Module ObcSemantics

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Environment.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import VelusMemory.
From Velus Require Import Obc.ObcSyntax.

Obc semantics

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : OBCSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux).

  Definition menv := memory val.
  Definition venv := env val.

  Definition mempty: menv := empty_memory _.
  Definition vempty: venv := Env.empty val.

  Definition instance_match (i: ident) (me: menv) : menv :=
    match find_inst i me with
    | None => mempty
    | Some i => i

  Lemma instance_match_empty:
    forall x, instance_match x mempty = mempty.
    intros. unfold instance_match, find_inst; simpl.
    now rewrite Env.gempty.

  Hint Unfold vempty.

  Inductive exp_eval (me: menv) (ve: venv): exp -> option val -> Prop :=
  | evar:
      forall x ty,
        exp_eval me ve (Var x ty) (Env.find x ve)
  | estate:
      forall x v ty,
        find_val x me = Some v ->
        exp_eval me ve (State x ty) (Some v)
  | econst:
      forall c,
        exp_eval me ve (Const c) (Some (sem_const c))
  | eunop :
      forall op e c v ty,
        exp_eval me ve e (Some c) ->
        sem_unop op c (typeof e) = Some v ->
        exp_eval me ve (Unop op e ty) (Some v)
  | ebinop :
      forall op e1 e2 c1 c2 v ty,
        exp_eval me ve e1 (Some c1) ->
        exp_eval me ve e2 (Some c2) ->
        sem_binop op c1 (typeof e1) c2 (typeof e2) = Some v ->
        exp_eval me ve (Binop op e1 e2 ty) (Some v)
  | evalid:
      forall x v ty,
        Env.find x ve = Some v ->
        exp_eval me ve (Valid x ty) (Some v).

  Inductive stmt_eval :
    program -> menv -> venv -> stmt -> menv * venv -> Prop :=
  | Iassign:
      forall prog me ve x e v,
        exp_eval me ve e (Some v) ->
        stmt_eval prog me ve (Assign x e) (me, Env.add x v ve)
  | Iassignst:
    forall prog me ve x e v,
      exp_eval me ve e (Some v) ->
      stmt_eval prog me ve (AssignSt x e) (add_val x v me, ve)
  | Icall:
      forall prog me ve es vos clsid o f ys ome' rvos,
        Forall2 (exp_eval me ve) es vos ->
        stmt_call_eval prog (instance_match o me) clsid f vos ome' rvos ->
        stmt_eval prog me ve (Call ys clsid o f es) (add_inst o ome' me, Env.adds_opt ys rvos ve)
  | Icomp:
      forall prog me ve a1 a2 ve1 me1 ve2 me2,
        stmt_eval prog me ve a1 (me1, ve1) ->
        stmt_eval prog me1 ve1 a2 (me2, ve2) ->
        stmt_eval prog me ve (Comp a1 a2) (me2, ve2)
  | Iifte:
      forall prog me ve cond v b ifTrue ifFalse ve' me',
        exp_eval me ve cond (Some v) ->
        val_to_bool v = Some b ->
        stmt_eval prog me ve (if b then ifTrue else ifFalse) (me', ve') ->
        stmt_eval prog me ve (Ifte cond ifTrue ifFalse) (me', ve')
  | Iskip:
      forall prog me ve,
        stmt_eval prog me ve Skip (me, ve)

  with stmt_call_eval : program -> menv -> ident -> ident -> list (option val)
                        -> menv -> list (option val) -> Prop :=
  | Iecall:
      forall prog me clsid f fm vos prog' me' ve' cls rvos,
        find_class clsid prog = Some(cls, prog') ->
        find_method f cls.(c_methods) = Some fm ->
        length vos = length fm.(m_in) ->
        stmt_eval prog' me (Env.adds_opt (map fst fm.(m_in)) vos vempty)
                  fm.(m_body) (me', ve') ->
        Forall2 (fun x => eq (Env.find x ve')) (map fst fm.(m_out)) rvos ->
        stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f vos me' rvos.

  Scheme stmt_eval_ind_2 := Minimality for stmt_eval Sort Prop
  with stmt_call_eval_ind_2 := Minimality for stmt_call_eval Sort Prop.
  Combined Scheme stmt_eval_call_ind from stmt_eval_ind_2, stmt_call_eval_ind_2.

  CoInductive loop_call (prog: program) (clsid f: ident) (ins outs: nat -> list (option val)): nat -> menv -> Prop :=
      forall n me me',
      stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f (ins n) me' (outs n) ->
      loop_call prog clsid f ins outs (S n) me' ->
      loop_call prog clsid f ins outs n me.

  Section LoopCallCoind.

    Variable R: program -> ident -> ident -> (nat -> list (option val)) -> (nat -> list (option val)) -> nat -> menv -> Prop.

    Hypothesis LoopCase:
      forall prog clsid f ins outs n me,
        R prog clsid f ins outs n me ->
        exists me',
          stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f (ins n) me' (outs n)
          /\ R prog clsid f ins outs (S n) me'.

    Lemma loop_call_coind:
      forall prog clsid f ins outs n me,
        R prog clsid f ins outs n me ->
        loop_call prog clsid f ins outs n me.
      cofix COINDHYP.
      intros * HR.
      destruct LoopCase with (1 := HR) as (?&?&?).
      econstructor; eauto.

  End LoopCallCoind.

  Add Parametric Morphism P f m: (loop_call P f m)
        with signature (fun a b => forall n, a n = b n) ==> (fun a b => forall n, a n = b n) ==> eq ==> eq ==> Basics.impl
          as loop_call_eq_str.
    cofix COFIX.
    intros * E ?? E' ?? Loop.
    inv Loop; econstructor.
    - rewrite <-E, <-E'; eauto.
    - eapply COFIX; eauto.

Determinism of semantics

  Lemma exp_eval_det:
    forall me ve e v1 v2,
      exp_eval me ve e v1 ->
      exp_eval me ve e v2 ->
      v1 = v2.
    induction e (* using exp_ind2 *);
    intros v1 v2 H1 H2;
    inversion H1 as [xa va tya Hv1|xa va tya Hv1|xa va Hv1
                     |opa ea ca va tya IHa Hv1
                     |opa e1a e2a c1a c2a va tya IH1a IH2a Hv1|? va ? Hv1];
    inversion H2 as [xb vb tyb Hv2|xb vb tyb Hv2|xb vb Hv2
                     |opb eb cb vb tyb IHb Hv2
                     |opb e1b e2b c1b c2b vb tyb IH1b IH2b Hv2|? vb ? Hv2];
    try (rewrite Hv1 in Hv2; (injection Hv2; trivial) || apply Hv2); subst; auto.
    - assert (Some ca = Some cb) as HH by (apply IHe; auto).
      inv HH. now rewrite Hv1 in Hv2.
    - assert (Some c1a = Some c1b) as HH1 by (apply IHe1; auto).
      assert (Some c2a = Some c2b) as HH2 by (apply IHe2; auto).
      inv HH1. inv HH2. now rewrite Hv1 in Hv2.

  Lemma exps_eval_det:
    forall me ve es vs1 vs2,
      Forall2 (exp_eval me ve) es vs1 ->
      Forall2 (exp_eval me ve) es vs2 ->
      vs1 = vs2.
    intros * Sem1 Sem2; revert dependent vs2; induction Sem1;
      inversion_clear 1; auto.
    f_equal; auto.
    eapply exp_eval_det; eauto.

  Lemma stmt_eval_call_eval_det:
    (forall prog me ve s meve1,
        stmt_eval prog me ve s meve1 ->
        forall meve2,
          stmt_eval prog me ve s meve2 ->
          meve1 = meve2)
    (forall prog me clsid f vs me1 rvs1,
        stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f vs me1 rvs1 ->
        forall me2 rvs2,
          stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f vs me2 rvs2 ->
          me1 = me2 /\ rvs1 = rvs2).
    apply stmt_eval_call_ind; intros.
    - (* Assign *)
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H end;
        match goal with
          H: exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _, H': exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _ |- _ =>
          eapply exp_eval_det in H; eauto; subst
        end; congruence.
    - (* AssignSt *)
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H end;
        try match goal with
              H: exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _, H': exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _ |- _ =>
              eapply exp_eval_det in H; eauto; subst
            end; congruence.
    - (* Call *)
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ (Call _ _ _ _ _) _ |- _ => inv H end.
      match goal with
        H: Forall2 _ _ _, H': Forall2 _ _ _ |- _ =>
        eapply exps_eval_det with (2 := H') in H; eauto; inv H
      match goal with
        H: stmt_call_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?me' ?rvs',
           H': stmt_call_eval _ _ _ _ _ ?ome' ?rvs |- _ =>
        assert (ome' = me' /\ rvs = rvs') as E; eauto; inv E
      end; auto.
    - (* Comp *)
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ (Comp _ _) _ |- _ => inv H end.
      match goal with
        H: stmt_eval _ ?me ?ve ?s ?mv1, H': stmt_eval _ ?me ?ve ?s ?mv2 |- _ =>
        let E := fresh in assert (mv1 = mv2) as E; eauto; inv E
      end; eauto.
    - (* Ifte *)
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ (Ifte _ _ _) _ |- _ => inv H end.
      match goal with
        H: exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _, H': exp_eval ?me ?ve ?e _ |- _ =>
        eapply exp_eval_det in H; eauto; subst
      match goal with H: _ = _ |- _ => inv H end.
      match goal with
        H: val_to_bool ?v = _, H': val_to_bool ?v = _ |- _ =>
        rewrite H in H'; inv H'
      cases; eauto.
    - (* Skip *)
      now match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
    - (* stmt_call_eval *)
      match goal with H:stmt_call_eval _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => inv H end.
      match goal with
        H: find_class ?c ?p = _, H': find_class ?c ?p = _ |- _ =>
        rewrite H in H'; inv H'
        match goal with
          H: find_method ?f ?m = _, H': find_method ?f ?m = _ |- _ =>
          rewrite H in H'; inv H'
      match goal with
        H: stmt_eval _ _ _ _ ?mv |- _ =>
        assert ((me', ve') = mv) as E; eauto; inv E
      match goal with
        H: Forall2 _ ?xs _, H': Forall2 _ ?xs ?ys |- _ =>
        clear - H H'; revert dependent ys; induction H; intros; inv H'; auto
      f_equal; auto; congruence.

  Lemma stmt_eval_det:
    forall prog s me ve me1 ve1 me2 ve2,
      stmt_eval prog me ve s (me1, ve1) ->
      stmt_eval prog me ve s (me2, ve2) ->
      me1 = me2 /\ ve1 = ve2.
    intros * Sem1 Sem2; apply (proj1 stmt_eval_call_eval_det) with (2 := Sem2) in Sem1; auto.
    intuition; congruence.

  Lemma stmt_call_eval_det:
    forall prog me clsid f vs me1 rvs1 me2 rvs2,
        stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f vs me1 rvs1 ->
        stmt_call_eval prog me clsid f vs me2 rvs2 ->
        me1 = me2 /\ rvs1 = rvs2.
    intros; eapply (proj2 stmt_eval_call_eval_det); eauto.

  Lemma stmt_eval_fold_left_shift:
    forall A prog f (xs:list A) iacc me ve me' ve',
      stmt_eval prog me ve
                (fold_left (fun i x => Comp (f x) i) xs iacc)
                (me', ve')
      exists me'' ve'',
        stmt_eval prog me ve
                  (fold_left (fun i x => Comp (f x) i) xs Skip)
                  (me'', ve'')
        stmt_eval prog me'' ve'' iacc (me', ve').
    induction xs; simpl.
    - split; eauto using stmt_eval.
      intros (?&?& H &?); now inv H.
    - setoid_rewrite IHxs; split.
      + intros (?&?&?& H); inv H; eauto 8 using stmt_eval.
      + intros (?&?&(?&?&?& H)&?);
          inversion_clear H as [| | |?????????? H'| |]; inv H';
            eauto using stmt_eval.

  Lemma stmt_eval_fold_left_lift:
    forall A prog f (xs: list A) me ve iacc me' ve',
      stmt_eval prog me ve
                (fold_left (fun i x => Comp i (f x)) xs iacc)
                (me', ve')
      exists me'' ve'',
        stmt_eval prog me ve iacc (me'', ve'')
        /\ stmt_eval prog me'' ve''
                    (fold_left (fun i x => Comp i (f x)) xs Skip)
                    (me', ve').
    induction xs; simpl.
    - split; eauto using stmt_eval.
      intros (?&?&?& H); now inv H.
    - setoid_rewrite IHxs; split.
      + intros (?&?& H &?); inv H; eauto 8 using stmt_eval.
      + intros (?&?&?&?&?& H &?);
          inversion_clear H as [| | |????????? H'| |]; inv H';
            eauto using stmt_eval.

Other properties

If we add irrelevent values to ve, evaluation does not change.
  Lemma exp_eval_extend_venv : forall me ve x v' e v,
      ~Is_free_in_exp x e ->
      (exp_eval me ve e v <-> exp_eval me (Env.add x v' ve) e v).
    intros me ve x v' e v Hfree.
    split; intro Heval.
    - revert v Hfree Heval.
      induction e; intros v Hfree Heval; inv Heval;
        try not_free; eauto using exp_eval.
      + erewrite <-Env.gso; eauto; constructor.
      + now constructor; rewrite Env.gso.
    - revert v Hfree Heval.
      induction e; intros v Hfree Heval; inv Heval;
        try not_free; eauto using exp_eval.
      + rewrite Env.gso; auto; constructor.
      + constructor; erewrite <-Env.gso; eauto.

  Lemma exp_eval_adds_extend_venv:
    forall me e xs rvs ve v,
      (forall x, In x xs -> ~Is_free_in_exp x e) ->
      (exp_eval me (Env.adds_opt xs rvs ve) e v <-> exp_eval me ve e v).
    induction xs as [|x xs IH]; destruct rvs as [|rv rvs]; auto; try reflexivity.
    destruct rv.
    2:now setoid_rewrite Env.adds_opt_cons_cons_None; auto with datatypes.
    intros ve v' Hnfree.
    rewrite Env.adds_opt_cons_cons, <-exp_eval_extend_venv; auto with datatypes.

  Lemma exp_eval_adds_opt_extend_venv:
    forall me e xs rvs ve v,
      (forall x, In x xs -> ~Is_free_in_exp x e) ->
      (exp_eval me (Env.adds_opt xs rvs ve) e v <-> exp_eval me ve e v).
    induction xs as [|x xs IH]; destruct rvs as [|rv rvs]; auto; try reflexivity.
    intros ve v' Hnfree.
    destruct rv.
    - rewrite Env.adds_opt_cons_cons, <-exp_eval_extend_venv; auto with datatypes.
    - rewrite Env.adds_opt_cons_cons_None; auto with datatypes.

If we add irrelevent values to me, evaluation does not change.
  Lemma exp_eval_extend_menv : forall me ve x v' e v,
      ~Is_free_in_exp x e ->
      (exp_eval (add_val x v' me) ve e v <-> exp_eval me ve e v).
    intros me ve x v' e v Hfree. split.
    - revert v Hfree.
      induction e; intros v1 Hfree Heval; inv Heval;
        try not_free; try rewrite find_val_gso in *; eauto using exp_eval.
    - revert v Hfree.
      induction e; intros v1 Hfree Heval; inv Heval;
        try not_free; eauto using exp_eval.
      now constructor; rewrite find_val_gso.

If we add objects to me, evaluation does not change.
  Lemma exp_eval_extend_menv_by_obj : forall me ve f obj e v,
      exp_eval (add_inst f obj me) ve e v <-> exp_eval me ve e v.
    intros me ve f v' e v. split; revert v.
    - induction e; intros v1 Heval; inv Heval; eauto using exp_eval.
    - induction e; intros v1 Heval; inv Heval; eauto using exp_eval.

  Lemma Forall2_exp_eval_not_None:
    forall me ve es vos,
      Forall2 (exp_eval me ve) es vos ->
      Forall (fun e => forall x ty, e <> Var x ty) es ->
      Forall (fun vo => vo <> None) vos.
    induction 1 as [|e vo es vos Hexp Hvos IH]; auto.
    inversion_clear 1 as [|? ? Hnvar Hnvars].
    constructor; auto.
    inv Hexp; try discriminate.
    specialize (Hnvar x ty); auto.

  Lemma stmt_eval_find_val_mono:
    forall prog s me ve me' ve',
      stmt_eval prog me ve s (me', ve') ->
      forall x, find_val x me <> None ->
                find_val x me' <> None.
    induction s; inversion_clear 1; subst; auto; intros x Hmfind.
    - destruct (ident_eq_dec x i).
      now subst; setoid_rewrite find_val_gss.
      now setoid_rewrite find_val_gso.
    - destruct b;
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ _ _ |- _ =>
        apply IHs1 with (x:=x) in H || apply IHs2 with (x:=x) in H end;
    - match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ s1 _ |- _ => eapply IHs1 in H end;
      match goal with H:stmt_eval _ _ _ s2 _ |- _ => eapply IHs2 in H end; eauto.

  Lemma stmt_call_eval_cons:
    forall prog c' c me f vs me' rvs,
      c_name c <> c' ->
      (stmt_call_eval (c :: prog) me c' f vs me' rvs
       <-> stmt_call_eval prog me c' f vs me' rvs).
    intros * Neq; rewrite <-ident_eqb_neq in Neq; split; intros Sem.
    - inversion_clear Sem as [??????????? Find].
      simpl in Find; rewrite Neq in Find; eauto using stmt_call_eval.
    - inv Sem; econstructor; eauto.
      simpl; rewrite Neq; auto.

  Ltac chase_skip :=
    match goal with
      H: stmt_eval _ _ _ Skip _ |- _ => inv H


Module ObcSemanticsFun
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import Syn : OBCSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux) <: OBCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Syn.
  Include OBCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Syn.
End ObcSemanticsFun.