Module Traces

From compcert Require Import common.Events.
From compcert Require Import common.Values.
From compcert Require Import common.Globalenvs.
From compcert Require Import cfrontend.Clight.
From compcert Require Import lib.Integers.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Ident.
From Velus Require Import ObcToClight.Interface.

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.

Import IStr.
Import OpAux.

Import Obc.Syn.

Section finite_traces.

  Variable p: Clight.program.

  Definition eventval_of_val (v: val): eventval :=
    match v with
    | Vint i => EVint i
    | Vlong i => EVlong i
    | Vfloat f => EVfloat f
    | Vsingle f => EVsingle f
    | Vptr _ _ => EVint
    | Vundef => EVint

  Lemma eventval_of_val_match:
    forall v t,
      wt_val v t ->
      eventval_match (globalenv p)
                     (eventval_of_val v)
                     (AST.type_of_chunk (type_chunk t)) v.
    destruct v; intros * Wt; inv Wt; simpl; try econstructor.
    destruct sz; try destruct sg; econstructor.

  Definition load_event_of_val (v: val) (xt: ident * type): event :=
    Event_vload (type_chunk (snd xt))
                (prefix_glob (fst xt))
       (eventval_of_val v).

  Definition store_event_of_val (v: val) (xt: ident * type): event :=
    Event_vstore (type_chunk (snd xt))
                 (prefix_glob (fst xt))
        (eventval_of_val v).

  Definition mk_events (f: val -> ident * type -> event) (vs: list val) (args: list (ident * type)) : trace :=
    map (fun vxt => f (fst vxt) (snd vxt)) (combine vs args).

  Definition load_events : list val -> list (ident * type) -> trace := mk_events load_event_of_val.
  Definition store_events : list val -> list (ident * type) -> trace := mk_events store_event_of_val.

  Lemma mk_events_nil: forall f vs, mk_events f vs [] = [].
intros; destruct vs; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Lemma mk_events_cons:
    forall f v vs xt xts,
      mk_events f (v :: vs) (xt :: xts) = f v xt :: mk_events f vs xts.
auto. Qed.

  Corollary load_events_nil : forall vs, load_events vs [] = [].
apply mk_events_nil. Qed.

  Corollary load_events_cons : forall v vs xt xts,
      load_events (v :: vs) (xt :: xts) = [load_event_of_val v xt] ++ load_events vs xts.
apply mk_events_cons. Qed.

  Corollary store_events_nil : forall vs, store_events vs [] = [].
apply mk_events_nil. Qed.

  Corollary store_events_cons : forall v vs xt xts,
      store_events (v :: vs) (xt :: xts) = [store_event_of_val v xt] ++ store_events vs xts.
apply mk_events_cons. Qed.

End finite_traces.

Section infinite_traces.

  Variable ins : stream (list val).
  Variable outs : stream (list val).

  Variable xs : list (ident * type).
  Variable ys : list (ident * type).

  Hypothesis xs_ys_spec: xs <> [] \/ ys <> [].

  Hypothesis Len_ins: forall n, length (ins n) = length xs.
  Hypothesis Len_outs: forall n, length (outs n) = length ys.

  Lemma load_store_events_not_E0:
    forall n,
      load_events (ins n) xs <> E0 \/ store_events (outs n) ys <> E0.
    intro n; specialize (Len_ins n); specialize (Len_outs n).
    destruct xs_ys_spec.
    - left; destruct xs, (ins n); auto; simpl in Len_ins; discriminate.
    - right; destruct ys, (outs n); auto; simpl in Len_outs; discriminate.

  Program CoFixpoint mk_trace (n: nat): traceinf' :=
    Econsinf' (load_events (ins n) xs ** store_events (outs n) ys)
              (mk_trace (S n)) _.
Next Obligation.
    intro E; apply Eapp_E0_inv in E.
    pose proof (load_store_events_not_E0 n).

  Lemma unfold_mk_trace: forall n,
      traceinf_of_traceinf' (mk_trace n) =
      (load_events (ins n) xs ** E0 ** store_events (outs n) ys)
        *** E0
        *** traceinf_of_traceinf' (mk_trace (S n)).
    rewrite E0_left, E0_left_inf, (unroll_traceinf' (mk_trace n)).
    now rewrite traceinf_traceinf'_app.

End infinite_traces.

The trace of an Obc method
Section Obc.
  Variable (m: method) (ins outs: stream (list val)).

  Hypothesis in_out_spec : m.(m_in) <> [] \/ m.(m_out) <> [].

  Hypothesis Len_ins : forall n, length (ins n) = length m.(m_in).
  Hypothesis Len_outs: forall n, length (outs n) = length m.(m_out).

  Program Definition trace_step (n: nat): traceinf :=
    traceinf_of_traceinf' (mk_trace ins outs m.(m_in) m.(m_out) _ _ _ n).

End Obc.