Module Fusion

From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive.
From Coq Require Import PArith.
From Velus Require Import Common.
From Velus Require Import Operators.
From Velus Require Import Obc.ObcSyntax.
From Velus Require Import Obc.ObcSemantics.
From Velus Require Import Obc.ObcInvariants.
From Velus Require Import Obc.ObcTyping.
From Velus Require Import Obc.Equiv.

From Velus Require Import NLustre.NLSyntax.
From Velus Require Import VelusMemory.

From Coq Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

From Coq Require Import Relations.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.

Module Type FUSION
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import SynObc: OBCSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import SemObc: OBCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux SynObc)
       (Import InvObc: OBCINVARIANTS Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc)
       (Import TypObc: OBCTYPING Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc)
       (Import Equ : EQUIV Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc TypObc).

Fusion functions

  Fixpoint zip s1 s2 : stmt :=
    match s1, s2 with
    | Ifte e1 t1 f1, Ifte e2 t2 f2 =>
      if equiv_decb e1 e2
      then Ifte e1 (zip t1 t2) (zip f1 f2)
      else Comp s1 s2
    | Skip, s => s
    | s, Skip => s
    | Comp s1' s2', _ => Comp s1' (zip s2' s2)
    | s1, s2 => Comp s1 s2

  Fixpoint fuse' s1 s2 : stmt :=
    match s1, s2 with
    | s1, Comp s2 s3 => fuse' (zip s1 s2) s3
    | s1, s2 => zip s1 s2

  Definition fuse s : stmt :=
    match s with
    | Comp s1 s2 => fuse' s1 s2
    | _ => s

  Definition fuse_method (m: method): method :=
    match m with
      mk_method name ins vars out body nodup good =>
      mk_method name ins vars out (fuse body) nodup good

  Lemma map_m_name_fuse_methods:
    forall methods,
      map m_name (map fuse_method methods) = map m_name methods.
    intro ms; induction ms as [|m ms]; auto.
    simpl. rewrite IHms.
    now destruct m.

  Program Definition fuse_class (c: class): class :=
    match c with
      mk_class name mems objs methods nodup _ _ =>
      mk_class name mems objs (map fuse_method methods) nodup _ _
Next Obligation.
    now rewrite map_m_name_fuse_methods.

Basic lemmas around fuse_class and fuse_method.

  Lemma fuse_class_name:
    forall c, (fuse_class c).(c_name) = c.(c_name).
destruct c; auto. Qed.

  Lemma fuse_method_name:
    forall m, (fuse_method m).(m_name) = m.(m_name).
destruct m; auto. Qed.

  Lemma fuse_method_in:
    forall m, (fuse_method m).(m_in) = m.(m_in).
destruct m; auto. Qed.

  Lemma fuse_method_out:
    forall m, (fuse_method m).(m_out) = m.(m_out).
destruct m; auto. Qed.

  Lemma fuse_find_class:
    forall p id c p',
      find_class id p = Some (c, p') ->
      find_class id (map fuse_class p) = Some (fuse_class c, map fuse_class p').
    induction p as [|c']; simpl; intros * Find; try discriminate.
    rewrite fuse_class_name.
    destruct (ident_eqb (c_name c') id); auto.
    inv Find; auto.

  Lemma fuse_find_method:
    forall id c m,
      find_method id (fuse_class c).(c_methods) = Some m ->
      exists m', m = fuse_method m'
                 /\ find_method id c.(c_methods) = Some m'.
    intros * Find.
    destruct c as [? ? ? meths ? Nodup]; simpl in *.
    induction meths as [|m']; simpl in *; try discriminate.
    inv Nodup; auto.
    rewrite fuse_method_name in Find.
    destruct (ident_eqb (m_name m') id); auto.
    inv Find.
    exists m'; auto.

  Lemma fuse_class_c_objs:
    forall c,
      (fuse_class c).(c_objs) = c.(c_objs).
    unfold fuse_class. destruct c; auto.

  Lemma fuse_class_c_mems:
    forall c,
      (fuse_class c).(c_mems) = c.(c_mems).
    unfold fuse_class. destruct c; auto.

  Lemma fuse_class_c_name:
    forall c,
      (fuse_class c).(c_name) = c.(c_name).
    unfold fuse_class. destruct c; auto.

  Lemma fuse_method_m_name:
    forall m,
      (fuse_method m).(m_name) = m.(m_name).
    unfold fuse_method; destruct m; auto.

  Lemma fuse_method_body:
    forall fm,
      (fuse_method fm).(m_body) = fuse fm.(m_body).
    now destruct fm.

  Lemma map_fuse_class_c_name:
    forall p,
      map (fun cls => (fuse_class cls).(c_name)) p = map c_name p.
    induction p; auto.
    simpl. now rewrite IHp, fuse_class_c_name.

  Lemma fuse_find_method':
    forall f fm cls,
      find_method f cls.(c_methods) = Some fm ->
      find_method f (fuse_class cls).(c_methods) = Some (fuse_method fm).
    destruct cls; simpl.
    induction c_methods0 as [|m ms]; inversion 1.
    destruct (ident_eq_dec m.(m_name) f) as [He|Hne].
    - rewrite fuse_method_m_name, He, ident_eqb_refl in *.
      now injection H1; intro; subst.
    - apply ident_eqb_neq in Hne.
      rewrite fuse_method_m_name, Hne in *.
      inv c_nodupm0; auto.

Invariant sufficient to justify semantic preservation of fusion.

  Inductive Fusible : stmt -> Prop :=
  | IFAssign: forall x e,
      Fusible (Assign x e)
  | IFAssignSt: forall x e,
      Fusible (AssignSt x e)
  | IFIfte: forall e s1 s2,
      Fusible s1 ->
      Fusible s2 ->
      (forall x, Is_free_in_exp x e -> ~Can_write_in x s1 /\ ~Can_write_in x s2) ->
      Fusible (Ifte e s1 s2)
  | IFStep_ap: forall xs cls i f es,
      Fusible (Call xs cls i f es)
  | IFComp: forall s1 s2,
      Fusible s1 ->
      Fusible s2 ->
      Fusible (Comp s1 s2)
  | IFSkip:
      Fusible Skip.

  Definition ClassFusible (c: class) : Prop :=
    Forall (fun m=> Fusible m.(m_body)) c.(c_methods).

  Lemma Fusible_fold_left_shift:
    forall A f (xs : list A) iacc,
      Fusible (fold_left (fun i x => Comp (f x) i) xs iacc)
      (Fusible (fold_left (fun i x => Comp (f x) i) xs Skip)
       /\ Fusible iacc).
    Hint Constructors Fusible.
    induction xs as [|x xs IH]; [now intuition|].
    intros; split.
    - intro HH. simpl in HH. apply IH in HH.
      destruct HH as [Hxs Hiacc].
      split; [simpl; rewrite IH|];
        repeat progress match goal with
                        | H:Fusible (Comp _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
                        | _ => now intuition
    - intros [HH0 HH1].
      simpl in HH0; rewrite IH in HH0.
      simpl; rewrite IH.
      repeat progress match goal with
                      | H:Fusible (Comp _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
                      | _ => now intuition

  Lemma Can_write_in_zip:
    forall s1 s2 x,
      (Can_write_in x s1 \/ Can_write_in x s2)
      <-> Can_write_in x (zip s1 s2).
    Hint Constructors Can_write_in.
    induction s1, s2; simpl;
      repeat progress
             match goal with
             | H:Can_write_in _ (Comp _ _) |- _ => inversion H; subst; clear H
             | H:Can_write_in _ (Ifte _ _ _) |- _ => inversion H; subst; clear H
             | H:Can_write_in _ Skip |- _ => now inversion H
             | H:Can_write_in _ _ \/ Can_write_in _ _ |- _ => destruct H
             | |- context [equiv_decb ?e1 ?e2] =>
               destruct (equiv_decb e1 e2) eqn:Heq
             | |- Can_write_in _ (Ifte _ _ _) =>
               (apply CWIIfteTrue; apply IHs1_1; now intuition)
               || (apply CWIIfteFalse; apply IHs1_2; now intuition)
             | H:Can_write_in _ (zip _ _) |- _ =>
               apply IHs1_1 in H || apply IHs1_2 in H
             | |- Can_write_in _ (Comp _ (zip _ _)) =>
               now (apply CWIComp2; apply IHs1_2; intuition)
             | _ => intuition

  Lemma lift_Ifte:
    forall e s1 s2 t1 t2,
      (forall x, Is_free_in_exp x e
            -> (~Can_write_in x s1 /\ ~Can_write_in x s2))
      -> stmt_eval_eq (Comp (Ifte e s1 s2) (Ifte e t1 t2))
                      (Ifte e (Comp s1 t1) (Comp s2 t2)).
    Hint Constructors stmt_eval.
    intros e s1 s2 t1 t2 Hfw prog menv env menv' env'.
    split; intro Hstmt.
    - inversion_clear Hstmt as [| | |? ? ? ? ? env'' menv'' ? ? Hs Ht| | ].
      inversion_clear Hs as [| | | |? ? ? ? ? bs ? ? ? ? Hx1 Hse Hss|];
        inversion_clear Ht as [| | | |? ? ? ? ? bt ? ? ? ? Hx3 Hte Hts|];
        destruct bs; destruct bt; econstructor; try eassumption;
          repeat progress match goal with
          | H:val_to_bool _ = Some true |- _ => apply val_to_bool_true' in H
          | H:val_to_bool _ = Some false |- _ => apply val_to_bool_false' in H
          end; subst; eauto.
      + apply cannot_write_exp_eval with (3:=Hss) in Hx1; [|now cannot_write].
        apply exp_eval_det with (1:=Hx3) in Hx1.
        exfalso; apply true_not_false_val. injection Hx1; auto.
      + apply cannot_write_exp_eval with (3:=Hss) in Hx1; [|now cannot_write].
        apply exp_eval_det with (1:=Hx3) in Hx1.
        exfalso; apply true_not_false_val. injection Hx1; auto.
    - inversion_clear Hstmt as [| | | |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hx Hv Hs|].
      destruct b; assert (Hv':=Hv);
        [apply val_to_bool_true' in Hv'
        |apply val_to_bool_false' in Hv']; subst;
          inversion_clear Hs as [| | |? ? ? ? ? env'' menv'' ? ? Hs1 Ht1| | ];
          apply Icomp with (me1:=menv'') (ve1:=env'');
      + apply cannot_write_exp_eval with (3:=Hs1) in Hx; [|now cannot_write].
        apply Iifte with (1:=Hx) (2:=Hv) (3:=Ht1).
      + apply cannot_write_exp_eval with (3:=Hs1) in Hx; [|now cannot_write].
        apply Iifte with (1:=Hx) (2:=Hv) (3:=Ht1).

  Lemma Cannot_write_in_zip:
    forall s1 s2 x,
      (~Can_write_in x s1 /\ ~Can_write_in x s2)
      <-> ~Can_write_in x (zip s1 s2).
    intros s1 s2 x.
    split; intro HH.
    - intro Hcan; apply Can_write_in_zip in Hcan; intuition.
    - split; intro Hcan; apply HH; apply Can_write_in_zip; intuition.

  Lemma zip_free_write:
    forall s1 s2,
      Fusible s1
      -> Fusible s2
      -> Fusible (zip s1 s2).
    Hint Constructors Fusible Can_write_in.
    induction s1, s2;
      intros Hfree1 Hfree2;
      inversion_clear Hfree1;
      try now intuition.
    match goal with
    | |- context [equiv_decb ?e1 ?e2] => destruct (equiv_decb e1 e2) eqn:Heq
    end; [|intuition].
    rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq.
    rewrite <-Heq in *.
    inversion_clear Hfree2;
      repeat progress
             match goal with
             | H1:Fusible ?s1,
                 H2:Fusible ?s2,
                 Hi:context [Fusible (zip _ _)]
               |- Fusible (zip ?s1 ?s2)
               => apply Hi with (1:=H1) (2:=H2)
             | |- forall x, Is_free_in_exp x ?e -> _
               => intros x Hfree
             | H1:context [Is_free_in_exp _ ?e -> _ /\ _],
                  H2:Is_free_in_exp _ ?e |- _
               => specialize (H1 _ H2)
             | |- _ /\ _ => split
             | |- ~Can_write_in _ (zip _ _)
               => apply Cannot_write_in_zip; intuition
             | _ => idtac

  Lemma zip_Comp':
    forall s1 s2,
      Fusible s1 ->
      stmt_eval_eq (zip s1 s2) (Comp s1 s2).
    induction s1, s2;
      try rewrite stmt_eval_eq_Comp_Skip1;
      try rewrite stmt_eval_eq_Comp_Skip2;
      try reflexivity;
      inversion_clear 1;
      repeat progress
             match goal with
             | |- context [equiv_decb ?e1 ?e2]
               => destruct (equiv_decb e1 e2) eqn:Heq;
                    (rewrite equiv_decb_equiv in Heq; rewrite <-Heq in *)
                    || rewrite not_equiv_decb_equiv in Heq
             | H:Fusible ?s1,
                 IH:context [stmt_eval_eq (zip ?s1 _) _]
               |- context [zip ?s1 ?s2]
               => rewrite IH with (1:=H)
      try (rewrite lift_Ifte; [|assumption]);
      try rewrite Comp_assoc;

  Lemma fuse'_Comp:
    forall s2 s1,
      Fusible s1 ->
      Fusible s2 ->
      stmt_eval_eq (fuse' s1 s2) (Comp s1 s2).
    Hint Constructors Fusible.
    induction s2;
      intros s1 Hifte1 Hifte2; simpl;
        try now (rewrite zip_Comp'; intuition).
    rewrite Comp_assoc.
    inversion_clear Hifte2.
    rewrite IHs2_2; auto.
    - intros prog menv env menv' env'.
      rewrite zip_Comp'; auto.
    - apply zip_free_write; auto.

  Corollary fuse_Comp:
    forall s,
      Fusible s ->
      stmt_eval_eq (fuse s) s.
    intros s Hfree prog menv env menv' env'.
    destruct s; simpl; try reflexivity.
    inversion_clear Hfree.
    now apply fuse'_Comp.

  Lemma fuse_call:
    forall p n me me' f xss rs,
      Forall ClassFusible p ->
      stmt_call_eval p me n f xss me' rs ->
      stmt_call_eval (map fuse_class p) me n f xss me' rs.
    cut ((forall p me ve stmt e',
             stmt_eval p me ve stmt e' ->
             Forall ClassFusible p ->
             stmt_eval (map fuse_class p) me ve stmt e')
         /\ (forall p me clsid f vs me' rvs,
                stmt_call_eval p me clsid f vs me' rvs ->
                Forall ClassFusible p ->
                stmt_call_eval (map fuse_class p) me clsid f vs me' rvs)).
    now destruct 1 as (Hf1 & Hf2); intros; apply Hf2; auto.
    apply stmt_eval_call_ind; intros; eauto using stmt_eval.
    pose proof (find_class_In _ _ _ _ H) as Hinp.
    pose proof (find_method_In _ _ _ H0) as Hinc.
    pose proof (find_class_app _ _ _ _ H) as Hprog'.
    apply fuse_find_class in H.
    apply fuse_find_method' in H0.
    econstructor; eauto.
    now rewrite fuse_method_in.
    2:now rewrite fuse_method_out; eassumption.
    rewrite fuse_method_in.
    apply Forall_forall with (1:=H5) in Hinp.
    apply Forall_forall with (1:=Hinp) in Hinc.
    rewrite fuse_method_body.
    rewrite fuse_Comp with (1:=Hinc).
    apply H3.
    destruct Hprog' as (cls'' & Hprog & Hfind).
    rewrite Hprog in H5.
    apply Forall_app in H5.
    rewrite Forall_cons2 in H5.

  Corollary fuse_loop_call:
    forall f c ins outs prog me,
      Forall ClassFusible prog ->
      loop_call prog c f ins outs 0 me ->
      loop_call (map fuse_class prog) c f ins outs 0 me.
    intros ?????; generalize 0%nat.
    cofix COINDHYP.
    intros n me HCF Hdo.
    destruct Hdo.
    econstructor; eauto using fuse_call.

Fusion preserves well-typing.

  Lemma wt_stmt_map_fuse_class:
    forall p objs mems vars body,
      wt_stmt p objs mems vars body ->
      wt_stmt (map fuse_class p) objs mems vars body.
    induction body; inversion_clear 1; eauto using wt_stmt.
    eapply wt_Call
    with (cls:=fuse_class cls) (p':=map fuse_class p') (fm:=fuse_method fm);
      auto; try (now destruct fm; auto).
    erewrite fuse_find_class; eauto.
    now apply fuse_find_method'.

  Lemma wt_stmt_zip:
    forall p objs mems vars s1 s2,
      wt_stmt p objs mems vars s1 ->
      wt_stmt p objs mems vars s2 ->
      wt_stmt p objs mems vars (zip s1 s2).
    induction s1, s2; simpl; repeat inversion_clear 1; eauto using wt_stmt.
    destruct (exp_dec e e0) as [He|Hne].
    - rewrite He, equiv_decb_refl; eauto using wt_stmt.
    - apply not_equiv_decb_equiv in Hne. rewrite Hne. eauto using wt_stmt.

  Lemma zip_wt:
    forall p insts mems vars s1 s2,
      wt_stmt p insts mems vars s1 ->
      wt_stmt p insts mems vars s2 ->
      wt_stmt p insts mems vars (zip s1 s2).
    induction s1, s2; simpl;
      try match goal with |- context [if ?e1 ==b ?e2 then _ else _] =>
                          destruct (equiv_decb e1 e2) end;
      auto with obctyping;
      inversion_clear 1;
      try inversion_clear 2;
      auto with obctyping.
    inversion_clear 1.
    auto with obctyping.

  Lemma fuse_wt:
    forall p insts mems vars s,
      wt_stmt p insts mems vars s ->
      wt_stmt p insts mems vars (fuse s).
    intros * WTs.
    destruct s; auto; simpl; inv WTs.
    match goal with H1:wt_stmt _ _ _ _ s1, H2:wt_stmt _ _ _ _ s2 |- _ =>
                    revert s2 s1 H1 H2 end.
    induction s2; simpl; auto using zip_wt.
    intros s2 WTs1 WTcomp.
    inv WTcomp.
    apply IHs2_2; auto.
    apply zip_wt; auto.

  Lemma fuse_wt_program:
    forall G,
      wt_program G ->
      wt_program (map fuse_class G).
    intros * WTG.
    induction G as [|c p]; simpl;
      inversion_clear WTG as [|? ? Wtc Wtp Nodup]; constructor; auto.
    - inversion_clear Wtc as (Hos & Hms).
      + rewrite fuse_class_c_objs.
        apply Forall_impl_In with (2:=Hos).
        intros ic Hin Hfind.
        apply not_None_is_Some in Hfind.
        destruct Hfind as ((cls & p') & Hfind).
        rewrite fuse_find_class with (1:=Hfind).
      + destruct c; simpl in *.
        clear Nodup c_nodup0 c_nodupm0 Hos IHp Wtp.
        induction c_methods0 as [|m ms]; simpl; auto using Forall_nil.
        apply Forall_cons2 in Hms.
        destruct Hms as (WTm & WTms).
        apply Forall_cons; auto. clear IHms WTms.
        unfold wt_method in *.
        destruct m; unfold meth_vars in *; simpl in *.
        clear m_nodupvars0 m_good0.
        apply wt_stmt_map_fuse_class.
        destruct m_body0; simpl; inv WTm; eauto using wt_stmt.
        revert m_body0_1 H1.
        induction m_body0_2; simpl; eauto using wt_stmt_zip.
        intros s1 WT1. inv H2.
        eauto using wt_stmt_zip.
    - simpl.
      now rewrite Forall_map; setoid_rewrite fuse_class_c_name.

  Lemma fuse_wt_mem:
    forall me p c,
      wt_mem me p c ->
      wt_mem me (map fuse_class p) (fuse_class c).
    intros * Hwt_mem.
    induction Hwt_mem
              using wt_mem_ind_mult
    with (P := fun me p cl Hwt => wt_mem me (map fuse_class p) (fuse_class cl))
         (Pinst := fun me p oc Hwt_inst => wt_mem_inst me (map fuse_class p) oc).
    - constructor.
      + rewrite fuse_class_c_mems; auto.
      + rewrite fuse_class_c_objs.
        eapply Forall_forall; intros oc Hin.
        eapply Forall_forall in H as [? ?]; eauto.
    - now constructor.
    - simpl in *.
      econstructor 2; eauto.
      apply fuse_find_class. eauto.

Fusion preserves Can_write_in.

  Lemma Can_write_in_fuse':
    forall s1 s2 x,
      Can_write_in x (Comp s1 s2) <-> Can_write_in x (fuse' s1 s2).
    intros s1 s2; revert s1; induction s2; simpl;
      try setoid_rewrite <-Can_write_in_zip;
      try setoid_rewrite Can_write_in_Comp;
      try reflexivity.
    setoid_rewrite <-IHs2_2.
    setoid_rewrite Can_write_in_Comp.
    setoid_rewrite <-Can_write_in_zip.

  Lemma Can_write_in_fuse:
    forall s x,
      Can_write_in x s <-> Can_write_in x (fuse s).
    destruct s; simpl; try reflexivity.
    apply Can_write_in_fuse'.

  Corollary fuse_cannot_write_inputs:
    forall p,
      Forall_methods (fun m => Forall (fun x => ~ Can_write_in x (m_body m)) (map fst (m_in m))) p ->
      Forall_methods (fun m => Forall (fun x => ~ Can_write_in x (m_body m)) (map fst (m_in m)))
                     (map fuse_class p).
    intros * HH.
    apply Forall_forall; intros * Hin;
      apply Forall_forall; intros * Hin';
        apply Forall_forall; intros ? Hin''.
    apply in_map_iff in Hin as (c &?&?); subst.
    eapply Forall_forall in HH; eauto.
    destruct c; simpl in *.
    apply in_map_iff in Hin' as (m &?&?); subst.
    eapply Forall_forall in HH; eauto.
    destruct m; simpl in *.
    eapply Forall_forall in HH; eauto.
    now rewrite <-Can_write_in_fuse.

Fusion preserves No_Overwrites.

  Lemma No_Overwrites_zip:
    forall s1 s2,
      No_Overwrites (Comp s1 s2) ->
      No_Overwrites (zip s1 s2).
    induction s1; destruct s2; intros Hno; inv Hno; simpl; auto;
      repeat (match goal with
        | |- context [ ?e1 ==b ?e2 ] => destruct (e1 ==b e2)
        | |- No_Overwrites (Ifte _ _ _) => constructor
        | |- No_Overwrites (Comp _ _) => constructor
        | |- No_Overwrites (zip _ _) => apply IHs1_1 || apply IHs1_2
        | |- ~Can_write_in _ (zip _ _) => apply Cannot_write_in_zip; auto
        | |- _ /\ _ => split
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Assign ?y ?e) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x (Assign ?y ?e) |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x Hcw)
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (AssignSt ?y ?e) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x (AssignSt ?y ?e) |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x Hcw)
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Ifte ?e ?s1 ?s2) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x ?s2 |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x (CWIIfteFalse x e s1 s2 Hcw))
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Ifte ?e ?s1 ?s2) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x ?s1 |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x (CWIIfteTrue x e s1 s2 Hcw))
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Comp ?s1 ?s2) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x ?s1 |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x (CWIComp1 x s1 s2 Hcw))
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Comp ?s1 ?s2) -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x ?s2 |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x (CWIComp2 x s1 s2 Hcw))
        | Hfa:(forall x, Can_write_in x (Call ?xs ?f ?o ?m ?es)
                         -> ~Can_write_in x _),
              Hcw:Can_write_in ?x (Call ?xs ?f ?o ?m ?es) |- _ =>
          specialize (Hfa x Hcw)
        | H:~Can_write_in ?x (Ifte ?e ?s1 ?s2) |- _ =>
          apply cannot_write_in_Ifte in H as (? & ?); auto
        | H:No_Overwrites (Ifte _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
        | H:No_Overwrites (Comp _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
        | H:Can_write_in ?x (Ifte _ _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
        | H:Can_write_in ?x (Comp _ _) |- _ => inversion_clear H
        | H:Can_write_in ?x (zip _ _) |- _ =>
          apply Can_write_in_zip in H as [?|?]
              end; intros; auto).

  Lemma No_Overwrites_fuse':
    forall s1 s2,
      No_Overwrites (Comp s1 s2) ->
      No_Overwrites (fuse' s1 s2).
    intros s1 s2; revert s1; induction s2; simpl; inversion_clear 1;
      try apply No_Overwrites_zip; auto.
    match goal with H:No_Overwrites (Comp _ _) |- _ => inv H end.
    apply IHs2_2; constructor; auto.
    - intros x Hcw.
      apply Can_write_in_zip in Hcw as [Hcw|Hcw]; auto.
      match goal with H:forall x, Can_write_in x s1 -> _ |- _ => apply H in Hcw end.
      apply cannot_write_in_Comp in Hcw as (? & ?); auto.
    - intros x Hcw; apply Cannot_write_in_zip; auto.
    - apply No_Overwrites_zip.
      constructor; auto. intros x Hcw.
      match goal with H:forall x, Can_write_in x s1 -> _ |- _ => apply H in Hcw end.
      apply cannot_write_in_Comp in Hcw as (? & ?); auto.

  Lemma No_Overwrites_fuse:
    forall s,
      No_Overwrites s ->
      No_Overwrites (fuse s).
    destruct s; intros Hnoo; auto.
    now apply No_Overwrites_fuse'.

  Corollary fuse_No_Overwrites:
    forall p,
      Forall_methods (fun m => No_Overwrites (m_body m)) p ->
      Forall_methods (fun m => No_Overwrites (m_body m)) (map fuse_class p).
    intros * HH.
    apply Forall_forall; intros * Hin;
      apply Forall_forall; intros * Hin'.
    apply in_map_iff in Hin as (c &?&?); subst.
    eapply Forall_forall in HH; eauto.
    destruct c; simpl in *.
    apply in_map_iff in Hin' as (m &?& Hin'); subst.
    eapply Forall_forall with (2 := Hin') in HH; eauto.
    destruct m; simpl in *.
    now apply No_Overwrites_fuse.


Module FusionFun
       (Import Ids : IDS)
       (Import Op : OPERATORS)
       (Import OpAux : OPERATORS_AUX Op)
       (Import SynObc: OBCSYNTAX Ids Op OpAux)
       (Import SemObc: OBCSEMANTICS Ids Op OpAux SynObc)
       (Import InvObc: OBCINVARIANTS Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc)
       (Import TypObc: OBCTYPING Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc)
       (Import Equ : EQUIV Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc TypObc)
       <: FUSION Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc InvObc TypObc Equ.

  Include FUSION Ids Op OpAux SynObc SemObc InvObc TypObc Equ.

End FusionFun.