st_follows : forall b id st st',
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_follows st st'.
  End reuse_ident.

  Section ret.
    Context {A B : Type}.
    Parameter ret : A -> Fresh A B.
    Conjecture ret_spec : forall a st,
        ret a st = (a, st).
  End ret.

  Section bind.
    Context {A A' B : Type}.
    Parameter bind : Fresh A B -> (A -> Fresh A' B) -> Fresh A' B.
    Conjecture bind_spec : forall (x : Fresh A B) (k : A -> Fresh A' B) st a' st'',
        (bind x k) st = (a', st'') <->
        exists a, exists st', (x st = (a, st') /\ k a st' = (a', st'')).
  End bind.

  Section bind2.
    Context {A1 A2 A' B : Type}.
    Parameter bind2 : Fresh (A1 * A2) B -> (A1 -> A2 -> Fresh A' B) -> Fresh A' B.
    Conjecture bind2_spec : forall (x : Fresh (A1 * A2) B) (k : A1 -> A2 -> Fresh A' B) st a' st'',
        (bind2 x k) st = (a', st'') <->
        exists a1, exists a2, exists st', (x st = ((a1, a2), st') /\ k a1 a2 st' = (a', st'')).
  End bind2.

Module FreshKernel(Import Ids : IDS) : FRESHKERNEL(Ids).
  Section st.
    Definition fresh_st (B : Type) : Type := (ident * list (ident * B)).
    Context {B : Type}.
    Definition st_anns (st : fresh_st B) := snd st.
    Definition st_ids (st : fresh_st B) := map fst (st_anns st).
  End st.

  Definition Fresh (A B : Type) : Type := fresh_st B -> A * fresh_st B.

  Section ret.
    Context {A B : Type}.
    Definition ret (a : A) : Fresh A B := fun st => (a, st).

    Fact ret_spec : forall a st,
        ret a st = (a, st).
      intros a st. reflexivity.
  End ret.

  Section validity.
    Context {B : Type}.
The state is valid if the next ident is greater than all generated idents, and if there is no duplicates in generated idents
    Definition st_valid_after (st : fresh_st B) (pref : ident) (aft : PS.t) : Prop :=
      let '(n, l) := st in
      NoDupMembers l /\
      Forall (fun id => exists x, id = gensym pref x /\ x n) (map fst l) /\
      exists prefs,
        ~PS.In pref prefs /\
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym prefs) aft.

    Fact AtomOrGensym_gensym_injective : forall prefs pref x,
        AtomOrGensym prefs (gensym pref x) ->
        PS.In pref prefs.
      intros * [Hat|(?&?&?&Hgen)].
      - exfalso. eapply gensym_not_atom; eauto.
      - eapply gensym_injective in Hgen as (?&?); subst; auto.

    Fact st_valid_NoDup : forall st pref aft,
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        NoDup (st_ids st++PSP.to_list aft).
      intros [n l] pref aft (Hnd&Hpre&?&Hnpre&Hatg).
      apply NoDup_app'; simpl.
      - apply fst_NoDupMembers; auto.
      - apply PS_elements_NoDup.
      - eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto].
        intros ? (?&Hgen&_); subst.
        rewrite In_PS_elements; simpl.
        intro contra. apply Hatg in contra.
        eapply AtomOrGensym_gensym_injective in contra.

    Fact st_valid_PSeq : forall st pref aft1 aft2,
        PS.eq aft1 aft2 ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft1 ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft2.
      intros [n l] * Heq (?&?&?&?&?).
      repeat (constructor; auto).
      exists x. rewrite <- Heq; auto.

    Fact st_valid_prefixed : forall st pref aft,
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        Forall (fun x => exists n, x = gensym pref n) (st_ids st).
      intros (?&?) * (?&?&?); auto.
      eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto].
      intros ? (?&Hgen&_); subst; eauto.
  End validity.

  Section validity_reuse.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Definition st_valid_reuse (st : fresh_st B) pref (aft : PS.t) reprefs (reusable : PS.t) : Prop :=
      let '(n, l) := st in
      NoDupMembers l /\
      Forall (AtomOrGensym (PS.add pref reprefs)) (map fst l) /\
      Forall (fun id => forall x, id = gensym pref x -> x n) (map fst l) /\
      NoDup (PSP.to_list aft++PSP.to_list reusable) /\
      PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) aft /\
      Forall (fun id => ~PS.In id aft) (map fst l) /\
      ~PS.In pref reprefs /\
      PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) reusable /\
      Forall (fun id => ~PS.In id reusable) (map fst l).

    Fact st_valid_reuse_NoDup : forall st pref aft reprefs reusable,
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
        NoDup (st_ids st++PSP.to_list aft++PSP.to_list reusable).
      intros [? ?] * (?&?&?&?&?&Hn1&?&?&Hn2).
      apply NoDup_app'; auto.
      - apply fst_NoDupMembers; auto.
      - eapply Forall_forall.
        intros ? Hin. rewrite not_In_app.
        repeat rewrite In_PS_elements. split.
        + eapply Forall_forall in Hn1; eauto.
        + eapply Forall_forall in Hn2; eauto.

    Fact st_valid_reuse_nIn : forall st pref aft reprefs reusable,
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
        PS.For_all (fun x => ~In x (st_ids st)) reusable.
      intros [? ?] * (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&Hn2).
      intros ? Hin1 Hin2.
      eapply Forall_forall in Hn2; eauto.

    Fact st_valid_reuse_PSeq : forall st pref aft reprefs re1 re2,
        PS.eq re1 re2 ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs re1 ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs re2.
      intros [n l] * Heq (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&Hn2).
      repeat (split; auto).
      1,2:rewrite <- Heq; auto.
      eapply Forall_impl; [|eapply Hn2].
      intros ? ?. rewrite <- Heq; auto.

    Fact st_valid_reuse_prefixed : forall st pref aft reprefs reu,
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reu ->
        Forall (AtomOrGensym (PS.add pref reprefs)) (st_ids st).
      intros [n l] * (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?); auto.
  End validity_reuse.

  Section follows.
    Context {B : Type}.

    Definition st_follows (st st' : fresh_st B) :=
      incl (snd st) (snd st').

    Fact st_follows_refl : Reflexive st_follows.
intros st. unfold st_follows. reflexivity. Qed.

    Fact st_follows_trans : Transitive st_follows.
      unfold Transitive. intros.
      unfold st_follows in *.
      etransitivity; eauto.

    Fact st_follows_incl : forall st st',
        st_follows st st' ->
        incl (st_anns st) (st_anns st').
intuition. Qed.
  End follows.

  Section init.
    Context {B : Type}.

    Definition init_st : fresh_st B := (xH, []).

    Fact init_st_anns : st_anns init_st = [].
intros. reflexivity.

    Fact init_st_valid : forall pref aft aftprefs,
        ~PS.In pref aftprefs ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym aftprefs) aft ->
        st_valid_after init_st pref aft.
      intros * Hnin Hprefs.
      unfold init_st.
      repeat (constructor; simpl; eauto).

    Fact init_st_valid_reuse : forall pref aft reprefs reusable,
        NoDup (PSP.to_list aft++PSP.to_list reusable) ->
        ~PS.In pref reprefs ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) aft ->
        PS.For_all (AtomOrGensym reprefs) reusable ->
        st_valid_reuse init_st pref aft reprefs reusable.
      intros * Hnd Hpre1 Hpre2 Hpre3. unfold init_st.
      repeat split; simpl; auto.
  End init.

  Section fresh_ident.
    Context {B : Type}.

    Definition fresh_ident pref (b : B) : Fresh ident B :=
      fun '(n, l) =>
        let id := gensym pref n in
        (id, (Pos.succ n, (id, b)::l)).

    Fact fresh_ident_anns : forall pref b id st st',
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_anns st' = (id, b)::(st_anns st).
      destruct st. inv H.

    Fact fresh_ident_st_valid :
      forall pref (b : B) id st st' aft,
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        st_valid_after st' pref aft.
      intros ? ? ? [n l] [n' l'] aft Hfresh (Hv1&Hv2&aftprefs&Hv3&Hv4).
      simpl in Hfresh; inv Hfresh.
      repeat split; simpl; auto. 3:exists aftprefs; split; auto. 1,2:constructor; auto.
      - rewrite fst_InMembers.
        intro Hin. eapply Forall_forall in Hv2 as (?&?&?); eauto.
        apply gensym_injective in H as (_&?); subst.
        eapply Pos.lt_irrefl; eauto.
      - exists n. split; auto.
        apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r.
      - eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto].
        intros ? (?&?&?); subst.
        exists x. split; auto.
        etransitivity; eauto. apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r.

    Fact fresh_ident_st_valid_reuse : forall pref b id st st' aft reprefs reusable,
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
        st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reusable.
      intros ? ? ? [n l] [n' l'] * Hfresh (Hv1&Hv2&Hv3&Hv4&Hv5&Hv6&Hv7&Hv8&Hv9).
      simpl in Hfresh; inv Hfresh.
      repeat split; simpl; auto. 1-5:constructor; auto; simpl.
      - rewrite fst_InMembers.
        intro Hin. eapply Forall_forall in Hv3; eauto.
        eapply Pos.lt_irrefl; eauto.
      - right. exists pref. split; eauto.
        apply PSF.add_1; auto.
      - intros ? Hgen.
        apply gensym_injective in Hgen as (_&Heq); subst.
        apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r.
      - eapply Forall_impl; [|eapply Hv3].
        intros ? Hgen ? Heq; subst.
        specialize (Hgen _ eq_refl).
        etransitivity; eauto. apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r.
      - intro contra. eapply Hv5 in contra as [?|(?&?&?&Heq)].
        + eapply gensym_not_atom; eauto.
        + apply gensym_injective in Heq as (?&?); subst.
      - intro contra. apply Hv8 in contra as [?|(?&?&?&Heq)].
        + eapply gensym_not_atom; eauto.
        + apply gensym_injective in Heq as (?&?); subst.

    Fact fresh_ident_st_follows :
      forall pref (b : B) id st st',
        fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
        st_follows st st'.
      intros ??? [n l] [n' l'] Hfresh.
      simpl in *; inv Hfresh; simpl.
      unfold st_follows in *; simpl in *.
      apply incl_tl. reflexivity.
  End fresh_ident.

  Section reuse_ident.
    Context {B : Type}.

    Definition reuse_ident (id : ident) (b : B) : Fresh unit B :=
      fun '(n, l) => (tt, (n, (id, b)::l)).

    Fact reuse_ident_anns : forall b id st st',
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_anns st' = (id, b)::(st_anns st).
      intros b id [n l] [n' l'] H.
      unfold reuse_ident in H.
      inv H. reflexivity.

    Fact reuse_ident_st_valid_reuse : forall b id st st' pref aft reprefs reusable,
        ~PS.In id reusable ->
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs (PS.add id reusable) ->
        st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reusable.
Proof with
      intros ?? [n l] [n' l'] ???? Hnin Hreuse (Hv1&Hv2&Hv3&Hv4&Hv5&Hv6&Hv7&Hv8&Hv9).
      unfold reuse_ident in Hreuse. inv Hreuse.
      repeat split... 1,2,3,5,7:constructor; auto; simpl in *.
      - rewrite fst_InMembers.
        intro contra. eapply Forall_forall in Hv9; [|eauto].
        apply Hv9. apply PSF.add_1; auto.
      - apply PS_For_all_add in Hv8 as ([?|(?&?&?)]&_); auto.
        left; auto.
        right; auto. eexists; split; eauto.
        apply PSF.add_2; auto.
      - intros ? ?; subst. exfalso.
        apply PS_For_all_add in Hv8 as ([?|(?&?&?&?)]&_); auto.
        + eapply gensym_not_atom; eauto.
        + apply gensym_injective in H0 as (?&?); subst; auto.
      - intro Hin.
        eapply NoDup_app_In in Hv4; eauto.
        1,2:rewrite In_PS_elements in *; eauto.
        apply Hv4, PSF.add_1; auto.
      - eapply Forall_impl; [|eapply Hv9].
        intros ? Hnin' contra. apply Hnin'.
        apply PSF.add_2; auto.
      - rewrite NoDup_app'_iff in *. destruct Hv4 as (?&?&?).
        repeat split; auto.
        + apply PS_elements_NoDup.
        + eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto].
          intros ? Hnin' Hin. apply Hnin'.
          rewrite In_PS_elements in *. apply PSF.add_2; auto.
      - intros ? Hin. apply Hv8.
        apply PSF.add_2; auto.

    Fact reuse_ident_st_follows : forall b id st st',
        reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
        st_follows st st'.
      intros b id [n l] [n' l'] Hreuse.
      unfold reuse_ident in Hreuse. inv Hreuse.
      unfold st_follows; simpl.
      apply incl_tl. reflexivity.
  End reuse_ident.

  Section bind.
    Context {A A' B : Type}.

    Definition bind (x : Fresh A B) (k : A -> Fresh A' B) : Fresh A' B :=
      fun st => let '(a, st') := x st in k a st'.

    Lemma bind_spec : forall (x : Fresh A B) (k : A -> Fresh A' B) st a' st'',
        (bind x k) st = (a', st'') <->
        exists a, exists st', (x st = (a, st') /\ k a st' = (a', st'')).
      intros x k st a' st''. split; intros.
      - unfold bind in H.
        destruct (x st) as [a st']. exists a. exists st'.
        split; auto.
      - destruct H as [a [st' [H1 H2]]]. unfold bind.
        rewrite H1. assumption.
  End bind.

  Section bind2.
    Context {A1 A2 A' B : Type}.

    Definition bind2 (x: Fresh (A1 * A2) B) (k: A1 -> A2 -> Fresh A' B) : Fresh A' B :=
      fun n => let '((a1, a2), n') := x n in k a1 a2 n'.

    Lemma bind2_spec : forall (x : Fresh (A1 * A2) B) (k : A1 -> A2 -> Fresh A' B) st a' st'',
        (bind2 x k) st = (a', st'') <->
        exists a1, exists a2, exists st', (x st = ((a1, a2), st') /\ k a1 a2 st' = (a', st'')).
      intros x k st a' st''. split; intros.
      - unfold bind2 in H.
        destruct (x st) as [[a1 a2] st']. exists a1. exists a2. exists st'.
        split; auto.
      - destruct H as [a1 [a2 [st' [H1 H2]]]]. unfold bind2.
        rewrite H1. assumption.
  End bind2.
End FreshKernel.

Module Fresh(Ids : IDS).
  Module Ker := FreshKernel(Ids).
  Include Ker.

  Section Instances.
    Context {B : Type}.
    Global Instance st_follows_Reflexive : Reflexive (@st_follows B) := st_follows_refl.
    Global Instance st_follows_Transitive : Transitive (@st_follows B) := st_follows_trans.

    Global Add Parametric Morphism st pref aft reprefs : (@st_valid_reuse B st pref aft reprefs)
        with signature @PS.eq ==> Basics.impl
          as st_valid_reuse_PSeq_Proper.
      intros. intro Hv.
      eapply st_valid_reuse_PSeq; eauto.

    Global Instance st_valid_after_Proper :
      Proper (@eq (@fresh_st B) ==> @eq ident ==> PS.Equal ==> @Basics.impl)
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Heq Hfresh; subst.
      eapply st_valid_PSeq; eauto.
  End Instances.

  Module Facts.

    Section st.
      Context {B : Type}.

      Fact st_anns_ids_In : forall (st : fresh_st B) id,
          (exists b, In (id, b) (st_anns st)) <-> In id (st_ids st).
        split; intros.
        - destruct H as [b H].
          unfold st_ids. rewrite in_map_iff.
          exists (id, b); auto.
        - unfold st_ids in H. rewrite in_map_iff in H.
          destruct H as [[? b] [? H]]; simpl in *; subst.
          exists b. assumption.
    End st.

    Section st_valid_after.
      Context {B : Type}.

      Fact st_valid_after_NoDupMembers {C} : forall (st : fresh_st B) pref (vars : list (ident * C)),
          NoDupMembers vars ->
          st_valid_after st pref (PSP.of_list (map fst vars)) ->
          NoDup (map fst vars ++ st_ids st).
        intros * Hndup Hvalid.
        eapply st_valid_NoDup in Hvalid.
        rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list_Perm in Hvalid. 2:rewrite <- fst_NoDupMembers; auto.
        unfold st_ids in Hvalid.
        rewrite Permutation_app_comm; auto.
    End st_valid_after.

    Section st_valid_reuse.
      Context {B : Type}.

      Fact st_valid_reuse_nIn : forall (st : fresh_st B) pref aft reprefs reusable,
          st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
          PS.For_all (fun x => ~In x (st_ids st)) reusable.
        intros * Hvalid.
        apply st_valid_reuse_NoDup in Hvalid.
        rewrite Permutation_app_comm, <- app_assoc, Permutation_swap in Hvalid.
        rewrite PS_For_all_Forall, Forall_forall. intros x Hin.
        eapply NoDup_app_In in Hvalid; eauto.
        intro contra. apply Hvalid, in_or_app; auto.

      Fact st_valid_reuse_NoDupMembers {C} : forall (st : fresh_st B) pref (vars : list (ident * C)) reprefs reusable,
          NoDupMembers vars ->
          st_valid_reuse st pref (PSP.of_list (map fst vars)) reprefs reusable ->
          NoDup (map fst vars ++ st_ids st).
        intros * Hndup Hvalid.
        eapply st_valid_reuse_NoDup in Hvalid.
        rewrite app_assoc in Hvalid. apply NoDup_app_l in Hvalid.
        rewrite Permutation_app_comm in Hvalid.
        rewrite NoDup_app'_iff in *. destruct Hvalid as (?&?&?).
        repeat split; auto.
        - apply fst_NoDupMembers; auto.
        - eapply Forall_forall. intros ? ?.
          eapply Forall_forall in H1; eauto.
          rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list. assumption.
    End st_valid_reuse.

    Section fresh_ident.
      Context {B : Type}.

      Fact fresh_ident_In : forall pref (b : B) id st st',
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          In (id, b) (st_anns st').
        intros. apply fresh_ident_anns in H.
        rewrite H. constructor. reflexivity.

      Corollary fresh_ident_Inids : forall pref (b : B) id st st',
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          In id (st_ids st').
        intros * Hfresh.
        apply fresh_ident_In in Hfresh.
        unfold st_ids. rewrite in_map_iff.
        exists (id, b); auto.

      Fact fresh_ident_vars_perm : forall pref (b : B) id st st',
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          Permutation (id::(st_ids st)) (st_ids st').
        intros. apply fresh_ident_anns in H.
        unfold st_ids in *. rewrite H.

      Fact fresh_ident_nIn : forall pref (b : B) id st st' aft,
          st_valid_after st pref aft ->
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          ~List.In id (st_ids st).
        intros * Hvalid Hfresh.
        eapply fresh_ident_st_valid in Hvalid; eauto.
        apply st_valid_NoDup in Hvalid. apply NoDup_app_weaken in Hvalid.
        apply fresh_ident_vars_perm in Hfresh.
        unfold st_ids in *.
        rewrite <- Hfresh in Hvalid. inv Hvalid.

      Fact fresh_ident_reuse_nIn : forall pref (b : B) id st st' aft reprefs reusable,
          st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reusable ->
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          ~List.In id (st_ids st).
        intros * Hvalid Hfresh.
        eapply fresh_ident_st_valid_reuse in Hvalid; eauto.
        apply st_valid_reuse_NoDup in Hvalid. apply NoDup_app_weaken in Hvalid.
        apply fresh_ident_vars_perm in Hfresh.
        unfold st_ids in *.
        rewrite <- Hfresh in Hvalid. inv Hvalid.

      Fact fresh_ident_nIn' : forall pref (b : B) id st st' aft,
          st_valid_after st pref aft ->
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          ~PS.In id aft.
        intros * Hvalid Hfresh.
        eapply fresh_ident_st_valid in Hvalid; eauto.
        apply st_valid_NoDup in Hvalid.
        apply fresh_ident_vars_perm in Hfresh.
        unfold st_ids in *.
        rewrite <- Hfresh in Hvalid. inv Hvalid.
        intro contra. apply H1, in_or_app, or_intror, In_PS_elements; auto.

      Fact fresh_ident_nIn'' : forall pref (b : B) id st st' aft,
          st_valid_after st pref (PSP.of_list aft) ->
          fresh_ident pref b st = (id, st') ->
          ~In id (aft ++ st_ids st).
        intros * Hvalid Hfresh.
        intro contra.
        apply in_app in contra as [contra|contra].
        - eapply fresh_ident_nIn' in Hfresh; eauto.
          rewrite <- ps_from_list_ps_of_list, ps_from_list_In in Hfresh; auto.
        - eapply fresh_ident_nIn in Hvalid; eauto.

    End fresh_ident.

    Section reuse_ident.
      Context {B : Type}.

      Fact reuse_ident_In : forall (b : B) id st st',
          reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
          In (id, b) (st_anns st').
        intros. apply reuse_ident_anns in H.
        rewrite H. constructor. reflexivity.

      Fact reuse_ident_vars_perm : forall (b : B) id st st',
          reuse_ident id b st = (tt, st') ->
          Permutation (id::(st_ids st)) (st_ids st').
        intros. apply reuse_ident_anns in H.
        unfold st_ids in *. rewrite H.
    End reuse_ident.
  End Facts.

  Module Tactics.
    Ltac inv_bind :=
      simpl in *;
      match goal with
      | H : context c [ret _ _] |- _ =>
        rewrite ret_spec in H
      | H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ =>
        inv H
      | H : bind _ _ _ = (_, _) |- _ =>
        apply bind_spec in H; destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]]; simpl in *
      | H : bind2 _ _ _ = (_, _) |- _ =>
        apply bind2_spec in H; destruct H as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]; simpl in *
      | |- context c [ret _ _] =>
        rewrite ret_spec
      | |- bind _ _ _ = (_, _) =>
        rewrite bind_spec
      | |- bind2 _ _ _ = (_, _) =>
        rewrite bind2_spec
  End Tactics.

  Module Notations.
do notation, inspired by CompCert's error monad
    Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" :=
      (bind A (fun X => B))
        (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200): fresh_monad_scope.

    Notation "'do' ( X , Y ) <- A ; B" :=
      (bind2 A (fun X Y => B))
        (at level 200, X ident, Y ident, A at level 100, B at level 200): fresh_monad_scope.
  End Notations.

  Section map_bind.
    Import Tactics Notations.
    Open Scope fresh_monad_scope.
    Context {A A1 B : Type}.
    Variable k : A -> Fresh A1 B.

    Fixpoint map_bind a :=
      match a with
      | nil => ret nil
      | hd::tl => do a1 <- k hd;
                do a1s <- map_bind tl;
                ret (a1::a1s)

    Fact map_bind_values : forall a st a1s st',
        map_bind a st = (a1s, st') ->
        Forall2 (fun a a1 => exists st'', exists st''', k a st'' = (a1, st''')) a a1s.
      induction a; intros st a1s st' Hfold; simpl in *; repeat inv_bind.
      - constructor.
      - specialize (IHa _ _ _ H0).
        constructor; eauto.

    Fact map_bind_st_valid : forall a a1s st st' pref aft,
        map_bind a st = (a1s, st') ->
        Forall (fun a => forall a1 st st',
                    k a st = (a1, st') ->
                    st_valid_after st pref aft ->
                    st_valid_after st' pref aft) a ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        st_valid_after st' pref aft.
      induction a; intros * Hmap Hforall Hvalid;
        simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      inv Hforall. eapply IHa; eauto.

    Fact map_bind_st_follows : forall a a1s st st',
        map_bind a st = (a1s, st') ->
        Forall (fun a => forall a1 st st', k a st = (a1, st') -> st_follows st st') a ->
        st_follows st st'.
      induction a; intros * Hmap Hforall;
        simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      - reflexivity.
      - inv Hforall.
        etransitivity; eauto.
  End map_bind.

  Section map_bind2.
    Import Tactics Notations.
    Open Scope fresh_monad_scope.
    Context {A A1 A2 B : Type}.
    Variable k : A -> Fresh (A1 * A2) B.

    Fixpoint map_bind2 a :=
      match a with
      | nil => ret (nil, nil)
      | hd::tl => do (a1, a2) <- k hd;
                do (a1s, a2s) <- map_bind2 tl;
                ret (a1::a1s, a2::a2s)

    Fact map_bind2_values : forall a st a1s a2s st',
        map_bind2 a st = (a1s, a2s, st') ->
        Forall3 (fun a a1 a2 => exists st'', exists st''', k a st'' = (a1, a2, st''')) a a1s a2s.
      induction a; intros st a1s a2s st' Hfold; simpl in *; repeat inv_bind.
      - constructor.
      - specialize (IHa _ _ _ _ H0).
        constructor; eauto.

    Fact map_bind2_st_valid : forall a a1s a2s st st' pref aft,
        map_bind2 a st = (a1s, a2s, st') ->
        Forall (fun a => forall a1 a2 st st',
                    k a st = (a1, a2, st') ->
                    st_valid_after st pref aft ->
                    st_valid_after st' pref aft) a ->
        st_valid_after st pref aft ->
        st_valid_after st' pref aft.
      induction a; intros * Hmap Hforall Hvalid;
        simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      inv Hforall. eapply IHa; eauto.

    Fact map_bind2_st_valid_reuse : forall a a1s a2s st st' pref aft reprefs reu,
        map_bind2 a st = (a1s, a2s, st') ->
        Forall (fun a => forall a1 a2 st st',
                    k a st = (a1, a2, st') ->
                    st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reu ->
                    st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reu) a ->
        st_valid_reuse st pref aft reprefs reu ->
        st_valid_reuse st' pref aft reprefs reu.
      induction a; intros * Hmap Hforall Hvalid;
        simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      inv Hforall. eapply IHa; eauto.

    Fact map_bind2_st_follows : forall a a1s a2s st st',
        map_bind2 a st = (a1s, a2s, st') ->
        Forall (fun a => forall a1 a2 st st', k a st = (a1, a2, st') -> st_follows st st') a ->
        st_follows st st'.
      induction a; intros a1s a2s st st' Hmap Hforall;
        simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      - reflexivity.
      - inv Hforall.
        etransitivity; eauto.
  End map_bind2.

  Hint Resolve fresh_ident_st_valid.
  Hint Resolve fresh_ident_st_valid_reuse.
  Hint Resolve fresh_ident_st_follows.
  Hint Resolve reuse_ident_st_valid_reuse.
  Hint Resolve reuse_ident_st_follows.
  Hint Resolve st_follows_incl.
  Hint Resolve map_bind2_st_valid.
  Hint Resolve map_bind2_st_follows.
End Fresh.