Module IsVariable

From Coq Require Import PArith.
From Coq Require Import List.

Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.CESyntax.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.NLSyntax.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.IsDefined.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.Memories.

From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.

Stack variables

       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import CESyn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Import Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op CESyn)
       (Import Mem : MEMORIES Ids Op CESyn Syn)
       (Import IsD : ISDEFINED Ids Op CESyn Syn Mem).

  Inductive Is_variable_in_eq : ident -> equation -> Prop :=
  | VarEqDef: forall x ck e, Is_variable_in_eq x (EqDef x ck e)
  | VarEqApp: forall x xs ck f e r, In x xs -> Is_variable_in_eq x (EqApp xs ck f e r).

  Definition Is_variable_in (x: ident) (eqs: list equation) : Prop :=
    List.Exists (Is_variable_in_eq x) eqs.


  Lemma not_Is_variable_in_EqDef:
    forall x ck y e,
      ~ Is_variable_in_eq x (EqDef y ck e) -> x <> y.
    Hint Constructors Is_variable_in_eq.
    intros ** Hxy. subst x. auto.

  Lemma not_Is_variable_in_EqApp:
    forall x ys ck f e r,
      ~ Is_variable_in_eq x (EqApp ys ck f e r) -> ~ List.In x ys.
eauto using Is_variable_in_eq. Qed.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_eq_Is_defined_in_eq:
    forall x eq,
      Is_variable_in_eq x eq
      -> Is_defined_in_eq x eq.
    destruct eq; inversion_clear 1; auto using Is_defined_in_eq.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_Is_defined_in:
    forall x eqs,
      Is_variable_in x eqs
      -> Is_defined_in x eqs.
    induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now inversion 1|].
    inversion_clear 1 as [Hin ? Hivi|]; [|constructor 2; intuition].
    apply Is_variable_in_eq_Is_defined_in_eq in Hivi.
    now constructor.

  Lemma not_Is_defined_in_eq_not_Is_variable_in_eq:
    forall x eq, ~Is_defined_in_eq x eq -> ~Is_variable_in_eq x eq.
    Hint Constructors Is_defined_in_eq.
    intros x eq Hnidi.
    destruct eq; inversion 1; subst; intuition.

  Lemma not_Is_defined_in_not_Is_variable_in:
    forall x eqs, ~Is_defined_in x eqs -> ~Is_variable_in x eqs.
    Hint Constructors Is_defined_in_eq.
    induction eqs as [|eq].
    - intro H; contradict H; inversion H.
    - intros Hndef Hvar.
      inv Hvar;
      eapply Hndef.
      + constructor; now apply Is_variable_in_eq_Is_defined_in_eq.
      + constructor 2;
            now apply Exists_exists in H0 as (eq' & ? & ?);
                apply Exists_exists; exists eq'; split; auto;
                apply Is_variable_in_eq_Is_defined_in_eq.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_var_defined:
    forall x eqs,
      Is_variable_in x eqs
      <-> In x (vars_defined (filter (notb is_fby) eqs)).
    unfold notb.
    induction eqs as [|eq eqs].
    now apply Exists_nil.
    split; intro HH.
    - inversion_clear HH as [? ? Hdef|? ? Hdef].
      + inversion_clear Hdef; simpl; try apply in_app; auto.
      + apply IHeqs in Hdef. simpl;
        destruct eq; simpl; intuition.
    - destruct eq; simpl in *.
      + destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        * subst; repeat constructor.
        * apply IHeqs in HH. now constructor 2.
      + unfold vars_defined in HH;
        apply in_app in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        * subst; constructor; auto using Is_variable_in_eq.
        * apply IHeqs in HH. now constructor 2.
      + apply IHeqs in HH. now constructor 2.

  Lemma In_EqDef_Is_variable_in:
    forall x ck e eqs,
      In (EqDef x ck e) eqs ->
      Is_variable_in x eqs.
    induction eqs; inversion_clear 1; subst.
    now repeat constructor.
    constructor 2; intuition.

  Lemma In_EqApp_Is_variable_in:
    forall x xs ck f es eqs r,
      List.In x xs ->
      In (EqApp xs ck f es r) eqs ->
      Is_variable_in x eqs.
    induction eqs; inversion_clear 2.
    - now subst; repeat constructor.
    - constructor; eapply IHeqs; eauto.

  Lemma n_out_variable_in_eqs:
    forall n x,
      In x (map fst n.(n_out)) ->
      Is_variable_in x n.(n_eqs).
    apply Is_variable_in_var_defined.
    eapply not_In2_app; eauto using n.(n_vout).
    unfold vars_defined; simpl; setoid_rewrite flat_map_concat_map.
    rewrite <- concat_app, <-map_app, Permutation_app_comm, filter_notb_app.
    pose proof n.(n_defd) as HH.
    unfold vars_defined in HH; rewrite flat_map_concat_map in HH.
    rewrite HH, map_app.
    now intuition.

Decision procedure

  Fixpoint variable_eq (vars: PS.t) (eq: equation) {struct eq} : PS.t :=
    match eq with
    | EqDef x _ _ => PS.add x vars
    | EqApp xs _ _ _ _ => ps_adds xs vars
    | EqFby _ _ _ _ => vars

  Definition variables (eqs: list equation) : PS.t :=
    List.fold_left variable_eq eqs PS.empty.


  Lemma Subset_variable_eq:
    forall eq m1 m2,
      PS.Subset m1 m2 ->
      PS.Subset (variable_eq m1 eq) (variable_eq m2 eq).
    intros * Hsub.
    destruct eq; simpl; auto.
    - apply PSP.subset_add_3, PSP.subset_add_2; try apply PS.add_spec; auto.
    - now apply Subset_ps_adds.

  Lemma In_variable_eq:
    forall x eq m,
      PS.In x (variable_eq m eq) <-> PS.In x m \/ PS.In x (variable_eq PS.empty eq).
    destruct eq; simpl;
      try setoid_rewrite PS.add_spec; try setoid_rewrite ps_adds_spec; intuition.

  Lemma In_fold_left_variable_eq:
    forall x eqs m,
      PS.In x (List.fold_left variable_eq eqs m)
      <-> PS.In x (List.fold_left variable_eq eqs PS.empty) \/ PS.In x m.
    induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; simpl.
    now split; intro HH; auto; destruct HH as [HH|]; auto;
      apply not_In_empty in HH.
    setoid_rewrite IH; clear IH.
    setoid_rewrite In_variable_eq.
    split; intros [HH|HH]; auto; repeat (destruct HH as [HH|HH]; auto).
    now apply not_In_empty in HH.

  Ltac not_Is_variable x y :=
    match goal with
    | H: ~ Is_variable_in_eq x (EqDef y _ _) |- _ =>
      apply not_Is_variable_in_EqDef in H
    | H: ~ Is_variable_in_eq x (EqApp y _ _ _ _) |- _ =>
      apply not_Is_variable_in_EqApp in H

  Lemma Is_variable_in_eq_dec:
    forall x eq, {Is_variable_in_eq x eq}+{~Is_variable_in_eq x eq}.
    intros x eq.
    destruct eq as [y cae|ys f lae|y v0 lae].
    - destruct (ident_eq_dec x y); subst; auto.
      right. inversion 1; subst; auto.
    - destruct (in_dec ident_eq_dec x ys); auto.
      right. inversion 1; subst; auto.
    - right. inversion 1; subst; auto.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_cons:
    forall x eq eqs,
      Is_variable_in x (eq :: eqs) ->
      Is_variable_in_eq x eq
      \/ (~Is_variable_in_eq x eq /\ Is_variable_in x eqs).
    intros x eq eqs Hdef.
    apply List.Exists_cons in Hdef.
    destruct (Is_variable_in_eq_dec x eq); intuition.

  Lemma not_Is_variable_in_cons:
    forall x eq eqs,
      ~Is_variable_in x (eq :: eqs)
      <-> ~Is_variable_in_eq x eq /\ ~Is_variable_in x eqs.
    intros x eq eqs. split.
    intro H0; unfold Is_variable_in in H0; auto.
    destruct 1 as [H0 H1]; intro H; apply Is_variable_in_cons in H; intuition.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_variables:
    forall x eqs,
      PS.In x (variables eqs)
      <-> Is_variable_in x eqs.
    unfold variables, Is_variable_in.
    induction eqs as [ | eq ].
    - rewrite List.Exists_nil; split; intro H;
      try apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction.
    - simpl.
      rewrite In_fold_left_variable_eq.
      + rewrite List.Exists_cons.
        destruct 1. intuition.
        destruct eq;
          match goal with
          | |- context[ EqApp _ _ _ _ _ ] =>
            generalize ps_adds_spec; intro add_spec
          | _ =>
            generalize PS.add_spec; intro add_spec
          try (apply not_In_empty in H; intuition);
          (simpl in H; apply add_spec in H; destruct H;
           [ try rewrite H; left; constructor; auto
           | apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction ]).
      + intro H; apply List.Exists_cons in H; destruct H.
        destruct eq;
          match goal with
          | |- context[ EqApp _ _ _ _ _ ] =>
            generalize ps_adds_spec; intro add_spec
          | _ =>
            generalize PS.add_spec; intro add_spec
          end; try inversion H;
            (right; apply add_spec; intuition).
        left; apply IHeqs; apply H.

  Lemma Is_variable_in_dec:
    forall x eqs, {Is_variable_in x eqs}+{~Is_variable_in x eqs}.
    intros x eqs.
    apply Bool.reflect_dec with (b := PS.mem x (variables eqs)).
    apply Bool.iff_reflect.
    rewrite PS.mem_spec.
    apply Is_variable_in_variables.

  Lemma variable_eq_empty:
    forall x eq variables,
      PS.In x (variable_eq variables eq)
      <-> PS.In x (variable_eq PS.empty eq) \/ PS.In x variables.
    split; intro H.
    destruct eq;
      match goal with
      | |- context[ EqApp _ _ _ _ _ ] =>
        generalize ps_adds_spec; intro add_spec
      | _ =>
        generalize PS.add_spec; intro add_spec
      simpl in *;
        try (apply add_spec in H; destruct H; [try subst i|]);
        try (rewrite add_spec; auto).
    destruct eq eqn:Heq; simpl in *; destruct H;
      match goal with
      | _ : _ = EqApp _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
        generalize ps_adds_spec; intro add_spec
      | _ =>
        generalize PS.add_spec; intro add_spec
      try (apply add_spec in H; destruct H); try apply PS.empty_spec in H;
        try (rewrite ps_adds_spec; auto);


Module IsVariableFun
      (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (CESyn : CESYNTAX Op)
       (Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op CESyn)
       (Mem : MEMORIES Ids Op CESyn Syn)
       (IsD : ISDEFINED Ids Op CESyn Syn Mem)
       <: ISVARIABLE Ids Op CESyn Syn Mem IsD.
  Include ISVARIABLE Ids Op CESyn Syn Mem IsD.
End IsVariableFun.