Module NormFby

From Coq Require Import List Sorting.Permutation.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Omega.

From Velus Require Import Common Environment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax.
From Velus Require Lustre.Normalization.Fresh.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.Normalization.Unnesting.

Putting FBYs into normalized form

Module Type NORMFBY
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Import Unt : UNNESTING Ids Op OpAux Syn).

  Import Fresh Fresh.Notations Facts Tactics.
  Local Open Scope fresh_monad_scope.

Fresh ident generation keeping type annotations; also retaining if the var is an init var or not
  Definition FreshAnn A := Fresh A ((type * clock) * bool).

Add some whens on top of an expression
  Fixpoint add_whens (e : exp) (ty : type) (cl : clock) :=
    match cl with
    | Cbase => e
    | Con cl' clid b => Ewhen [(add_whens e ty cl')] clid b ([ty], (cl, None))

  Open Scope bool_scope.

Generate an init equation for a given clock `cl`; if the init equation for `cl` already exists, just return the variable
  Definition init_var_for_clock (cl : clock) : FreshAnn (ident * list equation) :=
    fun st => match (find (fun '(_, ((ty, cl'), isinit)) => isinit && (cl' ==b cl) && (ty ==b Op.bool_type)) (st_anns st)) with
           | Some (x, _) => ((x, []), st)
           | None => let (x, st') := fresh_ident norm2 ((bool_type, cl), true) st in
                    ((x, [([x], [Efby [add_whens (Econst true_const) bool_type cl]
                                      [add_whens (Econst false_const) bool_type cl]
                                      [(bool_type, (cl, None))]])]), st')

  Fixpoint is_constant (e : exp) : bool :=
    match e with
    | Econst _ => true
    | Ewhen [e] _ _ ([ty], _) => is_constant e
    | _ => false

Generate a if-then-else equation for (0 fby e), and return an expression using it
  Definition fby_iteexp (e0 : exp) (e : exp) (ann : ann) : FreshAnn (exp * list equation) :=
    let '(ty, (ck, name)) := ann in
    do (initid, eqs) <- init_var_for_clock ck;
    do px <- fresh_ident norm2 ((ty, ck), false);
    ret (Eite (Evar initid (bool_type, (ck, Some initid))) [e0]
              [Evar px (ty, (ck, Some px))] ([ty], (ck, name)),
         ([px], [Efby [add_whens (Econst (init_type ty)) ty ck] [e] [ann]])::eqs).

  Definition arrow_iteexp (e0 : exp) (e : exp) (ann : ann) : FreshAnn (exp * list equation) :=
    let '(ty, (ck, name)) := ann in
    do (initid, eqs) <- init_var_for_clock ck;
    ret (Eite (Evar initid (bool_type, (ck, Some initid))) [e0] [e]
              ([ty], (ck, name)), eqs).

  Definition fby_equation (to_cut : PS.t) (eq : equation) : FreshAnn (list equation) :=
    match eq with
    | ([x], [Efby [e0] [e] [ann]]) =>
      let '(ty, (ck, _)) := ann in
      if is_constant e0 then
        if PS.mem x to_cut then
          do x' <- fresh_ident norm2 ((ty, ck), false);
          ret [([x], [Evar x' ann]); ([x'], [Efby [e0] [e] [ann]])]
        else ret [eq]
        do (fby, eqs) <- fby_iteexp e0 e ann;
        ret (([x], [fby])::eqs)
    | ([x], [Earrow [e0] [e] [ann]]) =>
      do (ite, eqs) <- arrow_iteexp e0 e ann;
      ret (([x], [ite])::eqs)
    | _ => ret [eq]

  Definition fby_equations (to_cut : PS.t) (eqs : list equation) : FreshAnn (list equation) :=
    do eqs' <- map_bind (fby_equation to_cut) eqs;
    ret (concat eqs').

Some initial properties

  Local Ltac destruct_to_singl l :=
    destruct l; [|destruct l]; auto.

  Fact fby_equation_spec : forall to_cut xs es,
      (exists x e0 e ann,
          xs = [x] /\
          es = [Efby [e0] [e] [ann]] /\
          is_constant e0 = true /\
          fby_equation to_cut (xs, es) =
          (let '(ty, (ck, _)) := ann in
           if PS.mem x to_cut then
             do x' <- fresh_ident norm2 ((ty, ck), false);
             ret [([x], [Evar x' ann]); ([x'], es)]
           else ret [(xs, es)]))
      \/ (exists x e0 e ann ,
          xs = [x] /\
          es = [Efby [e0] [e] [ann]] /\
          is_constant e0 = false /\
          fby_equation to_cut (xs, es) =
          (do (fby, eqs) <- fby_iteexp e0 e ann;
           ret (([x], [fby])::eqs)))
      \/ (exists x e0 e ann,
            xs = [x] /\
            es = [Earrow [e0] [e] [ann]] /\
            fby_equation to_cut (xs, es) =
            (do (ite, eqs) <- arrow_iteexp e0 e ann;
             ret (([x], [ite])::eqs)))
      \/ fby_equation to_cut (xs, es) = (ret [(xs, es)]).
    intros *.
    destruct_to_singl xs. destruct_to_singl es.
    2: { repeat right; simpl. destruct e; auto.
         1,2:(destruct_to_singl l; destruct_to_singl l0; destruct_to_singl l1).
    destruct e; auto.
    1,2:destruct_to_singl l; destruct_to_singl l0; destruct_to_singl l1.

    (* left. 2:right;left. *)
    (* 1,2:repeat eexists; eauto. *)
    (* 1,2:destruct_to_singl l; destruct_to_singl l0; destruct_to_singl l1; simpl. *)
    (* 2,4:(repeat right; destruct o; auto; destruct e1; auto; *)
    (*      try destruct a as (?&?&?); try destruct a1 as (?&?&?); auto). *)
    - (* fby *)
      destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
      destruct (is_constant e) eqn:Hconst; simpl.
      + left. rewrite Hconst. repeat eexists; eauto.
      + right. left. rewrite Hconst. repeat eexists; eauto.
    - (* arrow *)
      destruct a as [ty [ck name]]. right. right. left.
      repeat eexists; eauto.

  Ltac inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq :=
    let Hspec := fresh "Hspec" in
    let Hconst := fresh "Hconst" in
    let Hr := fresh "Hr" in
    destruct eq as [xs es];
    specialize (fby_equation_spec to_cut xs es) as
    subst; rewrite Hspec in Hfby; clear Hspec; repeat inv_bind; auto.

Preservation of st_valid

  Definition st_valid_after {B} st aft := @st_valid_after B st norm2 aft.
  Hint Unfold st_valid_after.

  Fact init_var_for_clock_st_valid : forall cl res st st' aft,
      init_var_for_clock cl st = (res, st') ->
      st_valid_after st aft ->
      st_valid_after st' aft.
    intros * Hinit Hvalid.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    repeat inv_bind.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. assumption.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      eapply fresh_ident_st_valid in Hfresh; eauto.
  Hint Resolve init_var_for_clock_st_valid.

  Fact fby_iteexp_st_valid : forall e0 e a e' eqs' st st' aft,
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      st_valid_after st aft ->
      st_valid_after st' aft.
Proof with
    intros e0 e [ty [ck name]] e' eqs' st st' aft Hfby Hvalid.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    destruct (is_constant e0); repeat inv_bind;
      eapply fresh_ident_st_valid, init_var_for_clock_st_valid; eauto.
  Hint Resolve fby_iteexp_st_valid.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_st_valid : forall e0 e a e' eqs' st st' aft,
      arrow_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      st_valid_after st aft ->
      st_valid_after st' aft.
Proof with
    intros e0 e [ty [ck name]] e' eqs' st st' aft Hfby Hvalid.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind...
  Hint Resolve arrow_iteexp_st_valid.

  Fact fby_equation_st_valid : forall to_cut eq eqs' st st' aft,
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      st_valid_after st aft ->
      st_valid_after st' aft.
    intros * Hfby Hvalid.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?).
      destruct (PS.mem _ _); repeat inv_bind; auto.
      eapply fresh_ident_st_valid; eauto.
    - eapply fby_iteexp_st_valid; eauto.
    - eapply arrow_iteexp_st_valid; eauto.

  Fact fby_equations_st_valid : forall to_cut eqs eqs' st st' aft,
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      st_valid_after st aft ->
      st_valid_after st' aft.
    intros * Hfby Hst.
    unfold fby_equations in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind_st_valid in Hst; eauto.
    solve_forall. eapply fby_equation_st_valid; eauto.

Preservation of st_follows

  Fact init_var_for_clock_st_follows : forall cl res st st',
      init_var_for_clock cl st = (res, st') ->
      st_follows st st'.
    intros cl res st st' Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    repeat inv_bind.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. reflexivity.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      apply fresh_ident_st_follows in Hfresh. auto.
  Hint Resolve init_var_for_clock_st_follows.

  Fact fby_iteexp_st_follows : forall e0 e ann res st st',
      fby_iteexp e0 e ann st = (res, st') ->
      st_follows st st'.
    intros e0 e [ty [ck name]] res st st' Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    etransitivity; eauto.
  Hint Resolve fby_iteexp_st_follows.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_st_follows : forall e0 e ann res st st',
      arrow_iteexp e0 e ann st = (res, st') ->
      st_follows st st'.
    intros e0 e [ty [ck name]] res st st' Hfby.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; eauto.
  Hint Resolve arrow_iteexp_st_follows.

  Fact fby_equation_st_follows : forall to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      st_follows st st'.
    intros * Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq; eauto.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?).
      destruct PS.mem; repeat inv_bind; eauto.
    - reflexivity.
  Hint Resolve fby_equation_st_follows.

  Fact fby_equations_st_follows : forall to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      st_follows st st'.
    intros * Hfby. unfold fby_equations in *; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply map_bind_st_follows; eauto.

The variables generated are a permutation of the ones contained in the state

  Fact init_var_for_clock_vars_perm : forall cl id eqs st st',
      init_var_for_clock cl st = ((id, eqs), st') ->
      Permutation ((vars_defined eqs)++(st_ids st)) (st_ids st').
    intros cl id eqs st st' Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit. repeat inv_bind.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. reflexivity.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      apply fresh_ident_vars_perm in Hfresh.
      simpl. assumption.

  Fact fby_iteexp_vars_perm : forall e0 e ann e' eqs' st st',
      fby_iteexp e0 e ann st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Permutation ((vars_defined eqs')++(st_ids st)) (st_ids st').
    intros ? ? [ty [ck name]] ? ? ? ? Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_vars_perm in H; eauto.
    eapply fresh_ident_vars_perm in H0.
    rewrite <- H0. apply perm_skip; auto.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_vars_perm : forall e0 e ann e' eqs' st st',
      arrow_iteexp e0 e ann st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Permutation ((vars_defined eqs')++(st_ids st)) (st_ids st').
    intros ? ? [ty [ck name]] ? ? ? ? Hfby.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby. repeat inv_bind.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_vars_perm in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equation_vars_perm : forall to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Permutation ((vars_defined eqs')++(st_ids st)) ((vars_defined [eq])++(st_ids st')).
    intros * Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?).
      destruct PS.mem; repeat inv_bind; eauto.
      eapply perm_skip, fresh_ident_vars_perm; eauto.
    - eapply perm_skip. eapply fby_iteexp_vars_perm in H; eauto.
    - eapply perm_skip. eapply arrow_iteexp_vars_perm in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equations_vars_perm : forall to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Permutation ((vars_defined eqs')++(st_ids st)) ((vars_defined eqs)++(st_ids st')).
    induction eqs; intros * Hnorm; unfold fby_equations in Hnorm; repeat inv_bind.
    - reflexivity.
    - assert (fby_equations to_cut eqs x1 = (concat x2, st')) as Hnorm'.
      { unfold fby_equations. repeat inv_bind. repeat eexists; eauto.
        inv_bind; eauto. } eapply IHeqs in Hnorm'; eauto.
      eapply fby_equation_vars_perm in H; eauto; simpl in *.
      repeat simpl_list.
      rewrite Permutation_swap, H, Permutation_swap.
      apply Permutation_app_head. assumption.

Preservation of annotations

  Fact fby_iteexp_annot : forall e0 e ann es' eqs' st st',
      fby_iteexp e0 e ann st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      annot es' = [ann].
    intros e0 e [ty [cl n]] es' eqs' st st' Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; reflexivity.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_annot : forall e0 e ann es' eqs' st st',
      arrow_iteexp e0 e ann st = (es', eqs', st') ->
      annot es' = [ann].
    intros e0 e [ty [cl n]] es' eqs' st st' Hfby.
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; reflexivity.

Additional props

  Fact init_var_for_clock_In : forall cl id eqs' st st',
      init_var_for_clock cl st = (id, eqs', st') ->
      In (id, (Op.bool_type, cl, true)) (st_anns st').
    intros cl id eqs' st st' Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    destruct (find _ _) eqn:Hfind.
    - destruct p; inv Hinit.
      eapply find_some in Hfind. destruct Hfind as [Hin H].
      destruct p as [[? ?] ?].
      repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in H. destruct H as [[Hb Hcl] Hty].
      rewrite OpAux.type_eqb_eq in Hty. rewrite Clocks.clock_eqb_eq in Hcl. subst. eauto.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      eapply fresh_ident_In in Hfresh; eauto.

Specification of a normalized node

  Inductive normalized_constant : exp -> Prop :=
  | constant_Econst : forall c,
      normalized_constant (Econst c)
  | constant_Ewhen : forall e x b ty cl,
      normalized_constant e ->
      normalized_constant (Ewhen [e] x b ([ty], cl)).

  Inductive normalized_equation G : PS.t -> equation -> Prop :=
  | normalized_eq_Eapp : forall out xs f n es lann,
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      find_node f G = Some n ->
      Forall2 noops_exp (map (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => ck) n.(n_in)) es ->
      normalized_equation G out (xs, [Eapp f es None lann])
  | normalized_eq_Eapp_reset : forall out xs f n es x ty cl lann,
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      find_node f G = Some n ->
      Forall2 noops_exp (map (fun '(_, (_, ck)) => ck) n.(n_in)) es ->
      normalized_equation G out (xs, [Eapp f es (Some (Evar x (ty, cl))) lann])
  | normalized_eq_Efby : forall out x e0 e ann,
      ~PS.In x out ->
      normalized_constant e0 ->
      normalized_lexp e ->
      normalized_equation G out ([x], [Efby [e0] [e] [ann]])
  | normalized_eq_cexp : forall out x e,
      normalized_cexp e ->
      normalized_equation G out ([x], [e]).

  Definition normalized_node G (n : node) :=
    Forall (normalized_equation G (ps_from_list ( fst (n_out n)))) (n_eqs n).

  Definition normalized_global (G : global) := ForallTail (fun n G => normalized_node G n) G.

  Hint Constructors normalized_constant normalized_equation.

normalized_node implies unnested_node

  Fact constant_normalized_lexp : forall e,
      normalized_constant e ->
      normalized_lexp e.
    intros e Hconst.
    induction Hconst; auto.

  Fact normalized_eq_unnested_eq : forall G to_cut eq,
      normalized_equation G to_cut eq ->
      unnested_equation G eq.
    intros * Hnormed. inv Hnormed; eauto using constant_normalized_lexp.

  Fact normalized_node_unnested_node: forall G n,
      normalized_node G n ->
      unnested_node G n.
    intros * Hnormed.
    unfold normalized_node, unnested_node in *.
    eapply normalized_eq_unnested_eq; eauto.

  Fact normalized_global_unnested_global : forall G,
      normalized_global G ->
      unnested_global G.
    intros * Hnormed.
    induction Hnormed; constructor; auto.
    apply normalized_node_unnested_node; auto.

Preservation of wl property

  Fact add_whens_numstreams : forall ty ck e,
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      numstreams (add_whens e ty ck) = 1.
    induction ck; intros *; simpl; auto.

  Fact add_whens_wl : forall G ty ck e,
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      wl_exp G e ->
      wl_exp G (add_whens e ty ck).
    induction ck; intros * Hlen Hwl; simpl; auto.
    constructor; simpl; auto.
    rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams.
    apply add_whens_numstreams; auto.

  Hint Constructors wl_exp.

  Fact init_var_for_clock_wl : forall G ck id eqs' st st',
      init_var_for_clock ck st = (id, eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wl_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p; inv Hinit; auto.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _). inv Hinit.
      repeat constructor; simpl.
      1,2:apply add_whens_wl; auto.
      1,2:rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams; apply add_whens_numstreams; auto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_numstreams : forall e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      numstreams e' = 1.
    intros * Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_wl_exp : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e0 ->
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e0 = 1 ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      wl_exp G e'.
    intros * Hwl1 Hwl2 Hn1 Hn2 Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind.
    constructor; auto; simpl.
    rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams; auto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_wl_eq : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e0 ->
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e0 = 1 ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wl_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hwl1 Hwl2 Hn1 Hn2 Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; auto.
    repeat constructor; simpl; auto.
    - apply add_whens_wl; auto.
    - rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams. apply add_whens_numstreams; auto.
    - rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams; auto.
    - eapply init_var_for_clock_wl; eauto.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_numstreams : forall e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      arrow_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      numstreams e' = 1.
    intros * Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind. reflexivity.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_wl_exp : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e0 ->
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e0 = 1 ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      arrow_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      wl_exp G e'.
    intros * Hwl1 Hwl2 Hn1 Hn2 Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    repeat constructor; auto; simpl.
    1,2:rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams; auto.

  Fact arrow_iteexp_wl_eq : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      wl_exp G e0 ->
      wl_exp G e ->
      numstreams e0 = 1 ->
      numstreams e = 1 ->
      arrow_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wl_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hwl1 Hwl2 Hn1 Hn2 Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold arrow_iteexp in Hfby; repeat inv_bind.
    eapply init_var_for_clock_wl in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equation_wl : forall G to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      wl_equation G eq ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (wl_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hwl Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?).
      destruct PS.mem; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      destruct Hwl as [Hwl _]; inv Hwl; auto.
      repeat (constructor; eauto).
    - destruct Hwl as [Hwl _]. apply Forall_singl in Hwl.
      inv Hwl.
      apply Forall_singl in H3. apply Forall_singl in H5.
      simpl in *. rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams in *.
      repeat constructor; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r.
      + eapply fby_iteexp_wl_exp in H; eauto.
      + eapply fby_iteexp_annot in H; eauto.
        rewrite H; auto.
      + eapply fby_iteexp_wl_eq in H; eauto.
    - destruct Hwl as [Hwl _]. apply Forall_singl in Hwl.
      inv Hwl.
      apply Forall_singl in H3. apply Forall_singl in H5.
      simpl in *. rewrite app_nil_r, length_annot_numstreams in *.
      repeat constructor; simpl; try rewrite app_nil_r.
      + eapply arrow_iteexp_wl_exp in H; eauto.
      + eapply arrow_iteexp_annot in H; eauto.
        rewrite H; auto.
      + eapply arrow_iteexp_wl_eq in H; eauto.

After normalization, equations and expressions are normalized

  Fact add_whens_is_constant : forall ty cl e,
      normalized_constant e ->
      normalized_constant (add_whens e ty cl).
    induction cl; intros e Hcons; simpl.
    - assumption.
    - constructor. eauto.

  Fact add_whens_normalized_lexp : forall ty cl e,
      normalized_lexp e ->
      normalized_lexp (add_whens e ty cl).
    induction cl; intros e Hadd; simpl in Hadd.
    - assumption.
    - constructor. eauto.

  Fact is_constant_normalized_constant : forall e,
      is_constant e = true <->
      normalized_constant e.
Proof with
    intros e. split; intros Hconst.
    - induction e using exp_ind2; simpl in Hconst; try congruence.
      + constructor.
      + repeat (destruct es; try congruence).
        inv H; inv H3.
        destruct a.
        repeat (destruct l; try congruence).
    - induction Hconst...

  Fact init_var_for_clock_unnested_eq : forall G ck id eqs' st st',
      init_var_for_clock ck st = (id, eqs', st') ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. constructor.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      repeat constructor.
      1,2:eapply add_whens_normalized_lexp; eauto.

  Fact init_var_for_clock_normalized_eq : forall G cl id eqs' out st st',
      st_valid_after st out ->
      init_var_for_clock cl st = (id, eqs', st') ->
      Forall (normalized_equation G out) eqs'.
    intros * Hvalid Hinit.
    unfold init_var_for_clock in Hinit.
    destruct (find _ _).
    - destruct p. inv Hinit. constructor.
    - destruct (fresh_ident _ _) eqn:Hfresh. inv Hinit.
      repeat constructor.
      + eapply fresh_ident_nIn' in Hfresh; eauto.
      + apply add_whens_is_constant. auto.
      + apply add_whens_normalized_lexp. auto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_unnested_eq : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' st st',
      normalized_lexp e0 ->
      normalized_lexp e ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hnormed1 Hnormed2 Hfby. destruct a as [ty [ck name]].
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; auto.
    repeat constructor; auto.
    - apply add_whens_normalized_lexp; auto.
    - eapply init_var_for_clock_unnested_eq in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_iteexp_normalized_eq : forall G e0 e a e' eqs' out st st',
      st_valid_after st out ->
      normalized_lexp e ->
      fby_iteexp e0 e a st = (e', eqs', st') ->
      Forall (normalized_equation G out) eqs'.
    intros G e0 e [ty [ck name]] e' eqs' out st st' Hvalid He Hfby.
    unfold fby_iteexp in Hfby.
    repeat inv_bind; constructor.
    - assert (st_valid_after x1 out) as Hvalid' by eauto.
      constructor; auto.
      + eapply fresh_ident_nIn' in H0; eauto.
      + eapply add_whens_is_constant; eauto.
    - eapply init_var_for_clock_normalized_eq in H; eauto.

  Fact fby_equation_unnested_eq : forall G to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      unnested_equation G eq ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs'.
    intros * Hunt Hfby.
    inv_fby_equation Hfby to_cut eq.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?).
      destruct PS.mem; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      constructor; constructor; auto.
      inv Hunt; constructor; auto. 1,2:inv H1; inv H0.
    - inv Hunt. 2:inv H1; inv H0.
      assert (H':=H). eapply fby_iteexp_unnested_eq in H'; auto.
      constructor; eauto.
      destruct x2 as (?&?&?). repeat inv_bind.
      repeat constructor; eauto.
    - destruct x2 as (?&?&?). repeat inv_bind.
      repeat constructor; auto.
      3:eapply init_var_for_clock_unnested_eq in H; eauto.
      1-2:(clear - Hunt; inv Hunt; auto; inv H0; inv H).

  Fact fby_equation_normalized_eq : forall G out to_cut eq eqs' st st',
      st_valid_after st out ->
      unnested_equation G eq ->
      PS.Subset out to_cut ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (normalized_equation G out) eqs'.
    intros * Hvalid Hunt Hsub Hfby.
    inv Hunt; simpl in *; repeat inv_bind; eauto.
    1,2:destruct_to_singl xs; repeat inv_bind; eauto.
    (* fby *)
    - destruct ann0 as (?&?&?); destruct (is_constant e0) eqn:Hconst;
        [apply is_constant_normalized_constant in Hconst;
         destruct PS.mem eqn:Hmem; [|apply PSE.mem_4 in Hmem]|]; repeat inv_bind.
      1-3:repeat constructor; auto.
      3:apply add_whens_is_constant; auto.
      3:eapply init_var_for_clock_normalized_eq; eauto.
      eapply fresh_ident_nIn'; eauto.
      eapply fresh_ident_nIn' in H2; eauto.
      eapply init_var_for_clock_st_valid; eauto.
    - (* arrow *)
      destruct ann0 as (?&?&?); repeat inv_bind.
      repeat constructor; auto.
      eapply init_var_for_clock_normalized_eq; eauto.
    - inv H; repeat inv_bind; auto.
      inv H0; repeat inv_bind; auto.

  Fact fby_equations_normalized_eq : forall G out to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      st_valid_after st out ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs ->
      PS.Subset out to_cut ->
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      Forall (normalized_equation G out) eqs'.
    induction eqs; intros * Hvalid Hunt Hsub Hfby;
      unfold fby_equations in Hfby; repeat inv_bind; simpl; auto.
    inv Hunt.
    eapply Forall_app; split.
    - eapply fby_equation_normalized_eq in H; eauto.
    - eapply IHeqs with (st:=x1) (st':=st'); eauto. 1:eapply fby_equation_st_valid; eauto.
      unfold fby_equations; repeat inv_bind.
      repeat eexists; eauto. inv_bind; eauto.

No anonymous names in a normalized node

  Fact is_constant_no_fresh : forall e,
      normalized_constant e ->
      fresh_in e = [].
Proof with
    intros e Hconst.
    induction Hconst; simpl...
    rewrite IHHconst...

  Lemma fby_equations_no_anon : forall G out to_cut eqs eqs' st st',
      st_valid_after st out ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs ->
      PS.Subset out to_cut ->
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs', st') ->
      anon_in_eqs eqs' = [].
    intros * Hweak Hunt Hsub Hfby.
    eapply fby_equations_normalized_eq in Hfby; eauto.
    eapply unnested_equations_no_anon.
    solve_forall. eapply normalized_eq_unnested_eq; eauto.

Normalization of a full node

  Definition norm1_prefs := PS.add norm1 elab_prefs.

  Lemma norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs :
    ~PS.In norm2 norm1_prefs.
    unfold norm1_prefs, elab_prefs.
    rewrite PSF.add_iff, PSF.singleton_iff.
    intro contra.
    pose proof gensym_prefs_NoDup as Hnd. unfold gensym_prefs in Hnd.
    repeat rewrite NoDup_cons_iff in Hnd. destruct Hnd as (Hnin1&Hnin2&_).
    destruct contra as [contra|contra].
    1,2:rewrite contra in *.
    + apply Hnin2; left; auto.
    + apply Hnin1; right; left; auto.

  Program Definition normfby_node G (to_cut : PS.t) (n : node)
          (Hunt : unnested_node G n)
          (Hpref : n_prefixes n = norm1_prefs) : node :=
    let eqs := fby_equations (PS.union to_cut (ps_from_list (map fst (n_out n)))) (n_eqs n) init_st in
    let nvars := idty (st_anns (snd eqs)) in
    {| n_name := n_name n;
       n_hasstate := n_hasstate n;
       n_in := n_in n;
       n_out := n_out n;
       n_vars := (n_vars n)++nvars;
       n_prefixes := PS.add norm2 (n_prefixes n);
       n_eqs := fst eqs;
       n_ingt0 := n_ingt0 n;
       n_outgt0 := n_outgt0 n;
Next Obligation.
    remember (fby_equations _ _ _) as eqs. destruct eqs as [eqs st']. symmetry in Heqeqs.
    specialize (n_defd n) as Hperm.
    apply fby_equations_vars_perm in Heqeqs; simpl.
    rewrite Permutation_app_comm, app_assoc, map_app, (Permutation_app_comm (n_out n)), <- Hperm, map_fst_idty.
    rewrite <- Heqeqs. unfold st_ids. rewrite init_st_anns, app_nil_r; auto.
Next Obligation.
    destruct (fby_equations _ _ _) as (eqs, st') eqn:Heqeqs.
    pose proof (node_NoDup n) as Hndup.
    pose proof (n_good n) as (Good&_). rewrite Hpref in Good.
    simpl. erewrite fby_equations_no_anon, app_nil_r. 2,3,5:eauto.
    3:rewrite ps_from_list_ps_of_list; eapply PSP.union_subset_2.
    - eapply fby_equations_st_valid, st_valid_NoDup in Heqeqs; eauto.
      2:{ eapply init_st_valid.
          - eapply norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs.
          - rewrite PS_For_all_Forall.
            eapply Forall_incl; eauto.
            intros ? Hin.
            rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list in Hin.
            eapply incl_map; eauto.
            apply incl_appr', incl_appr', incl_appl, incl_refl. }
      rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list_Perm in Heqeqs; auto.
      rewrite <- app_assoc, fst_NoDupMembers. repeat rewrite map_app in *.
      unfold st_ids in Heqeqs. rewrite map_fst_idty, (app_assoc (map _ (n_vars _))), (Permutation_app_comm (map _ (n_vars _))),
                               <- app_assoc, app_assoc, (Permutation_app_comm (map _ (n_in _))), <- app_assoc; auto.
    - eapply init_st_valid.
      + apply norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs.
      + rewrite PS_For_all_Forall.
        eapply Forall_incl; eauto.
        intros ? Hin.
        rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list in Hin. repeat simpl_In.
        exists (i, (t, c)); split; auto. repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *; auto.
Next Obligation.
    specialize (n_good n) as (Hgood&Hname). split; auto.
    repeat rewrite map_app, Forall_app in Hgood. destruct Hgood as (?&?&?&?).
    destruct (fby_equations _ _ _) as (eqs, st') eqn:Heqeqs.
    pose proof (node_NoDup n) as Hndup.
    pose proof (n_good n) as (Good&_). rewrite Hpref in Good.
    assert (st_valid_after st' (PSP.of_list (map fst (n_in n ++ n_vars n ++ n_out n)))) as Hvalid.
    { eapply fby_equations_st_valid, init_st_valid; eauto.
      - eapply norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs.
      - rewrite PS_For_all_Forall.
        eapply Forall_incl; eauto.
        intros ? Hin.
        rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list in Hin.
        eapply incl_map; eauto.
        apply incl_appr', incl_appr', incl_appl, incl_refl. }
    erewrite fby_equations_no_anon. 3,5:eauto. 3:rewrite ps_from_list_ps_of_list; eapply PSP.union_subset_2.
    2:{ eapply init_st_valid.
        - apply norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs.
        - rewrite PS_For_all_Forall.
          eapply Forall_incl; eauto.
          intros ? Hin.
          rewrite ps_of_list_ps_to_list in Hin. repeat simpl_In.
          exists (i, (t, c)); split; auto. repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *; auto. }
    simpl. rewrite app_nil_r.
    repeat rewrite map_app, Forall_app in *. destruct Good as (?&?&?&_).
    repeat split; auto using AtomOrGensym_add.
    eapply st_valid_prefixed in Hvalid.
    rewrite Hpref, map_fst_idty. auto.
    eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]. intros ? (?&?); subst.
    right. exists norm2. eauto using PSF.add_1.

  Fixpoint normfby_global (G : global) :
    unnested_global G ->
    Forall (fun n => n_prefixes n = norm1_prefs) G ->
    destruct G as [|hd tl]; intros Hunt Hprefs.
    - exact [].
    - refine ((normfby_node tl PS.empty hd _ _)::(normfby_global tl _ _)).
      + inv Hunt; auto.
      + inv Hprefs; auto.
      + inv Hunt; auto.
      + inv Hprefs; auto.

normfby_global produces an equivalent global

  Fact normfby_global_eq : forall G Hunt Hprefs,
      global_iface_eq G (normfby_global G Hunt Hprefs).
    induction G; intros *.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl. apply global_iface_eq_cons; auto.

  Fact normfby_global_names : forall a G Hunt Hprefs,
      Forall (fun n => (n_name a <> n_name n)%type) G ->
      Forall (fun n => (n_name a <> n_name n)%type) (normfby_global G Hunt Hprefs).
    induction G; intros * Hnames; simpl.
    - constructor.
    - inv Hnames.
      constructor; eauto.

After normalization, a global is normalized

  Lemma iface_eq_normalized_equation : forall G G' to_cut eq,
      global_iface_eq G G' ->
      normalized_equation G to_cut eq ->
      normalized_equation G' to_cut eq.
    intros * Heq Hunt.
    inv Hunt; try constructor; eauto.
    - specialize (Heq f).
      rewrite H0 in Heq. inv Heq. destruct H4 as (_&_&?&_).
      econstructor; eauto. congruence.
    - specialize (Heq f).
      rewrite H0 in Heq. inv Heq. destruct H4 as (_&_&?&_).
      econstructor; eauto. congruence.

  Corollary iface_eq_normalized_node : forall G G' n,
      global_iface_eq G G' ->
      normalized_node G n ->
      normalized_node G' n.
    intros * Hglob Hunt.
    unfold normalized_node in *.
    eapply Forall_impl; [|eauto]. intros.
    eapply iface_eq_normalized_equation; eauto.

  Fact normfby_node_normalized_node : forall G n to_cut Hunt Hpref,
      normalized_node G (normfby_node G to_cut n Hunt Hpref).
    intros *.
    unfold normfby_node, normalized_node; simpl.
    pose proof (n_good n) as (Good&_). rewrite Hpref in Good.
    remember (fby_equations _ _ _) as eqs. symmetry in Heqeqs. destruct eqs as [eqs st'].
    eapply fby_equations_normalized_eq in Heqeqs; eauto.
    2:rewrite ps_from_list_ps_of_list; eapply PSP.union_subset_2.
    { eapply init_st_valid.
      - apply norm2_not_in_norm1_prefs.
      - rewrite PS_For_all_Forall.
        eapply Forall_incl; eauto.
        intros ? Hin.
        rewrite ps_from_list_ps_of_list, ps_of_list_ps_to_list in Hin. repeat simpl_In.
        exists (i, (t, c)); split; auto. repeat rewrite in_app_iff in *; auto. }

  Fact normfby_global_normalized_global : forall G Hunt Hprefs,
      normalized_global (normfby_global G Hunt Hprefs).
    induction G; intros; constructor.
    - eapply iface_eq_normalized_node. eapply normfby_global_eq.
      eapply normfby_node_normalized_node.
    - eapply IHG.

normfby_global produces a global with the correct prefixes

  Lemma normfby_global_prefixes : forall G G' Hunt Hprefs,
      normfby_global G Hunt Hprefs = G' ->
      Forall (fun n => n_prefixes n = PS.add norm2 norm1_prefs) G'.
    induction G; intros * Hnorm; simpl in *; inv Hnorm; constructor; simpl; eauto.
    inv Hprefs. congruence.

Module NormFbyFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Unt : UNNESTING Ids Op OpAux Syn)
       <: NORMFBY Ids Op OpAux Syn Unt.
  Include NORMFBY Ids Op OpAux Syn Unt.
End NormFbyFun.