Module Idempotence

From Coq Require Import List Sorting.Permutation.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax Lustre.LCausality.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.Normalization.Fresh Lustre.Normalization.Normalization.

Idempotence of the normalization

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Cau : LCAUSALITY Ids Op Syn)
       (Import Norm : NORMALIZATION Ids Op OpAux Syn Cau).

  Import Fresh Facts Tactics.

Idempotence of untupling

  Fact normalized_lexp_normalize_idem : forall G e is_control st,
      normalized_lexp e ->
      unnest_exp G is_control e st = ([e], [], st).
Proof with
    intros * Hnormed; revert is_control.
    induction Hnormed; intro is_control; repeat inv_bind...
    - (* unop *)
      repeat eexists...
    - (* binop *)
      repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
    - (* when *)
      exists [e]. exists []. exists st.
      repeat split; inv_bind...
      exists [[e]]. exists [[]]. exists st.
      repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
      repeat eexists...
      repeat eexists; inv_bind...

  Corollary normalized_lexps_normalize_idem' : forall G es is_control st,
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      (exists eqs, map_bind2 (unnest_exp G is_control) es st = ( (fun e => [e]) es, eqs, st) /\ (concat eqs = [])).
Proof with
    induction es; intros * Hf;
      inv Hf; repeat inv_bind...
    eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H1...
    eapply (IHes is_control st) in H2; clear IHes.
    destruct H2 as [eqs [H2 Heqs]].
    exists ([]::eqs).
    repeat eexists... inv_bind.
    repeat eexists... inv_bind.
    repeat eexists... inv_bind.
    repeat f_equal.

  Corollary normalized_lexps_normalize_idem : forall G es st,
      Forall normalized_lexp es ->
      unnest_exps G es st = (es, [], st).
Proof with
    eapply normalized_lexps_normalize_idem' in H. destruct H as [eqs [H Heqs]].
    unfold unnest_exps; inv_bind.
    repeat eexists...
    inv_bind. rewrite concat_map_singl1. congruence.

  Fact normalized_cexp_normalize_idem : forall G e st,
      normalized_cexp e ->
      unnest_exp G true e st = ([e], [], st).
Proof with
    intros * Hnormed.
    induction Hnormed; repeat inv_bind...
    - (* merge *)
      exists [et]. exists []. exists st.
      repeat split; inv_bind...
      + exists [[et]]. exists [[]]. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        repeat eexists...
        repeat eexists; inv_bind...
      + exists [ef]. exists []. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        exists [[ef]]. exists [[]]. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        repeat eexists...
        repeat eexists; inv_bind...
    - (* ite *)
      eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H. repeat eexists...
      repeat inv_bind.
      exists [et]. exists []. exists st.
      repeat split; inv_bind...
      + exists [[et]]. exists [[]]. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        repeat eexists...
        repeat eexists; inv_bind...
      + exists [ef]. exists []. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        exists [[ef]]. exists [[]]. exists st.
        repeat split; simpl; inv_bind...
        repeat eexists...
        repeat eexists; inv_bind...
    - (* lexp *) eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem...

  Lemma unnest_noops_exps_idem : forall cks es st,
      Forall2 noops_exp cks es ->
      unnest_noops_exps cks es st = (es, [], st).
Proof with
    intros * Hf.
    unfold unnest_noops_exps.
    induction Hf; repeat inv_bind.
    - repeat eexists... inv_bind; eauto.
    - repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      2:inv_bind; repeat eexists; try inv_bind...
      + unfold unnest_noops_exp.
        rewrite <- is_noops_exp_spec in H; rewrite H.
        destruct hd as (?&?&?). inv_bind; eauto.
      + inv_bind; eauto.

  Fact unnested_rhs_normalize_idem : forall G e st,
      unnested_rhs G e ->
      unnest_rhs G e st = ([e], [], st).
Proof with
    intros * Hnormed.
    destruct e; inv Hnormed; unfold unnest_rhs;
      try (solve [eapply normalized_cexp_normalize_idem; eauto]);
      try (solve [inv H; inv H0]).
    - (* fby *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      exists [e0]. exists []. exists st.
      split; unfold unnest_exps; inv_bind.
      + exists [[e0]]. exists [[]]. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
        exists [e0]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl.
        eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H1...
        exists []. exists []. exists st.
        repeat split; inv_bind...
      + exists [e]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
        * exists [[e]]. exists [[]]. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
          exists [e]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl.
          eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H3...
          inv_bind; repeat eexists...
    - (* arrow *)
      repeat inv_bind.
      exists [e0]. exists []. exists st.
      split; unfold unnest_exps; inv_bind.
      + exists [[e0]]. exists [[]]. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
        exists [e0]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl.
        eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H1...
        exists []. exists []. exists st.
        split; inv_bind...
      + exists [e]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
        * exists [[e]]. exists [[]]. exists st. split; simpl; inv_bind...
          exists [e]. exists []. exists st. split; simpl.
          eapply normalized_lexp_normalize_idem in H3...
          inv_bind; repeat eexists...
    - (* app *)
      eapply normalized_lexps_normalize_idem in H2.
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      unfold find_node_incks; rewrite H4.
      eapply unnest_noops_exps_idem...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
    - (* app (reset) *)
      eapply normalized_lexps_normalize_idem in H2.
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      unfold find_node_incks; rewrite H4.
      eapply unnest_noops_exps_idem...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists... inv_bind...

  Corollary unnested_rhss_normalize_idem' : forall G es st,
      Forall (unnested_rhs G) es ->
      (exists eqs, map_bind2 (unnest_rhs G) es st = ( (fun e => [e]) es, eqs, st) /\ (concat eqs = [])).
Proof with
    induction es; intros st Hf;
      inv Hf; repeat inv_bind...
    eapply unnested_rhs_normalize_idem in H1...
    eapply (IHes st) in H2; clear IHes.
    destruct H2 as [eqs [H2 Heqs]].
    exists ([]::eqs).
    repeat (repeat eexists; eauto; inv_bind).

  Corollary unnested_rhss_normalize_idem : forall G es st,
      Forall (unnested_rhs G) es ->
      unnest_rhss G es st = (es, [], st).
Proof with
    eapply unnested_rhss_normalize_idem' in H. destruct H as [eqs [H Heqs]].
    unfold unnest_rhss; inv_bind.
    repeat eexists...
    inv_bind. rewrite concat_map_singl1. congruence.

  Fact unnested_equation_unnest_idem : forall G eq st,
      wl_equation G eq ->
      unnested_equation G eq ->
      unnest_equation G eq st = ([eq], st).
Proof with
    intros G [xs es] st Hwl Hnormed. inv Hwl.
    specialize (unnested_equation_unnested_rhs _ _ _ Hnormed) as Hnormed2.
    apply unnested_rhss_normalize_idem with (st:=st) in Hnormed2.
    inv Hnormed; repeat inv_bind;
      repeat eexists; eauto;
        inv_bind; try rewrite app_nil_r in *;
          simpl in *; repeat f_equal.
    - apply firstn_all2. rewrite H0. apply le_refl.
    - apply firstn_all2. rewrite H0. apply le_refl.
    - rewrite length_annot_numstreams in H0.
      apply firstn_all2. simpl. rewrite H0. apply le_refl.

  Corollary unnested_equations_unnest_idem : forall G eqs st,
      Forall (wl_equation G) eqs ->
      Forall (unnested_equation G) eqs ->
      unnest_equations G eqs st = (eqs, st).
Proof with
    induction eqs; intros * Hwl Hnormed; inv Hwl; inv Hnormed;
      unfold unnest_equations; repeat inv_bind...
    - exists []. exists st. repeat split; inv_bind; auto.
    - eapply unnested_equation_unnest_idem in H3...
      eapply IHeqs with (st:=st) in H2... unfold unnest_equations in H2; repeat inv_bind.
      exists ([a]::x). exists st. inv_bind.
      split; auto.
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...
      inv_bind. repeat eexists...

  Definition transport1 {n1 n2 : node} (Hin : n_in n1 = n_in n2) : 0 < length (n_in n1) -> 0 < length (n_in n2).
intros. induction Hin. auto. Defined.

  Definition transport2 {n1 n2 : node} (Hout : n_out n1 = n_out n2) : 0 < length (n_out n1) -> 0 < length (n_out n2).
intros. induction Hout. auto. Defined.

  Definition transport3 {n1 n2 : node}
             (Heqs : n_eqs n1 = n_eqs n2)
             (Hvars : n_vars n1 = n_vars n2)
             (Hout : n_out n1 = n_out n2) :
    Permutation (vars_defined (n_eqs n1)) (map fst ((n_vars n1) ++ (n_out n1))) ->
    Permutation (vars_defined (n_eqs n2)) (map fst ((n_vars n2) ++ (n_out n2))).
    induction Heqs. induction Hvars. induction Hout.

  Definition transport4 {n1 n2 : node}
             (Hin : n_in n1 = n_in n2)
             (Hvars : n_vars n1 = n_vars n2)
             (Hout : n_out n1 = n_out n2)
             (Heqs : n_eqs n1 = n_eqs n2):
    NoDupMembers (n_in n1 ++ n_vars n1 ++ n_out n1 ++ anon_in_eqs (n_eqs n1)) ->
    NoDupMembers (n_in n2 ++ n_vars n2 ++ n_out n2 ++ anon_in_eqs (n_eqs n2)).
    induction Hin. induction Hvars. induction Hout. induction Heqs.

  Definition transport5 {n1 n2 : node}
             (Hname : n_name n1 = n_name n2)
             (Hin : n_in n1 = n_in n2)
             (Hvars : n_vars n1 = n_vars n2)
             (Hout : n_out n1 = n_out n2)
             (Heqs : n_eqs n1 = n_eqs n2)
             (Hprefs : n_prefixes n1 = n_prefixes n2):
    Forall (AtomOrGensym (n_prefixes n1)) (map fst (n_in n1 ++ n_vars n1 ++ n_out n1 ++ anon_in_eqs (n_eqs n1))) /\ atom (n_name n1) ->
    Forall (AtomOrGensym (n_prefixes n2)) (map fst (n_in n2 ++ n_vars n2 ++ n_out n2 ++ anon_in_eqs (n_eqs n2))) /\ atom (n_name n2).
    induction Hname. induction Hin. induction Hvars. induction Hout. induction Heqs. induction Hprefs.

  Fact equal_node (n1 n2 : node)
    (Hname : n_name n1 = n_name n2)
    (Hstate : n_hasstate n1 = n_hasstate n2)
    (Hin : n_in n1 = n_in n2)
    (Hout : n_out n1 = n_out n2)
    (Hvars : n_vars n1 = n_vars n2)
    (Heqs : n_eqs n1 = n_eqs n2)
    (Hprefs : n_prefixes n1 = n_prefixes n2) :
    (transport1 Hin (n_ingt0 n1) = n_ingt0 n2) ->
    (transport2 Hout (n_outgt0 n1) = n_outgt0 n2) ->
    (transport3 Heqs Hvars Hout (n_defd n1) = n_defd n2) ->
    (transport4 Hin Hvars Hout Heqs (n_nodup n1) = n_nodup n2) ->
    (transport5 Hname Hin Hvars Hout Heqs Hprefs (n_good n1) = n_good n2) ->
    n1 = n2.
    intros Heq1 Heq2 Heq3 Heq4 Heq5.
    destruct n1. destruct n2.
    simpl in *.
    destruct Hname. destruct Hstate.
    destruct Hin. destruct Hout. destruct Hvars.
    destruct Heqs.
    simpl in *; subst.

Idempotence of fby-normalization

  Fact normalized_equation_fby_idem : forall G to_cut eq st,
      normalized_equation G to_cut eq ->
      fby_equation to_cut eq st = ([eq], st).
    intros G to_cut (xs&es) st Hnormed.
    destruct xs; [|destruct xs]; simpl; repeat inv_bind; auto.
    inv Hnormed; simpl; repeat inv_bind; auto.
    destruct ann0 as (?&?&?);
      rewrite <- is_constant_normalized_constant in H3; rewrite H3;
        apply PSE.mem_3 in H1; rewrite H1;
          inv_bind; auto.
    inv H1; try inv_bind; auto.
    inv H; try inv_bind; auto.

  Fact normalized_equations_fby_idem : forall G to_cut eqs st,
      Forall (normalized_equation G to_cut) eqs ->
      fby_equations to_cut eqs st = (eqs, st).
    induction eqs; intros * Hnormed;
      unfold fby_equations in *; simpl; repeat inv_bind.
    - exists []. exists st. split; auto. inv_bind; auto.
    - inv Hnormed.
      apply IHeqs with (st:=st) in H2; clear IHeqs. repeat inv_bind.
      exists ([a]::x). exists st. repeat inv_bind. split; auto.
      inv_bind. exists [a]. exists st.
      split; [eapply normalized_equation_fby_idem in H1;eauto|].
      inv_bind. exists x. exists st. split; auto. inv_bind; auto.

Idempotence of normalization


Module IdempotenceFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op)
       (Cau : LCAUSALITY Ids Op Syn)
       (Norm : NORMALIZATION Ids Op OpAux Syn Cau)
       <: IDEMPOTENCE Ids Op OpAux Syn Cau Norm.
  Include IDEMPOTENCE Ids Op OpAux Syn Cau Norm.
End IdempotenceFun.