Module LTyping

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax.

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From Velus Require Import Environment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.

Lustre typing

Module Type LTYPING
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op).

  Inductive wt_clock : list (ident * type) -> clock -> Prop :=
  | wt_Cbase: forall vars,
      wt_clock vars Cbase
  | wt_Con: forall vars ck x b,
      In (x, bool_type) vars ->
      wt_clock vars ck ->
      wt_clock vars (Con ck x b).

  Inductive wt_nclock : list (ident * type) -> nclock -> Prop :=
  | wt_Cnamed: forall vars id ck,
      wt_clock vars ck ->
      wt_nclock vars (ck, id).

  Section WellTyped.

    Variable G : global.
    Variable vars : list (ident * type).

    Inductive wt_exp : exp -> Prop :=
    | wt_Econst: forall c,
        wt_exp (Econst c)

    | wt_Evar: forall x ty nck,
        In (x, ty) vars ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Evar x (ty, nck))

    | wt_Eunop: forall op e tye ty nck,
        wt_exp e ->
        typeof e = [tye] ->
        type_unop op tye = Some ty ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Eunop op e (ty, nck))

    | wt_Ebinop: forall op e1 e2 ty1 ty2 ty nck,
        wt_exp e1 ->
        wt_exp e2 ->
        typeof e1 = [ty1] ->
        typeof e2 = [ty2] ->
        type_binop op ty1 ty2 = Some ty ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Ebinop op e1 e2 (ty, nck))

    | wt_Efby: forall e0s es anns,
        Forall wt_exp e0s ->
        Forall wt_exp es ->
        typesof es = map fst anns ->
        typesof e0s = map fst anns ->
        Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
        wt_exp (Efby e0s es anns)

    | wt_Earrow: forall e0s es anns,
        Forall wt_exp e0s ->
        Forall wt_exp es ->
        typesof es = map fst anns ->
        typesof e0s = map fst anns ->
        Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
        wt_exp (Earrow e0s es anns)

    | wt_Ewhen: forall es x b tys nck,
        Forall wt_exp es ->
        typesof es = tys ->
        In (x, bool_type) vars ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Ewhen es x b (tys, nck))

    | wt_Emerge: forall x ets efs tys nck,
        Forall wt_exp ets ->
        Forall wt_exp efs ->
        In (x, bool_type) vars ->
        typesof ets = tys ->
        typesof efs = tys ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Emerge x ets efs (tys, nck))

    | wt_Eifte: forall e ets efs tys nck,
        wt_exp e ->
        Forall wt_exp ets ->
        Forall wt_exp efs ->
        typeof e = [bool_type] ->
        typesof ets = tys ->
        typesof efs = tys ->
        wt_nclock vars nck ->
        wt_exp (Eite e ets efs (tys, nck))

    | wt_Eapp: forall f es anns n,
        Forall wt_exp es ->
        find_node f G = Some n ->
        Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof es) n.(n_in) ->
        Forall2 (fun a '(_, (t, _)) => fst a = t) anns n.(n_out) ->
        Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (vars++(idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams anns))) (snd a)) anns ->
        wt_exp (Eapp f es None anns)

    | wt_EappReset: forall f es r anns n,
        Forall wt_exp es ->
        find_node f G = Some n ->
        Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof es) n.(n_in) ->
        Forall2 (fun a '(_, (t, _)) => fst a = t) anns n.(n_out) ->
        Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (vars++(idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams anns))) (snd a)) anns ->
        wt_exp r ->
        typeof r = [bool_type] ->
        wt_exp (Eapp f es (Some r) anns).

    Section wt_exp_ind2.

      Variable P : exp -> Prop.

      Hypothesis EconstCase:
        forall c : const,
          P (Econst c).

      Hypothesis EvarCase:
        forall x ty nck,
          In (x, ty) vars ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Evar x (ty, nck)).

      Hypothesis EunopCase:
        forall op e tye ty nck,
          wt_exp e ->
          P e ->
          typeof e = [tye] ->
          type_unop op tye = Some ty ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Eunop op e (ty, nck)).

      Hypothesis EbinopCase:
        forall op e1 e2 ty1 ty2 ty nck,
          wt_exp e1 ->
          P e1 ->
          wt_exp e2 ->
          P e2 ->
          typeof e1 = [ty1] ->
          typeof e2 = [ty2] ->
          type_binop op ty1 ty2 = Some ty ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Ebinop op e1 e2 (ty, nck)).

      Hypothesis EfbyCase:
        forall e0s es anns,
          Forall wt_exp e0s ->
          Forall wt_exp es ->
          Forall P e0s ->
          Forall P es ->
          typesof es = map fst anns ->
          typesof e0s = map fst anns ->
          Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
          P (Efby e0s es anns).

      Hypothesis EarrowCase:
        forall e0s es anns,
          Forall wt_exp e0s ->
          Forall wt_exp es ->
          Forall P e0s ->
          Forall P es ->
          typesof es = map fst anns ->
          typesof e0s = map fst anns ->
          Forall (wt_nclock vars) (map snd anns) ->
          P (Earrow e0s es anns).

      Hypothesis EwhenCase:
        forall es x b tys nck,
          Forall wt_exp es ->
          Forall P es ->
          typesof es = tys ->
          In (x, bool_type) vars ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Ewhen es x b (tys, nck)).

      Hypothesis EmergeCase:
        forall x ets efs tys nck,
          Forall wt_exp ets ->
          Forall P ets ->
          Forall wt_exp efs ->
          Forall P efs ->
          In (x, bool_type) vars ->
          typesof ets = tys ->
          typesof efs = tys ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Emerge x ets efs (tys, nck)).

      Hypothesis EiteCase:
        forall e ets efs tys nck,
          wt_exp e ->
          P e ->
          Forall wt_exp ets ->
          Forall P ets ->
          Forall wt_exp efs ->
          Forall P efs ->
          typeof e = [bool_type] ->
          typesof ets = tys ->
          typesof efs = tys ->
          wt_nclock vars nck ->
          P (Eite e ets efs (tys, nck)).

      Hypothesis EappCase:
        forall f es anns n,
          Forall wt_exp es ->
          Forall P es ->
          find_node f G = Some n ->
          Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof es) n.(n_in) ->
          Forall2 (fun a '(_, (t, _)) => fst a = t) anns n.(n_out) ->
          Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (vars++(idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams anns))) (snd a)) anns ->
          P (Eapp f es None anns).

      Hypothesis EappResetCase:
        forall f es r anns n,
          Forall wt_exp es ->
          Forall P es ->
          find_node f G = Some n ->
          Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof es) n.(n_in) ->
          Forall2 (fun a '(_, (t, _)) => fst a = t) anns n.(n_out) ->
          Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (vars++(idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams anns))) (snd a)) anns ->
          wt_exp r ->
          P r ->
          typeof r = [bool_type] ->
          P (Eapp f es (Some r) anns).

      Fixpoint wt_exp_ind2 (e: exp) (H: wt_exp e) {struct H} : P e.
        destruct H; eauto.
        - apply EfbyCase; auto.
          + clear H2. induction H; auto.
          + clear H1. induction H0; auto.
        - apply EarrowCase; auto.
          + clear H2. induction H; auto.
          + clear H1. induction H0; auto.
        - apply EwhenCase; auto.
          clear H0. induction H; auto.
        - apply EmergeCase; auto.
          clear H2. induction H; auto.
          clear H3. induction H0; auto.
        - apply EiteCase; auto.
          clear H3. induction H0; auto.
          clear H4. induction H1; auto.
        - eapply EappCase; eauto.
          clear H1 H3. induction H; eauto.
        - eapply EappResetCase; eauto.
          clear H1 H3. induction H; eauto.

    End wt_exp_ind2.

    Definition wt_equation (eq : equation) : Prop :=
      let (xs, es) := eq in
      Forall wt_exp es
      /\ Forall2 (fun x ty=> In (x, ty) vars) xs (typesof es).

  End WellTyped.

  Definition wt_clocks (vars: list (ident * (type * clock)))
                           : list (ident * (type * clock)) -> Prop :=
    Forall (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => wt_clock (idty vars) ck).

  Definition wt_node (G: global) (n: node) : Prop
    := wt_clocks n.(n_in) n.(n_in)
       /\ wt_clocks (n.(n_in) ++ n.(n_out)) n.(n_out)
       /\ wt_clocks (n.(n_in) ++ n.(n_out) ++ n.(n_vars)) n.(n_vars)
       /\ Forall (wt_equation G (idty (n.(n_in) ++ n.(n_vars) ++ n.(n_out)))) n.(n_eqs).

  Inductive wt_global : global -> Prop :=
  | wtg_nil:
      wt_global []
  | wtg_cons: forall n ns,
      wt_global ns ->
      wt_node ns n ->
      Forall (fun n'=> n.(n_name) <> n'.(n_name) :> ident) ns ->
      wt_global (n::ns).

  Hint Constructors wt_clock wt_nclock wt_exp wt_global : ltyping.
  Hint Unfold wt_equation : ltyping.

  Lemma wt_global_NoDup:
    forall g,
      wt_global g ->
      NoDup (map n_name g).
    induction g; eauto using NoDup.
    intro WTg. simpl. constructor.
    2:apply IHg; now inv WTg.
    intro Hin.
    inversion_clear WTg as [|? ? ? WTn Hn].
    change (Forall (fun n' => (fun i=> a.(n_name) <> i) n'.(n_name)) g)%type in Hn.
    apply Forall_map in Hn.
    apply Forall_forall with (1:=Hn) in Hin.
    now contradiction Hin.

  Lemma wt_global_app:
    forall G G',
      wt_global (G' ++ G) ->
      wt_global G.
    induction G'; auto.
    simpl. intro Hwt.
    inversion Hwt; auto.

  Lemma wt_find_node:
    forall G f n,
      wt_global G ->
      find_node f G = Some n ->
      exists G', wt_node G' n.
    intros G f n' Hwt Hfind.
    apply find_node_split in Hfind.
    destruct Hfind as (bG & aG & HG).
    subst. apply wt_global_app in Hwt.
    inversion Hwt. eauto.

  Lemma wt_clock_add:
    forall x v env ck,
      ~InMembers x env ->
      wt_clock env ck ->
      wt_clock ((x, v) :: env) ck.
    induction ck; auto with ltyping.
    inversion 2.
    auto with ltyping datatypes.

  Instance wt_clock_Proper:
    Proper (@Permutation.Permutation (ident * type) ==> @eq clock ==> iff)
    intros env' env Henv ck' ck Hck.
    rewrite Hck; clear Hck ck'.
    induction ck.
    - split; auto with ltyping.
    - destruct IHck.
      split; inversion_clear 1; constructor;
        try rewrite Henv in *;
        auto with ltyping.

  Instance wt_nclock_Proper:
    Proper (@Permutation.Permutation (ident * type) ==> @eq nclock ==> iff)
    intros env' env Henv ck' ck Hck.
    rewrite Hck; clear Hck ck'.
    destruct ck;
      split; inversion 1;
        (rewrite Henv in * || rewrite <-Henv in * || idtac);
        auto with ltyping.

  Instance wt_nclock_pointwise_Proper:
    Proper (@Permutation.Permutation (ident * type)
                          ==> pointwise_relation nclock iff) wt_nclock.
    intros env' env Henv e.
    now rewrite Henv.

  Instance wt_exp_Proper:
    Proper (@eq global ==> @Permutation.Permutation (ident * type)
                ==> @eq exp ==> iff)
    intros G G' HG env' env Henv e' e He.
    rewrite HG, He. clear HG He.
    split; intro H;
      induction H using wt_exp_ind2;
      (rewrite Henv in * || rewrite <-Henv in * || idtac);
      try match goal with
          | H:Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (env' ++ _) (snd a)) _ |- _ =>
            setoid_rewrite Henv in H
          | H:Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (env ++ _) (snd a)) _ |- _ =>
            setoid_rewrite <-Henv in H
      eauto with ltyping;
      econstructor; eauto.

  Instance wt_exp_pointwise_Proper:
    Proper (@eq global ==> @Permutation.Permutation (ident * type)
                                     ==> pointwise_relation exp iff) wt_exp.
    intros G G' HG env' env Henv e.
    now rewrite HG, Henv.

  Instance wt_equation_Proper:
    Proper (@eq global ==> @Permutation.Permutation (ident * type)
                ==> @eq equation ==> iff)
    intros G1 G2 HG env1 env2 Henv eq1 eq2 Heq.
    rewrite Heq, HG. destruct eq2 as (xs & es).
    unfold wt_equation. rewrite Henv.
    split; intro WTeq; destruct WTeq as (WTeq1 & WTeq2); split; auto.
    - apply Forall2_forall; split;
        eauto using Forall2_length.
      apply Forall2_combine in WTeq2.
      intros * Hin.
      apply Forall_forall with (1:=WTeq2) in Hin.
      now rewrite Henv in Hin.
    - apply Forall2_forall; split;
        eauto using Forall2_length.
      apply Forall2_combine in WTeq2.
      intros * Hin.
      apply Forall_forall with (1:=WTeq2) in Hin.
      now rewrite <-Henv in Hin.

Adding variables to the environment preserves typing

  Section incl.

    Fact wt_clock_incl : forall vars vars' cl,
      incl vars vars' ->
      wt_clock vars cl ->
      wt_clock vars' cl.
      intros vars vars' cl Hincl Hwt.
      induction Hwt.
      - constructor.
      - constructor; auto.
    Local Hint Resolve wt_clock_incl.

    Fact wt_nclock_incl : forall vars vars' cl,
        incl vars vars' ->
        wt_nclock vars cl ->
        wt_nclock vars' cl.
      intros vars vars' cl Hincl Hwt.
      destruct Hwt; constructor; eauto.
    Local Hint Resolve wt_nclock_incl.

    Lemma wt_exp_incl : forall G vars vars' e,
        incl vars vars' ->
        wt_exp G vars e ->
        wt_exp G vars' e.
      intros G vars vars' e Hincl Hwt.
      induction Hwt using wt_exp_ind2;
        econstructor; eauto.
      - (* fby *)
        eapply Forall_impl; [| eauto].
        intros; eauto.
      - (* arrow *)
        eapply Forall_impl; [| eauto].
        intros; eauto.
      - (* app *)
        eapply Forall_impl; [| eauto].
        intros; simpl in *; eauto.
        eapply wt_nclock_incl; eauto.
        eapply incl_appl'; eauto.
      - (* app (reset) *)
        eapply Forall_impl; [| eauto].
        intros; simpl in *; eauto.
        eapply wt_nclock_incl; eauto.
        eapply incl_appl'; eauto.

    Lemma wt_equation_incl : forall G vars vars' eq,
        incl vars vars' ->
        wt_equation G vars eq ->
        wt_equation G vars' eq.
      intros G vars vars' eq Hincl Hwt.
      destruct eq; simpl in *. destruct Hwt as [Hwt1 Hwt2].
      - eapply Forall_impl; [| eauto].
        intros. eapply wt_exp_incl; eauto.
      - eapply Forall2_impl_In; [| eauto].
        intros; simpl in H1. eauto.

  End incl.

The global can also be extended !

  Section global_incl.
    Fact wt_exp_global_incl : forall G G' vars e,
      incl G G' ->
      NoDup (map n_name G) ->
      NoDup (map n_name G') ->
      wt_exp G vars e ->
      wt_exp G' vars e.
      intros * Hincl Hndup1 Hndup2 Hwt.
      induction Hwt using wt_exp_ind2; eauto using wt_exp, find_node_incl.

    Fact wt_equation_global_incl : forall G G' vars e,
      incl G G' ->
      NoDup (map n_name G) ->
      NoDup (map n_name G') ->
      wt_equation G vars e ->
      wt_equation G' vars e.
      intros G G' vars [xs es] Hincl Hndup1 Hndup2 [Hwt1 Hwt2].
      constructor; auto.
      eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]. intros; eauto using wt_exp_global_incl.

    Fact wt_node_global_incl : forall G G' e,
      incl G G' ->
      NoDup (map n_name G) ->
      NoDup (map n_name G') ->
      wt_node G e ->
      wt_node G' e.
      intros * Hincl Hndup1 Hndup2 (?&?&?&?).
      repeat constructor; auto.
      eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]. intros; eauto using wt_equation_global_incl.

Now that we know this, we can deduce a weaker version of wt_global using Forall:
    Lemma wt_global_Forall : forall G,
        wt_global G ->
        Forall (wt_node G) G.
      intros G Hwt.
      specialize (wt_global_NoDup _ Hwt) as Hndup.
      induction Hwt; constructor.
      - eapply wt_node_global_incl in H; eauto.
        apply incl_tl, incl_refl.
        inv Hndup; auto.
      - inv Hndup. specialize (IHHwt H4).
        eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]. intros.
        eapply wt_node_global_incl in H1; eauto.
        apply incl_tl, incl_refl.
        constructor; auto.
  End global_incl.

  Local Hint Resolve wt_clock_incl incl_appl incl_refl.
  Lemma wt_exp_clockof:
    forall G env e,
      wt_exp G env e ->
      Forall (wt_clock (env++idty (fresh_in e))) (clockof e).
    intros * Hwt.
    apply Forall_forall. intros ck Hin.
    inv Hwt; simpl in *.
    - destruct Hin as [Hin|]; [|contradiction].
      rewrite <-Hin; auto with ltyping.
    - destruct Hin as [Hin|]; [|contradiction].
      rewrite <-Hin.
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock; simpl in *;
        match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
      rewrite app_nil_r; auto.
    - destruct Hin as [Hin|]; [|contradiction].
      rewrite <-Hin.
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock; simpl in *;
        match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - destruct Hin as [Hin|]; [|contradiction].
      rewrite <-Hin.
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock; simpl in *;
        match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - match goal with H:Forall (wt_nclock _) _ |- _ =>
                      rewrite Forall_map in H end.
      apply in_map_iff in Hin.
      destruct Hin as ((ty & nck) & Hck & Hin).
      apply Forall_forall with (1:=H3) in Hin.
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *; subst;
        match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - match goal with H:Forall (wt_nclock _) _ |- _ =>
                      rewrite Forall_map in H end.
      apply in_map_iff in Hin.
      destruct Hin as ((ty & nck) & Hck & Hin).
      apply Forall_forall with (1:=H3) in Hin.
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *; subst;
        match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *;
        apply in_map_iff in Hin; destruct Hin as (? & Hs & Hin); subst;
          match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *;
        apply in_map_iff in Hin; destruct Hin as (? & Hs & Hin); subst;
          match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *;
        apply in_map_iff in Hin; destruct Hin as (? & Hs & Hin); subst;
          match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - apply in_map_iff in Hin.
      destruct Hin as (x & Hs & Hin).
      match goal with H:Forall _ anns |- _ =>
                      apply Forall_forall with (1:=H) in Hin end.
      destruct x as (ty, nck).
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *;
        subst; match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end; eauto.
    - apply in_map_iff in Hin.
      destruct Hin as (x & Hs & Hin).
      match goal with H:Forall _ anns |- _ =>
                      apply Forall_forall with (1:=H) in Hin end.
      destruct x as (ty, nck).
      destruct nck; unfold clock_of_nclock in *; simpl in *;
        subst; match goal with H:wt_nclock _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
      eapply wt_clock_incl; [| eauto].
      eapply incl_appr'. unfold idty; repeat rewrite map_app.
      eapply incl_appr'. eapply incl_appr. reflexivity.


  Module MyOpAux := OperatorsAux Op.

  Fixpoint check_clock (venv : Env.t type) (ck : clock) : bool :=
    match ck with
    | Cbase => true
    | Con ck' x b =>
      match Env.find x venv with
      | None => false
      | Some xt => (xt ==b bool_type) && check_clock venv ck'

  Definition check_nclock (venv : Env.t type) (nck : nclock) : bool :=
    check_clock venv (fst nck).

  Lemma check_clock_correct:
    forall venv ck,
      check_clock venv ck = true ->
      wt_clock (Env.elements venv) ck.
    induction ck; intro CC. now constructor.
    simpl in CC. cases_eqn Heq.
    rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in CC; destruct CC as (CC1 & CC2).
    apply IHck in CC2. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in CC1; inv CC1.
    apply Env.elements_correct in Heq.
    constructor; auto.

  Lemma check_nclock_correct:
    forall venv nck,
      check_nclock venv nck = true ->
      wt_nclock (Env.elements venv) nck.
    destruct nck as (n, ck).
    intro CC; now apply check_clock_correct in CC.
  Local Hint Resolve check_nclock_correct.

  Section ValidateExpression.

    Variable G : global.
    Variable venv : Env.t type.

    Open Scope option_monad_scope.

    Definition check_paired_types2 (t1 : type) (tc : ann) : bool :=
      let '(t, c) := tc in
      (t1 ==b t) && (check_nclock venv c).

    Definition check_paired_types3 (t1 t2 : type) (tc : ann) : bool :=
      let '(t, c) := tc in
      (t1 ==b t) && (t2 ==b t) && (check_nclock venv c).

    Definition check_reset (rt : option (option (list type))) : bool :=
      match rt with
      | None => true
      | Some (Some [ty]) => ty ==b bool_type
      | _ => false

    Function check_var (x : ident) (ty : type) : bool :=
      match Env.find x venv with
      | None => false
      | Some xt => ty ==b xt

    Fixpoint check_exp (e : exp) : option (list type) :=
      match e with
      | Econst c => Some ([type_const c])

      | Evar x (xt, nck) =>
        if check_var x xt && check_nclock venv nck then Some [xt] else None

      | Eunop op e (xt, nck) =>
        do te <- assert_singleton (check_exp e);
        do t <- type_unop op te;
        if (xt ==b t) && check_nclock venv nck then Some [xt] else None

      | Ebinop op e1 e2 (xt, nck) =>
        do te1 <- assert_singleton (check_exp e1);
        do te2 <- assert_singleton (check_exp e2);
        do t <- type_binop op te1 te2;
        if (xt ==b t) && check_nclock venv nck then Some [xt] else None

      | Efby e0s es anns =>
        do t0s <- oconcat (map check_exp e0s);
        do ts <- oconcat (map check_exp es);
        if forall3b check_paired_types3 t0s ts anns
        then Some (map fst anns) else None

      | Earrow e0s es anns =>
        do t0s <- oconcat (map check_exp e0s);
        do ts <- oconcat (map check_exp es);
        if forall3b check_paired_types3 t0s ts anns
        then Some (map fst anns) else None

      | Ewhen es x b (tys, nck) =>
        do ts <- oconcat (map check_exp es);
        if check_var x bool_type && (forall2b equiv_decb ts tys) && (check_nclock venv nck)
        then Some tys else None

      | Emerge x e1s e2s (tys, nck) =>
        do t1s <- oconcat (map check_exp e1s);
        do t2s <- oconcat (map check_exp e2s);
        if check_var x bool_type
             && (forall3b equiv_decb3 t1s t2s tys)
             && (check_nclock venv nck)
        then Some tys else None

      | Eite e e1s e2s (tys, nck) =>
        do t1s <- oconcat (map check_exp e1s);
        do t2s <- oconcat (map check_exp e2s);
        do xt <- assert_singleton (check_exp e);
        if (xt ==b bool_type)
             && (forall3b equiv_decb3 t1s t2s tys)
             && (check_nclock venv nck)
        then Some tys else None

      | Eapp f es ro anns =>
        do n <- find_node f G;
        do ts <- oconcat (map check_exp es);
        if (forall2b (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et ==b t) ts n.(n_in))
             && (forall2b (fun '(ot, oc) '(_, (t, _)) =>
                             check_nclock (Env.adds' (idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams anns)) venv) oc
                             && (ot ==b t)) anns n.(n_out))
             && check_reset (option_map check_exp ro)
        then Some (map fst anns)
        else None

    Definition check_rhs (e : exp) : option (list type) :=
      match e with
      | Eapp f es ro anns =>
        do n <- find_node f G;
        do ts <- oconcat (map check_exp es);
        if (forall2b (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et ==b t) ts n.(n_in))
             && (forall2b (fun '(ot, oc) '(_, (t, _)) =>
                             check_nclock (Env.adds' (idty (fresh_ins es)) venv) oc
                             && (ot ==b t)) anns n.(n_out))
             && check_reset (option_map check_exp ro)
        then Some (map fst anns)
        else None
      | e => check_exp e

    Definition check_equation (eq : equation) : bool :=
      let '(xs, es) := eq in
      match oconcat (map check_rhs es) with
      | None => false
      | Some tys => forall2b check_var xs tys

    Lemma check_var_correct:
      forall x ty,
        check_var x ty = true <-> In (x, ty) (Env.elements venv).
      unfold check_var. split; intros HH.
      - cases_eqn Heq; simpl.
        rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in HH. inv HH.
        take (Env.find _ _ = Some _) and apply Env.elements_correct in it; eauto.
      - apply Env.elements_complete in HH as ->.
        apply equiv_decb_refl.
    Local Hint Resolve check_var_correct.

    Lemma check_paired_types2_correct:
      forall tys1 anns,
        forall2b check_paired_types2 tys1 anns = true ->
        tys1 = map fst anns
        /\ Forall (wt_nclock (Env.elements venv)) (map snd anns).
      setoid_rewrite forall2b_Forall2.
      induction 1 as [|ty1 (ty, nck) tys1 anns IH1 IH3];
        subst; simpl; eauto.
      simpl in IH1.
      repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in IH1.
      setoid_rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in IH1.
      destruct IH1 as (-> & IH1).
      apply check_nclock_correct in IH1.
      destruct IHIH3; split; try f_equal; auto.

    Lemma check_paired_types3_correct:
      forall tys1 tys2 anns,
        forall3b check_paired_types3 tys1 tys2 anns = true ->
        tys1 = map fst anns
        /\ tys2 = map fst anns
        /\ Forall (wt_nclock (Env.elements venv)) (map snd anns).
      setoid_rewrite forall3b_Forall3.
      induction 1 as [|ty1 ty2 (ty, nck) tys1 tys2 anns IH1 IH2 (? & ? & IH3)];
        subst; simpl; eauto.
      simpl in IH1.
      repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in IH1.
      setoid_rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in IH1.
      destruct IH1 as ((-> & ->) & IH1).
      apply check_nclock_correct in IH1. auto.

    Lemma oconcat_map_check_exp':
      forall {f} es tys,
        (forall e tys,
            In e es ->
            NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++idty (fresh_in e)) ->
            f e = Some tys ->
            wt_exp G (Env.elements venv) e /\ typeof e = tys) ->
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++idty (fresh_ins es)) ->
        oconcat (map f es) = Some tys ->
        Forall (wt_exp G (Env.elements venv)) es
        /\ typesof es = tys.
      induction es as [|e es IH]; intros tys WTf ND CE. now inv CE; auto.
      simpl in CE. destruct (f e) eqn:Ce; [|now omonadInv CE].
      destruct (oconcat (map f es)) as [tes|]; [|now omonadInv CE].
      omonadInv CE. simpl.
      apply WTf in Ce as (Ce1 & ->); auto with datatypes.
      destruct (IH tes) as (? & ->); auto.
      intros * Ies ND' Fe. apply WTf in Fe; auto with datatypes.
      + unfold fresh_ins, idty in *; simpl in *. rewrite map_app in *.
        rewrite Permutation_swap in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND; auto.
      + unfold fresh_ins, idty in *; simpl in *. rewrite map_app in *.
        rewrite app_assoc in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND; auto.

    Import Permutation.
    Local Hint Constructors wt_exp.
    Lemma check_exp_correct:
      forall e tys,
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++(idty (fresh_in e))) ->
        check_exp e = Some tys ->
        wt_exp G (Env.elements venv) e
        /\ typeof e = tys.
Proof with
      induction e using exp_ind2; simpl; intros tys ND CE;
      repeat progress
               match goal with
               | a:ann |- _ => destruct a
               | a:lann |- _ => destruct a
               | p:type * clock |- _ => destruct p
               | H:obind _ _ = Some _ |- _ => omonadInv H
               | H:obind2 _ _ = Some _ |- _ => omonadInv H
               | H:obind ?v _ = Some _ |- _ =>
                 let OE:=fresh "OE0" in destruct v eqn:OE; [simpl in H|now omonadInv H]
               | H: _ && _ = true |- _ => apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H as (? & ?)
               | H: ((_ ==b _) = true) |- _ => rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in H; inv H
               | H: check_nclock _ = true |- _ => apply check_nclock_correct in H
               | H: Env.find _ _ = Some _ |- _ => apply Env.elements_correct in H
               | H:(obind2 (Env.find ?x ?env) _) = Some _ |- _ =>
                 let EF := fresh "EF0" in
                 destruct (Env.find x env) eqn:EF
               | H:(if ?c then Some _ else None) = Some _ |- _ =>
                 let C := fresh "C0" in
                 destruct c eqn:C
               | H:None = Some _ |- _ => discriminate
               | H:Some _ = Some _ |- _ => inv H
               | H:assert_singleton _ = Some _ |- _ => apply assert_singleton_spec in H
               | H:check_var _ _ = true |- _ => apply check_var_correct in H
               | H:forall2b check_paired_types2 ?tys1 ?anns = true |- _ =>
                 apply check_paired_types2_correct in H as (? & ?)
               | H:forall3b check_paired_types3 ?tys1 ?tys2 ?anns = true |- _ =>
                 apply check_paired_types3_correct in H as (? & ? & ?)
               | H:forall2b equiv_decb ?xs ?ys = true |- _ =>
                 apply forall2b_Forall2_equiv_decb in H
               | H:forall3b equiv_decb3 _ _ _ = true |- _ =>
                 apply forall3b_equiv_decb3 in H as (? & ?)
               | H:Forall2 eq _ _ |- _ => apply Forall2_eq in H
               | H:forall2b _ _ _ = true |- _ => apply forall2b_Forall2 in H

      Ltac ndup_simpl :=
        unfold idty in *; repeat rewrite map_app in *.
      Ltac ndup_l H :=
        rewrite app_assoc in H; apply NoDupMembers_app_l in H; auto.
      Ltac ndup_r H :=
        rewrite Permutation_swap in H;
        apply NoDupMembers_app_r in H ; auto.

      - (* Eunop *)
        apply IHe in OE0 as (? & ?)...
      - (* Ebinop *)
        assert (NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv ++ idty (fresh_in e1))) as ND1 by ndup_l ND.
        assert (NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv ++ idty (fresh_in e2))) as ND2 by ndup_r ND.
        apply IHe1 in OE0 as (? & ?); apply IHe2 in OE1 as (? & ?)...
      - (* Efby *)
        take (Forall _ e0s) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (Forall _ es) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in OE0 as (? & ?)...
        apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in OE1 as (? & ?)...
        subst; eauto using wt_exp.
        + ndup_r ND.
        + ndup_l ND.
      - (* Earrow *)
        take (Forall _ e0s) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (Forall _ es) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in OE0 as (? & ?)...
        apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in OE1 as (? & ?)...
        subst; eauto using wt_exp.
        + ndup_r ND.
        + ndup_l ND.
      - (* Ewhen *)
        subst. take (Forall _ es) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); eauto using wt_exp.
      - (* Emerge *)
        take (Forall _ ets) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (Forall _ efs) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); auto.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); auto.
        subst. eauto using wt_exp.
        + ndup_l ND.
        + ndup_r ND.
      - (* Eite *)
        take (check_exp _ = Some _) and apply IHe in it as (? & ?).
        take (Forall _ ets) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (Forall _ efs) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); auto.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); auto.
        subst. eauto using wt_exp.
        + ndup_simpl.
          rewrite Permutation_swap in ND.
          rewrite app_assoc in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND; auto.
        + ndup_simpl.
          rewrite Permutation.Permutation_app_comm in ND.
          repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in ND.
          apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND.
          rewrite Permutation.Permutation_app_comm in ND. assumption.
        + ndup_simpl.
          rewrite app_assoc in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND; auto.
      - (* Eapp *)
        take (Forall _ es) and rewrite Forall_forall in it.
        take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
             apply oconcat_map_check_exp' in it as (? & ?); auto.
        2: { destruct ro; ndup_simpl.
             + repeat rewrite app_assoc in ND.
               apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND.
             + rewrite app_assoc in ND.
               apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND.
        split; auto. subst.
        assert (Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof es) n.(n_in)).
        { take (Forall2 _ (typesof es) n.(n_in))
               and apply Forall2_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros ? (? & (? & ?)) ? ? EQ.
          now rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in EQ. }
        assert (Forall2 (fun ann '(_, (t, _)) => fst ann = t) a n.(n_out)).
        { take (Forall2 _ _ n.(n_out)) and apply Forall2_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros (? & ?) (? & (? & ?)) ? ? EQ.
          apply Bool.andb_true_iff in EQ as (EQ1 & EQ2).
          now rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in EQ2. }
        assert (Forall (fun ann => wt_nclock ((Env.elements venv)++idty (fresh_ins es++anon_streams a)) (snd ann)) a).
        { repeat take (Forall2 _ _ n.(n_out)) and apply Forall2_ignore2 in it.
          apply Forall_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros (? & ?) ? ((? & (? & ?)) & (? & EQ)); simpl.
          apply Bool.andb_true_iff in EQ as (EQ1 & EQ2).
          apply check_nclock_correct in EQ1. rewrite Env.elements_adds in EQ1; auto.
          destruct ro; auto.
          rewrite app_assoc in ND.
          rewrite Permutation_app_comm in ND.
          rewrite <- app_assoc in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND.
          rewrite Permutation_app_comm in ND.
          rewrite <- app_assoc in ND; auto.
        destruct ro; econstructor; eauto; simpl in *;
          clear it; cases_eqn Heq; subst;
            destruct (H [t]) as [CE1 CE2]; auto.
        + ndup_simpl.
          repeat rewrite app_assoc in ND.
          apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND.
          repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in ND.
          rewrite Permutation_swap in ND.
          apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND; auto.
        + ndup_simpl.
          repeat rewrite app_assoc in ND.
          apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND.
          repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in ND.
          rewrite Permutation_swap in ND.
          apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND; auto.
        + rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in H2. congruence.

    Corollary oconcat_map_check_exp:
      forall es tys,
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++idty (fresh_ins es)) ->
        oconcat (map check_exp es) = Some tys ->
        Forall (wt_exp G (Env.elements venv)) es
        /\ typesof es = tys.
      eapply oconcat_map_check_exp'; eauto.
      intros. eapply check_exp_correct; eauto.

    Lemma check_rhs_correct:
      forall e tys,
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++(idty (anon_in e))) ->
        check_rhs e = Some tys ->
        wt_exp G (Env.elements venv) e
        /\ typeof e = tys.
Proof with
      intros e tys ND CR.
      destruct e; try (now apply check_exp_correct).
      simpl in CR.

      repeat progress
               match goal with
               | H:obind ?v _ = Some _ |- _ =>
                 let OE:=fresh "OE0" in destruct v eqn:OE; [simpl in H|now omonadInv H]
               | H: _ && _ = true |- _ => apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H as (? & ?)
               | H: ((_ ==b _) = true) |- _ => rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in H; inv H
               | H: check_nclock _ = true |- _ => apply check_nclock_correct in H
               | H: Env.find _ _ = Some _ |- _ => apply Env.elements_correct in H
               | H:(if ?c then Some _ else None) = Some _ |- _ =>
                 let C := fresh "C0" in
                 destruct c eqn:C
               | H:None = Some _ |- _ => discriminate
               | H:Some _ = Some _ |- _ => inv H
               | H:forall2b _ _ _ = true |- _ => apply forall2b_Forall2 in H

      simpl in ND.
      take (oconcat (map check_exp _) = Some _) and
           apply oconcat_map_check_exp in it as (? & ?); auto.
      2: { destruct o; ndup_simpl...
           rewrite app_assoc in ND.
           apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND... }
      assert (Forall2 (fun et '(_, (t, _)) => et = t) (typesof l) n.(n_in)).
        { take (Forall2 _ (typesof l) n.(n_in))
               and apply Forall2_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros ? (? & (? & ?)) ? ? EQ.
          now rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in EQ. }
        assert (Forall2 (fun ann '(_, (t, _)) => fst ann = t) l0 n.(n_out)).
        { take (Forall2 _ _ n.(n_out)) and apply Forall2_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros (? & ?) (? & (? & ?)) ? ? EQ.
          apply Bool.andb_true_iff in EQ as (EQ1 & EQ2).
          now rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in EQ2. }
        assert (Forall (fun a => wt_nclock (Env.elements venv ++ idty (fresh_ins l++anon_streams l0)) (snd a)) l0).
        { repeat take (Forall2 _ _ n.(n_out)) and apply Forall2_ignore2 in it.
          apply Forall_impl_In with (2:=it).
          intros (? & ?) ? ((? & (? & ?)) & (? & EQ)); simpl.
          apply Bool.andb_true_iff in EQ as (EQ1 & EQ2).
          unfold idty in *; rewrite map_app in *.
          apply check_nclock_correct in EQ1. rewrite Env.elements_adds in EQ1; auto.
          + eapply wt_nclock_incl; [| eauto]. apply incl_appr'.
            eapply incl_appl. reflexivity.
          + destruct o; auto.
            rewrite map_app in ND. rewrite app_assoc in ND.
            apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND. assumption. }
        destruct o; simpl in H0; cases_eqn Heq; econstructor...
        1,2:(apply check_exp_correct in Heq as [Hwt Heq]; eauto).
        1,3:unfold idty in *; rewrite map_app in *; rewrite Permutation_swap in ND; apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND; auto.
        rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in H0. congruence.

    Corollary oconcat_map_check_rhs:
      forall es tys,
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++idty (anon_ins es)) ->
        oconcat (map check_rhs es) = Some tys ->
        Forall (wt_exp G (Env.elements venv)) es
        /\ typesof es = tys.
      induction es as [|e es IH]; intros tys ND CE. now inv CE; auto.
      simpl in CE. destruct (check_rhs e) eqn:Ce; [|now omonadInv CE].
      destruct (oconcat (map check_rhs es)) as [tes|]; [|now omonadInv CE].
      omonadInv CE. simpl.
      apply check_rhs_correct in Ce as (Ce1 & ->); auto with datatypes.
      destruct (IH tes) as (? & ->); auto.
      + unfold anon_ins, idty in *; simpl in *. rewrite map_app in *.
        rewrite Permutation_swap in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_r in ND; auto.
      + unfold anon_ins, idty in *; simpl in *. rewrite map_app in *.
        rewrite app_assoc in ND. apply NoDupMembers_app_l in ND; auto.

    Lemma check_equation_correct:
      forall eq,
        NoDupMembers (Env.elements venv++(idty (anon_in_eq eq))) ->
        check_equation eq = true ->
        wt_equation G (Env.elements venv) eq.
      intros eq ND CE. destruct eq as (xs, es); simpl in CE.
      cases_eqn Heq.
      take (oconcat (map check_rhs _) = Some _)
           and apply oconcat_map_check_rhs in it as (? & ?).
      take (forall2b check_var _ _ = true)
           and apply forall2b_Forall2 in it.
      setoid_rewrite check_var_correct in it.
      subst; constructor; auto.
      unfold anon_in_eq in ND; auto.

  End ValidateExpression.

  Section ValidateGlobal.
    Definition check_node (G : global) (n : node) :=
      forallb (check_clock (Env.from_list (idty (n_in n)))) ( (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => ck) (n_in n)) &&
      forallb (check_clock (Env.from_list (idty (n_in n ++ n_out n)))) ( (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => ck) (n_out n)) &&
      forallb (check_clock (Env.from_list (idty (n_in n ++ n_out n ++ n_vars n)))) ( (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => ck) (n_vars n)) &&
      forallb (check_equation G (Env.from_list (idty (n_in n ++ n_vars n ++ n_out n)))) (n_eqs n).

    Definition check_global (G : global) :=
      check_nodup ( n_name G) &&
      (fix aux G := match G with
                    | [] => true
                    | hd::tl => check_node tl hd && aux tl
                    end) G.

    Lemma check_node_correct : forall G n,
        check_node G n = true ->
        wt_node G n.
      intros * Hcheck.
      specialize (n_nodup n) as Hndup.
      unfold check_node in Hcheck.
      repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in Hcheck. destruct Hcheck as [[[Hc1 Hc2] Hc3] Hc4].
      rewrite forallb_Forall, Forall_map in Hc1, Hc2, Hc3. setoid_rewrite forallb_Forall in Hc4.
      repeat constructor.
      1-3:(eapply Forall_impl; eauto;
           intros [_ [_ ?]] Hck;
           eapply check_clock_correct in Hck;
           eapply wt_clock_incl; [|eauto]; eapply Env.elements_from_list_incl).
      eapply Forall_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros * Hin Hwt; simpl in Hwt.
      eapply check_equation_correct in Hwt.
      - eapply wt_equation_incl; [|eauto]. eapply Env.elements_from_list_incl.
      - apply NoDupMembers_app.
        + apply Env.NoDupMembers_elements.
        + rewrite NoDupMembers_idty.
          repeat apply NoDupMembers_app_r in Hndup.
          eapply NoDupMembers_anon_in_eq; eauto.
        + intros x Hin' contra.
          rewrite <- Env.In_Members, Env.In_from_list in Hin'.
          rewrite InMembers_idty in Hin', contra.
          repeat rewrite app_assoc in Hndup. repeat rewrite app_assoc in Hin'.
          eapply NoDupMembers_app_InMembers in Hndup; eauto.
          eapply Hndup, InMembers_anon_in_eq; eauto.

    Lemma check_global_correct : forall G,
        check_global G = true ->
        wt_global G.
      intros G Hcheck.
      apply Bool.andb_true_iff in Hcheck; destruct Hcheck as [Hndup Hcheck].
      apply check_nodup_correct in Hndup.
      induction G; constructor; inv Hndup.
      1-3:simpl in Hcheck; apply Bool.andb_true_iff in Hcheck as [Hc1 Hc2]; auto.
      - apply check_node_correct in Hc1; auto.
      - apply Forall_forall. intros ? Hin contra.
        apply H1. rewrite in_map_iff. exists x; split; auto.
  End ValidateGlobal.

  Section interface_eq.

    Hint Constructors wt_exp.
    Fact iface_eq_wt_exp : forall G G' vars e,
        global_iface_eq G G' ->
        wt_exp G vars e ->
        wt_exp G' vars e.
Proof with
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros Heq Hwt; inv Hwt...
      1-9:rewrite Forall_forall in *...
     - (* app *)
        assert (Forall (wt_exp G' vars) es) as Hwt by (rewrite Forall_forall in *; eauto).
        specialize (Heq f).
        remember (find_node f G') as find.
        destruct Heq.
        + congruence.
        + inv H6.
          destruct H1 as [? [? [? ?]]].
          apply wt_Eapp with (n:=sy)...
          * congruence.
          * congruence.
      - (* app (reset) *)
        assert (Forall (wt_exp G' vars) es) as Hwt by (rewrite Forall_forall in *; eauto).
        assert (wt_exp G' vars r) as Hwt' by (rewrite Forall_forall in *; eauto).
        specialize (Heq f).
        remember (find_node f G') as find.
        destruct Heq.
        + congruence.
        + inv H6.
          destruct H1 as [? [? [? ?]]].
          apply wt_EappReset with (n:=sy)...
          * congruence.
          * congruence.

    Fact iface_eq_wt_equation : forall G G' vars equ,
        global_iface_eq G G' ->
        wt_equation G vars equ ->
        wt_equation G' vars equ.
      intros G G' vars [xs es] Heq Hwt.
      simpl in *. destruct Hwt.
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *. intros x Hin.
        eapply iface_eq_wt_exp; eauto.
      + assumption.

    Lemma iface_eq_wt_node : forall G G' n,
        global_iface_eq G G' ->
        wt_node G n ->
        wt_node G' n.
      intros G G' n Heq Hwt.
      destruct Hwt as [? [? [? Hwt]]].
      repeat split; auto.
      rewrite Forall_forall in *; intros.
      eapply iface_eq_wt_equation; eauto.

  End interface_eq.

wt implies wl

  Hint Constructors wl_exp.
  Fact wt_exp_wl_exp : forall G vars e,
      wt_exp G vars e ->
      wl_exp G e.
Proof with
    induction e using exp_ind2; intro Hwt; inv Hwt; auto.
    - (* unop *)
      rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams. rewrite H3. reflexivity.
    - (* binop *)
      + rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams. rewrite H5. reflexivity.
      + rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams. rewrite H6. reflexivity.
    - (* fby *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite typesof_annots in *.
        erewrite <- map_length, H7, map_length...
      + rewrite typesof_annots in *.
        erewrite <- map_length, H6, map_length...
    - (* arrow *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite typesof_annots in *.
        erewrite <- map_length, H7, map_length...
      + rewrite typesof_annots in *.
        erewrite <- map_length, H6, map_length...
    - (* when *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite typesof_annots. rewrite map_length...
    - (* merge *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite typesof_annots. rewrite map_length...
      + rewrite <- H9, typesof_annots, map_length...
    - (* ite *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H8...
      + rewrite typesof_annots, map_length...
      + rewrite <- H10, typesof_annots, map_length...
    - (* app *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + apply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite typesof_annots, map_length in H7...
      + apply Forall2_length in H8...
    - (* app (reset) *)
      + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
      + rewrite <- length_typeof_numstreams, H11...
      + apply Forall2_length in H7. rewrite typesof_annots, map_length in H7...
      + apply Forall2_length in H8...
  Hint Resolve wt_exp_wl_exp.

  Corollary Forall_wt_exp_wl_exp : forall G vars es,
      Forall (wt_exp G vars) es ->
      Forall (wl_exp G) es.
intros. rewrite Forall_forall in *; eauto. Qed.
  Hint Resolve Forall_wt_exp_wl_exp.

  Fact wt_equation_wl_equation : forall G vars equ,
      wt_equation G vars equ ->
      wl_equation G equ.
Proof with
    intros G vars [xs es] Hwt.
    inv Hwt. constructor.
    + rewrite Forall_forall in *...
    + apply Forall2_length in H0.
      rewrite typesof_annots, map_length in H0...
  Hint Resolve wt_equation_wl_equation.

  Fact wt_node_wl_node : forall G n,
      wt_node G n ->
      wl_node G n.
Proof with
    intros G n [_ [_ [_ Hwt]]].
    unfold wl_node.
    rewrite Forall_forall in *...
  Hint Resolve wt_node_wl_node.

  Fact wt_global_wl_global : forall G,
      wt_global G ->
      wl_global G.
Proof with
    intros G Hwt.
    induction Hwt; constructor...
  Hint Resolve wt_global_wl_global.

Other useful stuff

  Lemma wt_clock_Is_free_in : forall x env ck,
      wt_clock env ck ->
      Is_free_in_clock x ck ->
      InMembers x env.
    induction ck; intros Hwt Hfree;
      inv Hwt; inv Hfree; eauto using In_InMembers.

  Corollary wt_nclock_Is_free_in : forall x env name ck,
      wt_nclock env (ck, name) ->
      Is_free_in_clock x ck ->
      InMembers x env.
    intros * Hwt Hin; inv Hwt. eapply wt_clock_Is_free_in; eauto.


Module LTypingFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       <: LTYPING Ids Op Syn.
  Include LTYPING Ids Op Syn.
End LTypingFun.