Module StcSchedule

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Mergesort.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcSyntax.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcIsSystem.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcOrdered.
From Velus Require Import IndexedStreams.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcSemantics.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcTyping.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcIsVariable.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcIsLast.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcIsDefined.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcClocking.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcIsFree.
From Velus Require Import Stc.StcWellDefined.

From Velus Require Import VelusMemory.

Scheduling of N-Lustre equations

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import CESyn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Import Syn : STCSYNTAX Ids Op CESyn).

  Parameter schedule : ident -> list trconstr -> list positive.


       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux)
       (Import CE : COREEXPR Ids Op OpAux Str)
       (Import StcSyn : STCSYNTAX Ids Op CE.Syn)
       (Import Syst : STCISSYSTEM Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn)
       (Import Ord : STCORDERED Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn Syst)
       (Import StcSem : STCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux CE.Syn StcSyn Syst Ord Str CE.Sem)
       (Import StcTyp : STCTYPING Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn CE.Typ)
       (Import Var : STCISVARIABLE Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn)
       (Import Last : STCISLAST Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn)
       (Import Def : STCISDEFINED Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn Var Last)
       (Import StcClo : STCCLOCKING Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn Last Var Def Syst Ord CE.Clo)
       (Import Free : STCISFREE Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn CE.IsF)
       (Import Wdef : STCWELLDEFINED Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn Syst Ord Var Last Def CE.IsF Free)
       (Import Sch : EXT_STCSCHEDULER Ids Op CE.Syn StcSyn).

  Section OCombine.
    Context {A B: Type}.

    Fixpoint ocombine (l : list A) (l' : list B) : option (list (A * B)) :=
      match l, l' with
      | [], [] => Some []
      | x::xs, y::ys =>
        match ocombine xs ys with
        | None => None
        | Some rs => Some ((x, y) :: rs)
      | _, _ => None

    Lemma ocombine_combine:
      forall l l' ll,
        ocombine l l' = Some ll ->
        combine l l' = ll.
      induction l, l'; simpl;
        try (now inversion_clear 1; auto).
      intros * HH; cases_eqn Hoc; inv HH.
      erewrite IHl; eauto.

    Lemma ocombine_length:
      forall l l' ll,
        ocombine l l' = Some ll ->
        length l = length l'.
      induction l, l'; simpl; inversion 1; auto.
      destruct (ocombine l l') eqn:Hoc.
      now rewrite (IHl _ _ Hoc).
      inv H.

  End OCombine.

  Module SchTcOrder <: Orders.TotalLeBool'.

    Definition t : Type := (positive * trconstr)%type.

    Definition leb (s1 s2 : t) : bool := ((fst s2) <=? (fst s1))%positive.

    Lemma leb_total:
      forall s1 s2,
        leb s1 s2 = true \/ leb s2 s1 = true.
      destruct s1 as (p1 & eq1).
      destruct s2 as (p2 & eq2).
      unfold leb; simpl.
      setoid_rewrite POrderedType.Positive_as_OT.leb_compare.
      destruct (p1 ?= p2)%positive eqn:Hp; auto.
      apply Pos.compare_gt_iff in Hp.
      apply Pos.compare_lt_iff in Hp.
      rewrite Hp; auto.

  End SchTcOrder.

  Module SchSort := Sort SchTcOrder.

  Definition schedule_tcs (f: ident) (tcs: list trconstr) : list trconstr :=
    let sch := Sch.schedule f tcs in
    match ocombine sch tcs with
    | None => tcs
    | Some schtcs => map snd (SchSort.sort schtcs)

  Lemma schedule_tcs_permutation:
    forall f tcs,
      Permutation (schedule_tcs f tcs) tcs.
    unfold schedule_tcs.
    intros f tcs.
    destruct (ocombine (schedule f tcs) tcs) eqn:Hoc; auto.
    rewrite <-SchSort.Permuted_sort.
    pose proof (ocombine_length _ _ _ Hoc) as Hlen.
    apply ocombine_combine in Hoc.
    rewrite <-Hoc, map_snd_combine; auto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (calls_of)
      with signature @Permutation trconstr ==> @Permutation (ident * ident)
        as calls_of_permutation.
    induction 1; simpl; auto.
    - cases; rewrite IHPermutation.
    - cases; apply perm_swap.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (resets_of)
      with signature @Permutation trconstr ==> @Permutation (ident * ident)
        as resets_of_permutation.
    induction 1; simpl; auto.
    - cases; rewrite IHPermutation.
    - cases; apply perm_swap.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (lasts_of)
      with signature @Permutation trconstr ==> @Permutation ident
        as lasts_of_permutation.
    induction 1; simpl; auto.
    - cases; rewrite IHPermutation.
    - cases; apply perm_swap.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism : (variables)
      with signature @Permutation trconstr ==> @Permutation ident
        as variables_permutation.
    unfold variables.
    induction 1; simpl; auto.
    - now rewrite IHPermutation.
    - rewrite <-2 Permutation_app_assoc; apply Permutation_app_tail, Permutation_app_comm.
    - etransitivity; eauto.

  Add Parametric Morphism A P: (Exists P)
      with signature @Permutation A ==> Basics.impl
        as Exists_permutation.
    induction 1; intros Ex; auto.
    - inv Ex.
      + now left.
      + right; auto.
    - inversion_clear Ex as [|?? Ex'].
      + now right; left.
      + inv Ex'.
        * now left.
        * now right; right.

  Add Parametric Morphism i k: (Is_sub_in i k)
      with signature @Permutation trconstr ==> Basics.impl
        as Is_sub_in_permutation.
    unfold Is_sub_in; intros * E St.
    now rewrite <-E.

  Program Definition schedule_system (b: system) : system :=
    {| s_name := b.(s_name);
       s_subs := b.(s_subs);
       s_in := b.(s_in);
       s_vars := b.(s_vars);
       s_lasts := b.(s_lasts);
       s_out := b.(s_out);
       s_tcs := schedule_tcs b.(s_name) b.(s_tcs);

       s_ingt0 := b.(s_ingt0);
       s_nodup := b.(s_nodup);
       s_nodup_lasts_subs := b.(s_nodup_lasts_subs);
       s_good := b.(s_good)
Next Obligation.
    do 2 setoid_rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation at 1;
      apply s_subs_in_tcs.
Next Obligation.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; apply s_subs_calls_of.
Next Obligation.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; apply s_lasts_in_tcs.
Next Obligation.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; apply s_vars_out_in_tcs.
Next Obligation.
    unfold Step_with_reset_in; rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation in *;
      now apply s_no_single_reset.
Next Obligation.
    intros ?? Spec; unfold Step_with_reset_in in Spec; rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation in Spec.
    apply s_reset_consistency in Spec.
    cases; rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; auto.
Next Obligation.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; apply s_reset_incl.

  Definition schedule (P: program) : program :=
    map schedule_system P.

  Lemma schedule_system_name:
    forall s, (schedule_system s).(s_name) = s.(s_name).
destruct s; auto. Qed.

  Lemma schedule_map_name:
    forall P,
      map s_name (schedule P) = map s_name P.
    induction P as [|b]; auto.
    destruct b; simpl.
    now rewrite IHP.

  Lemma scheduler_find_system:
    forall P P' f s,
      find_system f P = Some (s, P') ->
      find_system f (schedule P) = Some (schedule_system s, schedule P').
    induction P as [|s']; [now inversion 1|].
    intros * Hfind.
    simpl in *.
    destruct (ident_eqb s'.(s_name) f); auto.
    inv Hfind; auto.

  Lemma scheduler_find_system':
    forall P f s P',
      find_system f (schedule P) = Some (s, P') ->
      exists s' P'',
        find_system f P = Some (s', P'')
        /\ s = schedule_system s'
        /\ P' = schedule P''.
    induction P as [|sys]; [now inversion 1|].
    intros * Hfind.
    simpl in *.
    destruct (ident_eqb sys.(s_name) f); eauto.
    inv Hfind; eauto.

  Lemma scheduler_wt_trconstr:
    forall P vars lasts tc,
      wt_trconstr P vars lasts tc ->
      wt_trconstr (schedule P) vars lasts tc.
    induction P as [|b].
    - destruct tc; inversion_clear 1; eauto.
    - destruct tc; inversion_clear 1; eauto;
        match goal with H:find_system _ _ = _ |- _ =>
                        apply scheduler_find_system in H end;
        eauto using wt_trconstr.

  Lemma scheduler_wt_system:
    forall P s,
      wt_system P s ->
      wt_system (schedule P) (schedule_system s).
    unfold wt_system; simpl; intros * WT.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation.
    apply Forall_impl with (2 := WT), scheduler_wt_trconstr.

  Lemma scheduler_wt_program:
    forall P,
      wt_program P ->
      wt_program (schedule P).
    induction P as [|s]; inversion_clear 1; simpl;
      constructor; auto.
    - now apply scheduler_wt_system.
    - change (Forall (fun s' =>
                        (fun x => s_name (schedule_system s) <> x) s'.(s_name))
                     (schedule P)).
      rewrite <-Forall_map, schedule_map_name, Forall_map.
      destruct s; auto.

  Lemma scheduler_wc_trconstr:
    forall P vars tc,
      wc_trconstr P vars tc ->
      wc_trconstr (schedule P) vars tc.
    induction P as [|s P IH]; auto.
    intros vars tc Hwc.
    destruct tc; inv Hwc; eauto using wc_trconstr.
    econstructor; auto.
    - now apply scheduler_find_system; eauto.
    - eauto.
    - eauto.

  Lemma scheduler_wc_system:
    forall P s,
      wc_system P s ->
      wc_system (schedule P) (schedule_system s).
    inversion_clear 1 as [? (?&?& Htcs)].
    constructor; simpl; auto.
    rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; auto.
    induction Htcs; constructor; auto.
    apply scheduler_wc_trconstr; auto.

  Lemma scheduler_wc_program:
    forall P,
      wc_program P ->
      wc_program (schedule P).
    induction P; intros * WT; inv WT; simpl; constructor; auto.
    now apply scheduler_wc_system.

  Lemma scheduler_initial_state:
    forall S P f,
      initial_state P f S ->
      initial_state (schedule P) f S.
    induction S as [? IH] using memory_ind'.
    inversion_clear 1 as [????? Find ? Insts].
    apply scheduler_find_system in Find.
    econstructor; eauto.
    simpl; intros * Hin.
    apply Insts in Hin as (?&?&?).
    eexists; intuition; eauto.
  Hint Resolve scheduler_initial_state.

  Lemma scheduler_state_closed:
    forall S P f,
      state_closed P f S ->
      state_closed (schedule P) f S.
    induction S as [? IH] using memory_ind'.
    inversion_clear 1 as [????? Find ? Insts].
    apply scheduler_find_system in Find.
    econstructor; eauto.
    simpl; intros * Hin; pose proof Hin.
    apply Insts in Hin as (?&?&?).
    eexists; intuition; eauto.
  Hint Resolve scheduler_state_closed.

  Theorem scheduler_sem_system:
    forall P f xs S S' ys,
      sem_system P f xs S S' ys ->
      sem_system (schedule P) f xs S S' ys.
    intro P;
      induction 1 using sem_system_mult
        with (P_trconstr := fun base R S I S' tc =>
                              sem_trconstr (schedule P) base R S I S' tc);
      eauto using sem_trconstr.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      cases; eauto.
    - match goal with H: find_system _ _ = _ |- _ => apply scheduler_find_system in H end.
      eapply SSystem with (I := I); eauto; simpl.
      rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation; eauto.

  Corollary scheduler_loop:
    forall n P f xss yss S,
      loop P f xss yss S n ->
      loop (schedule P) f xss yss S n.
    cofix COFIX; inversion_clear 1.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply scheduler_sem_system; eauto.

  Lemma scheduler_ordered:
    forall P,
      Ordered_systems P ->
      Ordered_systems (schedule P).
    induction 1 as [|????? Names]; simpl; constructor; simpl; auto.
    - apply Forall_forall; intros (?&?) Hin;
        eapply Forall_forall in Hin; eauto; destruct Hin as (?& Find); intuition.
      destruct Find as (?&?& Find); apply scheduler_find_system in Find; eauto.
    - clear - Names; induction P; simpl; inv Names; constructor; auto.

  Lemma scheduler_normal_args_tc:
    forall P tc,
      normal_args_tc P tc ->
      normal_args_tc (schedule P) tc.
    induction 1; eauto using normal_args_tc.
    econstructor; auto.
    - apply scheduler_find_system; eauto.
    - auto.

Lemma scheduler_normal_args_system:
  forall P s,
    normal_args_system P s ->
    normal_args_system (schedule P) (schedule_system s).
  intros * Normal.
  apply Forall_forall; simpl.
  setoid_rewrite schedule_tcs_permutation.
  intros; eapply Forall_forall in Normal; eauto.
  apply scheduler_normal_args_tc; auto.

Lemma scheduler_normal_args:
  forall P,
    normal_args P ->
    normal_args (schedule P).
  induction P as [|s]; auto.
  intros (?&?); split; auto.
  change (schedule_system s :: schedule P) with (schedule (s :: P)).
  apply scheduler_normal_args_system; auto.


Module StcScheduleFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Str : INDEXEDSTREAMS Op OpAux)
       (CE : COREEXPR Ids Op OpAux Str)
       (Syn : STCSYNTAX Ids Op CE.Syn)
       (Syst : STCISSYSTEM Ids Op CE.Syn Syn)
       (Ord : STCORDERED Ids Op CE.Syn Syn Syst)
       (Sem : STCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux CE.Syn Syn Syst Ord Str CE.Sem)
       (Typ : STCTYPING Ids Op CE.Syn Syn CE.Typ)
       (Var : STCISVARIABLE Ids Op CE.Syn Syn)
       (Last : STCISLAST Ids Op CE.Syn Syn)
       (Def : STCISDEFINED Ids Op CE.Syn Syn Var Last)
       (Clo : STCCLOCKING Ids Op CE.Syn Syn Last Var Def Syst Ord CE.Clo)
       (Free : STCISFREE Ids Op CE.Syn Syn CE.IsF)
       (Wdef : STCWELLDEFINED Ids Op CE.Syn Syn Syst Ord Var Last Def CE.IsF Free)
       (Sch : EXT_STCSCHEDULER Ids Op CE.Syn Syn)
<: STCSCHEDULE Ids Op OpAux Str CE Syn Syst Ord Sem Typ Var Last Def Clo Free Wdef Sch.
  Include STCSCHEDULE Ids Op OpAux Str CE Syn Syst Ord Sem Typ Var Last Def Clo Free Wdef Sch.
End StcScheduleFun.