Module NLOrdered

From Coq Require Import PArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import CommonProgram.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import CoreExpr.CESyntax.
From Velus Require Import NLustre.NLSyntax.

Ordering of nodes

       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Import Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import CESyn : CESYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks CESyn).

  Inductive Is_node_in_eq : ident -> equation -> Prop :=
  | INI: forall x ck f e r, Is_node_in_eq f (EqApp x ck f e r).

  Definition Is_node_in (f: ident) (eqs: list equation) : Prop :=
    List.Exists (Is_node_in_eq f) eqs.

  Definition Ordered_nodes :=
    Ordered_program (fun f node => Is_node_in f node.(n_eqs)).

Properties of Is_node_in

  Section Is_node_Properties.

    Lemma not_Is_node_in_cons:
      forall n eq eqs,
        ~ Is_node_in n (eq::eqs) <-> ~Is_node_in_eq n eq /\ ~Is_node_in n eqs.
      intros n eq eqs.
      split; intro HH.
      - split; intro; apply HH; unfold Is_node_in; intuition.
      - destruct HH; inversion_clear 1; intuition.

    Lemma Is_node_in_Forall:
      forall n eqs,
        ~Is_node_in n eqs <-> List.Forall (fun eq=>~Is_node_in_eq n eq) eqs.
      induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH];
      [split; [now constructor|now inversion 2]|].
      split; intro HH.
      - apply not_Is_node_in_cons in HH.
        destruct HH as [Heq Heqs].
        constructor; [exact Heq|apply IH with (1:=Heqs)].
      - apply not_Is_node_in_cons.
        inversion_clear HH as [|? ? Heq Heqs].
        apply IH in Heqs.

  End Is_node_Properties.

Properties of Ordered_nodes

  Lemma Ordered_nodes_append:
    forall G G' enums externs,
      Ordered_nodes (Global enums externs (G ++ G'))
      -> Ordered_nodes (Global enums externs G').
    intros * Ord.
    eapply Ordered_program_append' in Ord as (?&?); simpl in *; eauto.

  Lemma find_node_other_not_Is_node_in:
    forall f nd G nd' enums externs,
      Ordered_nodes (Global enums externs (nd::G))
      -> find_node f (Global enums externs G) = Some nd'
      -> ~Is_node_in nd.(n_name) nd'.(n_eqs).
    intros * Ord Find.
    apply option_map_inv in Find as ((?&?)&?&?); simpl in *; subst.
    eapply find_unit_other_not_Is_called_in in Ord; eauto; simpl; auto.

  Lemma find_node_not_Is_node_in:
    forall f nd G,
      Ordered_nodes G
      -> find_node f G = Some nd
      -> ~Is_node_in nd.(n_name) nd.(n_eqs).
    intros * Ord Find.
    apply option_map_inv in Find as ((?&?)& Find &?); simpl in *; subst.
    assert (n_name n = f) as -> by (apply find_unit_In in Find as []; auto).
    eapply not_Is_called_in_self in Ord; eauto.

  Lemma find_node_not_Is_node_in_eq:
    forall G f g n enums externs,
      Ordered_nodes (Global enums externs G) ->
      Forall (fun n' => ~(g = n'.(n_name))) G ->
      find_node f (Global enums externs G) = Some n ->
      Forall (fun eq => ~ Is_node_in_eq g eq) n.(n_eqs).
    intros * Ord Hnn Find.
    apply option_map_inv in Find as ((?&?)&?&?); simpl in *; subst.
    eapply find_unit_not_Is_called_in in Ord; eauto.
    - apply Forall_Exists_neg; eauto.
    - apply find_unit_None; auto.


Module NLOrderedFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (CESyn : CESYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Syn : NLSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks CESyn)
       <: NLORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks CESyn Syn.
  Include NLORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks CESyn Syn.
End NLOrderedFun.