Module ILCorrectness

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.

From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators Environment.
From Velus Require Import FunctionalEnvironment.
From Velus Require Import Clocks.
From Velus Require Import CoindStreams IndexedStreams.
From Velus Require Import CoindIndexed.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.StaticEnv.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.LSyntax Lustre.LOrdered Lustre.LTyping Lustre.LClocking Lustre.LSemantics Lustre.LClockedSemantics.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.InlineLocal.InlineLocal Lustre.InlineLocal.ILTyping Lustre.InlineLocal.ILClocking.
From Velus Require Import Lustre.SubClock.SCCorrectness.

       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Import Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import CStr : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Import Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Import Ty : LTYPING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Cl : LCLOCKING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Ord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Import Sem : LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Ord CStr)
       (Import LCS : LCLOCKEDSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Cl Ord CStr Sem)
       (Import IL : INLINELOCAL Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn).

  Module Import SCT := SCCorrectnessFun Ids Op OpAux Cks CStr Senv Syn Cl Ord Sem LCS SC. Import SC.

  Module Typing := ILTypingFun Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Ty IL.
  Module Clocking := ILClockingFun Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Cl IL.

  Fact mask_hist_sub sub : forall k r H H',
      (forall x y vs, Env.find x sub = Some y -> sem_var H (Var x) vs -> sem_var H' (Var y) vs) ->
      forall x y vs, Env.find x sub = Some y -> sem_var (mask_hist k r H) (Var x) vs -> sem_var (mask_hist k r H') (Var y) vs.
    intros * Hsub * Hfind Hv.
    eapply sem_var_mask_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Heq).
    eapply Hsub, sem_var_mask in Hv; eauto. rewrite Heq; eauto.

  Fact mask_hist_nsub (sub : Env.t ident) : forall k r H H',
      (forall x vs, Env.find x sub = None -> sem_var H (Var x) vs -> sem_var H' (Var x) vs) ->
      forall x vs, Env.find x sub = None -> sem_var (mask_hist k r H) (Var x) vs -> sem_var (mask_hist k r H') (Var x) vs.
    intros * Hsub * Hfind Hv.
    eapply sem_var_mask_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Heq).
    eapply Hsub, sem_var_mask in Hv; eauto. rewrite Heq; eauto.

  Import List.

  Fact find_snd_spec {A} : forall (locs : list (ident * A)) (locs' : list ident) x y,
      NoDup locs' ->
      In (x, y) (combine (map fst locs) locs') ->
      find (fun '(_, y') => Var y' ==b Var y) (combine (map fst locs) locs') = Some (x, y).
    induction locs; intros * Nd In; simpl in *; [inv In|].
    inv Nd; [inv In|]. inv In; inv_equalities.
    - now rewrite equiv_decb_refl.
    - cases_eqn Eq.
      rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Eq; inv Eq.
      eapply in_combine_r in H1. contradiction.

  Section inlinelocal_node_sem.
    Variable G1 : @global noswitch switch_prefs.
    Variable G2 : @global nolocal local_prefs.

    Hypothesis HGref : global_sem_refines G1 G2.
    Hypothesis HwG1 : wc_global G1.

    Fact InMembers_sub {A} : forall (sub : Env.t ident) (xs : list (ident * A)) x,
        InMembers x (map_filter (fun '(x, vs) => option_map (fun y : ident => (y, vs)) (Env.find x sub)) xs) ->
        exists y, Env.MapsTo y x sub.
      intros * Hinm.
      eapply InMembers_In in Hinm as (?&Hin).
      eapply map_filter_In' in Hin as ((?&?)&Hin&Hopt).
      eapply option_map_inv in Hopt as (?&Hfind'&Heq); inv Heq.

    Fact InMembers_sub_iff {A} : forall (sub : Env.t ident) (xs : list (ident * A)) x,
        InMembers x (map_filter (fun '(x, vs) => option_map (fun y : ident => (y, vs)) (Env.find x sub)) xs) <->
        exists y, InMembers y xs /\ Env.MapsTo y x sub.
      intros *; split; [intros Hinm|intros (?&Hinm&Hfind)].
      - eapply InMembers_In in Hinm as (?&Hin).
        eapply map_filter_In' in Hin as ((?&?)&Hin&Hopt).
        eapply option_map_inv in Hopt as (?&Hfind'&Heq); inv Heq.
        eauto using In_InMembers.
      - eapply InMembers_In in Hinm as (?&Hin).
        eapply In_InMembers, map_filter_In; eauto.
        simpl. rewrite Hfind; simpl; eauto.

    Fact NoDupMembers_sub {A} : forall (sub : Env.t ident) (xs : list (ident * A)),
        NoDupMembers xs ->
        NoDup (map snd (Env.elements sub)) ->
        NoDupMembers (map_filter (fun '(x, vs) => option_map (fun y => (y, vs)) (Env.find x sub)) xs).
      intros * Hnd1 Hnd2.
      induction xs as [|(?&?)]; inv Hnd1; simpl; auto with datatypes.
      destruct (option_map _ _) as [(?&?)|] eqn:Hopt; auto.
      econstructor; auto.
      intros Hinm.
      eapply option_map_inv in Hopt as (?&Hfind&Heq); inv Heq.
      apply InMembers_In in Hinm as (?&Hin).
      eapply map_filter_In' in Hin as ((?&?)&Hin&Hopt).
      eapply option_map_inv in Hopt as (?&Hfind'&Heq); inv Heq.
      eapply Env.NoDup_snd_elements in Hnd2; [|eapply Hfind|eapply Hfind']; subst.
      eapply H1, In_InMembers; eauto.

Induction on blocks

    Import Permutation.

    Local Hint Resolve InMembers_incl : datatypes.
    Local Hint Resolve <- fst_InMembers InMembers_idck InMembers_idty : datatypes.
    Local Hint Resolve -> fst_InMembers InMembers_idck InMembers_idty : datatypes.

    Fact mmap_inlinelocal_block_sem : forall Γ blks sub Γ' Γ'' locs' blks' st st' bs Hi1 Hi2,
          (fun blk => forall sub Γ' Γ'' locs' blks' st st' bs Hi1 Hi2,
               (forall x, ~IsLast (Γ++Γ'++Γ'') x) ->
               (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> ~IsVar Γ' x) ->
               (forall x, Env.In x sub <-> IsVar Γ' x) ->
               (forall x y, Env.MapsTo x y sub -> InMembers y Γ' \/ exists n hint, y = gensym local hint n) ->
               (forall x y vs, Env.find x sub = Some y -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var y) vs) ->
               (forall x vs, IsVar Γ x -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var x) vs) ->
               NoDupMembers (Γ++Γ') ->
               noswitch_block blk ->
               NoDupLocals (map fst Γ++map fst Γ'++map fst Γ'') blk ->
               Forall (AtomOrGensym switch_prefs) (map fst Γ) ->
               GoodLocals switch_prefs blk ->
               dom_ub Hi1 (Γ++Γ') ->
               sem_block_ck G1 Hi1 bs blk ->
               dom Hi2 (Γ++Γ'') ->
               sc_vars (Γ++Γ'') Hi2 bs ->
               st_valid st ->
               Forall (fun x => st_In x st) (map fst (Γ ++ Γ'')) ->
               inlinelocal_block sub blk st = (locs', blks', st') ->
               exists Hi3,
                 Hi2Hi3 /\
                 dom Hi3 (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns locs') /\
                 sc_vars (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns locs') Hi3 bs /\
                 Forall (sem_block_ck G2 Hi3 bs) blks')
          blks ->
        (forall x, ~IsLast (Γ++Γ'++Γ'') x) ->
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> ~IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, Env.In x sub <-> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x y, Env.MapsTo x y sub -> InMembers y Γ' \/ exists n hint, y = gensym local hint n) ->
        (forall x y vs, Env.find x sub = Some y -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var y) vs) ->
        (forall x vs, IsVar Γ x -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var x) vs) ->
        NoDupMembers (Γ++Γ') ->
        Forall noswitch_block blks ->
        Forall (NoDupLocals (map fst Γ++map fst Γ'++map fst Γ'')) blks ->
        Forall (AtomOrGensym switch_prefs) (map fst Γ) ->
        Forall (GoodLocals switch_prefs) blks ->
        dom_ub Hi1 (Γ++Γ') ->
        Forall (sem_block_ck G1 Hi1 bs) blks ->
        dom Hi2 (Γ++Γ'') ->
        sc_vars (Γ++Γ'') Hi2 bs ->
        st_valid st ->
        Forall (fun x => st_In x st) (map fst (Γ ++ Γ'')) ->
        mmap2 (inlinelocal_block sub) blks st = (locs', blks', st') ->
        exists Hi3,
          Hi2Hi3 /\
          dom Hi3 (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) /\
          sc_vars (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) Hi3 bs /\
          Forall (sem_block_ck G2 Hi3 bs) (concat blks').
    Proof with
      induction blks;
        intros * Hf Hnl Hdisj Hsubin Hsubgen Hsub Hnsub Hnd1 Hns Hnd2 Hatgen Hgood Hub Hsem Hdom Hsc V InSt Hmmap;
        inv Hf; inv Hns; inv Hnd2; inv Hgood; (* inv Hwc; *) inv Hsem; repeat monadInv; simpl in *.
      - repeat rewrite app_nil_r. exists Hi2. repeat (split; auto with env). reflexivity.
      - assert (Il:=H). assert (Ils:=H0).
        eapply H1 with (Hi1:=Hi1) (Hi2:=Hi2) in H as (Hi3&Href3&Hdom3&Hsc3&Hsem3); eauto.
        eapply IHblks with (Hi1:=Hi1) (Hi2:=Hi2) in H0 as (Hi4&Href4&Hdom4&Hsc4&Hsem4);
          eauto using inlinelocal_block_st_valid.
        2:{ simpl_Forall. eapply inlinelocal_block_st_follows in Il; eauto using st_follows_In. }
        clear H1 IHblks H2.
        remember (FEnv.union Hi3 Hi4) as Hi5.
        assert (FEnv.refines (@EqSt _) Hi4 Hi5) as Ref2.
        { subst. eapply FEnv.union_refines4'; eauto using EqStrel_Reflexive. }
        assert (FEnv.refines (@EqSt _) Hi3 Hi5) as Ref1.
        { subst. intros [] ? Find.
          2:{ exfalso. apply FEnv.find_In, Hdom3 in Find as In.
              rewrite app_assoc, IsLast_app in In. destruct In as [In|In].
              - eapply Hnl. repeat rewrite IsLast_app in *. destruct In; eauto.
              - inv In. simpl_In. congruence. }
          apply FEnv.find_In in Find as In. apply Hdom3 in In.
          rewrite app_assoc, IsVar_app in In. destruct In as [In|In].
          - assert (sem_var Hi2 (Var x4) v) as Var. 2:inversion_clear Var as [???? Find' Eq].
            { eapply sem_var_refines' in Href3; eauto.
              - now apply Hdom.
              - econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. }
            eapply Href4 in Find' as (?&Eq2&Find').
            eapply Ref2 in Find' as (?&Eq3&Find'').
            do 2 esplit; [|eauto]. now rewrite Eq, Eq2, Eq3.
          - erewrite FEnv.union2; eauto. do 2 esplit; eauto. reflexivity.
            apply FEnv.not_find_In. intros In2. eapply Hdom4 in In2.
            rewrite app_assoc, IsVar_app in In2. destruct In2 as [In2|In2].
            + eapply inlinelocal_block_st_nIn in Il; eauto.
              clear - InSt In In2 Il. inv In. inv In2. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. contradiction.
            + eapply inlinelocal_blocks_st_nIn in Ils; eauto using inlinelocal_block_st_valid.
              eapply inlinelocal_block_st_In in Il; [|eauto].
              clear - In In2 Ils Il. inv In. inv In2. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. contradiction.
        exists Hi5; subst. split; [|split; [|split; [|apply Forall_app; split]]].
        + etransitivity; eauto.
        + rewrite senv_of_anns_app. unfold dom.
          destruct Hdom3 as (D3&DL3). destruct Hdom4 as (D4&DL4).
          split; intros ?; rewrite FEnv.union_In; [rewrite D3, D4|rewrite DL3, DL4];
            repeat rewrite IsVar_app; repeat rewrite IsLast_app;
            split; intros; repeat take (_ \/ _) and destruct it; auto.
        + rewrite senv_of_anns_app.
          2:{ intros * _ L. exfalso.
              rewrite app_assoc, IsLast_app, IsLast_app with (env1:=senv_of_anns _) in L.
              destruct L as [L|[L|L]].
              2,3:clear - L; inv L; simpl_In; congruence.
              eapply Hnl. repeat rewrite IsLast_app in *. destruct L; eauto. }
          intros * Ck Var.
          rewrite app_assoc, HasClock_app, HasClock_app with (env1:=senv_of_anns _) in Ck. destruct Ck as [Ck|[Ck|Ck]].
          * destruct Hsc as (Sc&_). eapply sem_clock_refines, Sc; eauto. eapply var_history_refines; etransitivity; eauto.
            eapply sem_var_refines'; [| |eauto]. 2:etransitivity; eauto.
            eapply Hdom; eauto with senv.
          * destruct Hsc3 as (Sc&_). eapply sem_clock_refines, Sc; eauto using var_history_refines.
            repeat rewrite HasClock_app; eauto.
            eapply sem_var_refines'; [|eauto|eauto].
            eapply Hdom3. repeat rewrite IsVar_app; eauto with senv.
          * destruct Hsc4 as (Sc&_). eapply sem_clock_refines, Sc; eauto using var_history_refines.
            repeat rewrite HasClock_app; eauto.
            eapply sem_var_refines'; [|eauto|eauto].
            eapply Hdom4. repeat rewrite IsVar_app; eauto with senv.
        + simpl_Forall. eauto using sem_block_refines.
        + simpl_Forall. eauto using sem_block_refines.

    Ltac inv_scope :=
      (Syn.inv_scope || Ty.inv_scope || Cl.inv_scope || Sem.inv_scope || LCS.inv_scope).

Central correctness lemma
    Lemma inlinelocal_block_sem Γ : forall blk sub Γ' Γ'' locs' blks' st st' bs Hi1 Hi2,
        (forall x, ~IsLast (Γ++Γ'++Γ'') x) ->
        (forall x, IsVar Γ x -> ~IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x, Env.In x sub <-> IsVar Γ' x) ->
        (forall x y, Env.MapsTo x y sub -> InMembers y Γ' \/ exists n hint, y = gensym local hint n) ->
        (forall x y vs, Env.find x sub = Some y -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var y) vs) ->
        (forall x vs, IsVar Γ x -> sem_var Hi1 (Var x) vs -> sem_var Hi2 (Var x) vs) ->
        NoDupMembers (Γ++Γ') ->
        noswitch_block blk ->
        NoDupLocals (map fst Γ++map fst Γ'++map fst Γ'') blk ->
        Forall (AtomOrGensym switch_prefs) (map fst Γ) ->
        GoodLocals switch_prefs blk ->
        dom_ub Hi1 (Γ++Γ') ->
        sem_block_ck G1 Hi1 bs blk ->
        dom Hi2 (Γ ++ Γ'') ->
        sc_vars (Γ++Γ'') Hi2 bs ->
        st_valid st ->
        Forall (fun x => st_In x st) (map fst (Γ ++ Γ'')) ->
        inlinelocal_block sub blk st = (locs', blks', st') ->
        exists Hi3,
          Hi2Hi3 /\
          dom Hi3 (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns locs') /\
          sc_vars (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns locs') Hi3 bs /\
          Forall (sem_block_ck G2 Hi3 bs) blks'.
    Proof with
eauto with datatypes.
      induction blk using block_ind2;
        intros * Hnl Hdisj Hsubin Hsubgen Hsub Hnsub Hnd1 Hns Hnd2 Hgenat Hgood Hub Hsem Hdom Hsc V StIn Hdl;
        inv Hns; inv Hnd2; inv Hgood; inv Hsem; repeat monadInv; simpl.

      - (* equation *)
        repeat rewrite app_nil_r.
        exists Hi2. repeat (split; auto with env). reflexivity.
        repeat constructor; auto.
        eapply subclock_equation_sem with (H:=Hi1); eauto using sem_ref_sem_equation.
        + constructor; reflexivity.
        + intros * Hl. exfalso. apply sem_var_In, Hub in Hl.
          eapply Hnl. repeat rewrite IsLast_app in *. destruct Hl; eauto.
        + intros * Hnone Hv.
          assert (Hin:=Hv). eapply sem_var_In, Hub in Hin.
          repeat rewrite map_app, in_app_iff in Hin.
          apply IsVar_app in Hin as [|]; eauto.
          * exfalso. eapply Env.Props.P.F.not_find_in_iff in Hnone. eapply Hnone, Hsubin...

      - (* reset *)
        rename x into locs', x0 into blks'.
        assert (forall k, exists Hi4, (CStr.mask_hist k r Hi2) ⊑ (CStr.mask_hist k r Hi4) /\
                            dom (CStr.mask_hist k r Hi4) (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) /\
                            sc_vars (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) (mask_hist k r Hi4) (maskb k r bs) /\
                            Forall (sem_block_ck G2 (mask_hist k r Hi4) (maskb k r bs)) (concat blks')) as Hblks.
        { intros k. specialize (H10 k).
          eapply mmap_inlinelocal_block_sem with (Hi2:=CStr.mask_hist k r Hi2) in H10
            as (Hi4&Href1&Hdom1&Hsc1&Hsem1); eauto.
          2:{ intros ??? Hfind Hv.
              eapply sem_var_mask_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hmask).
              rewrite Hmask. eapply sem_var_mask... }
          2:{ intros ?? Hin Hv.
              eapply sem_var_mask_inv in Hv as (?&Hv&Hmask).
              rewrite Hmask. eapply sem_var_mask... }
          2:{ eapply dom_ub_map; eauto. }
          2:{ eapply dom_map; eauto. }
          2:{ eapply sc_vars_mask in Hsc; eauto; subst. }
          assert (FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) Hi4 (CStr.mask_hist k r Hi4)) as Heqmask.
          { eapply slower_mask_hist. eapply sc_vars_slower_hist in Hsc1; eauto.
            simpl_app. auto using dom_dom_ub.
          exists Hi4. split; [|split; [|split]].
          + rewrite <-Heqmask; auto.
          + apply dom_map; auto.
          + unfold mask_hist. simpl. eapply sc_vars_morph. 1,3,4:eauto; reflexivity. auto.
          + simpl_Forall. unfold mask_hist.
            eapply sem_block_ck_morph; eauto. reflexivity.
        unfold mask_hist.
        eapply consolidate_mask_hist
          with (P := fun k H'k =>
                       (CStr.mask_hist k r Hi2) ⊑ H'k /\
                       dom H'k (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) /\
                       sc_vars (Γ++Γ''++senv_of_anns (concat locs')) H'k (maskb k r bs) /\
                       Forall (sem_block_ck G2 H'k (maskb k r bs)) (concat blks'))
        in Hblks as (Hi4&HHi4).
        2:{ intros ????? Heq (Ref&Dom&(Sc1&Sc2)&Sem); subst. split; [|split; [|repeat split]].
            - rewrite <-Heq; auto.
            - split; intros ?; rewrite <-Heq; apply Dom.
            - intros. rewrite <-Heq. eapply Sc1; eauto. now rewrite Heq.
            - intros. rewrite <-Heq. eapply Sc2; eauto. now rewrite Heq.
            - simpl_Forall.
              eapply sem_block_ck_morph; eauto. reflexivity.
        2:{ intros ?? (?&?&?). eapply dom_fenv_dom; eauto. }
        assert (Hi2Hi4) as Href1.
        { eapply refines_unmask; intros. eapply HHi4. }
        exists Hi4. split; [|split; [|repeat split]]; try rewrite app_nil_r; repeat rewrite <-app_assoc...
        + erewrite <-dom_map. eapply (HHi4 0)...
        + eapply sc_vars_unmask. intros k. eapply (HHi4 k)...
        + eapply sc_vars_unmask. intros k. eapply (HHi4 k)...
        + do 2 (econstructor; eauto).
          * eapply sem_exp_refines; [eauto|].
            eapply subclock_exp_sem with (H:=Hi1); eauto using sem_ref_sem_exp.
            1:{ constructor; reflexivity. }
            { intros * Hl. apply sem_var_In, Hub in Hl. exfalso.
              eapply Hnl. repeat rewrite IsLast_app in *. destruct Hl; eauto. }
            { intros * Hnone Hv.
              assert (Hin:=Hv). eapply sem_var_In, Hub in Hin; eauto.
              repeat rewrite map_app, in_app_iff in Hin.
              apply IsVar_app in Hin as [|]...
              exfalso. eapply Env.Props.P.F.not_find_in_iff in Hnone. eapply Hnone, Hsubin...
          * intros. eapply HHi4...

      - (* local *)
        repeat inv_scope.
        take (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~_) and rename it into Hnd'; eauto.

        assert (forall y, Env.In y (Env.from_list (combine (map fst locs) x)) <-> InMembers y locs) as Hsubin'.
        { intros.
          rewrite Env.In_from_list, <-In_InMembers_combine, fst_InMembers; try reflexivity.
          now apply mmap_values, Forall2_length in H0. }

        remember (fun y => obind (List.find (fun '(_, y') => Var y' ==b y) (combine (map fst locs) x)) (fun '(x, _) => Hi' (Var x))) as Hi2'.

        assert (forall y, FEnv.In (Var y) Hi2 -> ~In y x) as Hdisj2.
        { subst. intros * In1 In2. eapply Hdom in In1. inv In1. simpl_In.
          eapply reuse_idents_st_nIn in H0; eauto. simpl_Forall.
          contradiction. }

        assert (forall x, FEnv.In x Hi2 -> ~FEnv.In x Hi2') as Hdisj2'.
        { subst. intros * In1 (?&Find2).
          apply obind_inversion in Find2 as ((?&?)&F1&F2).
          apply find_some in F1 as (In&Eq). rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Eq; inv Eq.
          eapply Hdisj2; eauto using in_combine_r. }

        assert (forall y, Env.In y sub -> ~In y (map fst locs)) as Hsub1.
        { intros ?. rewrite Hsubin. intros Hin1 Hin2. inv Hin1.
          eapply Hnd'; eauto with datatypes. rewrite 2 in_app_iff; eauto with datatypes. }
        assert (forall x1 x2, Env.MapsTo x1 x2 sub -> ~In x2 (map fst locs)) as Hsub2.
        { intros ??. intros Hin1 Hin2.
          eapply Hsubgen in Hin1 as [Hin|(?&?&Hgen)]; subst.
          - simpl_In. eapply Hnd'; eauto using In_InMembers. rewrite 2 in_app_iff; eauto with datatypes.
          - simpl_In. simpl_Forall.
            eapply Fresh.Facts.contradict_AtomOrGensym; eauto using local_not_in_switch_prefs. }

        assert (Hi2Hi2 + Hi2') as Ref.
        { intros ?? Hfind. do 2 esplit; try reflexivity.
          apply FEnv.union2; auto.
          eapply FEnv.not_find_In, Hdisj2'. econstructor; eauto. }

        assert (dom Hi2' (senv_of_anns (map (fun '(x3, (ty, ck, _, _)) =>
                                               (rename_var (Env.adds (map fst locs) x sub) x3,
                                                 (ty, rename_in_clock (Env.adds (map fst locs) x sub) ck))) locs))) as Hdom'.
        { subst; split.
          - intros ?. unfold senv_of_anns. erewrite IsVar_fst, 2 map_map.
            split; intros In.
            + inv In. apply obind_inversion in H1 as ((?&?)&Find&Find').
              apply find_some in Find as (In&Eq).
              rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Eq. inv Eq.
              eapply in_combine_l in In as InL. solve_In.
              unfold rename_var. erewrite Env.In_find_adds; simpl; eauto.
              now apply fst_NoDupMembers.
            + simpl_In.
              assert (FEnv.In (Var i) Hi') as [? Find] by (eapply H6; econstructor; solve_In).
              econstructor. erewrite find_snd_spec; simpl; eauto using reuse_idents_NoDup.
              assert (length (map fst locs) = length x) as EqLen by now apply mmap_values, Forall2_length in H0.
              assert (exists y, In (i, y) (combine (map fst locs) x)) as (?&In).
              { eapply in_map with (f:=fst), In_nth with (d:=xH) in Hin as (?&Len&Nth). simpl in *.
                esplit. erewrite <-Nth, <-combine_nth with (y:=xH); eauto. eapply nth_In.
                rewrite combine_length, <-EqLen, Nat.min_id; auto. }
              unfold rename_var. erewrite Env.In_find_adds; simpl; eauto.
              now apply fst_NoDupMembers.
          - split; intros In; exfalso; [|inv In; simpl_In; congruence].
            inv In. apply obind_inversion in H1 as ((?&?)&Find&_).
            apply find_some in Find as (_&Eq).
            rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Eq. inv Eq.

        eapply mmap_inlinelocal_block_sem with
            (Γ':=Γ'++senv_of_decls locs) (Hi1:=Hi1 + Hi') (Hi2:=Hi2 + Hi2') in H5 as (Hi3&Href1&Hdom1&Hsc1&Hsem1); eauto; clear H.
        + exists Hi3. split; [|split; [|split]]; eauto.
          * etransitivity...
          * rewrite senv_of_anns_app, app_assoc with (n:=senv_of_anns _); eauto.
          * rewrite senv_of_anns_app, app_assoc with (n:=senv_of_anns _); eauto.
        + rewrite app_assoc. repeat rewrite NoLast_app in *. destruct_conjs.
          repeat split; auto.
          * intros * L. inv L. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. subst; simpl in *; congruence.
          * intros * L. inv L. simpl_In. congruence.
        + intros ?. rewrite IsVar_app. intros Hinm1 [Hinm2|Hinm2].
          * eapply Hdisj; eauto.
          * apply IsVar_senv_of_decls in Hinm2. eapply Hnd'; eauto.
            rewrite 2 in_app_iff, <-IsVar_fst; auto.
        + intros ?. rewrite Env.In_adds_spec, Hsubin, IsVar_app, IsVar_senv_of_decls, <-fst_InMembers;
            eauto using mmap_values, Forall2_length.
          apply or_comm.
        + intros ?? Hfind. rewrite InMembers_app, InMembers_senv_of_decls.
         eapply Env.find_adds'_In in Hfind as [Hfind|Hfind]; eauto.
         * eapply in_combine_r in Hfind.
           eapply reuse_idents_gensym in H0. simpl_Forall. destruct H0; eauto.
         * eapply Hsubgen in Hfind as [|]; eauto.
        + intros ??? Hfind Hv.
          erewrite sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
          eapply Env.find_adds'_In in Hfind as [Hfind|Hfind]; eapply sem_var_union in Hv as [Hv|Hv]; eauto.
          * exfalso.
            apply sem_var_In, Hub in Hv.
            take (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~_) and eapply it; eauto.
            eapply fst_InMembers, InMembers_In_combine; eauto using In_InMembers.
            rewrite app_assoc, in_app_iff. left. rewrite <-map_app, <-IsVar_fst; auto.
          * right. inv Hv. econstructor; eauto.
            erewrite find_snd_spec; eauto using reuse_idents_NoDup.
          * exfalso. apply Env.find_In, Hsubin in Hfind.
            apply sem_var_In, H6, IsVar_senv_of_decls in Hv.
            take (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~_) and eapply it...
            rewrite 2 in_app_iff, <-2 IsVar_fst; auto.
        + intros ?? Hfind Hv.
          erewrite sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
          eapply sem_var_union in Hv as [Hv|Hv]; eauto.
          exfalso. apply sem_var_In, H6, IsVar_senv_of_decls in Hv.
          eapply Hnd'; eauto.
          rewrite 2 in_app_iff, <-IsVar_fst; auto.
        + rewrite app_assoc. eapply NoDupScope_NoDupMembers; eauto.
          intros * InM1 In2. eapply Hnd'; eauto.
          rewrite app_assoc, <-map_app, in_app_iff; auto.
        + simpl_app. simpl_Forall.
          eapply NoDupLocals_incl'. 4:eauto. all:eauto using local_not_in_switch_prefs.
          intros *. repeat rewrite in_app_iff.
          intros [|[|[In|[In|In]]]]; auto.
          * clear - In. simpl_In. left. right. right. right. solve_In.
          * clear - H0 H11 In. simpl_In.
            eapply reuse_idents_find in H0 as (?&?&?&Reu&Find); eauto using In_InMembers.
            unfold rename_var. rewrite Find.
            eapply reuse_ident_gensym in Reu as [|]; subst; eauto.
            left. right. right. right. solve_In.
        + rewrite app_assoc. eapply local_hist_dom_ub; eauto.
        + rewrite app_assoc, <-(@Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns exp).
          eapply local_hist_dom; eauto. now rewrite Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns.
        + rewrite app_assoc, <-(@Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns exp).
          eapply local_hist_sc_vars; eauto using dom_dom_ub. reflexivity.
          *{ intros * In1 In2. apply IsVar_fst in In2. simpl_In.
             eapply reuse_idents_find' in H0 as (?&?&?&V1&Fol1&Fol2&Reu&Find); eauto using In_InMembers.
             unfold rename_var in Hin. erewrite Find in Hin. simpl in *. simpl_Forall.
             eapply reuse_ident_st_nIn in Reu as Nin; eauto.
             eapply Nin; eauto using st_follows_In. }
          * now rewrite Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns.
          *{ split.
             2:{ intros * _ La. inv La. simpl_In. congruence. }

             assert (forall x, InMembers x locs -> ~FEnv.In (Var x) Hi2) as Hdisj3.
             { intros ? Hinm Henv. eapply Hdom in Henv.
               eapply Hnd'; eauto.
               rewrite <-2 map_app, <-IsVar_fst, 2 IsVar_app. apply IsVar_app in Henv as [|]; auto. }
             assert (forall x3, FEnv.In x3 Hi2 -> ~ FEnv.In x3 Hi') as Hdisj4.
             { intros * In1 In2. destruct x3.
               - eapply Hdisj3 in In1; eauto. now apply IsVar_senv_of_decls, H6.
               - apply H6 in In2. clear - In2 H2. inv In2. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. subst; simpl in *; congruence. }

             intros * Ck Var. inv Ck. simpl_In.

             take (sc_vars (senv_of_decls _) _ _) and destruct it as (Hsc2&_).
             rewrite <-disjoint_union_rename_in_clock; auto.
             eapply subclock_clock_sem, subclock_clock_sem
               with (Hi':= var_history (Hi2 + _)). 3,6:constructor; reflexivity.
             + intros * Hs Hvar. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
               apply sem_var_union in Hvar as [Hvar|Hvar].
               * exfalso. eapply Hdisj3; eauto using sem_var_In.
                 apply Hsubin'. econstructor; eauto.
               * inv Hvar. econstructor; eauto.
                 eapply FEnv.union3'. erewrite find_snd_spec; eauto using reuse_idents_NoDup, Env.from_list_find_In.
             + intros * Hs Hvar. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
               apply sem_var_union in Hvar as [Hvar|Hvar].
               * apply sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
               * exfalso.
                 eapply Env.Props.P.F.not_find_in_iff; eauto.
                 eapply Hsubin', IsVar_senv_of_decls, H6; eauto using sem_var_In.
             + intros * Hs Hvar. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
               apply sem_var_union in Hvar as [Hvar|Hvar].
               * eapply sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
               * exfalso. apply sem_var_In, H6, IsVar_senv_of_decls, Hnd' in Hvar.
                 eapply Hvar. rewrite 2 in_app_iff. right; left. apply IsVar_fst, Hsubin. econstructor; eauto.
             + intros * Hs Hvar. rewrite sem_var_history in *.
               apply sem_var_union in Hvar as [Hvar|Hvar].
               * eapply sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
                 left. eapply Hnsub; eauto.
                 apply sem_var_In, Hub, IsVar_app in Hvar as [|Hvar]; auto with datatypes.
                 apply Hsubin, Env.Props.P.F.in_find_iff in Hvar. contradiction.
               * eapply sem_var_disj_union; eauto.
             + eapply Hsc2; eauto. econstructor; solve_In. auto.
               assert (Reus:=H0). eapply reuse_idents_find in H0 as (?&?&?&Reu&Find); eauto using In_InMembers.
               apply Env.find_adds'_In in Find as [Find|Find]. 2:rewrite Env.gempty in Find; inv Find.
               apply sem_var_union in Var as [Var|Var].
               * exfalso. eapply sem_var_In, Hdisj2 in Var.
                 eapply Var; eauto. unfold rename_var.
                 erewrite Env.In_find_adds; eauto using in_combine_r.
                 now apply fst_NoDupMembers.
               * eapply sem_var_union3'. inv Var.
                 apply obind_inversion in H0 as ((?&?)&Find'&?).
                 erewrite find_snd_spec in Find'; eauto using reuse_idents_NoDup, Env.from_list_find_In.
                 2:{ unfold rename_var. erewrite Env.In_find_adds; eauto. now apply fst_NoDupMembers. }
                 inv Find'. econstructor; eauto.
        + eauto using reuse_idents_st_valid.
        + rewrite app_assoc, map_app, Forall_app. split.
          * simpl_Forall. eapply mmap_st_follows in H0; eauto using st_follows_In.
            simpl_Forall; eauto using reuse_ident_st_follows.
          * simpl_Forall. simpl_In.
            eapply reuse_idents_find_follows in H0 as (?&?&?&Fol1&Fol2&Reu&Find); eauto using In_InMembers.
            unfold rename_var. rewrite Find.
            eapply reuse_ident_st_In in Reu; eauto using st_follows_In.

    Lemma inlinelocal_node_sem : forall f n ins outs,
        Ordered_nodes (Global G1.(types) G1.(externs) (n::G1.(nodes))) ->
        Ordered_nodes (Global G2.(types) G2.(externs) ((inlinelocal_node n)::G2.(nodes))) ->
        sem_node_ck (Global G1.(types) G1.(externs) (n::G1.(nodes))) f ins outs ->
        sem_node_ck (Global G2.(types) G2.(externs) ((inlinelocal_node n)::G2.(nodes))) f ins outs.
    Proof with
      intros * Hord1 Hord2 Hsem.

      inv Hsem; rename H0 into Hfind; simpl in Hfind. destruct (ident_eq_dec (n_name n) f).
      - erewrite find_node_now in Hfind; eauto. inv Hfind.
        (*The semantics of equations can be given according to G only *)
        eapply sem_node_ck_cons1' in H4 as (Blk&_); eauto. clear H3.
        2:{ inv Hord1. destruct H7 as (Hisin&_). intro contra. eapply Hisin in contra as [? _]; auto. }

        replace {| types := types G1; nodes := nodes G1 |} with G1 in Blk by (destruct G1; auto).
        pose proof (n_nodup n0) as (Hnd1&Hnd2).
        pose proof (n_good n0) as (Hgood1&Hgood2&_).
        pose proof (n_syn n0) as Hsyn. inversion_clear Hsyn as [?? Hsyn1 Hsyn2 _].
        destruct H5 as (Hdom1&Hsc1).
        destruct (inlinelocal_block
                    (Env.empty _) (n_block n0)
                    {| fresh_st := Fresh.init_st; used := PSP.of_list (map fst (n_in n0) ++ map fst (n_out n0))|})
          as ((locs'&blks')&st') eqn:Il. assert (Il':=Il).
        eapply inlinelocal_block_sem
                 with (Γ:=senv_of_ins (n_in n0) ++ senv_of_decls (n_out n0)) (Γ':=[]) (Γ'':=[])
          in Il' as (Hf&Href&Hdom&Hsc&Hsem); repeat rewrite app_nil_r; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto.
        + erewrite find_node_now; eauto.
        + eauto.
        + eauto.
        + simpl_Forall. subst. constructor.
        + apply sem_block_ck_cons2; simpl...
          2:{ eapply find_node_not_Is_node_in in Hord2. contradict Hord2.
            2:erewrite find_node_now; eauto. right. eauto. }
          assert (FEnv.Equiv (@EqSt _) Hf (H + restrict Hf (senv_of_anns locs'))) as Heq.
          { intros ?. destruct (Hf x) eqn:Hfind.
            - unfold restrict, FEnv.restrict. destruct (existsb (fun y : lustre_var => y ==b x) (vars_of_senv (senv_of_anns locs'))) eqn:Ex.
              + erewrite FEnv.union3'; eauto using FEnv.restrict_find. 2:setoid_rewrite Ex; eauto.
              + assert (FEnv.In x H) as (?&Hfind').
                { destruct Hdom as (D2&DL2). apply FEnv.find_In in Hfind.
                  apply existsb_Forall, forallb_Forall, Forall_flat_map in Ex.
                  destruct x; apply Hdom1; [apply D2 in Hfind|apply DL2 in Hfind].
                  1,2:simpl in *. apply IsVar_app in Hfind as [|Hfind]; auto. 2:apply IsLast_app in Hfind as [|Hfind]; auto.
                  - inv Hfind. simpl_In. unfold senv_of_anns in *. simpl_Forall.
                    rewrite equiv_decb_refl in H4. inv H4.
                  - inv Hfind. simpl_Forall. simpl_In. congruence.
                assert (Hfind'':=Hfind'). apply Href in Hfind'' as (?&?&Hfind''). rewrite Hfind in Hfind''; inv Hfind''.
                erewrite FEnv.union2; eauto using FEnv.restrict_find_None1.
                2:setoid_rewrite Ex; auto.
                constructor. now symmetry.
            - replace ((_ + _) x) with (@None (Stream svalue)); [constructor|].
              symmetry. apply FEnv.union_None; split; eauto using FEnv.restrict_find_None2, FEnv.refines_None.
          rewrite Il in *. simpl in *.
          econstructor. eapply Sscope with (Hi':=restrict Hf (senv_of_anns locs')).
          *{ destruct Hdom as (D&DL). split; intros *; unfold restrict.
             1,2:rewrite FEnv.restrict_In.
             - rewrite D, vars_of_senv_Var, IsVar_app, Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns.
               split; intros; repeat (progress destruct_conjs || take (_ \/ _) and destruct it); auto.
             - rewrite DL, vars_of_senv_Last, IsLast_app, Typing.senv_of_decls_senv_of_anns.
               split; intros; repeat (progress destruct_conjs || take (_ \/ _) and destruct it); auto.
          * simpl_Forall. constructor.
          * eapply sc_vars_morph. 1,3:reflexivity. eauto.
            eapply sc_vars_incl; [|eauto]. unfold senv_of_decls, senv_of_tyck. solve_incl_app.
            erewrite map_map, map_ext; [reflexivity|]. intros; destruct_conjs; auto.
          * destruct G2; simpl in *. simpl_Forall.
            eapply sem_block_ck_morph; eauto. reflexivity.
        + simpl. constructor; simpl; auto.
        + apply NoLast_app; split; auto using senv_of_ins_NoLast.
          intros * L. inv L. simpl_In. simpl_Forall. subst; simpl in *; congruence.
        + intros * _ In. inv In. inv H0.
        + intros ?. rewrite Env.Props.P.F.empty_in_iff. split; intros In; inv In. inv H0.
        + intros * Find. unfold Env.MapsTo in Find. rewrite Env.gempty in Find. congruence.
        + intros * Find. rewrite Env.gempty in Find. congruence.
        + apply node_NoDupMembers.
        + apply node_NoDupLocals.
        + now rewrite map_app, map_fst_senv_of_ins, map_fst_senv_of_decls.
        + auto using dom_dom_ub.
        + intros ? In. apply In_of_list in In. now simpl_Forall.
        + simpl_Forall. right. apply In_of_list.
          rewrite <-map_fst_senv_of_ins, <-map_fst_senv_of_decls, <-map_app. solve_In.
      - erewrite find_node_other in Hfind; eauto.
        eapply sem_node_ck_cons2...
        destruct G2; apply HGref.
        eapply sem_node_ck_cons1' in H4 as (?&?); eauto using find_node_later_not_Is_node_in.
        destruct G1; econstructor...

  End inlinelocal_node_sem.

  Lemma inlinelocal_global_refines : forall G,
      wc_global G ->
      global_sem_refines G (inlinelocal_global G).
  Proof with
eauto using wc_global_Ordered_nodes.
    intros [].
    induction nodes0; intros * Hwc; simpl.
    - apply global_sem_ref_nil.
    - assert (Hwc':=Hwc).
      eapply Clocking.inlinelocal_global_wc, wc_global_Ordered_nodes in Hwc' ;
        unfold inlinelocal_global in Hwc'; simpl in Hwc'.
      apply global_sem_ref_cons with (f:=n_name a)...
      + inv Hwc. eapply IHnodes0...
      + intros ins outs Hsem; simpl in *.
        change types0 with ((Global types0 externs0 (map inlinelocal_node nodes0)).(types)).
        eapply inlinelocal_node_sem with (G1:=Global types0 externs0 nodes0)...
        1,2:inv Hwc...

  Theorem inlinelocal_global_sem : forall G f ins outs,
      wc_global G ->
      sem_node_ck G f ins outs ->
      sem_node_ck (inlinelocal_global G) f ins outs.
    eapply inlinelocal_global_refines in H; eauto.
    specialize (H f ins outs); auto.


Module ILCorrectnessFun
       (Ids : IDS)
       (Op : OPERATORS)
       (OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Ids Op)
       (Cks : CLOCKS Ids Op OpAux)
       (CStr : COINDSTREAMS Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Senv : STATICENV Ids Op OpAux Cks)
       (Syn : LSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv)
       (Ty : LTYPING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Clo : LCLOCKING Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Lord : LORDERED Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       (Sem : LSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Lord CStr)
       (LClockSem : LCLOCKEDSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn Clo Lord CStr Sem)
       (IL : INLINELOCAL Ids Op OpAux Cks Senv Syn)
       <: ILCORRECTNESS Ids Op OpAux Cks CStr Senv Syn Ty Clo Lord Sem LClockSem IL.
  Include ILCORRECTNESS Ids Op OpAux Cks CStr Senv Syn Ty Clo Lord Sem LClockSem IL.
End ILCorrectnessFun.