Module LClockCorrectness

From Coq Require Import Streams.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import CommonList.
From Velus Require Import FunctionalEnvironment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import CoindStreams IndexedStreams.
From Velus Require Import CoindIndexed.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.StaticEnv.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax Lustre.LTyping Lustre.LClocking Lustre.LCausality Lustre.LOrdered.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSemantics Lustre.LClockedSemantics.

Clock Correctness Proof

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Import Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Import Typ : LTYPING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Clo : LCLOCKING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import LCA : LCAUSALITY Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Lord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import CStr : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Sem : LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Lord CStr)
       (Import CkSem : LCLOCKEDSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Clo Lord CStr Sem).

  Import CStr.
  Module IStr := IndexedStreamsFun Ids Op OpAux Cks.
  Module Import CIStr := CoindIndexedFun Ids Op OpAux Cks CStr IStr.

  Import List.

  Definition sem_clock_inputs {PSyn prefs} (G : @global PSyn prefs) (f : ident) (xs : list (Stream svalue)): Prop :=
    exists H n,
      find_node f G = Some n /\
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (idents (n_in n)) xs /\
      Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) (clocks_of xs) (snd xc))
              (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_in n)) (map abstract_clock xs).

  Lemma sem_clock_inputs_cons {PSyn prefs} :
    forall types externs (nodes : list (@node PSyn prefs)) f n ins,
      n_name n <> f ->
      sem_clock_inputs (Global types externs nodes) f ins <-> sem_clock_inputs (Global types externs (n :: nodes)) f ins.
    intros * Hname.
    split; intros (H & n' & Hfind &?&?);
      exists H, n'; repeat split; auto.
    - rewrite find_node_other; eauto.
    - erewrite <- find_node_other; eauto.

  Fact sem_var_env_eq :
    forall H H' xs ss,
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) xs ss ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) xs ss ->
      Forall (fun x => orel (EqSt (A:=svalue)) (H (Var x)) (H' (Var x))) xs.
    induction 1; auto. intros Hf. inv Hf. constructor; auto.
    do 2 take (sem_var _ _ _) and inv it.
    rewrite H2, H3. constructor. now rewrite <-H4, <-H5.

  Lemma inputs_clocked_vars {PSyn prefs} :
    forall types externs (nodes : list (@node PSyn prefs)) n H f ins,
      sem_clock_inputs (Global types externs (n :: nodes)) f ins ->
      n_name n = f ->
      wc_env (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_in n)) ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (idents (n_in n)) ins ->
      Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) (clocks_of ins) (snd xc)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_in n)) (map abstract_clock ins).
    intros * (H'&n'& Hfind & Hv & Hscin) Hnf Wcin Hins; subst.
    rewrite find_node_now in Hfind; auto. inv Hfind.
    pose proof (sem_var_env_eq _ _ _ _ Hins Hv) as Horel.
    eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]. intros; simpl in *.
    eapply sem_clock_same_find; eauto.
    - unfold wc_env in Wcin. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. eapply Wcin.
    - unfold idents in *. simpl_Forall. auto.

  Lemma sem_clocks_corres_in : forall H H' b (ins : list (ident * (type * clock * ident))) vins ss,
      wc_env (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) ins) ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst ins) vins ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) (map fst ins) vins ->
      Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) b (snd xc)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) ins) ss ->
      Forall2 (fun xs => sem_clock (var_history H') b (snd xs)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) ins) ss.
    intros * Hwc Hi1 Hi2 Hck. unfold wc_env in *. simpl_Forall.
    eapply sem_clock_refines'. 3:eauto.
    - eapply wc_clock_wx_clock with (vars:=senv_of_ins ins).
      unfold idck, senv_of_ins. erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto.
      unfold decl; intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
    - intros * In V. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
      inv In; simpl_In.
      apply Forall2_ignore2 in Hi2; simpl_Forall.
      eapply sem_var_det in V; [|eauto]. now rewrite <-V.

  Lemma sem_clocks_corres_out : forall H H' b (ins : list (ident * (type * clock * ident))) (outs: list decl) vins vouts ss,
      wc_env (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) ins ++ map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _, _)) => (x, ck)) outs) ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst ins) vins ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst outs) vouts ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) (map fst ins) vins ->
      Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) (map fst outs) vouts ->
      Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) b (snd xc)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _, _)) => (x, ck)) outs) ss ->
      Forall2 (fun xs => sem_clock (var_history H') b (snd xs)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _, _)) => (x, ck)) outs) ss.
    intros * Hwc Hi1 Ho1 Hi2 Ho2 Hck.
    apply Forall_app in Hwc as (_&Hwc).
    eapply sem_clock_refines'. 3:eauto.
    - eapply wc_clock_wx_clock with (vars:=senv_of_ins ins++senv_of_decls outs).
      unfold idck, senv_of_ins, senv_of_decls. erewrite map_app, 2 map_map, map_ext, map_ext with (l:=outs); eauto.
      1,2:unfold decl; intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
    - intros * In V. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
      apply IsVar_app in In as [In|In]; inv In; simpl_In.
      + apply Forall2_ignore2 in Hi2; simpl_Forall.
        eapply sem_var_det in V; [|eauto]. now rewrite <-V.
      + apply Forall2_ignore2 in Ho2; simpl_Forall.
        eapply sem_var_det in V; [|eauto]. now rewrite <-V.

First step of the proof: Prove that every named stream of the node is aligned with the clock of its variable
  Section sc_inv.
    Context {PSyn : list decl -> block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs : PS.t}.
    Variable (G : @global complete prefs).

    Hypothesis Hnode : forall f ins outs,
        sem_node G f ins outs ->
        sem_clock_inputs G f ins ->
        sem_node_ck G f ins outs.

    Lemma Hscnodes :
      forall G1 H f n xs os,
        wc_node G1 n ->
        Sem.sem_node G f xs os ->
        find_node f G = Some n ->
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst (n_in n)) xs ->
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst (n_out n)) os ->
        Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) (clocks_of xs) (snd xc))
                (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_in n)) (map abstract_clock xs) ->
        Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) (clocks_of xs) (snd xc))
                (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_out n)) (map abstract_clock os).
      intros * Hwc Hsem Hfind Hins Houts Hckins.
      eapply Hnode in Hsem. 2:(repeat esplit; eauto).
      inv Hwc. inv Hsem. subst Γ.
      rewrite Hfind in H5. inv H5.
      eapply sem_clocks_corres_out; eauto.
      unfold idents in *. simpl_Forall.
      destruct H10 as (_&Hinv&_). eapply Hinv; eauto.
      apply HasClock_app, or_intror. econstructor; solve_In. auto.

    Definition sc_var_inv Γ (H : Sem.history) (b : Stream bool) : ident -> Prop :=
      fun cx =>
        (forall x ck xs,
            HasCaus Γ x cx ->
            HasClock Γ x ck ->
            sem_var H (Var x) xs ->
            sem_clock (var_history H) b ck (abstract_clock xs))
        /\ (forall x ck xs,
              HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
              HasClock Γ x ck ->
              sem_var H (Last x) xs ->
              sem_clock (var_history H) b ck (abstract_clock xs)).

    Lemma sc_vars_sc_var_inv : forall Γ H b,
        sc_vars Γ H b ->
        Forall (sc_var_inv Γ H b) (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)).
      intros * (Hinv1&Hinv2).
      simpl_Forall. split; intros * Hca Hck Hvar.
      - eapply Hinv1; eauto.
      - eapply Hinv2; eauto.
        inv Hca; econstructor; eauto. congruence.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_sc_vars : forall Γ H b,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        Forall (sc_var_inv Γ H b) (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        sc_vars Γ H b.
      intros * Hnd (* Hv1 Hv2  *)Hinv.
      unfold idcaus_of_senv in Hinv. rewrite map_app in Hinv.
      apply Forall_app in Hinv as (Hinv1&Hinv2).
      unfold sc_vars. split; intros * Hck; [|intros Hca].
      - inv Hck. simpl_Forall.
        eapply Hinv1; eauto with senv.
      - inv Hck. inv Hca. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H0; eauto; subst.
        destruct (causl_last _) eqn:Hcaus; try congruence.
        eapply Forall_forall in Hinv2 as (_&Hinv2). 2:solve_In; rewrite Hcaus; simpl; eauto.
        eapply Hinv2; eauto. 1,2:econstructor; solve_In; eauto.

    Definition sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b : exp -> nat -> Prop :=
      fun e k => forall ss,
          wt_exp G Γty e ->
          wc_exp G Γ e ->
          Sem.sem_exp G H b e ss ->
          sem_clock (var_history H) b (nth k (clockof e) Cbase) (abstract_clock (nth k ss (def_stream b))).

    Fact P_exps_sc_exp_inv : forall Γ Γty H b es ss k,
        Forall (wt_exp G Γty) es ->
        Forall (wc_exp G Γ) es ->
        Forall2 (Sem.sem_exp G H b) es ss ->
        P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k ->
        sem_clock (var_history H) b (nth k (clocksof es) Cbase) (abstract_clock (nth k (concat ss) (def_stream b))).
      induction es; intros * Hwt Hwc Hsem Hp;
        inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl. inv Hp.
      assert (length y = numstreams a) as Hlen by (eapply sem_exp_numstreams; eauto with ltyping).
      inv Hp.
      - (* now *)
        rewrite app_nth1. 2:rewrite length_clockof_numstreams; auto.
        rewrite app_nth1. 2:congruence.
        eapply H10; eauto.
      - (* later *)
        rewrite app_nth2. 1,2:rewrite length_clockof_numstreams; auto.
        rewrite app_nth2. 1,2:rewrite Hlen; auto.

    Fact Forall2Brs_sc_exp_inv1 : forall Γ Γty H b ck x tx es k ss,
        k < length ss ->
        Forall (fun es => Forall (wt_exp G Γty) (snd es)) es ->
        Forall (fun es => Forall (wc_exp G Γ) (snd es)) es ->
        Forall (fun '(i, es0) => Forall (eq (Con ck x (tx, i))) (clocksof es0)) es ->
        Forall (fun es0 => length ss = length (clocksof (snd es0))) es ->
        Forall2Brs (Sem.sem_exp G H b) es ss ->
        Forall (fun es => P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) (snd es) k) es ->
        Forall (fun '(i, v) => sem_clock (var_history H) b (Con ck x (tx, i)) (abstract_clock v)) (nth k ss []).
      induction es; intros * Hlen Hwt Hwc Hck1 Hck2 Hsem Hp;
        inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hck1; inv Hck2; inv Hsem; inv Hp; simpl.
      1:{ eapply Forall_forall in H0; [|eapply nth_In]; eauto.
          rewrite H0; auto. }
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv in H12 as Heq1. 4:eauto. 2-3:eauto.
      eapply IHes in H14 as Heq2. 7:eauto. 2-6:eauto.
      2,3:(eapply Forall3_length in H13 as (Hlen1&Hlen2); rewrite Hlen2; auto).
      clear - Hlen H6 H8 H13 Heq1 Heq2.
      eapply Forall3_forall3 in H13 as (?&?&?).
      erewrite H2 at 1; try reflexivity. 2:congruence.
      constructor; eauto; simpl in *.
      eapply Forall_forall in H6; [|eapply nth_In; setoid_rewrite <-H8; eauto].
      erewrite <-H6 in Heq1; eauto.

    Fact P_exps_sc_exp_inv_all : forall Γ Γty H b es ss,
        Forall (wt_exp G Γty) es ->
        Forall (wc_exp G Γ) es ->
        Forall2 (Sem.sem_exp G H b) es ss ->
        (forall k, k < length (annots es) -> P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k) ->
        Forall2 (sem_clock (var_history H) b) (clocksof es) (map abstract_clock (concat ss)).
      intros * Hwt Hwc Hsem Hk.
      assert (length (clocksof es) = length (concat ss)) as Hlen.
      { rewrite length_clocksof_annots. symmetry.
        eapply sem_exps_numstreams; eauto with ltyping. }
      eapply Forall2_forall2; split. rewrite map_length; auto.
      intros * Hn ? ?; subst.
      erewrite map_nth' with (d':=def_stream b). 2:congruence.
      erewrite nth_indep with (d':=Cbase); auto.
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv; eauto.
      eapply Hk. rewrite <- length_clocksof_annots; auto.

    Lemma sc_exp_const : forall Γ Γty H b c,
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Econst c) 0.
      intros * ? _ Hwc Hsem; inv Hsem.
      simpl. rewrite H4, ac_const.
      constructor. reflexivity.

    Lemma sc_exp_enum : forall Γ Γty H b k ty,
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Eenum k ty) 0.
      intros * ? _ Hwc Hsem; inv Hsem.
      simpl. rewrite H6, ac_enum.
      constructor. reflexivity.

    Lemma sc_exp_var : forall Γ Γty H b x cx ann,
        HasCaus Γ x cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ H b cx ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Evar x ann) 0.
      intros * (* 1 Hnd2 *) Hin (Hvar&_) ss _ Hwc Hsem; inv Hsem; simpl.
      eapply Hvar; [eauto| |eauto].
      inv Hwc; auto.

    Lemma sc_exp_last : forall Γ Γty H b x cx ann,
        HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ H b cx ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Elast x ann) 0.
      intros * (* 1 Hnd2 *) Hin (_&Hvar) ss _ Hwc Hsem; inv Hsem; simpl.
      eapply Hvar; [eauto| |eauto].
      inv Hwc; auto.

    Lemma sc_exp_unop : forall Γ Γty H b op e1 ann,
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e1 0 ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Eunop op e1 ann) 0.
      intros * He1 ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl.
      eapply He1 in H13; eauto. rewrite H10 in H13; simpl in H13.
      rewrite <- ac_lift1; eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp_binop : forall Γ Γty H b op e1 e2 ann,
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e1 0 ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e2 0 ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Ebinop op e1 e2 ann) 0.
      intros * He1 He2 ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl.
      eapply He1 in H16; eauto. rewrite H14 in H16; simpl in H14.
      rewrite <- ac_lift2; eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp_extcall : forall Γ Γty H b f es ann,
       (forall k, k < length (annots es) -> P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k) ->
       sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Eextcall f es ann) 0.
      intros * Hes ? Hwt Hwc Hsem; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl.
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv_all in Hes; eauto.
      take (liftn _ _ _) and apply ac_liftn in it.
      destruct (clocksof es); try congruence; simpl_Forall; simpl_In; simpl_Forall.
      destruct (concat ss0); inv Hes. simpl_Forall.
      take (__) and rewrite <-it; auto.

    Lemma sc_exp_fby : forall Γ Γty H b e0s es ann k,
        k < length ann ->
        P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) e0s k ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Efby e0s es ann) k.
      intros * Hk Hexps ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.
      inv Hwt. inv Hwc. inv Hsem.
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv in Hexps; eauto.
      rewrite Forall2_eq in H10. rewrite H10.
      assert (Forall2 (fun x y => abstract_clock xabstract_clock y) (concat s0ss) ss).
      { clear - H18. eapply Forall3_ignore2 in H18.
        eapply Forall2_impl_In; eauto.
        intros ? ? _ _ [? ?]. apply ac_fby1 in H; auto. }
      apply Forall2_forall2 in H0 as [_ Hac].
      erewrite <- Hac; eauto.
      erewrite sem_exps_numstreams, <- length_clocksof_annots, <- H10, map_length; eauto with ltyping.

    Lemma sc_exp_arrow : forall Γ Γty H b e0s es ann k,
        k < length ann ->
        P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) e0s k ->
        P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Earrow e0s es ann) k.
      intros * Hk He0s Hes ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.
      inv Hwt. inv Hwc. inv Hsem.
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv in He0s; eauto.
      rewrite Forall2_eq in H10. rewrite H10.
      assert (Forall2 (fun x y => abstract_clock xabstract_clock y) (concat s0ss) ss).
      { clear - H18. eapply Forall3_ignore2 in H18.
        eapply Forall2_impl_In; eauto.
        intros ? ? _ _ [? ?]. apply ac_arrow1 in H; auto. }
      apply Forall2_forall2 in H0 as [_ Hac].
      erewrite <- Hac; eauto.
      erewrite sem_exps_numstreams, <- length_clocksof_annots, <- H10, map_length; eauto with ltyping.

    Lemma sc_exp_when : forall Γ Γty H b es x tx cx b' ann k,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        k < length (fst ann) ->
        P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k ->
        HasCaus Γ x cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ H b cx ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Ewhen es (x, tx) b' ann) k.
      intros * Hnd Hk Hes Hin Hvar ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.
      inv Hwt. inv Hwc. inv Hsem.
      eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv in Hes; eauto.
      take (sem_var _ _ _) and assert (Hv:=it). eapply Hvar in Hv; eauto.
      erewrite map_nth' with (d':=OpAux.bool_velus_type); eauto.
      eapply Forall_forall in H13. 2:eapply nth_In; rewrite <- H14; eauto.
      eapply sc_when in Hes; eauto. erewrite H13; eauto. apply sem_var_history; eauto.
      eapply Forall2_forall2 in H20 as [_ Hwhen].
      eapply Hwhen; eauto.
      replace (length (concat ss0)) with (length (annots es)). rewrite <- length_clocksof_annots, <- H14; eauto.
      symmetry. eapply sem_exps_numstreams; eauto with ltyping.

    Lemma sc_exp_merge : forall Γ Γty H b x cx tx es ann k,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        k < length (fst ann) ->
        HasCaus Γ x cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ H b cx ->
        Forall (fun es => P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) (snd es) k) es ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Emerge (x, tx) es ann) k.
      intros * Hnd Hk Hin Hvar Hes ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.
      inv Hwt. inv Hwc. inv Hsem.
      assert (length vs = length tys) as Hlen1.
      { eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in H21.
        2:{ simpl_Forall. eapply sem_exp_numstreams; eauto with lclocking. }
        destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl in *.
        inv H21; simpl in *.
        inv H16. rewrite H11, length_clocksof_annots; auto.
      assert (Hlen2:=H21). eapply Forall2Brs_length2 in Hlen2.
      eapply Forall2Brs_sc_exp_inv1 in H21; eauto.
      2,3:rewrite Hlen1; auto.
      eapply Forall2_forall2 in H22 as (Hlen3&Hmerge).
      eapply sc_merge in Hmerge. 1:eauto. 2:eapply sem_var_history; eauto. 4,5:eauto. 3:simpl in *; congruence.
      - eapply Forall_forall in Hlen2; [|eapply nth_In; rewrite Hlen1; eauto].
        instantiate (1:=[]). instantiate (1:=[]) in Hlen2.
        destruct (nth k vs []), es; simpl in *; congruence.
      - eapply Forall_impl; [|eapply H21]; intros (?&?) ?; simpl.
        rewrite map_nth' with (d':=bool_velus_type); eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp_case : forall Γ Γty H b e es d ann k,
        k < length (fst ann) ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e 0 ->
        Forall (fun es => P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) (snd es) k) es ->
        LiftO True (fun d => P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) d k) d ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Ecase e es d ann) k.
      intros * Hk He Hes Hd ss Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.
      inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem.
      - assert (length vs = length tys) as Hlen1.
        { eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in H26.
          2:{ simpl_Forall. eapply sem_exp_numstreams; eauto with lclocking. }
          destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl in *.
          inv H26; simpl in *.
          inv H10. rewrite length_typesof_annots; auto.
        eapply Forall3_forall3 in H27 as (?&?&Hcase).
        eapply ac_case in Hcase. rewrite <-Hcase.
        3:instantiate (2:=[]). 4:instantiate (2:=None). 3-5:reflexivity. 2:rewrite Hlen1; auto.
        eapply He in H25; eauto.
        rewrite H14 in H25; simpl in H25.
        erewrite map_nth' with (d':=bool_velus_type); eauto.
      - assert (length vs = length (typesof d0)) as Hlen1.
        { eapply Forall2Brs_length1 in H29.
          2:{ simpl_Forall. eapply sem_exp_numstreams; eauto with lclocking. }
          destruct es as [|(?&?)]; try congruence. simpl in *.
          inv H29; simpl in *.
          inv H11. rewrite <-H13, length_typesof_annots; auto.
        eapply Forall3_forall3 in H31 as (?&?&Hcase).
        eapply ac_case in Hcase. rewrite <-Hcase.
        3:instantiate (2:=[]). 4:instantiate (2:=None). 3-5:reflexivity. 2:rewrite Hlen1; auto.
        eapply He in H24; eauto.
        rewrite H16 in H24; simpl in H24.
        erewrite map_nth' with (d':=bool_velus_type); eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp_app : forall Γ Γty H b f es er ann k,
        wc_global G ->
        k < length ann ->
        (forall k0 : nat, k0 < length (annots es) -> P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k0) ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b (Eapp f es er ann) k.
      intros * HwcG Hlen Hk' ? Hwt Hwc Hsem; simpl.

      assert (length ss = length ann0) as Hlen'.
      { eapply sem_exp_numstreams in Hsem; eauto with lclocking. }

      inv Hwt. inv Hwc. inv Hsem.
      eapply wc_find_node in HwcG as (G'&Wcn); eauto.
      assert (Wcn':=Wcn). inversion_clear Wcn' as [?? WcIn WcOut WcL WcBlk]; subst Γ0.
      rewrite H6 in H13; inv H13.

      (* Arguments *)
      assert (Hse:=H11). eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv_all in Hse; eauto.

      (* Returning aligned values *)
      assert (Hvars:=H11).
      eapply Sem.sem_exps_sem_var, sc_outside_mask with (ncks:=map (fun '(_, ck) => (ck, None)) ann0) in H20; eauto with lclocking.
      - eapply Forall2_forall2 in H20 as [? Hck].
        repeat rewrite map_length in *.
        specialize (Hck Cbase (abstract_clock (def_stream b)) _ _ _ Hlen eq_refl eq_refl).
        rewrite map_nth, map_map in Hck; eauto.
        erewrite map_ext; eauto. intros (?&?); auto.
      - apply Forall2_map_1, Forall2_forall; split; auto; intros (?&?); simpl; auto.
      - (* Returning aligned values *)
        intros k'.
        specialize (H24 k'). inv H24. rewrite H1 in H6; inv H6.
        exists H0. repeat split; eauto.
        eapply sc_inside_mask in WcIn. 3-5:eauto. 2:eauto.
        eapply Hscnodes in H1; eauto. econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp' : forall Γ Γty H b e k,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        wc_global G ->
        wt_exp G Γty e ->
        wc_exp G Γ e ->
        k < numstreams e ->
        (forall cx, Is_free_left Γ cx k e -> sc_var_inv Γ H b cx) ->
        sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e k.
      intros * Hnd1 Hsc Hwt Hwc Hnum Hfree.
      eapply exp_causal_ind with (Γ:=Γ) (P_exp:=sc_exp_inv _ _ H b); eauto with lclocking; intros.
      - apply sc_exp_const.
      - apply sc_exp_enum.
      - eapply sc_exp_var; eauto.
      - eapply sc_exp_last; eauto.
      - apply sc_exp_unop; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_binop; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_extcall; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_fby; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_arrow; auto.
      - eapply sc_exp_when; eauto.
      - eapply sc_exp_merge; eauto.
      - apply sc_exp_case; auto.
      - eapply sc_exp_app; eauto.

    Lemma sc_exp_equation : forall Γ Γty H b xs es k cx,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        k < length xs ->
        wt_equation G Γty (xs, es) ->
        wc_equation G Γ (xs, es) ->
        Sem.sem_equation G H b (xs, es) ->
        (forall cx, Is_free_left_list Γ cx k es -> sc_var_inv Γ H b cx) ->
        HasCaus Γ (nth k xs xH) cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ H b cx.
      intros * HwcG Hnd1 Hnd2 Hk Hwt Hwc Hsem Hexps Hin. split; intros ???? Hin' Hvar.
      2:{ exfalso. simpl_In.
          eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. }
      inv Hwt. inv Hsem.
      assert (x = nth k xs xH).
      { eapply HasCaus_snd_det; eauto. } subst.
      assert (xs0nth k (concat ss) (def_stream b)) as Hequiv.
      { eapply Forall2_forall2 in H9 as [_ Hvar'].
        specialize (Hvar' xH (def_stream b) _ _ _ Hk eq_refl eq_refl).
        eapply sem_var_det in Hvar'; eauto. }
      rewrite Hequiv; auto.
      inv Hwc.
      - (* app *)
        assert (nth k (map snd anns) Cbase = ck); subst; auto.
        { eapply Forall2_forall2 in H13 as [_ HIn'].
          specialize (HIn' xH Cbase _ _ _ Hk eq_refl eq_refl).
          inv Hin'. inv HIn'.
          eapply NoDupMembers_det in H3; eauto; subst. auto. }

        simpl_Forall. rename H4 into Hsem.
        assert (length y = length anns) as Hlen'.
        { eapply sem_exp_numstreams in Hsem; eauto with ltyping. }

        inv H14. inv Hsem.
        assert (HwcG':=HwcG). eapply wc_find_node in HwcG' as (G'&Wcn); eauto.
        assert (Wcn':=Wcn). inversion_clear Wcn' as [?? WcIn WcOut WcL WcBlk]; subst Γ0.
        rewrite H7 in H17; inv H17.

        (* Arguments *)
        assert (Hse:=H24). eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv_all in Hse; eauto.
        2:{ intros.
            eapply Pexp_Pexps; eauto.
            - simpl_Forall. eapply sc_exp'; eauto.
            - intros ??. eapply Hexps.
              left; simpl. 2:constructor.
              1,2:(apply Forall2_length in H13; setoid_rewrite <-H13; auto).
              eapply Is_free_left_list_Exists; eauto.

        (* Returning aligned values *)
        simpl in *. rewrite app_nil_r in *.
        assert (Hvars:=H24).
        eapply Sem.sem_exps_sem_var, sc_outside_mask with (ncks:=map (fun '(ck, x) => (ck, Some x)) (combine (map snd anns) xs)) in H24; eauto with lclocking.
        + eapply Forall2_forall2 in H24 as [? Hck].
          repeat rewrite map_length in *.
          assert (k < length (combine (map snd anns) xs)) as Hlen2.
          { apply Forall2_length in H2. rewrite combine_length, H2, 2 map_length, Nat.min_id.
            now erewrite <-map_length, <-H2. }
          specialize (Hck Cbase (abstract_clock (def_stream b)) _ _ _ Hlen2 eq_refl eq_refl).
          erewrite map_nth, map_map, map_ext, combine_map_fst' in Hck; eauto.
          1:eapply Forall2_length in H2; rewrite H2, 2 map_length; eauto.
          intros (?&?); auto.
        + apply Forall2_map_1, Forall3_combine'1, Forall3_ignore1'.
          { apply Forall2_length in H13; auto. rewrite map_length; auto. }
          eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *; auto.
        + simpl_Forall; eauto.
        + eapply Forall2_map_2, Forall3_combine'2; eauto.
        + (* Returning aligned values *)
          intros k'.
          specialize (H28 k'). inv H28. rewrite H3 in H7; inv H7.
          exists H1. repeat split; eauto.
          eapply sc_inside_mask in WcIn. 3-5:eauto. 2:eauto.
          eapply Hscnodes in Wcn; eauto. econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - assert (nth k (clocksof es) Cbase = ck); subst; auto.
        { eapply Forall2_forall2 in H6 as [_ HIn'].
          specialize (HIn' xH Cbase _ _ _ Hk eq_refl eq_refl).
          inv Hin'. inv HIn'. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H3; eauto; subst. auto.
        assert (P_exps (sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b) es k) as Hexps'.
        { eapply Pexp_Pexps; eauto.
          - simpl_Forall. eapply sc_exp'; eauto.
          - eapply Forall2_length in H2. rewrite length_typesof_annots in H2. congruence.

        eapply P_exps_sc_exp_inv in Hexps'; eauto.

more `mask` properties

    Lemma sc_var_inv_mask : forall Γ H b x r k,
        sc_var_inv Γ H b x ->
        sc_var_inv Γ (mask_hist k r H) (maskb k r b) x.
      intros * Hinv.
      split; intros ???? Hin Hvar;
        [destruct Hinv as (Hinv&_)|destruct Hinv as (_&Hinv)];
        eapply sem_var_mask_inv in Hvar as (?&Hvar&Heq);
        rewrite Heq, ac_mask;
        eapply sem_clock_mask;
        eapply Hinv; eauto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_unmask : forall Γ H b x r,
      (forall k : nat, sc_var_inv Γ (mask_hist k r H) (maskb k r b) x) ->
      sc_var_inv Γ H b x.
      intros * Hinv. split; intros ???? Hin Hvar.
      1,2:(eapply sem_clock_unmask with (r:=r); intros k;
           specialize (Hinv k)).
      destruct Hinv as (Hinv&_). 2:destruct Hinv as (_&Hinv).
      1,2:(rewrite <-ac_mask; eapply Hinv; eauto;
           eapply sem_var_mask; eauto).

    Section sem_block_ck'.

      Section sem_scope.

        Context {A : Type}.

        Variable sem_block : static_env -> Sem.history -> A -> Prop.

        Inductive sem_scope_ck' (envS : list ident) : static_env -> Sem.history -> Stream bool -> (scope A) -> Prop :=
        | Sckscope : forall Γ Hi Hi' bs locs blks,
            dom Hi' (senv_of_decls locs) ->

            Forall (sem_last_decl (sem_exp G) Hi Hi' bs) locs ->

            sem_block (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') blks ->

            Forall (fun x => sc_var_inv (senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs x) envS ->
            sem_scope_ck' envS Γ Hi bs (Scope locs blks).
      End sem_scope.

      Section sem_scope.

        Context {A : Type}.

        Variable sem_block : static_env -> A -> Prop.

        Variable must_def : ident -> Prop.
        Variable is_def : ident -> A -> Prop.

        Inductive sem_branch_ck' (envS : list ident) : static_env -> Sem.history -> Stream bool -> (branch A) -> Prop :=
        | Sckbranch : forall Γ Hi bs caus blks,
            sem_block (replace_idcaus caus Γ) blks ->
            (forall x, must_def x -> ~is_def x blks -> exists vs, sem_var Hi (Last x) vs /\ sem_var Hi (Var x) vs) ->

            Forall (fun cx => forall x ck vs, In (x, cx) caus -> HasClock Γ x ck -> sem_var Hi (Var x) vs -> sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock vs)) envS ->
            sem_branch_ck' envS Γ Hi bs (Branch caus blks).
      End sem_scope.

      Inductive sem_block_ck' (envP : list ident) : static_env -> Sem.history -> Stream bool -> block -> Prop :=
      | Sckbeq : forall Γ Hi bs eq,
          sem_equation G Hi bs eq ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi bs (Beq eq)
      | Sckreset : forall Γ Hi bs blocks er sr r,
          sem_exp G Hi bs er [sr] ->
          bools_of sr r ->
          (forall k, Forall (sem_block_ck' envP Γ (mask_hist k r Hi) (maskb k r bs)) blocks) ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi bs (Breset blocks er)
      | Sckswitch:
        forall Γ Hi b ec branches sc,
          sem_exp G Hi b ec [sc] ->
          wt_streams [sc] (typeof ec) ->
          Forall (fun blks =>
                    exists Hi', when_hist (fst blks) Hi sc Hi'
                           /\ let bi := fwhenb (fst blks) b sc in
                               (fun Γ => Forall (sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi' bi))
                               (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bswitch ec branches))
                               (fun x => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x))
                               envP (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hi' bi (snd blks)) branches ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi b (Bswitch ec branches)
      | SckautoWeak:
        forall Γ H bs ini oth states ck bs' stres0 stres1 stres,
          sem_clock (var_history H) bs ck bs' ->
          sem_transitions G H bs' ( (fun '(e, t) => (e, (t, false))) ini) (oth, false) stres0 ->
          fby stres0 stres1 stres ->
          Forall (fun state =>
                    let tag := fst (fst state) in
                    forall k, exists Hik, select_hist tag k stres H Hik
                                /\ let bik := fselectb tag k stres bs in
                                    (fun Γ scope =>
                                       sem_scope_ck' (fun Γ Hi' blks =>
                                                        Forall (sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi' bik) (fst blks)
                                                        /\ sem_transitions G Hi' bik (snd blks) (tag, false) (fselect absent (tag) k stres stres1)
                                         ) envP Γ Hik bik (snd scope))
                                    (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bauto Weak ck (ini, oth) states))
                                    (fun x '(_, s) => Syn.Is_defined_in_scope (fun '(blks, _) => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x) blks) x s)
                                    envP (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hik bik (snd state)) states ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ H bs (Bauto Weak ck (ini, oth) states)
      | SckautoStrong:
        forall Γ H bs ini states ck bs' stres stres1,
          sem_clock (var_history H) bs ck bs' ->
          fby (const_stres bs' (ini, false)) stres1 stres ->
          Forall (fun state =>
                    let tag := fst (fst state) in
                    forall k, exists Hik, select_hist tag k stres H Hik
                                /\ let bik := fselectb tag k stres bs in
                                    (fun scope => sem_transitions G Hik bik (fst scope) (tag, false) (fselect absent (tag) k stres stres1))
                                    (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bauto Strong ck ([], ini) states))
                                    (fun x '(_, s) => Syn.Is_defined_in_scope (fun '(blks, _) => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x) blks) x s)
                                    Hik (snd state)
                 ) states ->
          Forall (fun state =>
                    let tag := fst (fst state) in
                    forall k, exists Hik, select_hist tag k stres1 H Hik
                                /\ let bik := fselectb tag k stres1 bs in
                                    (fun Γ scope =>
                                       sem_scope_ck' (fun Γ Hi' blks => Forall (sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi' bik) (fst blks)
                                         ) envP Γ Hik bik (snd scope))
                                    (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bauto Strong ck ([], ini) states))
                                    (fun x '(_, s) => Syn.Is_defined_in_scope (fun '(blks, _) => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x) blks) x s)
                                    envP (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hik bik (snd state)
                 ) states ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ H bs (Bauto Strong ck ([], ini) states)
      | Scklocal:
        forall Γ Hi bs scope,
          sem_scope_ck' (fun Γ Hi' => Forall (sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi' bs)) envP Γ Hi bs scope ->
          sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi bs (Blocal scope).

    End sem_block_ck'.

    Ltac inv_branch :=
      match goal with
      | H:sem_branch_ck' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H; destruct_conjs; subst
      | _ => (Syn.inv_branch || Typ.inv_branch || Clo.inv_branch || Sem.inv_branch || CkSem.inv_branch)

    Ltac inv_scope :=
      match goal with
      | H:sem_scope_ck' _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H; destruct_conjs; subst
      | _ => (Syn.inv_scope || Typ.inv_scope || Clo.inv_scope || Sem.inv_scope || CkSem.inv_scope)

    Ltac inv_block :=
      match goal with
      | H:sem_block_ck' _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H
      | _ => (Syn.inv_block || Typ.inv_block || Clo.inv_block || Sem.inv_block || CkSem.inv_block)

    Lemma sem_block_sem_block_ck' : forall blk Γ Hi bs,
        sem_block G Hi bs blk ->
        sem_block_ck' [] Γ Hi bs blk.
      induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hsem; inv Hsem.
      - (* equation *)
        constructor; auto.
      - (* reset *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        intros k. specialize (H7 k).
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* switch *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* automaton (weak) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H10 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto.
        repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto. destruct_conjs; split; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* automaton (strong) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H10 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto.
        repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* locals *)
        repeat inv_scope; econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.

    Lemma sem_block_ck'_sem_block : forall envP blk Γ Hi bs,
        sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi bs blk ->
        sem_block G Hi bs blk.
      induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hsem; inv Hsem.
      - (* equation *)
        constructor; auto.
      - (* reset *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        intros k. specialize (H7 k).
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* switch *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; do 2 esplit; simpl_Forall; eauto.
        inv_branch; econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* automaton (weak) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H11 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto.
        repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto. destruct_conjs; split; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* automaton (strong) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H11 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto.
        repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* locals *)
        repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.

    Lemma sem_block_ck'_Perm : forall xs ys blk Γ Hi bs,
        Permutation xs ys ->
        sem_block_ck' xs Γ Hi bs blk ->
        sem_block_ck' ys Γ Hi bs blk.
      induction blk using block_ind2; intros * Hperm Hsem;
        inv Hsem.
      - (* equation *)
        constructor; auto.
      - (* reset *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        intros k. specialize (H7 k).
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* switch *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; do 2 esplit; eauto.
        repeat inv_branch. econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
        setoid_rewrite <-Hperm; auto.
      - (* automaton (weak) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H11 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto. repeat inv_branch; repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto; [econstructor|]; eauto.
        split; simpl_Forall; eauto.
        1,2:setoid_rewrite <-Hperm; auto.
      - (* automaton (strong) *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall. specialize (H11 k); destruct_conjs.
        do 2 esplit; eauto. repeat inv_branch; repeat inv_scope. econstructor; eauto; [econstructor|]; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
        1,2:setoid_rewrite <-Hperm; auto.
      - (* local *)
        inv H4. econstructor; eauto.
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
        setoid_rewrite <-Hperm; auto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_unwhen : forall Γ Γ' tx tn sc Hi bs x,
        0 < length tn ->
        wt_stream sc (Tenum tx tn) ->
        (forall y ck, HasCaus Γ y x -> HasClock Γ y ck -> HasCaus Γ' y x /\ HasClock Γ' y Cbase) ->
        (forall y ck, HasCaus Γ y x -> HasClock Γ y ck -> sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) ->
        (forall c, In c (seq 0 (length tn)) ->
              exists Hi',
                (forall y, HasCaus Γ y x -> FEnv.In (Var y) Hi')
                /\ when_hist c Hi sc Hi'
                /\ sc_var_inv Γ' Hi' (fwhenb c bs sc) x) ->
        (forall y, ~HasLastCaus Γ y x) ->
        sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs x.
      intros * Hn Hwt Hwc Hsck Hsc Hnin.
      split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv.
      - assert (sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) as Hsemck by eauto.
        assert (abstract_clock scabstract_clock xs) as Heq; [|rewrite <-Heq; eauto].
        apply ntheq_eqst. intros n.
        rewrite 2 ac_nth.
        apply SForall_forall with (n:=n) in Hwt.
        destruct (sc # n) eqn:Hscn. simpl in *.
        + edestruct Hsc with (c:=0) as (Hi'&Hin&Hwhen&(Hsc'&_)). apply in_seq; lia.
          assert (exists vs, sem_var Hi' (Var x0) vs) as (?&Hv').
          { edestruct Hin as (?&?); eauto. do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity. }
          eapply sem_var_when_inv in Hv' as (?&?&Hwhen'); eauto.
          eapply sem_var_det in Hv; eauto. rewrite <-Hv.
          eapply when_spec with (n:=n) in Hwhen' as [|[|]]; destruct_conjs; try congruence.
          take (sc # n = _) and setoid_rewrite it.
          take (x2 # n = _) and setoid_rewrite it. auto.
        + inv Hwt. edestruct Hsc with (c:=v0) as (Hi'&Hin&Hwhen&(Hsc'&_)). apply in_seq; lia.
          assert (exists vs, sem_var Hi' (Var x0) vs) as (?&Hv').
          { edestruct Hin as (?&?); eauto. do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity. }
          assert (Hvx:=Hv'). eapply sem_var_when_inv in Hvx as (?&?&Hwhen'); eauto.
          eapply sem_var_det in Hv; eauto. rewrite <-Hv.
          edestruct Hwc as (Hca'&Hck'); eauto. eapply Hsc' in Hv'; eauto.
          eapply sem_clock_equiv in Hsemck. specialize (Hsemck n). rewrite 2 tr_Stream_nth, ac_nth in Hsemck.
          eapply sem_clock_equiv in Hv'. specialize (Hv' n). rewrite 2 tr_Stream_nth, ac_nth, fwhenb_nth in Hv'.
          eapply when_spec with (n:=n) in Hwhen' as [|[|]]; destruct_conjs; try congruence.
          take (sc # n = _) and setoid_rewrite it.
          take (x2 # n = _) and setoid_rewrite it. auto.
      - exfalso. eapply Hnin; eauto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_unselect : forall Γ Γ' tn sc Hi bs x,
        0 < tn ->
        SForall (fun v => match v with present (e, _) => e < tn | _ => True end) sc ->
        (forall y ck, HasCaus Γ y x -> HasClock Γ y ck -> HasCaus Γ' y x /\ HasClock Γ' y Cbase) ->
        (forall y ck, HasCaus Γ y x -> HasClock Γ y ck -> sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) ->
        (forall c k, In c (seq 0 tn) ->
                exists Hi',
                  (forall y, HasCaus Γ y x -> FEnv.In (Var y) Hi')
                  /\ select_hist c k sc Hi Hi'
                  /\ sc_var_inv Γ' Hi' (fselectb c k sc bs) x) ->
        (forall y, ~HasLastCaus Γ y x) ->
        sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs x.
      intros * Hn Hwt Hwc Hsck Hsc Hnin.
      split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv.
      - assert (sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) as Hsemck by eauto.
        assert (abstract_clock scabstract_clock xs) as Heq; [|rewrite <-Heq; eauto].
        apply ntheq_eqst. intros n.
        rewrite 2 ac_nth.
        apply SForall_forall with (n:=n) in Hwt.
        destruct (sc # n) as [|(?&?)] eqn:Hscn. simpl in *.
        + edestruct Hsc with (c:=0) as (Hi'&Hin&Hwhen&(Hsc'&_)). apply in_seq; lia.
          assert (exists vs, sem_var Hi' (Var x0) vs) as (?&Hv').
          { edestruct Hin as (?&?); eauto. do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity. }
          eapply sem_var_select_inv with (k:=(count (fwhenb 0 (stres_res sc) (stres_st sc))) # n) in Hv' as (?&?&Hwhen'); eauto.
          eapply sem_var_det in Hv; eauto. rewrite <-Hv.
          apply select_mask_when in Hwhen' as (?&Hfil&Hmask).
          eapply when_spec with (n:=n) in Hfil as [|[|]]; destruct_conjs; try rewrite Hx; auto.
          all:take ((stres_st _) # _ = _) and setoid_rewrite Str_nth_map in it; setoid_rewrite Hscn in it; try congruence.
          take (x2 # _ = _) and setoid_rewrite it. auto.
        + edestruct Hsc with (c:=n0) as (Hi'&Hin&Hwhen&(Hsc'&_)). apply in_seq; lia.
          assert (exists vs, sem_var Hi' (Var x0) vs) as (?&Hv').
          { edestruct Hin as (?&?); eauto. do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity. }
          assert (Hvx:=Hv'). eapply sem_var_select_inv with (k:=(count (fwhenb n0 (stres_res sc) (stres_st sc))) # n) in Hvx as (?&?&Hwhen'); eauto.
          eapply sem_var_det in Hv; eauto. rewrite <-Hv.
          edestruct Hwc as (Hca'&Hck'); eauto. eapply Hsc' in Hv'; eauto.
          eapply sem_clock_equiv in Hsemck. specialize (Hsemck n). rewrite 2 tr_Stream_nth, ac_nth in Hsemck.
          eapply sem_clock_equiv in Hv'. specialize (Hv' n).
          unfold fselectb, fselect in Hv'. rewrite 2 tr_Stream_nth, ac_nth, mask_nth, Nat.eqb_refl, fwhen_nth in Hv'.
          setoid_rewrite Str_nth_map in Hv'. setoid_rewrite Hscn in Hv'. rewrite equiv_decb_refl in Hv'. inv Hv'.
          apply select_mask_when in Hwhen' as (ys&Hfil&Hmask).
          apply eqst_ntheq with (n:=n) in Hmask. unfold maskv in Hmask. rewrite mask_nth, Nat.eqb_refl in Hmask.
          eapply when_spec with (n:=n) in Hfil as [|[|]]; destruct_conjs.
          all:take ((stres_st _) # _ = _) and setoid_rewrite Str_nth_map in it; setoid_rewrite Hscn in it; try congruence.
          take (x2 # n = _) and setoid_rewrite it. auto.
      - exfalso. eapply Hnin; eauto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_local :
      forall Γ (locs : list (ident * (type * clock * ident * option (exp * ident)))) Hi Hi' bs cx,
        (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~IsVar Γ x) ->
        dom_ub Hi Γ ->
        dom Hi' (senv_of_decls locs) ->
        (forall x, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
        (forall x, HasCaus (senv_of_decls locs) x cx \/ HasLastCaus (senv_of_decls locs) x cx ->
              sc_var_inv (senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs cx) ->
        sc_var_inv (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs cx.
      intros * Hnd Hdomub Hdom Hsc1 Hsc2.
      assert (FEnv.refines (@EqSt _) Hi (Hi + Hi')) as Href.
      { eapply local_hist_dom_ub_refines; eauto. }
      split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv;
        rewrite HasClock_app in Hck; (rewrite HasCaus_app in Hca||rewrite HasLastCaus_app in Hca);
        destruct Hck as [Hck|Hck]; try rewrite replace_idcaus_HasClock in Hck.
      - destruct Hca as [Hca|Hca].
        2:{ exfalso. inv Hca. inv Hck. simpl_In.
            eapply Hnd; eauto using In_InMembers with senv. }
        eapply sem_clock_refines; eauto using var_history_refines.
        edestruct Hsc1 as (Hsc&_); eauto. eapply Hsc; eauto.
        eapply sem_var_refines'; eauto.
        apply sem_var_In, FEnv.union_In in Hv as [Hv|Hv]; auto. exfalso.
        apply Hdom, IsVar_senv_of_decls in Hv.
        eapply Hnd; eauto with senv.
      - destruct Hca as [Hca|Hca].
        1:{ exfalso. inv Hca. inv Hck. simpl_In.
            eapply Hnd; eauto using In_InMembers with senv. }
        edestruct Hsc2 as (Hsc&_); eauto.
      - destruct Hca as [Hca|Hca].
        2:{ exfalso. inv Hca. inv Hck. simpl_In.
            eapply Hnd; eauto using In_InMembers with senv. }
        eapply sem_clock_refines; eauto using var_history_refines.
        edestruct Hsc1 as (_&Hsc); eauto. eapply Hsc; eauto.
        eapply sem_var_refines'; eauto.
        apply sem_var_In, FEnv.union_In in Hv as [Hv|Hv]; auto. exfalso.
        apply Hdom, IsLast_senv_of_decls in Hv.
        eapply Hnd; eauto with senv.
      - destruct Hca as [Hca|Hca].
        1:{ exfalso. inv Hca. inv Hck. simpl_In.
            eapply Hnd; eauto using In_InMembers with senv. }
        edestruct Hsc2 as (_&sc); eauto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_branch :
      forall Γ caus Hi bs cx,
        (forall x, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
        (forall x ck vs, In (x, cx) caus -> HasClock Γ x ck -> sem_var Hi (Var x) vs ->
                    sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock vs)) ->
        sc_var_inv (replace_idcaus caus Γ) Hi bs cx.
      intros * Hsc1 Hsc2.
      split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv; try rewrite replace_idcaus_HasClock in Hck.
      - apply replace_idcaus_HasCaus3 in Hca as [Hca|Hca].
        + edestruct Hsc1 as (Hinv&_); eauto.
        + simpl in *. eapply Hsc2; eauto.
      - rewrite replace_idcaus_HasLastCaus in Hca.
        edestruct Hsc1 as (_&Hinv); eauto.

    Lemma sc_transitions' Γty Γ : forall Hi bs' trans def stres,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wt_exp G Γty e) trans ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wc_exp G Γ e /\ clockof e = [Cbase]) trans ->
        (forall cx, Exists (fun '(e, _) => Is_free_left Γ cx 0 e) trans -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs' cx) ->
        sem_transitions G Hi bs' trans def stres ->
        abstract_clock stresbs'.
      induction trans; intros * HwG Hnd Hwt Hwc Hsc Hsem;
        inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; destruct_conjs.
      - rewrite H0, const_stres_ac. reflexivity.
      - rewrite H13. apply choose_first_ac; eauto.
        eapply sc_exp' with (k:=0) in H6; eauto.
        2:{ rewrite <-length_clockof_numstreams. take (clockof _ = _) and rewrite it; auto. }
        take (clockof _ = _) and rewrite it in H6. simpl in *.
        eapply sc_slower in H6; eauto using ac_aligned.
        apply slower_nth; intros * Hbs. setoid_rewrite Str_nth_map.
        apply slower_nth with (n:=n) in H6; auto.
        apply bools_of_nth with (n:=n) in H7 as [(Hv&Hx)|[(Hv&Hx)|(?&Hx)]].
        + setoid_rewrite H6 in Hv; congruence.
        + setoid_rewrite H6 in Hv; congruence.
        + rewrite Hx; auto.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_subclock Γ Γ' : forall Hi bs bs' cx ck,
        sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck bs' ->
        (forall x ck', HasClock Γ' x ck' -> HasClock Γ x ck /\ ck' = Cbase) ->
        (forall x, HasCaus Γ' x cx -> HasCaus Γ x cx) ->
        (forall x, HasLastCaus Γ' x cx -> HasLastCaus Γ x cx) ->
        sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx ->
        sc_var_inv Γ' Hi bs' cx.
      intros * Hsemck Hck Hca Hlca (Hinv1&Hinv2).
      split; intros * Hasca Hasck Hv.
      - edestruct Hck as (Hasck'&?); eauto; subst.
        eapply Hinv1 in Hv; eauto.
        eapply sem_clock_det in Hsemck; eauto. constructor; symmetry; auto.
      - edestruct Hck as (Hasck'&?); eauto; subst.
        eapply Hinv2 in Hv; eauto.
        eapply sem_clock_det in Hsemck; eauto. constructor; symmetry; auto.

    Lemma sc_scope {A} f_idcaus P_nd P_vd P_wt P_wc (P_blk1 P_blk2 : _ -> _ -> _ -> Prop) P_dep :
      forall envS locs (blks: A) Γ Γty xs Hi bs cy,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ ++ idcaus_of_scope f_idcaus (Scope locs blks))) ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDupScope P_nd (map fst Γ) (Scope locs blks) ->
        VarsDefinedCompScope P_vd (Scope locs blks) xs ->
        incl xs (map fst Γ) ->
        wt_scope P_wt G Γty (Scope locs blks) ->
        wc_env (idck Γ) ->
        wc_scope P_wc G Γ (Scope locs blks) ->
        sem_scope_ck' P_blk1 envS Γ Hi bs (Scope locs blks) ->
        dom_ub Hi Γ ->
        (forall x cx, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
                 depends_on_scope P_dep Γ cy cx (Scope locs blks) -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
        (forall cx, In cx (map snd (idcaus_of_scope f_idcaus (Scope locs blks))) ->
               depends_on_scope P_dep Γ cy cx (Scope locs blks) -> In cx envS) ->
        (forall Γ Γty xs Hi,
            NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ ++ f_idcaus blks)) ->
            NoDupMembers Γ ->
            P_nd (map fst Γ) blks ->
            P_vd blks xs ->
            incl xs (map fst Γ) ->
            P_wt Γty blks ->
            wc_env (idck Γ) ->
            P_wc Γ blks ->
            P_blk1 Γ Hi blks ->
            dom_ub Hi Γ ->
            (forall x cx, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
                     P_dep Γ cy cx blks -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
            (forall cx, In cx (map snd (f_idcaus blks)) ->
                   P_dep Γ cy cx blks -> In cx envS) ->
            (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cy)
            /\ P_blk2 Γ Hi blks) ->
        (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cy)
        /\ sem_scope_ck' P_blk2 (cy::envS) Γ Hi bs (Scope locs blks).
      intros * HwcG Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd4 Hvars Hincl Hwt Henv Hwc Hsem Hdom Hsc HenvP Hind;
        inv Hnd4; inv Hvars; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; subst Γ'0; simpl in *.

      assert (FEnv.refines (@EqSt _) Hi (Hi + Hi')) as Href1.
      { eapply local_hist_dom_ub_refines; eauto.
        intros ?. rewrite IsVar_fst; auto. }

      assert (forall x cx,
                 HasCaus (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) x cx \/ HasLastCaus (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) x cx ->
                 depends_on_scope P_dep Γ cy cx (Scope locs blks) ->
                 sc_var_inv (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs cx
             ) as Hscloc.
      { intros * _ Hdep. eapply sc_var_inv_local; eauto.
        - intros ?; rewrite IsVar_fst; auto.
        - intros * Hca. apply idcaus_of_senv_In in Hca.
          eapply Forall_forall in H18; eauto. eapply HenvP; eauto.
          rewrite map_app, in_app_iff. left. solve_In.

      assert (wc_env (idck (Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs))) as Hwenv'.
      { simpl_app. apply wc_env_app; auto.
        - simpl_Forall. eauto. }

      edestruct Hind with (Hi:=(Hi + Hi'))
                          (Γ:=Γ ++ senv_of_decls locs) as (Hsc'&Hcons); eauto using in_or_app.
      1:{ rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, <-app_assoc.
          eapply Permutation_NoDup; [|eauto]. solve_Permutation_app. }
      1:{ apply NoDupScope_NoDupMembers; auto. }
      1:{ now rewrite map_app, map_fst_senv_of_decls. }
      1:{ rewrite map_app, map_fst_senv_of_decls.
          apply incl_appl'; auto. }
      1:{ apply local_hist_dom_ub; auto. }
      1:{ intros. eapply sc_var_inv_local; eauto.
          - intros ?. rewrite IsVar_fst; eauto.
          - intros. eapply Hsc; eauto. econstructor; solve_Exists.
          - intros * Hin. eapply Forall_forall in H18; eauto.
            apply idcaus_of_senv_In in Hin.
            eapply HenvP; eauto. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff; left. solve_In.
            econstructor; solve_Exists. }
      1:{ intros. eapply HenvP. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff; auto.
          econstructor; solve_Exists. }

      - intros * Hinxs Hca.
        split; intros ??? Hca' Hck Hv; simpl_In.
        + eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca; eauto; subst. 2:solve_NoDup_app.
          edestruct Hsc' as (Hsc1&_); eauto using in_or_app.
          apply HasCaus_app; auto using replace_idcaus_HasCaus2.
          eapply sem_var_refines, Hsc1 in Hv; eauto using in_or_app.
          2:rewrite HasCaus_app; auto using replace_idcaus_HasCaus2.
          2:rewrite HasClock_app; eauto.
          eapply sem_clock_refines''; [|eauto].
          intros * Hfree. rewrite 2 sem_var_history.
          eapply wc_clock_is_free_in in Hfree; [|eauto].
          2:{ eapply wc_env_var in Henv; eauto. inv Hck; solve_In. }
          apply InMembers_In in Hfree as (?&?); solve_In.
          intros Henvin. apply sem_var_union in Henvin as [Henvin|Henvin]; auto. exfalso.
          apply sem_var_In, H10, IsVar_senv_of_decls in Henvin.
          eapply H4; eauto. solve_In.
        + exfalso. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. solve_NoDup_app.

      - econstructor. 4:eauto. all:eauto.
        constructor; auto.
        split; intros * Hca Hck Hv.
        + (* locs *)
          edestruct Hsc' as (Hsc1&_). 2:apply HasCaus_app; eauto.
          1:apply in_or_app, or_intror; inv Hca; solve_In.
          eapply Hsc1; eauto. apply HasCaus_app; eauto. apply HasClock_app; eauto.

        + (* lasts *)
          inv Hca. inv Hck. simpl_In. eapply NoDupMembers_det in Hin0; eauto; inv Hin0.
          simpl_Forall. take (sem_last_decl _ _ _ _ _) and inv it.
          take (sem_var Hi' (Last x) _) and eapply sem_var_refines, sem_var_det in it;
            [|apply Hv|apply FEnv.union_refines4']; eauto using EqStrel_Reflexive. rewrite it.
          { take (sem_exp _ _ _ _ _) and eapply sc_exp' with (Γ:=Γ++senv_of_decls locs) (k:=0) in it; eauto with lclocking; simpl in *.
            - take (clockof e = _) and setoid_rewrite it in it1; simpl in *.
              take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby1 in it. now rewrite <-it.
            - apply NoDupScope_NoDupMembers; auto.
            - rewrite <-length_clockof_numstreams, H0; auto.
            - intros ? Hfree. edestruct Is_free_left_In_snd; eauto.
              eapply Hscloc; eauto.
              eapply DepOnScope2; eauto. solve_Exists. now constructor.

    Lemma sc_branch {A} f_idcaus P_nd P_vd P_wt P_wc (P_blk1 P_blk2 : _ -> _ -> Prop) P_dep must_def is_def :
      forall envS caus (blks: A) Γ xs Hi bs cy,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ ++ idcaus_of_branch f_idcaus (Branch caus blks))) ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDupBranch P_nd (Branch caus blks) ->
        VarsDefinedCompBranch P_vd (Branch caus blks) xs ->
        incl xs (map fst Γ) ->
        wt_branch P_wt (Branch caus blks) ->
        wc_env (idck Γ) ->
        wc_branch P_wc (Branch caus blks) ->
        sem_branch_ck' P_blk1 must_def is_def envS Γ Hi bs (Branch caus blks) ->
        dom_ub Hi Γ ->
        (forall x cx, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
                 depends_on_branch P_dep Γ cy cx (Branch caus blks) -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
        (forall cx, In cx (map snd (idcaus_of_branch f_idcaus (Branch caus blks))) ->
               depends_on_branch P_dep Γ cy cx (Branch caus blks) -> In cx envS) ->
        (let Γ := replace_idcaus caus Γ in
         NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ ++ f_idcaus blks)) ->
         NoDupMembers Γ ->
         P_nd blks ->
         P_vd blks xs ->
         incl xs (map fst Γ) ->
         P_wt blks ->
         wc_env (idck Γ) ->
         P_wc blks ->
         P_blk1 Γ blks ->
         dom_ub Hi Γ ->
         (forall x cx, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx ->
                  P_dep Γ cy cx blks -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
         (forall cx, In cx (map snd (f_idcaus blks)) ->
                P_dep Γ cy cx blks -> In cx envS) ->
         (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cy)
         /\ P_blk2 Γ blks) ->
        (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cy)
        /\ sem_branch_ck' P_blk2 must_def is_def (cy::envS) Γ Hi bs (Branch caus blks).
      intros * HwcG Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd4 Hvars Hincl Hwt Henv Hwc Hsem Hdom Hsc HenvP Hind;
        inv Hnd4; inv Hvars; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl in *.

      edestruct Hind as (Hsc'&Hcons). 9:eauto. all:eauto.
      1:{ apply replace_idcaus_NoDup; auto. }
      1:{ apply NoDupMembers_map; auto. }
      1:{ now rewrite map_fst_replace_idcaus. }
      1:{ unfold wc_env, idck in *. simpl_Forall. simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
          unfold replace_idcaus. erewrite map_map, map_ext. 2:intros; destruct_conjs; simpl.
          1,2:destruct (assoc_ident _ _); simpl; eauto. }
      1:{ split; intros ?; rewrite replace_idcaus_IsVar||rewrite replace_idcaus_IsLast;
          apply Hdom. }
      1:{ intros * Hin Hdep. eapply sc_var_inv_branch; eauto.
          - intros. eapply Hsc; eauto. econstructor; solve_Exists.
          - intros. eapply Forall_forall in H12; eauto.
            eapply HenvP; eauto. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff. left; solve_In.
            econstructor; solve_Exists. }
      1:{ intros * Hin Hdep. eapply HenvP; eauto.
          - rewrite map_app; auto with datatypes.
          - econstructor; solve_Exists. }

      - intros * Hinxs Hca.
        split; intros ??? Hca' Hck Hv; simpl_In.
        + eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca; eauto; subst. 2:solve_NoDup_app.
          destruct (InMembers_dec y caus ident_eq_dec).
          * apply fst_InMembers in i; simpl_In.
            eapply Forall_forall in H12; eauto. eapply HenvP; eauto using DepOnBranch2.
            repeat rewrite map_app, in_app_iff. left; solve_In.
          * edestruct Hsc' as (Hsc1&_); eauto using replace_idcaus_HasCaus2.
            eapply Hsc1; eauto using replace_idcaus_HasCaus2.
            now rewrite replace_idcaus_HasClock.
        + exfalso. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. solve_NoDup_app.

      - econstructor; eauto. constructor; auto.
        intros * Hcaus Hck Hv.
        assert (exists cx, HasCaus Γ x cx) as (?&Hca) by (inv Hck; eauto with senv).
        edestruct Hsc' as (Hsc1&_). 3:eapply Hsc1; eauto.
        2,3:eapply replace_idcaus_HasCaus1; eauto.
        + apply H5. solve_In.
        + now rewrite replace_idcaus_HasClock.

    Lemma sc_block : forall envP blk xs Γ Γty Hi bs cy,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ ++ idcaus_of_locals blk)) ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDupLocals (map fst Γ) blk ->
        VarsDefinedComp blk xs ->
        incl xs (map fst Γ) ->
        wt_block G Γty blk ->
        wc_env (idck Γ) ->
        wc_block G Γ blk ->
        sem_block_ck' envP Γ Hi bs blk ->
        dom_ub Hi Γ ->
        (forall x cx, HasCaus Γ x cx \/ HasLastCaus Γ x cx -> depends_on Γ cy cx blk -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cx) ->
        (forall cx, In cx (map snd (idcaus_of_locals blk)) -> depends_on Γ cy cx blk -> In cx envP) ->
        (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ Hi bs cy)
        /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ Hi bs blk.
      induction blk as [(xs&es)| | | |] using block_ind2;
        intros * HwG Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd4 Hvars Hincl Hwt Henv Hwc Hsem Hdom Hsc HenvP;
        inv Hnd4; inv Hvars; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl in *.

      - (* equation *)
        split; [|constructor; auto].
        intros * Hinxs Hca.
        eapply In_nth with (d:=xH) in Hinxs as (?&Hlen&Hnth); subst.
        eapply sc_exp_equation in H5; rewrite app_nil_r in *; eauto.
        intros * Hfree.
        assert (Hfree':=Hfree). eapply Is_free_left_list_In_snd in Hfree as (?&?); eauto.
        eapply Hsc; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto.
        eapply nth_error_nth'; eauto.

      - (* reset *)
        assert (forall k, Forall (fun blks => (forall y xs, VarsDefinedComp blks xs -> In y xs -> HasCaus Γ y cy ->
                                               sc_var_inv Γ (mask_hist k r Hi) (maskb k r bs) cy)
                                      /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ (mask_hist k r Hi) (maskb k r bs) blks) blocks) as Hf.
        { intros *. specialize (H15 k). simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
          edestruct H with (xs:=xs). 10:eauto. all:eauto.
          - clear - H0 Hnd1. eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
          - etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat.
          - now apply dom_ub_map.
          - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply sc_var_inv_mask; eauto.
            eapply Hsc; eauto. constructor; solve_Exists.
          - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply HenvP; eauto. solve_In.
            constructor; solve_Exists.
          - split; eauto.
            intros * HDef' Hin' Hca. eapply H1; eauto.
            eapply VarsDefinedComp_det in Hdef; eauto. now rewrite <-Hdef.
        + intros * Hinxs Hca.
          apply in_concat in Hinxs as (?&Hin1&Hin2). inv_VarsDefined. simpl_Forall.
          eapply sc_var_inv_unmask; intros.
          specialize (Hf k). simpl_Forall; eauto.
        + econstructor; eauto.
          intros k. specialize (Hf k). simpl_Forall; eauto.

      - (* switch *)
        assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bswitch ec branches) \/ Is_last_in cy (Bswitch ec branches) ->
                sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) as Hsemck.
        { intros.
          assert (Hsem:=H15). eapply sc_exp' with (Γ:=Γ) (k:=0) in Hsem; eauto.
          2:{ rewrite <-length_clockof_numstreams, H12; auto. }
          2:{ intros ? Hfree. assert (Hfree':=Hfree). apply Is_free_left_In_snd in Hfree' as (?&?).
              eapply Hsc; eauto.
              eapply DepOnSwitch2; eauto.
          take (clockof _ = [_]) and rewrite it in Hsem; simpl in *; auto.

        assert (Forall (fun '(k, s) => exists Hi',
                            when_hist k Hi sc Hi'
                            /\ (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) y cy -> sc_var_inv (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fwhenb k bs sc) cy) /\
                                (fun Γ => Forall (sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ Hi' (fwhenb k bs sc)))
                                (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bswitch ec branches))
                                (fun x => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x))
                                (cy :: envP) (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fwhenb k bs sc) s)
                       branches) as Hf.
        { simpl_Forall. do 2 esplit; eauto.
          destruct b.
          eapply sc_branch
            with (P_dep:=fun Γ cx cy => Exists (depends_on Γ cx cy))
                 (Γ:=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) in H18 as (Hsc'&?); eauto.
          - clear - H0 Hnd1.
            eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. erewrite map_map, map_filter_map, map_ext with (l:=Γ), map_filter_ext with (xs:=Γ); eauto.
            1,2:intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply NoDupMembers_map; auto.
          - erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In. constructor.
          - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
            + rewrite IsVar_fst in *.
              erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
            + inv In. econstructor. solve_In. simpl; auto.
          - intros * ? Hdep.
            split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv; inv Hca; inv Hck; simpl_In.
            + eapply sem_var_when_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hwhen'); eauto.
              apply when_fwhen in Hwhen' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fwhen.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy (causl a0) (Bswitch ec branches)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fwhenb_both_slower.
              * eapply sc_slower; eauto using ac_aligned. eapply Hsemck; eauto using depends_on_def_last.
              * apply ac_when in Hwhen'. rewrite Hwhen'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
            + eapply sem_var_when_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hwhen'); eauto.
              apply when_fwhen in Hwhen' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fwhen.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy cx (Bswitch ec branches)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fwhenb_both_slower.
              * eapply sc_slower; eauto using ac_aligned. eapply Hsemck; eauto using depends_on_def_last.
              * apply ac_when in Hwhen'. rewrite Hwhen'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
          - intros ? Hin' Hdep. apply HenvP. solve_In.
            eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists.
            1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv.
          - intros; simpl in *; simpl_Forall.
            assert (Forall (fun blks => (forall y xs, VarsDefinedComp blks xs -> In y xs -> HasCaus Γ0 y cy ->
                                              sc_var_inv Γ0 x (fwhenb e bs sc) cy)
                                     /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ0 x (fwhenb e bs sc) blks) l0) as Hf.
            { simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
              edestruct H with (Γ:=Γ0) (xs:=xs0). 10:eauto. all:eauto; subst Γ0.
              - eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
              - erewrite map_fst_replace_idcaus, map_map, map_ext; eauto.
                intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
              - etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat.
                take (Permutation _ _) and now rewrite it.
              - eapply wc_block_incl. 3:eauto.
                + intros * Hck. take (forall x ck, HasClock _ _ _ -> _) and apply it in Hck as (Hck&?); subst.
                  apply replace_idcaus_HasClock. inv Hck. econstructor.
                  solve_In. reflexivity.
                + intros * Hl. take (forall x, IsLast _ _ -> _) and apply it in Hl.
                  apply replace_idcaus_IsLast. inv Hl. econstructor.
                  solve_In. unfold ann_with_clock. auto.
              - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H30; eauto. solve_Exists.
              - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H31; eauto.
                2:solve_Exists. solve_In.
              - split; eauto.
                intros * Hdef' Hin' Hca. eapply H23; eauto.
                eapply VarsDefinedComp_det in Hdef; eauto. now rewrite <-Hdef.
            } clear H.
            + intros * Hinxs Hca. inv_VarsDefined.
              rewrite <-Hperm in Hinxs. apply in_concat in Hinxs as (?&?&?); inv_VarsDefined; simpl_Forall.
              eapply H32; eauto.
            + simpl_Forall; eauto.
        } clear H H22.
        + intros * Hinxs Hca1.
          assert (Syn.Is_defined_in y (Bswitch ec branches)) as Hdef.
          { eapply VarsDefinedComp_Is_defined; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
            eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|econstructor; eauto]. auto. }
          assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bswitch ec branches)) as Hdef' by (eauto using Is_defined_in_Is_defined_in).
          eapply sc_var_inv_unwhen with (tn:=tn) (Γ':=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ); eauto.
          * destruct tn; simpl in *; try lia.
            apply Permutation_sym, Permutation_nil, map_eq_nil in H8; congruence.
          * rewrite H6 in H21; inv H21; eauto.
          * intros * Hca Hck.
            eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
            inv Hck. inv Hca.
            split; econstructor; solve_In; auto.
          * intros * Hca Hck.
            eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
            inv Hck. inv Hca. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H; eauto. subst.
            assert (clo e = ck) as Heq; try (rewrite Heq; eauto).
            inv Hdef. rename H14 into Hdef. simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
            repeat inv_branch. simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
            take (Syn.Is_defined_in _ _) and eapply wc_block_Is_defined_in in it; eauto.
            eapply InMembers_In in it as (?&Hin').
            take (forall x ck, HasClock _ _ _ -> _) and edestruct it as (Hck&_); eauto with senv.
            inv Hck. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H0; eauto. congruence.
          * intros * Hin. rewrite <-H8 in Hin. simpl_In; simpl_Forall.
            do 2 esplit; [|split; eauto].
            1:{ intros ? Hca.
                eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
                destruct b. eapply sem_branch_defined1; eauto.
                inv H1; econstructor; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto using sem_block_ck'_sem_block.
            eapply H0; eauto. inv Hca1; econstructor; solve_In. auto.
          * intros * Hnin. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. solve_NoDup_app.
        + econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.

      - (* automaton (weak) *)
        assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states) \/ Is_last_in cy (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states) ->
                bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres) as Hac.
        { intros * Hdef.
          symmetry. take (sem_transitions _ _ _ _ _ _) and eapply sc_transitions'
            with (Γ:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γ) in it; eauto. 3,4:simpl_Forall; eauto.
          - take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby1 in it; now rewrite <-it.
          - apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto.
            intros; destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          - split; auto.
            eapply wc_exp_incl; [| |eauto]; eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
          - intros * Hex. simpl_Exists.
            assert (forall x cx, HasCaus (map_filter (fun '(x0, e1) => if clo e1 ==b ck then Some (x0, ann_with_clock e1 Cbase) else None) Γ) x cx -> HasCaus Γ x cx) as Hca.
            { intros * Hca; inv Hca; simpl_In.
              destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Hck; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Hck; inv Hck.
              eauto with senv. }
            assert (forall x cx, HasLastCaus (map_filter (fun '(x0, e1) => if clo e1 ==b ck then Some (x0, ann_with_clock e1 Cbase) else None) Γ) x cx -> HasLastCaus Γ x cx) as Hlca.
            { intros * Hlca; inv Hlca; simpl_In.
              destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Hck; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Hck; inv Hck.
              eauto with senv. }
            eapply sc_var_inv_subclock with (Γ:=Γ); eauto.
            + intros * Hck; inv Hck; simpl_In.
              destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Hck; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Hck; inv Hck.
              eauto with senv.
            + eapply Is_free_left_In_snd in Hex as Hca'. destruct Hca' as (?&Hca').
              eapply Hsc; eauto. destruct Hca'; eauto.
              eapply DepOnAuto3; eauto.
              solve_Exists. eapply Is_free_left_incl in Hex; eauto.
        assert (Forall (fun '((e, _), br) => forall k, exists Hi',
                            select_hist e k stres Hi Hi'
                            /\ (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) y cy ->
                                    sc_var_inv (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fselectb e k stres bs) cy)
                            /\ sem_branch_ck'
                                (fun Γ s => sem_scope_ck'
                                           (fun Γ Hi blks => Forall (sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ Hi (fselectb e k stres bs)) (fst blks)
                                                          /\ sem_transitions G Hi (fselectb e k stres bs) (snd blks) (e, false) (fselect absent e k stres stres1))
                                           (cy :: envP) Γ Hi' (fselectb e k stres bs) (snd s))
                                (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states))
                                (fun x '(_, s) => Syn.Is_defined_in_scope (fun '(blks, _) => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x) blks) x s)
                                (cy :: envP) (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fselectb e k stres bs) br)
                       states) as Hf.
        { simpl_Forall. intros. take (forall (k: nat), _) and specialize (it k); destruct_conjs. destruct b as [?(?&[?(?&?)])]; destruct_conjs.
          do 2 esplit; eauto.
          take (wt_branch _ _) and eapply sc_branch
            with (P_dep:=fun Γ cx cy blks => depends_on_scope (fun Γ cx cy blks => Exists (depends_on Γ cx cy) (fst blks)) Γ cx cy (snd blks))
                 (Γ:=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) in it as (Hsc'&?); eauto.
          - clear - H0 Hnd1.
            eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. erewrite map_map, map_filter_map, map_ext with (l:=Γ), map_filter_ext with (xs:=Γ); eauto.
            1,2:intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply NoDupMembers_map; auto.
          - erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In. constructor.
          - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
            + rewrite IsVar_fst in *.
              erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
            + inv In. econstructor. solve_In. simpl; auto.
          - intros * ? Hdep.
            split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv; inv Hca; inv Hck; simpl_In.
            + eapply sem_var_select_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hselect'); eauto.
              apply select_fselect in Hselect' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fselect.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy (causl a0) (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fselectb_both_slower.
              * take (sem_clock _ _ _ bs') and eapply sc_slower in it.
                2:rewrite Hac, <-stres_st_ac; eauto using depends_on_def_last, ac_aligned.
                eapply slower_ac_morph; [|eauto]. apply stres_st_ac.
              * apply ac_select in Hselect'. rewrite <-Hselect'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
            + eapply sem_var_select_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hselect'); eauto.
              apply select_fselect in Hselect' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fselect.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy cx (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fselectb_both_slower.
              * take (sem_clock _ _ _ bs') and eapply sc_slower in it.
                2:rewrite Hac, <-stres_st_ac; eauto using depends_on_def_last, ac_aligned.
                eapply slower_ac_morph; [|eauto]. apply stres_st_ac.
              * apply ac_select in Hselect'. rewrite <-Hselect'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
          - intros ? Hin' Hdep. apply HenvP. solve_In.
            eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
            1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv.
          -{ intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
             take (wt_scope _ _ _ _) and eapply sc_scope
               with (P_dep:=fun Γ cx cy blks => Exists (depends_on Γ cx cy) (fst blks))
                    (Γ:=Γ0) in it as (Hsc'&?); eauto; subst Γ0.
             - instantiate (1:=fun '(blks, _) => flat_map idcaus_of_locals blks). auto.
             - erewrite map_fst_replace_idcaus, map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
             - eapply wc_scope_incl; [| |eauto|].
               + intros * Has. eapply H18 in Has as (Has&?).
                 inv Has. econstructor; solve_In. destruct (assoc_ident _ _); auto.
               + intros * His. eapply H19 in His.
                 inv His. econstructor; solve_In. destruct (assoc_ident _ _); auto.
               + intros; simpl in *.
                 destruct_conjs; split; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto using wc_block_incl, wc_exp_incl.
             - intros. eauto.
             - intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
               rewrite <-and_assoc. split; [|auto].
               assert (Forall (fun blks => (forall y xs, VarsDefinedComp blks xs -> In y xs -> HasCaus Γ0 y cy ->
                                                 sc_var_inv Γ0 Hi0 (fselectb e k stres bs) cy)
                                        /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ0 Hi0 (fselectb e k stres bs) blks) l2) as Hf.
               { simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
                 edestruct H with (Γ:=Γ0) (xs:=xs1). 10:eauto. all:eauto.
                 - eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
                 - etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat.
                   take (Permutation _ _) and now rewrite it.
                 - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H44; eauto. solve_Exists.
                 - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H45; eauto.
                   2:solve_Exists. solve_In.
                 - split; eauto.
                   intros * Hdef' Hin' Hca. take (forall (y : ident), In _ _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto.
                   eapply VarsDefinedComp_det in Hdef; eauto. now rewrite <-Hdef.
               } clear H.
               + intros * Hinxs Hca. inv_VarsDefined.
                 take (Permutation _ xs0) and rewrite <-it in Hinxs. apply in_concat in Hinxs as (?&?&?); inv_VarsDefined; simpl_Forall.
                 take (forall (x : ident) (xs : list ident), _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto.
               + simpl_Forall; eauto.
           } } clear H H27.
        + intros * Hinxs Hca1.
          assert (Syn.Is_defined_in y (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states)) as Hdef.
          { eapply VarsDefinedComp_Is_defined; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
            eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|econstructor; eauto]. auto. }
          assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bauto Weak ck (ini0, oth) states)) as Hdef' by (eauto using Is_defined_in_Is_defined_in).
          eapply sc_var_inv_unselect with (tn:=List.length states) (sc:=stres) (Γ':=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ); eauto.
          1:{ destruct states; try congruence. simpl; lia. }
          1:{ take (sem_transitions _ _ _ _ _ _) and eapply sem_automaton_wt_state1 in it; eauto. 1,3,4:simpl_Forall; auto.
              - repeat inv_branch. repeat inv_scope. simpl_Forall; auto.
              - repeat inv_branch. repeat inv_scope. intros k. specialize (Hf k). destruct_conjs. simpl_Forall.
                repeat inv_branch. repeat inv_scope. eauto.
              - now rewrite <-H11, <-fst_InMembers. }
          1:{ intros * Hca Hck.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              inv Hck. inv Hca.
              split; econstructor; solve_In; auto.
          1:{ intros * Hca Hck.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              inv Hck. inv Hca. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H; eauto. subst.
              assert (clo e = ck) as Heq; [|rewrite Heq].
              { inv Hdef. rename H1 into Hdef. simpl_Exists.
                simpl_Forall. repeat inv_branch.
                destruct s. take (wc_scope _ _ _ _) and eapply wc_scope_Is_defined_in in it; eauto.
                2:{ intros; simpl in *; simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
                    eapply wc_block_Is_defined_in; eauto. }
                eapply InMembers_In in it as (?&Hin').
                edestruct H18 as (Hck&_); eauto with senv.
                inv Hck. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H0; eauto. congruence.
              rewrite <-Hac; auto.
          2:{ intros * Hnin. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. solve_NoDup_app. }
          intros * Hin. rewrite <-H11 in Hin. simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
          specialize (Hf k); destruct_conjs.
          esplit; split; [|split]; eauto.
          1:{ intros ? Hca.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              repeat inv_branch. destruct s. take (VarsDefinedCompScope _ _ _) and eapply sem_scope_defined2 in it; eauto.
              take (sem_scope_ck' _ _ _ _ _ _) and inv it; econstructor; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto using sem_block_ck'_sem_block.
          take (forall (y : ident), _ -> _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto. inv Hca1; econstructor; solve_In. auto.
        + econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall.
          specialize (Hf k); destruct_conjs; eauto.

      - (* automaton (strong) *)
        assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states) \/ Is_last_in cy (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states) ->
                bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres) as Hac.
        { intros * Hdef.
          take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby1 in it as Hac1. rewrite <-Hac1.
          symmetry. apply const_stres_ac. }
        assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states) \/ Is_last_in cy (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states) ->
                bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres1) as Hac1.
        { intros * Hdef.
          take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby2 in it as Hac2. rewrite Hac2; auto. }
        assert (Forall (fun '((e, _), br) => forall k, exists Hi',
                            select_hist e k stres1 Hi Hi'
                            /\ (forall y, In y xs -> HasCaus (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) y cy ->
                                    sc_var_inv (map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fselectb e k stres1 bs) cy)
                            /\ sem_branch_ck'
                                (fun Γ s => sem_scope_ck'
                                           (fun Γ Hi blks => Forall (sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ Hi (fselectb e k stres1 bs)) (fst blks))
                                           (cy :: envP) Γ Hi' (fselectb e k stres1 bs) (snd s))
                                (fun x => Syn.Is_defined_in x (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states))
                                (fun x '(_, s) => Syn.Is_defined_in_scope (fun '(blks, _) => List.Exists (Syn.Is_defined_in x) blks) x s)
                                (cy :: envP) (map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ) Hi' (fselectb e k stres1 bs) br)
                       states) as Hf.
        { simpl_Forall. intros. specialize (H25 k); destruct_conjs. destruct b as [?(?&[?(?&?)])]; destruct_conjs.
          do 2 esplit; eauto.
          take (wt_branch _ _) and eapply sc_branch
            with (P_dep:=fun Γ cx cy blks => depends_on_scope (fun Γ cx cy blks => Exists (depends_on Γ cx cy) (fst blks)) Γ cx cy (snd blks))
                 (Γ:=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ) in it as (Hsc'&?); eauto.
          - clear - H0 Hnd1.
            eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. erewrite map_map, map_filter_map, map_ext with (l:=Γ), map_filter_ext with (xs:=Γ); eauto.
            1,2:intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply NoDupMembers_map; auto.
          - erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          - apply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In. constructor.
          - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
            + rewrite IsVar_fst in *.
              erewrite map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
            + inv In. econstructor. solve_In. simpl; auto.
          - intros * ? Hdep.
            split; intros ??? Hca Hck Hv; inv Hca; inv Hck; simpl_In.
            + eapply sem_var_select_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hselect'); eauto.
              apply select_fselect in Hselect' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fselect.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy (causl a0) (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fselectb_both_slower.
              * take (sem_clock _ _ _ bs') and eapply sc_slower in it.
                2:rewrite Hac1, <-stres_st_ac; eauto using depends_on_def_last, ac_aligned.
                eapply slower_ac_morph; [|eauto]. apply stres_st_ac.
              * apply ac_select in Hselect'. rewrite <-Hselect'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
            + eapply sem_var_select_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hselect'); eauto.
              apply select_fselect in Hselect' as Heq. rewrite Heq in *. rewrite ac_fselect.
              assert (depends_on Γ cy cx (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states)) as Hdep2.
              { eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
                1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv. }
              eapply fselectb_both_slower.
              * take (sem_clock _ _ _ bs') and eapply sc_slower in it.
                2:rewrite Hac1, <-stres_st_ac; eauto using depends_on_def_last, ac_aligned.
                eapply slower_ac_morph; [|eauto]. apply stres_st_ac.
              * apply ac_select in Hselect'. rewrite <-Hselect'.
                eauto using aligned_slower, ac_aligned.
          - intros ? Hin' Hdep. apply HenvP. solve_In.
            eapply depends_on_incl. 3:econstructor; solve_Exists; inv Hdep; [eapply DepOnBranch1|eapply DepOnBranch2]; eauto.
            1,2:intros * Has; inv Has; simpl_In; eauto with senv.
          -{ intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
             take (wt_scope _ _ _ _) and eapply sc_scope
               with (P_dep:=fun Γ cx cy blks => Exists (depends_on Γ cx cy) (fst blks))
                    (Γ:=Γ0) in it as (Hsc'&?); eauto; subst Γ0.
             - instantiate (1:=fun '(blks, _) => flat_map idcaus_of_locals blks). auto.
             - erewrite map_fst_replace_idcaus, map_map, map_ext; eauto. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
             - eapply wc_scope_incl; [| |eauto|].
               + intros * Has. eapply H17 in Has as (Has&?).
                 inv Has. econstructor; solve_In. destruct (assoc_ident _ _); auto.
               + intros * His. eapply H18 in His.
                 inv His. econstructor; solve_In. destruct (assoc_ident _ _); auto.
               + intros; simpl in *.
                 destruct_conjs; split; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto using wc_block_incl, wc_exp_incl.
             - intros. eauto.
             - intros; simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
               assert (Forall (fun blks => (forall y xs, VarsDefinedComp blks xs -> In y xs -> HasCaus Γ0 y cy ->
                                                 sc_var_inv Γ0 Hi0 (fselectb e k stres1 bs) cy)
                                        /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ0 Hi0 (fselectb e k stres1 bs) blks) l2) as Hf.
               { simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
                 edestruct H with (Γ:=Γ0) (xs:=xs1). 10:eauto. all:eauto.
                 - eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
                 - etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat.
                   take (Permutation _ _) and now rewrite it.
                 - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H42; eauto. solve_Exists.
                 - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H43; eauto.
                   2:solve_Exists. solve_In.
                 - split; eauto.
                   intros * Hdef' Hin' Hca. take (forall (y : ident), In _ _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto.
                   eapply VarsDefinedComp_det in Hdef; eauto. now rewrite <-Hdef.
               } clear H.
               + intros * Hinxs Hca. inv_VarsDefined.
                 take (Permutation _ xs0) and rewrite <-it in Hinxs. apply in_concat in Hinxs as (?&?&?); inv_VarsDefined; simpl_Forall.
                 take (forall (x : ident) (xs : list ident), _ -> _) and eapply it; eauto.
               + simpl_Forall; eauto.
           } } clear H H25.
        + intros * Hinxs Hca1.
          assert (Syn.Is_defined_in y (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states)) as Hdef.
          { eapply VarsDefinedComp_Is_defined; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
            eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|econstructor; eauto]. auto. }
          assert (Is_defined_in Γ cy (Bauto Strong ck ([], oth) states)) as Hdef' by (eauto using Is_defined_in_Is_defined_in).
          eapply sc_var_inv_unselect with (tn:=List.length states) (sc:=stres1) (Γ':=map (fun '(x, e) => (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase)) Γ); eauto.
          1:{ destruct states; try congruence. simpl; lia. }
          1:{ take (fby _ _ _) and eapply sem_automaton_wt_state3 in it; eauto. 2,3:simpl_Forall; auto.
              - now rewrite <-H10, <-fst_InMembers.
              - repeat inv_branch. repeat inv_scope. simpl_Forall; auto.
              - repeat inv_branch. intros. specialize (H24 k); destruct_conjs. repeat inv_branch. eauto. }
          1:{ intros * Hca Hck.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              inv Hck. inv Hca.
              split; econstructor; solve_In; auto.
          1:{ intros * Hca Hck.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              inv Hck. inv Hca. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H; eauto. subst.
              assert (clo e = ck) as Heq; [|rewrite Heq].
              { inv Hdef. rename H1 into Hdef. simpl_Exists.
                repeat inv_branch. destruct s. take (wc_scope _ _ _ _) and eapply wc_scope_Is_defined_in in it; eauto.
                2:{ intros; simpl in *; simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall.
                    eapply wc_block_Is_defined_in; eauto. }
                eapply InMembers_In in it as (?&Hin').
                edestruct H17 as (Hck&_); eauto with senv.
                inv Hck. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H0; eauto. congruence.
              rewrite <-Hac1; auto.
          2:{ intros * Hnin. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto. solve_NoDup_app. }
          intros * Hin. rewrite <-H10 in Hin. simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
          specialize (Hf k); destruct_conjs.
          esplit; split; [|split]; eauto.
          1:{ intros ? Hca.
              eapply HasCaus_snd_det in Hca1; eauto; [|simpl_app; eauto using NoDup_app_l]; subst.
              repeat inv_branch. destruct s. take (VarsDefinedCompScope _ _ _) and eapply sem_scope_defined2 in it; eauto.
              take (sem_scope_ck' _ _ _ _ _ _) and inv it; econstructor; eauto; simpl_Forall; eauto using sem_block_ck'_sem_block.
          eapply H0; eauto. inv Hca1; econstructor; solve_In. auto.
        + econstructor; eauto. simpl_Forall.
          specialize (Hf k); destruct_conjs; eauto.

      - (* locals *)
        eapply sc_scope in H8 as (?&?); eauto with lcaus.
        + split; eauto. constructor; eauto.
        + intros.
          assert (Forall (fun blks => (forall y xs, VarsDefinedComp blks xs -> In y xs -> HasCaus Γ0 y cy -> sc_var_inv Γ0 Hi0 bs cy)
                                     /\ sem_block_ck' (cy::envP) Γ0 Hi0 bs blks) blocks) as Hf.
            { simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
              edestruct H with (xs:=xs1). 10:eauto. all:eauto.
              - eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
              - etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat.
                take (Permutation _ _) and now rewrite it.
              - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H15; eauto. solve_Exists.
              - intros * Hin' Hdep. eapply H16; eauto.
                2:solve_Exists. solve_In.
              - split; eauto.
                intros * Hdef' Hin' Hca. eapply H7; eauto.
                eapply VarsDefinedComp_det in Hdef; eauto. now rewrite <-Hdef.
            split; simpl_Forall; eauto.
            intros * Hin Hca. destruct_conjs. rewrite <-H17 in Hin. apply in_concat in Hin as (?&?&?).
            inv_VarsDefined; simpl_Forall; eauto.

    Lemma sem_node_sc_vars :
      forall n H b,
        wc_global G ->
        wt_node G n ->
        wc_node G n ->
        node_causal n ->
        dom H (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) ->
        Forall (sc_var_inv (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) H b) (map snd (idcaus (n_in n))) ->
        Forall (sem_last_decl (sem_exp G) (FEnv.empty _) H b) (n_out n) ->
        Sem.sem_block G H b (n_block n) ->
        sc_vars (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) H b /\
        sem_block_ck' (map snd (idcaus (n_in n) ++ idcaus_of_decls (n_out n) ++ idcaus_of_locals (n_block n)))
                      (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n))
                      H b (n_block n).
      intros * HwcG Hwtn Hwcn Hcau Hdom Hins Hlasts Hsem.
      assert (Forall (sc_var_inv (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) H b)
                     (map snd (idcaus (n_in n) ++ idcaus_of_decls (n_out n) ++ idcaus_of_locals (n_block n))) /\
                sem_block_ck' (map snd (idcaus (n_in n) ++ idcaus_of_decls (n_out n) ++ idcaus_of_locals (n_block n)))
                              (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) H b (n_block n)) as (Inv&?).
      2:{ split; auto.
          eapply sc_var_inv_sc_vars; simpl; auto using node_NoDupMembers with datatypes.
          rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins.
          rewrite app_assoc, map_app, Forall_app in Inv. now destruct Inv. }
      eapply node_causal_ind; eauto.
      - intros ?? Hperm (Hvars&Hlocs). split. rewrite <-Hperm; auto.
        eapply sem_block_ck'_Perm; eauto.
      - split; auto. apply sem_block_sem_block_ck'; auto.
      - intros ?? Hin (Hvars&Hlocs) Hdep.
        pose proof (n_syn n) as Syn. inversion_clear Syn as [??? Hdef Hperm].
        pose proof (n_nodup n) as (Hnd1&Hnd2).
        destruct Hcau as (Hnd&_).
        eapply sc_block in Hlocs as (Hsc&?); eauto using node_NoDupMembers, node_NoDupLocals, dom_dom_ub.
        2:now rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins, <-app_assoc.
        2:{ rewrite Hperm, map_app, map_fst_senv_of_decls. solve_incl_app. }
        2:inv Hwtn; eauto.
        3:inv Hwcn; eauto.
        2:{ inv Hwcn. unfold idck, senv_of_ins, senv_of_decls.
            erewrite map_app, 2 map_map, map_ext, map_ext with (l:=n_out n); eauto.
            1,2:unfold decl; intros; destruct_conjs; auto. }
        2:{ intros * _ Dep.
            eapply Forall_forall in Hvars; eauto. eapply Hdep. left; eauto. }
        2:{ intros * _ Dep. eapply Hdep. now left. }
        split; auto. constructor; auto.
        unfold idcaus_of_decls, idcaus_of_senv in Hin. rewrite 2 map_app, 2 in_app_iff in Hin. destruct Hin as [[Hin|[Hin|Hin]]|Hin].
        + eapply Forall_forall in Hins; eauto.
        + simpl_In. eapply Hsc; eauto. rewrite Hperm; solve_In; eauto.
          apply HasCaus_app, or_intror.
          econstructor. solve_In. auto.
        + (* lasts *)
          simpl_In. simpl_Forall. inversion_clear Hlasts as [|????????? E V Fby L].
          split; intros * Hca Hck Hv.
          1:{ exfalso. eapply NoDup_HasCaus_HasLastCaus; eauto.
              - rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins. rewrite app_assoc, map_app in Hnd; eauto using NoDup_app_l.
              - apply HasLastCaus_app, or_intror. econstructor. solve_In. auto. }
          eapply HasLastCaus_snd_det in Hca.
          2:{ rewrite app_assoc, map_app in Hnd. rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins. eauto using NoDup_app_l. }
          2:{ apply HasLastCaus_app, or_intror. econstructor; solve_In. auto. } subst.
          inv Hck. eapply NoDupMembers_det in H1; [|eauto using node_NoDupMembers|apply in_or_app, or_intror; solve_In]. subst; simpl.
          eapply sem_var_det in L; [|eauto]. rewrite L.
          eapply ac_fby1 in Fby. rewrite <-Fby.
          inv Hwcn; subst Γ. inv Hwtn; subst Γ. simpl_Forall.
          eapply sc_exp' with (k:=0) in E; eauto using node_NoDupMembers.
          * take (clockof _ = [_]) and rewrite it in E. rewrite FEnv.union_empty in E; auto using EqStrel_Reflexive.
          * take (clockof _ = [_]) and rewrite <-length_clockof_numstreams, it; simpl; lia.
          * intros * Free. unfold sc_var_inv. setoid_rewrite FEnv.union_empty; auto using EqStrel_Reflexive.
            eapply Forall_forall in Hvars. eapply Hvars.
            eapply Hdep. right. solve_Exists. constructor; auto.
        + rewrite app_assoc, map_app in Hnd.
          split; intros * Hca; exfalso; inv Hca; simpl_In.
          1,2:eapply NoDup_app_In with (1:=Hnd); eauto. 2,4:solve_In.
          1,2:unfold idcaus_of_decls, idcaus_of_senv; rewrite 2 map_app, 2 in_app_iff.
          * apply in_app_iff in H1 as [In|In]; [left|right; left]; solve_In.
          * apply in_app_iff in H1 as [In|In]; [simpl_In; congruence|right; right; solve_In; auto].

    Lemma sem_node_restrict {prefs2} : forall (n : @node complete prefs2) H b xs ys,
        let Γ := senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n) in
        Forall (fun '(_, (_, ck, _, o)) => LiftO True (fun '(e, _) => wc_exp G Γ e /\ clockof e = [ck]) o) (n_out n) ->
        wc_block G Γ (n_block n) ->
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst (n_in n)) xs ->
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (map fst (n_out n)) ys ->
        Forall (sem_last_decl (sem_exp G) (FEnv.empty (Stream svalue)) H b) (n_out n) ->
        Sem.sem_block G H b (n_block n) ->
        let H' := restrict H Γ in
        dom H' Γ /\
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) (map fst (n_in n)) xs /\
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H' (Var x)) (map fst (n_out n)) ys /\
        Forall (sem_last_decl (sem_exp G) (FEnv.empty (Stream svalue)) H' b) (n_out n) /\
        Sem.sem_block G H' b (n_block n).
    Proof with
      intros * WcL WcBlk Hins Houts Last Blk ?; subst Γ.
      pose proof (n_syn n) as Syn. inversion_clear Syn as [??? Vars Perm].
      pose proof (n_nodup n) as (_&Nd2).
      split; [|repeat split].
      - subst H'. unfold restrict, dom.
        split; intros; rewrite FEnv.restrict_In; [rewrite vars_of_senv_Var|rewrite vars_of_senv_Last];
          (split; [intros (EnvIn&In)|intros In; split]; auto).
        + apply IsVar_app in In as [In|In]; inv In; simpl_In.
          * apply Forall2_ignore2 in Hins. simpl_Forall. eauto using sem_var_In.
          * apply Forall2_ignore2 in Houts. simpl_Forall. eauto using sem_var_In.
        + apply IsLast_app in In as [In|In]; inv In; simpl_In; try congruence.
          simpl_Forall. inv Last; simpl in *; eauto using sem_var_In; try congruence.
      - simpl_Forall. subst.
        eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto.
        apply vars_of_senv_Var, IsVar_app. left. econstructor. solve_In.
      - simpl_Forall. subst.
        eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto.
        apply vars_of_senv_Var, IsVar_app. right. econstructor. solve_In.
      - simpl_Forall. inv Last; econstructor; eauto.
        + simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
          rewrite FEnv.union_empty in *; auto using EqStrel_Reflexive.
          subst H'. eapply Sem.sem_exp_restrict; eauto with lclocking.
        + eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto.
          apply vars_of_senv_Var, IsVar_app. right. econstructor. solve_In.
        + eapply sem_var_restrict; eauto.
          apply vars_of_senv_Last, IsLast_app. right. econstructor. solve_In. simpl. congruence.
      - subst. unfold idents. eapply Sem.sem_block_restrict in Blk; eauto with lclocking.
        eapply NoDupLocals_incl; [|eauto]. rewrite Perm. solve_incl_app.

    Lemma sc_var_inv_intro {prefs2} : forall (n : @node PSyn prefs2) H xs,
        node_causal n ->
        Forall2 (fun x => sem_var H (Var x)) (idents (n_in n)) xs ->
        Forall2 (fun xc => sem_clock (var_history H) (clocks_of xs) (snd xc)) (map (fun '(x, (_, ck, _)) => (x, ck)) (n_in n)) (map abstract_clock xs) ->
        Forall (sc_var_inv (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n)) H (clocks_of xs)) (map snd (idcaus (n_in n))).
      intros * (Hnd&_) Hvar Hclock.
      unfold idents, idck, idty, idcaus in *.
      eapply Forall2_ignore2 in Hclock. simpl_Forall.
      rewrite map_app in Hnd. eapply NoDup_app_In in Hnd as Hnin. 2:solve_In.
      split; intros * Hca Hck Hv; simpl in *; inv Hca; inv Hck; simpl_In; try congruence.
      1,2:eapply NoDupMembers_det in H4; eauto using node_NoDupMembers; inv_equalities.
      1,2:take (In _ (_ ++ _)) and apply in_app_iff in it as [In|In]; simpl_In.
      - eapply NoDup_app_l, NoDup_snd_det in Hnd. 2:solve_In. 2:clear Hin; solve_In. subst.
        eapply NoDupMembers_det in H0; eauto. inv_equalities. 2:eapply fst_NoDupMembers, NoDup_app_l, n_nodup.
        eapply sem_var_det in H2; eauto. now rewrite H2.
      - exfalso. eapply Hnin. unfold idcaus_of_decls, idcaus_of_senv.
        rewrite 2 map_app, 2 in_app_iff. left; left. solve_In.
      - congruence.
      - exfalso. eapply Hnin. unfold idcaus_of_decls, idcaus_of_senv.
        rewrite 2 map_app, 2 in_app_iff. left; right. solve_In. auto.

    Fact wc_exp_Is_free_left : forall Γ e x k,
        wc_exp G Γ e ->
        Is_free_left Γ x k e ->
        In x (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)).
      Local Ltac solve_forall_exists :=
        match goal with
        | H: Is_free_left_list _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
            eapply Is_free_left_list_Exists in H as (?&?)
        end; simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Hwc Hfree;
        inv Hwc; inv Hfree; eauto.
      - (* var *) solve_In. 2:eapply idcaus_of_senv_In; eauto. auto.
      - (* last *) solve_In. 2:eapply idcaus_of_senv_In; eauto. auto.
      - (* binop *) destruct H1; eauto.
      - (* extcall *)
        destruct_conjs; simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* fby *)
      - (* arrow *)
        destruct H3 as [Hex|Hex]; eauto; solve_forall_exists.
      - (* when *)
        destruct H2 as [[? Hex]|Hex]; subst; eauto.
        + solve_In. 2:eapply idcaus_of_senv_In; eauto. auto.
        + solve_forall_exists.
      - (* merge *)
        destruct H2 as [[? Hex]|Hex]; subst; eauto.
        + solve_In. 2:eapply idcaus_of_senv_In; eauto. auto.
        + simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
      - (* case *)
        destruct H3 as [[? Hex]|[Hex|(?&?&Hex)]]; subst; eauto.
        + simpl_Exists. simpl_Forall.
        + specialize (H11 _ eq_refl). solve_forall_exists.
      - (* app *)
        destruct H13 as [(?&Hex)|Hex]; eauto.
        1,2:simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.

After getting sc_var_inv, we can easily give an alignment lemma for expressions
    Lemma sc_exp'' : forall Γ Γty H b e vs,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        sc_vars Γ H b ->

        wt_exp G Γty e ->
        wc_exp G Γ e ->
        Sem.sem_exp G H b e vs ->
        Forall2 (sem_clock (var_history H) b) (clockof e) (map abstract_clock vs).
      intros * HwcG Hnd1 Hinv Hwt Hwc Hsem.
      eapply sc_vars_sc_var_inv in Hinv; eauto.
      assert (forall k, k < numstreams e -> sc_exp_inv Γ Γty H b e k); intros.
      eapply exp_causal_ind
             with (P_exp:=sc_exp_inv _ _ H b); eauto with lclocking; intros.
      - apply sc_exp_const.
      - apply sc_exp_enum.
      - eapply sc_exp_var; eauto.
      - eapply sc_exp_last; eauto.
      - apply sc_exp_unop; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_binop; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_extcall; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_fby; auto.
      - apply sc_exp_arrow; auto.
      - eapply sc_exp_when; eauto.
      - eapply sc_exp_merge; eauto.
      - apply sc_exp_case; auto.
      - eapply sc_exp_app; eauto.
      - eapply Forall_forall in Hinv; eauto.
        eapply wc_exp_Is_free_left; eauto.
      - assert (length vs = numstreams e) as Hlen'.
        { eapply sem_exp_numstreams in Hsem; eauto with lclocking. }
        eapply Forall2_forall2; split.
        + rewrite map_length.
          rewrite length_clockof_numstreams; auto.
        + intros ? ? ? ? ? Hlen Hnth1 Hnth2; subst.
          rewrite length_clockof_numstreams in Hlen.
          specialize (H0 _ Hlen _ Hwt Hwc Hsem).
          rewrite nth_indep with (d':=Cbase). 2:rewrite length_clockof_numstreams; auto.
          erewrite map_nth'; eauto. setoid_rewrite Hlen'; auto.

    Corollary sc_exps'' : forall Γ Γty H b es vss,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        sc_vars Γ H b ->

        Forall (wt_exp G Γty) es ->
        Forall (wc_exp G Γ) es ->
        Forall2 (Sem.sem_exp G H b) es vss ->
        Forall2 (sem_clock (var_history H) b) (clocksof es) (map abstract_clock (concat vss)).
      intros * HwcG Hnd1 Hsc Hwt Hwc Hsem.
      unfold clocksof.
      rewrite Forall2_map_2, flat_map_concat_map.
      apply Forall2_concat. simpl_Forall.
      eapply sc_exp'' with (Γ:=Γ) in H2; eauto. simpl_Forall; eauto.

    Lemma sc_transitions'' Γty Γ : forall Hi bs' trans def stres,
        wc_global G ->
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wt_exp G Γty e) trans ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wc_exp G Γ e /\ clockof e = [Cbase]) trans ->
        sc_vars Γ Hi bs' ->
        sem_transitions G Hi bs' trans def stres ->
        abstract_clock stresbs'.
      induction trans; intros * HwG Hnd Hwt Hwc Hsc Hsem;
        inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; destruct_conjs.
      - rewrite H0, const_stres_ac. reflexivity.
      - rewrite H13. apply choose_first_ac; eauto.
        eapply sc_exp'' in H6; eauto.
        take (clockof _ = _) and rewrite it in H6. simpl in *. simpl_Forall.
        eapply sc_slower in H8; eauto using ac_aligned.
        apply slower_nth; intros * Hbs. setoid_rewrite Str_nth_map.
        apply slower_nth with (n:=n) in H8; auto.
        apply bools_of_nth with (n:=n) in H7 as [(Hv&Hx)|[(Hv&Hx)|(?&Hx)]].
        + setoid_rewrite H8 in Hv; congruence.
        + setoid_rewrite H8 in Hv; congruence.
        + rewrite Hx; auto.

  End sc_inv.

Second step of the proof: Give clocked semantics for expressions, equations and blocks, given that all named streams are aligned with their clocks
  Section sem_ck.
    Context {PSyn : list decl -> block -> Prop}.
    Context {prefs : PS.t}.
    Variable (G : @global complete prefs).

    Hypothesis HwcG : wc_global G.

    Hypothesis Hnode : forall f ins outs,
        sem_node G f ins outs ->
        sem_clock_inputs G f ins ->
        sem_node_ck G f ins outs.

    Lemma sem_exp_sem_exp_ck : forall Γ Γty H bs e vs,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        sc_vars Γ H bs ->
        wt_exp G Γty e ->
        wc_exp G Γ e ->
        Sem.sem_exp G H bs e vs ->
        sem_exp_ck G H bs e vs.
      induction e using exp_ind2; intros * Hnd1 Hnd3 Hsc Hwt Hwc Hsem;
        inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem;
          econstructor; eauto.
      1-6,11-12:(eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros;
                 rewrite Forall_forall in *; eauto).
      - (* merge *)
        eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros ?? Hin Hse.
        simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* case *)
        eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros ?? Hin Hse.
        simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* case *)
        eapply Forall2Brs_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros ?? Hin Hse.
        simpl_Exists; simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* case (default) *)
        simpl in *.
        specialize (H23 _ eq_refl). specialize (H25 _ eq_refl).
        simpl_Forall; eauto.
      - (* app *)
        intros k. eapply Hnode; eauto.
        specialize (H26 k). inv H26. rewrite H15 in H3; inv H3.
        repeat (esplit; eauto).
        eapply sc_inside_mask with (es:=es); eauto.
        + eapply Sem.sem_exps_sem_var; eauto with lclocking.
        + eapply wc_find_node in HwcG as (?&Hwcn); eauto. now inv Hwcn.
        + eapply sc_exps'' with (Γ:=Γ); eauto.

    Corollary sem_equation_sem_equation_ck : forall Γ Γty H bs equ,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        sc_vars Γ H bs ->
        wt_equation G Γty equ ->
        wc_equation G Γ equ ->
        Sem.sem_equation G H bs equ ->
        sem_equation_ck G H bs equ.
      intros * Hnd1 Hnd2 Hsc Hwt Hwc Hsem.
      inv Hsem. inv Hwt. inv Hwc.
      - (* app *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        apply Forall_singl in H0. inv H0.
        inv H1; inv H14. inv H5. do 2 (econstructor; eauto).
        + eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
          eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γ); eauto. 1-2:eapply Forall_forall; [|eauto]; eauto.
        + eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
          eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γ); eauto. 1-2:eapply Forall_forall; [|eauto]; eauto.
        + intros k. eapply Hnode; eauto.
          specialize (H28 k). inv H28. rewrite H1 in H17; inv H17. rewrite H1 in H8; inv H8.
          repeat (esplit; eauto).
          eapply sc_inside_mask with (es:=es0); eauto.
          * eapply Sem.sem_exps_sem_var; eauto with lclocking.
          * eapply wc_find_node in HwcG as (?&Hwcn); eauto. now inv Hwcn.
          * eapply sc_exps'' with (Γ:=Γ); eauto.
      - (* general case *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        eapply Forall2_impl_In; [|eauto]; intros.
        eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γ); eauto. 1-2:eapply Forall_forall; eauto.

    Corollary sem_transitions_sem_transitions_ck : forall Γ Γty H bs trans def stres,
        NoDupMembers Γ ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        sc_vars Γ H bs ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wt_exp G Γty e) trans ->
        Forall (fun '(e, _) => wc_exp G Γ e) trans ->
        Sem.sem_transitions G H bs trans def stres ->
        sem_transitions_ck G H bs trans def stres.
      induction trans; intros * Hnd1 Hnd2 Hsc Hwt Hwc Hsem; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem;
        econstructor; eauto using sem_exp_sem_exp_ck.

    Hint Resolve EqStrel EqStrel_Reflexive : core.

    Fact idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup : forall ck Γ,
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γ)) ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv (map_filter (fun '(x, e0) => if clo e0 ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e0 Cbase) else None) Γ))).
      intros * Hnd.
      unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. simpl_app.
      apply NoDup_app'; [apply NoDup_app_l in Hnd|apply NoDup_app_r in Hnd|].
      - induction Γ as [|(?&?)]; simpl; auto. inv Hnd.
        destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto. constructor; auto.
        contradict H1. solve_In.
        destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *; auto.
      - induction Γ as [|(?&?)]; simpl in *; auto.
        destruct (_ ==b _); simpl in *; (destruct (causl_last a); simpl in *; [inv Hnd|]); auto.
        constructor; auto.
        contradict H1. simpl_In.
        destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
        solve_In; try rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
      - simpl_Forall. intros contra. simpl_In.
        destruct (clo a1 ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; try rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
        destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf1; try rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
        eapply NoDup_app_In; eauto. 2:solve_In; rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto.
        clear Hin. solve_In.

    Lemma sem_scope_sem_scope_ck {A} f_idcaus P_nd P_wt P_wc P_blk1 (P_blk2: _ -> _ -> Prop) :
      forall envP locs (blk: A) Γty Γck Γ' Hi bs,
        NoDupMembers Γty ->
        NoDupMembers Γck ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_scope f_idcaus (Scope locs blk))) ->
        NoDupScope P_nd (map fst Γty) (Scope locs blk) ->
        (forall x ty, HasType Γck x ty -> HasType Γty x ty) ->
        incl (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_scope f_idcaus (Scope locs blk))) envP ->
        dom_ub Hi Γty ->
        sc_vars Γck Hi bs ->
        wt_scope P_wt G Γty (Scope locs blk) ->
        wc_env (idck Γck) ->
        Forall (fun '(_, a) => wc_clock (idck Γck) (clo a)) Γ' ->
        wc_scope P_wc G Γck (Scope locs blk) ->
        sem_scope_ck' G P_blk1 envP Γ' Hi bs (Scope locs blk) ->
        (forall Γty Γck Γ' Hi,
            NoDupMembers Γty ->
            NoDupMembers Γck ->
            NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ f_idcaus blk)) ->
            P_nd (map fst Γty) blk ->
            (forall x ty, HasType Γck x ty -> HasType Γty x ty) ->
            incl (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ f_idcaus blk)) envP ->
            dom_ub Hi Γty ->
            sc_vars Γck Hi bs ->
            P_wt Γty blk ->
            wc_env (idck Γck) ->
            Forall (fun '(_, a) => wc_clock (idck Γck) (clo a)) Γ' ->
            P_wc Γck blk ->
            P_blk1 Γ' Hi blk ->
            P_blk2 Hi blk) ->
        sem_scope_ck (sem_exp_ck G) P_blk2 Hi bs (Scope locs blk).
      intros * Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd3 Hnd4 Hincl1 HenvP Hdom Hsc Hwt Hwenv Hwenv' Hwc Hsem Hind;
        inv Hnd4; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; subst Γ'1.
      assert (incl (map fst Γck) (map fst Γty)) as Hincl1'.
      { intros ? Hin. simpl_In. assert (HasType Γck a a0.(typ)) as Hty by eauto with senv.
        apply Hincl1 in Hty. inv Hty. solve_In. }
      assert (HiHi + Hi') as Href1.
      { eapply local_hist_dom_ub_refines; eauto.
        intros ? InM InTy. eapply H4; eauto. now apply IsVar_fst. }
      assert (NoDupMembersck ++ senv_of_decls locs)) as Hnd2'.
      { apply NoDupScope_NoDupMembers; auto.
        intros * Hinm1 Hinm2.
        take (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~_) and eapply it; eauto.

      assert (sc_vars (senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs) as Hsc1.
      { eapply sc_var_inv_sc_vars.
        - apply NoDupMembers_senv_of_decls; auto.
        - simpl_Forall.
          assert (In i0 envP) as HinP.
          { eapply HenvP.
            rewrite 2 map_app, 2 in_app_iff. right; left. solve_In. }
          simpl_Forall. eauto.
      assert (sc_varsck ++ senv_of_decls locs) (Hi + Hi') bs) as Hsc2.
      { apply local_hist_sc_vars with (Γ:=Γty); auto.
        intros ?; rewrite IsVar_fst; eauto. }

      eapply Sscope; eauto.
      - simpl_Forall. take (sem_last_decl _ _ _ _ _) and inv it; econstructor; eauto.
        simpl in *. destruct_conjs.
        eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γck ++ _); eauto.
        clear - Hnd3. rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app. solve_NoDup_app.
      - eapply Hind with (Γ':=Γ'++senv_of_decls locs) (Γty:=Γty++_); eauto.
        + apply NoDupMembers_app; auto.
          * apply NoDupMembers_senv_of_decls; auto.
          * intros * Hinm1 Hinm2. rewrite InMembers_senv_of_decls in Hinm2.
            eapply H4; eauto. apply fst_InMembers; auto.
        + clear - Hnd3. simpl in *.
          rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app.
          simpl_app. auto.
        + rewrite map_app, map_fst_senv_of_decls; auto.
        + intros *. rewrite 2 HasType_app. intros [|]; auto.
        + etransitivity; [|eauto].
          rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app. simpl_app. solve_incl_app.
        + eapply local_hist_dom_ub; eauto.
        + simpl_app. eapply Forall_app; split; eauto.
          * eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]; intros; simpl in *.
            eapply wc_clock_incl; [|eauto]. solve_incl_app.
          * simpl_Forall; eauto.
        + apply Forall_app; split; simpl_Forall; simpl_In; simpl_Forall; eauto.
          eapply wc_clock_incl; [|eauto]. solve_incl_app.

    Lemma sem_branch_sem_branch_ck {A} f_idcaus P_nd P_wt P_wc P_blk1 (P_blk2: _ -> Prop) must_def is_def :
      forall envP caus (blk: A) Γty Γck Γ' Hi bs,
        NoDupMembers Γty ->
        NoDupMembers Γck ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_branch f_idcaus (Branch caus blk))) ->
        NoDupBranch P_nd (Branch caus blk) ->
        (forall x ty, HasType Γck x ty -> HasType Γty x ty) ->
        incl (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_branch f_idcaus (Branch caus blk))) envP ->
        dom_ub Hi Γty ->
        sc_vars Γck Hi bs ->
        wt_branch P_wt (Branch caus blk) ->
        wc_env (idck Γck) ->
        Forall (fun '(_, a) => wc_clock (idck Γck) (clo a)) Γ' ->
        wc_branch P_wc (Branch caus blk) ->
        sem_branch_ck' P_blk1 must_def is_def envP Γ' Hi bs (Branch caus blk) ->
        (forall Γ',
            NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ f_idcaus blk)) ->
            P_nd blk ->
            (forall x ty, HasType Γck x ty -> HasType Γty x ty) ->
            incl (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ f_idcaus blk)) envP ->
            sc_vars Γck Hi bs ->
            P_wt blk ->
            wc_env (idck Γck) ->
            Forall (fun '(_, a) => wc_clock (idck Γck) (clo a)) Γ' ->
            P_wc blk ->
            P_blk1 Γ' blk ->
            P_blk2 blk) ->
        sem_branch_ck P_blk2 (Branch caus blk).
      intros * Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd3 Hnd4 Hincl1 HenvP Hdom Hsc Hwt Hwenv Hwenv' Hwc Hsem Hind;
        inv Hnd4; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem.
      eapply Hind with (Γ':=replace_idcaus caus Γ'); eauto.
      - simpl in *. solve_NoDup_app.
      - simpl in *. etransitivity; [|eauto].
      - simpl_Forall. simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
        destruct (assoc_ident _ _); auto.

    Local Ltac simpl_ndup Hnd :=
      simpl in *;
      try rewrite app_nil_r in Hnd; repeat rewrite map_app.

    Lemma sem_block_sem_block_ck : forall envP blk Γty Γck Γ' Hi bs,
        NoDupMembers Γty ->
        NoDupMembers Γck ->
        NoDup (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_locals blk)) ->
        NoDupLocals (map fst Γty) blk ->
        (forall x ty, HasType Γck x ty -> HasType Γty x ty) ->
        incl (map snd (idcaus_of_senv Γck ++ idcaus_of_locals blk)) envP ->
        dom_ub Hi Γty ->
        sc_vars Γck Hi bs ->
        wt_block G Γty blk ->
        wc_env (idck Γck) ->
        Forall (fun '(_, a) => wc_clock (idck Γck) (clo a)) Γ' ->
        wc_block G Γck blk ->
        sem_block_ck' G envP Γ' Hi bs blk ->
        sem_block_ck G Hi bs blk.
      induction blk using block_ind2;
        intros * Hnd1 Hnd2 Hnd5 Hnd6 Hincl1 HenvP Hdom Hsc Hwt Hwenv Hwenv' Hwc Hsem;
        inv Hnd6; inv Hwt; inv Hwc; inv Hsem; simpl_ndup Hnd1.

      - (* equation *)
        constructor. eapply sem_equation_sem_equation_ck with (Γ:=Γck); eauto.
        rewrite app_nil_r in Hnd5; auto.

      - (* reset *)
        econstructor; eauto.
        + take (sem_exp _ _ _ _ _) and assert (Hsem2:=it).
          eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γck) in Hsem2; eauto.
          rewrite map_app in Hnd5; eauto using NoDup_app_l.
        + intros k. specialize (H14 k). simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
          eapply H withty:=Γty); eauto.
          * eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
          (* * etransitivity; eauto using incl_concat. *)
          * etransitivity; [|eauto]. rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_appr'.
            intros ??. solve_In.
          * now apply dom_ub_map.
          * eapply sc_vars_mask; eauto.

      - (* switch *)
        assert (sem_clock (var_history Hi) bs ck (abstract_clock sc)) as Hsemck.
        { eapply sc_exp'' with (Γ:=Γck) in H13; eauto.
          take (clockof _ = _) and rewrite it in H13; simpl_Forall; eauto.
        assert (incl (map fst Γck) (map fst Γty)) as Hincl'.
        { intros ? Hv. simpl_In. assert (HasType Γck a a0.(typ)) as Hty by eauto with senv.
          specialize (Hincl1 _ _ Hty). inv Hincl1. do 2 esplit; eauto. auto. }

        econstructor; eauto.
        + eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck with (Γ:=Γck) in H13; eauto.
        + simpl_Forall.
          do 2 esplit; eauto.
          destruct b. eapply sem_branch_sem_branch_ck
            with (Hi:=x) (Γty:=Γty)
                 (Γck:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck)
                 (Γ':=map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ'); eauto.
          * eapply NoDupMembers_map_filter; eauto.
            intros *. destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          * subst. eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            rewrite map_app in *. eapply NoDup_incl_app2. 3:apply Hnd5.
            -- intros ? Hin. unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff in *.
               destruct Hin; [left|right]; simpl_In; destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
               1,2:solve_In; try rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
            -- intros Hnd. eapply idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup; eauto.
          * subst. intros * Hty. apply Hincl1.
            inv Hty. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq. eauto with senv.
          * subst. etransitivity; [|eapply HenvP].
            rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr; intros ??; solve_In].
            unfold idcaus_of_senv. simpl_app. repeat rewrite map_map.
            apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr].
            1-2:intros ??; solve_In. 1,3:destruct (_ ==b _); inv Hf; eauto; simpl in *. rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
          * split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
          * eapply sc_vars_when; eauto.
            -- subst. intros * Hck. inv Hck; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
            -- subst. intros * Hca. inv Hca; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
          * subst. eapply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
          * simpl_Forall. constructor.
         *{ intros; simpl in *; simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
            eapply H withty:=Γty) (Γck:=map_filter _ Γck); eauto using NoDup_locals_inv.
            - apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto. intros; cases; simpl; auto.
            - etransitivity; eauto. rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_appr'. intros ??; solve_In.
            - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
            - eapply wc_block_incl. 3:eauto. 1,2:eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.

      - (* automaton (weak) *)
        assert (sc_vars (map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if clo e ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck) Hi bs') as Hsc'.
        { eapply sc_vars_subclock. 1,4:eauto.
          - intros * Hck; inv Hck; simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
            eauto with senv.
          - intros * Hl; inv Hl; simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
            eauto with senv.
        assert (bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres) as Hac.
        { symmetry. take (sem_transitions _ _ _ _ _ _) and eapply sc_transitions''
            with (Γ:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck) in it; eauto. 3,4:simpl_Forall; eauto.
          - take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby1 in it; now rewrite <-it.
          - apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto.
            intros; destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          - split; auto.
            eapply wc_exp_incl; [| |eauto]; eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
        assert (incl (map fst Γck) (map fst Γty)) as Hincl'.
        { intros ? Hv. simpl_In. assert (HasType Γck a a0.(typ)) as Hty by eauto with senv.
          specialize (Hincl1 _ _ Hty). inv Hincl1. do 2 esplit; eauto. auto. }

        econstructor; eauto.
        + eapply sem_transitions_sem_transitions_ck with (Γ:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck); eauto. 3,4:simpl_Forall; eauto.
          * apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto.
            intros; destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          * rewrite map_app in Hnd5. apply idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup; eauto using NoDup_app_l.
          * eapply wc_exp_incl; [| |eauto]; eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
        + simpl_Forall. take (forall k, _) and specialize (it k); destruct_conjs.
          do 2 esplit; eauto. destruct b as [?(?&[?(?&?)])].
          eapply sem_branch_sem_branch_ck
            withty:=Γty) (Hi:=x)
                 (Γck:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck)
                 (Γ':=map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ'); eauto.
         * eapply NoDupMembers_map_filter; eauto.
            intros *. destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          * subst. eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            rewrite map_app in *. eapply NoDup_incl_app2. 3:apply Hnd5.
            -- intros ? Hin. unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff in *.
               destruct Hin; [left|right]; simpl_In; destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
               1,2:solve_In; try rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
            -- intros Hnd. eapply idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup; eauto.
          * subst. intros * Hty. apply Hincl1.
            inv Hty. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq. eauto with senv.
          * subst. etransitivity; [|eapply HenvP].
            rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr; intros ??; solve_In].
            unfold idcaus_of_senv. simpl_app. repeat rewrite map_map.
            apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr].
            1-2:intros ??; solve_In. 1,3:destruct (_ ==b _); inv Hf; eauto; simpl in *. rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
          * split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
          * take (sem_clock _ _ _ _) and rewrite Hac in it.
            eapply sc_vars_select; eauto.
            -- subst. intros * Hck. inv Hck; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
            -- subst. intros * Hca. inv Hca; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
          * subst. eapply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
          * simpl_Forall. constructor.
          *{ intros; simpl in *; destruct_conjs; simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
             eapply sem_scope_sem_scope_ck
                    (Γck:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck)
                    (Γ':=Γ'1); eauto.
             - apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto. intros; cases; simpl; auto.
             - instantiate (1:=fun '(blks, _) => flat_map idcaus_of_locals blks). eauto.
             - eauto.
             - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
             - eapply wc_scope_incl. 3:eauto.
               3:intros; destruct_conjs; split; simpl_Forall; eauto using wc_exp_incl, wc_block_incl.
               1,2:eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
             - intros; simpl in *; destruct_conjs; split.
               + simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
                 eapply H withty:=Γty0); eauto using NoDup_locals_inv.
                 etransitivity; eauto. solve_incl_app. intros ??; solve_In.
               + eapply sem_transitions_sem_transitions_ck; eauto.
                 * solve_NoDup_app.
                 * simpl_Forall; eauto.
                 * simpl_Forall; eauto.

      - (* automaton (strong) *)
        assert (sc_vars (map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if clo e ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck) Hi bs') as Hsc'.
        { eapply sc_vars_subclock. 1,4:eauto.
          - intros * Hck; inv Hck; simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
            eauto with senv.
          - intros * Hl; inv Hl; simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf. rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
            eauto with senv.
        assert (bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres) as Hac.
        { symmetry. take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby1 in it; rewrite <-it. apply const_stres_ac. }
        assert (bs' ≡ abstract_clock stres1) as Hac1.
        { take (fby _ _ _) and apply ac_fby2 in it; now rewrite it. }

        assert (incl (map fst Γck) (map fst Γty)) as Hincl'.
        { intros ? Hv. simpl_In. assert (HasType Γck a a0.(typ)) as Hty by eauto with senv.
          specialize (Hincl1 _ _ Hty). inv Hincl1. do 2 esplit; eauto. auto. }

        econstructor; eauto.
        + simpl_Forall. specialize (H22 k); destruct_conjs.
          do 2 esplit; eauto.
          repeat (Syn.inv_branch || Clo.inv_branch || Typ.inv_branch || Sem.inv_branch || inv_branch).
          econstructor. eapply sem_transitions_sem_transitions_ck with (Γ:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck); eauto.
          * apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto.
            intros; destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          * rewrite map_app in Hnd5. apply idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup; eauto using NoDup_app_l.
          * take (sem_clock _ _ _ _) and rewrite Hac in it. eapply sc_vars_select; eauto.
            -- subst. intros * Hck. inv Hck; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
            -- subst. intros * Hca. inv Hca; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
          * simpl_Forall; eauto.
          * simpl_Forall. eapply wc_exp_incl. 3:eauto.
            1,2:eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
        + simpl_Forall. specialize (H23 k); destruct_conjs.
          do 2 esplit; eauto. destruct b as [?(?&[?(?&?)])].
          eapply sem_branch_sem_branch_ck
            withty:=Γty) (Hi:=x)
                 (Γck:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck)
                 (Γ':=map (fun '(x, a) => (x, ann_with_clock a Cbase)) Γ'); eauto.
         * eapply NoDupMembers_map_filter; eauto.
            intros *. destruct (_ ==b _); simpl; auto.
          * subst. eapply NoDup_locals_inv2; eauto.
            rewrite map_app in *. eapply NoDup_incl_app2. 3:apply Hnd5.
            -- intros ? Hin. unfold idcaus_of_senv in *. rewrite map_app, in_app_iff in *.
               destruct Hin; [left|right]; simpl_In; destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq; simpl in *.
               1,2:solve_In; try rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
            -- intros Hnd. eapply idcaus_of_senv_when_NoDup; eauto.
          * subst. intros * Hty. apply Hincl1.
            inv Hty. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq. eauto with senv.
          * subst. etransitivity; [|eapply HenvP].
            rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr; intros ??; solve_In].
            unfold idcaus_of_senv. simpl_app. repeat rewrite map_map.
            apply incl_app; [apply incl_appl|apply incl_appr].
            1-2:intros ??; solve_In. 1,3:destruct (_ ==b _); inv Hf; eauto; simpl in *. rewrite Hf0; simpl; eauto. auto.
          * split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
          * take (sem_clock _ _ _ _) and rewrite Hac1 in it.
            eapply sc_vars_select; eauto.
            -- subst. intros * Hck. inv Hck; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
            -- subst. intros * Hca. inv Hca; simpl_In.
               destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
               eauto with senv.
          * subst. eapply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin. simpl_In.
            destruct (_ ==b _) eqn:Heq; inv Hf; rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; inv Heq.
          * simpl_Forall. constructor.
          *{ intros; simpl in *; destruct_conjs; simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
             eapply sem_scope_sem_scope_ck
                    (Γck:=map_filter (fun '(x, e) => if e.(clo) ==b ck then Some (x, ann_with_clock e Cbase) else None) Γck)
                    (Γ':=Γ'1); eauto.
             - apply NoDupMembers_map_filter; auto. intros; cases; simpl; auto.
             - instantiate (1:=fun '(blks, _) => flat_map idcaus_of_locals blks). eauto.
             - eauto.
             - split; intros ? In; eapply FEnv.In_refines, Hdom in In; eauto.
             - eapply wc_scope_incl. 3:eauto.
               3:intros; destruct_conjs; split; simpl_Forall; eauto using wc_exp_incl, wc_block_incl.
               1,2:eauto using map_filter_clo_HasClock1, map_filter_clo_IsLast1.
             - intros; simpl in *.
               simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
               eapply H withty:=Γty0); eauto using NoDup_locals_inv.
               etransitivity; eauto. solve_incl_app. intros ??; solve_In.

      - (* locals *)
        eapply sem_scope_sem_scope_ck withty:=Γty); eauto.
        + intros; simpl in *. simpl_Forall. inv_VarsDefined.
          eapply H withty:=Γty0); eauto.
          * eapply NoDup_locals_inv; eauto.
          * etransitivity; eauto.
            rewrite 2 map_app. apply incl_appr'.
            intros ??; solve_In.

  End sem_ck.

  Theorem sem_node_sem_node_ck {prefs} :
    forall (G : @global complete prefs),
      wt_global G ->
      wc_global G ->
      Forall node_causal (nodes G) ->
      forall f ins outs,
        Sem.sem_node G f ins outs ->
        sem_clock_inputs G f ins ->
        sem_node_ck G f ins outs.
  Proof with
    intros [] Hwt Hwc.
    assert (Ordered_nodes (Global types0 externs0 nodes0)) as Hord by (eauto using wl_global_Ordered_nodes with ltyping).
    revert Hwc Hord.
    induction nodes0; intros Hwc Hord Hcaus ??? Hsem Hckins. now inversion Hsem.
    assert (Hsem' := Hsem).
    inversion_clear Hsem' as [? ? ? ? ? Hfind Hins Houts bs Hlast Hblk]; subst bs.
    pose proof (Lord.find_node_not_Is_node_in _ _ _ Hord Hfind) as Hnini.
    assert (forall (f : ident) (ins0 outs0 : list (Stream svalue)),
               sem_node {| types := types0; externs := externs0; nodes := nodes0 |} f ins0 outs0 ->
               sem_clock_inputs {| types := types0; externs := externs0; nodes := nodes0 |} f ins0 ->
               sem_node_ck {| types := types0; externs := externs0; nodes := nodes0 |} f ins0 outs0
           ) as Hind.
    { eapply IHnodes0.
      - destruct Hwt as (?&Hwt). inv Hwt. constructor; auto.
      - inv Hwc; auto.
      - inv Hord; auto.
      - inv Hcaus; auto. }
    simpl in Hfind. destruct (ident_eq_dec (n_name a) f).
    - destruct Hckins as (?&?&Hfind'&Hins'&Hscin).
      rewrite find_node_now in Hfind'; auto. inv Hfind'.
      rewrite find_node_now in Hfind; auto. inv Hfind.
      eapply Sem.sem_node_cons1' in Hblk as (Hblk'&Hlast'); eauto. clear Hlast.
      assert (Hord':=Hord). inversion_clear Hord' as [|? ? Hord'' Hnneqs Hnn].
      inversion_clear Hwc as [|?? (Hwcn&_) Hwcg].
      destruct Hwt as (?&Hwt). inversion_clear Hwt as [|?? (Hwtn&_) Hwtg].
      inv Hcaus.
      assert (Hwcn':=Hwcn). inv Hwcn'. subst Γ.
      assert (Hwtn':=Hwtn). inv Hwtn'. subst Γ.

      (* sem_clock H0 -> sem_clock H *)
      eapply sem_clocks_corres_in in Hscin; eauto. clear x Hins'.

      (* restrict H *)
      eapply sem_node_restrict in Hblk' as (Hdom&Hins'&Houts'&Hlast''&Hblk'); eauto.
      remember (restrict H (senv_of_ins (n_in n) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n))) as H'.
      eapply sem_clocks_corres_in in Hscin; eauto.
      clear H HeqH' Hlast' Hins Houts.

      (* sc_vars H *)
      assert (wc_global (Global types0 externs0 nodes0)) as Hvars by eauto.
      eapply sem_node_sc_vars in Hvars as (Hvars&Hloc); eauto.
      2:{ eapply sc_var_inv_intro; eauto. }

      (* sem_node_ck *)
      pose proof (n_defd n) as (?&Hdef&Hperm).
      eapply Snode with (H:=H'); autorewrite with list; eauto.
      + rewrite find_node_now; auto.
      + simpl_Forall. inv Hlast''; econstructor; eauto.
        simpl in *; destruct_conjs.
        eapply sem_exp_ck_cons2; eauto. 2:intros contra; eapply Hnini; left; solve_Exists.
        eapply sem_exp_sem_exp_ck; eauto using node_NoDupMembers.
        * take (node_causal _) and destruct it as (ND&_).
          rewrite app_assoc, map_app in ND. apply NoDup_app_l in ND.
          now rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins.
        * rewrite FEnv.union_empty; auto using EqStrel_Reflexive.
      + eapply sem_block_ck_cons2; eauto. 2:intros contra; eapply Hnini; right; auto.
        eapply sem_block_sem_block_ck in Hloc; eauto using node_NoDupMembers, node_NoDupLocals, dom_dom_ub.
        * take (node_causal _) and destruct it as (ND&_).
          now rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins, <-app_assoc.
        * now rewrite idcaus_of_senv_app, idcaus_of_senv_ins, <-app_assoc.
        * unfold idck, senv_of_ins, senv_of_decls.
          erewrite map_app, 2 map_map, map_ext, map_ext with (l:=n_out n); eauto.
          1,2:unfold decl; intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
        * simpl_Forall. simpl_In. eapply in_map with (f:=fun '(x, a) => (x, clo a)) in H. unfold senv_of_ins, senv_of_decls in *.
          erewrite map_app, 2 map_map, map_ext, map_ext with (l:=n_out n) in H.
          eapply Forall_forall in H2; [|eauto].
          unfold idck. erewrite map_app, 2 map_map, map_ext, map_ext with (l:=n_out n); eauto.
          1-4:unfold decl; intros; destruct_conjs; eauto.
      + unfold clocked_node. split; auto.

    - rewrite find_node_other in Hfind; eauto.
      eapply Sem.sem_node_cons1 in Hsem; auto.
      assert (Hord':=Hord). rewrite cons_is_app in Hord'.
      inv Hord'. inv Hwt; inv H1. inv Hwc. inv Hcaus. eapply IHnodes0 in Hsem; eauto.
      eapply sem_node_ck_cons2; eauto.
      constructor; auto.
      eapply sem_clock_inputs_cons; eauto.


Module LClockCorrectnessFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Typ : LTYPING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Clo : LCLOCKING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (LCA : LCAUSALITY Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Lord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (CStr : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Sem : LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Lord CStr)
       (CkSem : LCLOCKEDSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Clo Lord CStr Sem)
<: LCLOCKCORRECTNESS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Typ Clo LCA Lord CStr Sem CkSem.
  Include LCLOCKCORRECTNESS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Typ Clo LCA Lord CStr Sem CkSem.
End LClockCorrectnessFun.